Holla Forums
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Activism #12
You will never scissor her
Traditionalists BTFO'ing liberals and Holla Forums
Is there any hope in Canada for socialism ?
Reminder that if social democracy can be regarded as socialism then socialism is a completely meaningless term and...
Policy Thread: Economic Edition
Alt-righters are burning mosques while anarchkiddies burn trash cans. When will the left step up their game?
What's in store for 2017?
Confronting Fascism
Wallstreet bankers and anarchists are united in their effort to take down Trump
Can he still win this?
Re-branding Socialism For The Modern Day
There is NO Actual "Free" Time Under Capitalism
Reminder: if you're not using a free as in freedom operating system, you're getting cucked by porky
Black Bloc = Left Impotence
Tfw you grow so frustrated with people crying about how SOCIALISM KILLED 40000 TRILLION you unironically end up...
The current pantheon is full of a bunch of tankies. Let's make a new pantheon with better communists...
D E V I L I S H thread
Anarkiddies BTFO
Trump sucking Saudi monarch cocks
Are all USwestern anarchists SJW?
Just as before, it will detonate if trips happen
Is the capitalist crisis real or is it fake news?
This is wrong and stupid on so many levels
Sunni vs Shia
Daily News Thread 1/28
What does Holla Forums think of Jewish people, in general?
Sam hyde (funny guy but un-ironically alt right and racist) is going to be at the hewillnotdivide us camera at 3pm today
Is this man misrepresented?
Homosexuality is a bourgeoisie disease
"""""god"""""" wanted to keep people as his slaves within the garden of eden
Philosopher Slavoj Žižek settles the “Is it OK to punch a Nazi?” question once and for all
Everything Just Feels Off This Year
Do you think there will be an economic collapse in the near future?
Why are libertarians so retarded?
He's right you know. He may be a fascist but he's class conscious
Bush era/00's nostalgia
What's lefty version of evola?
NazBols + Tankies = <3
President Trump - The Trap is Set
Any other teachers here?
Bans all the muslims
So there seems to be more momentum that usual behind California separating from the United States
Tfw you realise revolutionary socialism is the only thing giving your life purpose
Abenomics: keynsianism + neoliberalism = complete failure
Who else /titoist/ here?
Please help despook me
Jontron confirmed for a sargon-lib
Are there any Trump policies you support, Holla Forums?
Tfw you're too dumb to understand Marx
Is there some sort of reading list to follow to get into lefty philosophy (and philosophy in general)
Still no job
Reddit tells me this place is for "race realist" and anti-feminist leftists? That true? Is my black ass not welcome?
That feel when joined a newly-formed socialist party in Poland
Strikes Under Socialism?
Uncut ideology
Hello leftos…
Why aren't you organizing?
ITT: we make up quotes that Holla Forums will eat up
Why was GDR poor and badly administered? They used to be a well-developed capitalist country after all...
Anarchism and taking the green pill
In your opinion when did USSR crossed the point of no return? When collapse of eastern block and Soviet Union...
Alright LeftComs, you keep criticizing literally every other leftist group out there whenever they do anything at all...
Anarchism and Communism both sound really cool but have major drawbacks...
Meme about an American version of national bolshevism a couple days ago
Will we have worldwide communism by 2100?
Philosopher Slavoj Žižek settles the “Is it OK to punch a Nazi?” question once and for all
Sargon Banned From Twitter
As a worker you're being exploited and you are not receiving all the value that your labor produces...
Strasser takes power in Germany instead of Hitler
Let's have a thread celebrating all the enduring contributions of anarchism to the present day
Why are so many people on here so ok with authority...
You know why communism always fails?
Lefty/pol/ makes cringe worthy memes
ITT: non-leftists you like
The Left leader vs the Right leader
Will suits be abolished as a capitalistic tool of manipulation?
Post your leftypol twitter account and follow everyone else in the thread comrades
North Korea thread
What went right?
Police are now a protected class
A Canadian Trump?
Why was he so based?
Who is the best candidate for the French election and who is most likely to win?
Can you prove it wrong?
Propaganda for the 16-Hour Workweek
What is your honest, non-ironic/shitposty opinion of this man?
Anarcho-Transhumanist dreams finally came true
So how do we defeat rightism and survive Trump?
Abolish the bourgeois civilization that is destroying earth
What does leftypol think about cops? Should there be police in a post-revolution society?If so...
Yfw if the wall is created and an import tax is slaps on mexico mexico will be furious
Right wing narrative
We haven't had one in a long time & it's a great idea since we're having many new users visit the board...
I just want you to focus on this Holla Forums artifact for a second, just for a thing
Lmao, get a manual labour job faggots
Who here /leninist/?
Businesses up to their ears in debt, only collapse can thin the market and restore profit rate
Pay for a wall so your people will stop coming here
Die Linke Controversy
The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists (BPA) moved the minute hand of the symbolic Doomsday Clock from three minutes to...
I want to understand Holla Forums's demographics a little better, I will be making this in 8pol...
Why would any leftist whos against fascism support gun restrictions on the working class
Why is there no egoism flag?
Decline of feminism in the west
How did the Black Panthers manage to pull together a better leftist organisation in a racist time period like 60s...
Been shitposting here for months and Im moving to the left
Is Existential Sorrow Compatible with Socialism?
Stop watching porn
Revolution comes
Live in neonazi society like I always dreamed
Mexico president wont pay for the wall
We Need To Infiltrate Facebook Pages
Who /militantsocialdemocrat/ here?
I'm going to commit suicide i just cannot stomach the idea of 8 years of trump because i know the retards are going to...
How are you planning to deal with automation that is going to destroy (or should I say replace?) the working class?
Daily New Thread 1/26
What is Holla Forums's thoughts on the cannabis plant, its uses and legality? Would you legalize...
Are scientists working class?
Thoughts on Italian Fascism?
So Richard Can't we just genocide blacks? Spencer got glocked again
Is he right?
What is the difference between marxism and Leninism ?
Is homophobia prevalent because of capitalism ?
Comrade Bernie Sanders Documentary
It feels like Trump has already done more for the Right in a few days than Obama did for the progressive liberals in...
In need of memes
/liberty/ here
Million faces of Donald Trump
/leftygames/ general
Who /suicidal/ here?
You gotta admit, this is pretty funny
Open leftypol
On armed revolution
Our heroes fighting back the police ! Look at how the people are booing the law enforcement! :O
What job would you have in your ideal socialist society and why? What would your main responsibilities be?
Why is leftypol so hypocritical? pic rel
Just spent my drunk time aruging with liberals for the first time Jesus Christ
How to solve all world problems
Why is leftism pro-Palestine? In what respect are the left and Zionism incompatible? What, given the current situation...
Which country has the most revolutionary potential?
What's the offical anime of Holla Forums ?
I'm not a leftist but I'm genuinely curious
Wikipedia has a whole article on soviet photo censorship. these are a set of photos used as an example
Holla Forums is getting triggered over rise of Holla Forums
Leftypol-land commune
Revolution against Trump
When did the Democratic party become shit Holla Forums?
How the fuck
Why do right wingers seemingly use "cultural marxism" as a scapegoat for everything?
Justification of Violence to Centrists
Richard Spencer, with black eye, interviewed by David Pakman
/QTDDTOT/ - Questions That Don't Deserve There Own Thread
Holla Forums discourse vs Holla Forums discourse
How much is this Ayn Rand faggot going to set us back?
I've decided to illegally push weed for a living rather than work a wage job
Soviets were so based
Hello Holla Forums
Would a decentralized Anarcho syndicalist Confederacy controlled by local worker councils with direct democracy...
How can right wingers even be converted at this point ina revolution?
Wtf is happening
Tfw the top 1% now actively worries about a "russian revolution" in america
Bill Gates could become world’s first trillionaire
Newfags Learn to Read
Any Dutchies here who know whether or not the NCPN and/or CJB are worth a damn? Are they feds, LARPers, liberals...
How do yall feel about the idea of socialism being a sort of dyson sphere to out existing global capitalist system...
3rd world lefty here, how do I educate my fellow North Africans?
Shooter at Anti-Milo Rally Identified
Admit it Holla Forums, you would do anything for huge amount the wealth
Economic planning and electronic socialism (OGAS, Cybersin)
Reminder that George Orwell was a reactionary little snitch and Trot-sympathiser who sided with the British state over...
Aut-rightist in my grad program who believes in racial hierarchies
Holocaust Denial thread
So we know what yesterdays distractions were about now
Daily News Thread 1/25
When you are this deluded
Bianco Footwear ad
Do you think children should be allowed to take hormones?
Tell us about you
Is Trump the Gorbachev of the American Empire?
Tfw still haven't gotten my Soros paycheck for joining antifa rallies
This video is for those sell-out "Satanists" and so called "White Christians" who have now education and literally...
Who to join?
This is what Americans actually believe
Let's just take a moments to enjoy the perfect example of porky and a great picture
The Wall is coming
Ready For The New House Un-American Activities Committee
Organization is literally the only thing that matters
Trump says he wants to send federal troops into Chicago to curb violence
Trump administration going all out against climate change reports
OK what's with all the Sharia law stuff from the left lately?
Tfw Holla Forums is still trying to keep this motherfucker alive
What the fuck was his problem?
Is Bane /our(big)guy/?
Textbook fascism
Does anyone else here feel hesitant to join a communist party because they're afraid it is secretly a honeypot for the...
Labor laws and other socialist policies are hurting india's potential
Richard Spencer
Is it dare i say it /our drink/?
Martin Shkreli made a site about big-pharma assholery
Center for a stateless society
Was he /ourguy/?
What's the catch of working for Uber/lyft
They (CNN and others) say he wants to destroy net neutrality. this sounds scary
Anybody here prolife in regards to abortion?
Is capitalist imperialism really more beneficial for westerners than socialism?
Four years
Holla Forums, I need your help
Holodomor denial should be illegal just like Holocaust denial tbh fam
Staying strong in wake of current events
Every time I see an argument for socialism, I can't help but notice how idealistic and delusional it sounds
When you realize we already lost more than 25 years ago and the world is doomed
Was Holla Forums right to demonize Anthony Burch?
Why is every anarchist squatter commune dirty and disgusting full of people who refuse to keep it clean and just want...
My Discord friend's Reddit experience (ranty)
Are anti-fa something different from anarchist?
I'm currently studying Law and Economics at a Scottish University...
Revolutionary Alliance of Men That Women Are Not Attracted To
The Flag of Brocialism
The Western Way of Life
What the hell is wrong with modern feminists?
Communal child raising
Images of so-called anti-Trump rioters breaking Starbucks' windows, busting trash cans...
Why does Putin hate lenin? He is incredibly anti-lenin but why
Sup comr8s, I'm wondering what would be the best aproach to convincing liberals that socialism =/= bolshevik tyrany...
Tfw reading Homage to Catalonia
Bernie Sanders praises Trump
Most of the poc protesting 2016 election are not neoliberals but disgusted by a president who believes "kek a mexican...
Syrian Social Nationalist Party
Social Democracy > everything
If you're anti-freedom in any way youre probably an idiot and should kill yourself
Super-rich American ‘preppers’ buying in New Zealand ready for US doomsday
Biggest dump someone has ever taken on a political spectrum. Is this how Americans see the world?
Reaching out
Private gun ownership is good
Daily News Thread 1/24
What the fuck is a Nazbol
Liberal Non-Arguments
Anti-Russian hysteria
The Seattle Times reports that law-enforcement officials said the shooter claims that the man he shot was “some type...
Conspiracy Theories
Excuse me for my shitposting (I'm a relatively new here). But what is wrong with bourgeois socialism/SocDem...
How do I praxis without LARPing?
Hello, I consider myself quite left-wing, but one thing disturbs me a lot, coming from Estonia. Specifically...
People unironically supporting TPP now that Trump overturned it
Winston Churchill remembrance thread
Daily reminder if you like Trump you arent part of the left
4/pol/ is in love with an antifa girl
Besides punching one shitheel, are black bloc tactics effective?
Leftist Music Thread
How come right Holla Forumstards in America cling so hard to tradition...
What is the best method to achieve change? Wildcat Strikes, violent protest, non-violent protests etc...
Would you watch a Bookchin anime?
Who /loves public transportation/ here? I recently moved to a city that has a decent bus system...
Donald Trump is a radical accelerationist working to bring down capitalism
How is communalism distinct from communism?
US trying to make protesting illegal
Neckbeard/Libertarian calls for the doxxing of Commies
The trend of postmodernism in academia has reached critical mass
Holla Forumstards leaving the alt-right for Bookchin
Capitalism still exists in a virtually unchanged form even though it's many decades if not centuries into the future
This is what Holla Forums looks like
What's your opinion about Varoufakis?
Shia labeouf punks Holla Forumstard
Outsider here. can you guys link me some leftist materials that are easily consumed like documentaries, youtube stuff...
When will communism see a resurgence? Leftism is the most dead it's ever been...
Are there any leftist conspiracy theorists?
What do anarchofeminists think of Trump?
Okay, none of you would join me, so I'm going rogue...
I'm sick of this shit
Is Shia, dare I say, /ourguy/?
Textbook fascism
Support the Comrades!
New Zealand made a porgessive ban against sexist video game
I don't adhere to Holla Forums ideology...
Self-defense thread
Clinton may actually try to run again
There goes any chance at a socialist in the future
It's in my self interest to pretend to be a feminist so that women will like me
Alright commies, I need you to enlighten me sbout some stuff. Like I am truthfully trying to understand this here
We Someone who knows what they're talking about should come up with a proper answer to the
So a bunch of horizontalist...
*record scratch*
Is this true, comrades? Is this how we finally bash the fascists?
"His regime remained popular with workers, peasants, and students...
Do we agree with him leftypol?
What happens when there is a massive decline in the quality of products and services because no one can get fired and...
How does an ideology like Maoism Third-Worldism resist turning into nationalism?
Person A spends all his money on frivolities
Thoughts on punk music?
I have CERTAIN interest in Stalinist Communist, I have criticism(steeming mainly from Moralistic...
So anyone willing to debate Destiny in front of +4000 viewers...
Why aren't you a technocrat? All communist roads lead to a technocracy
Looking for the user that posted Politics of Cosmology
Lack of self-awareness
He doesn't have a black bloc appropiate outfit yet
Anarcho-Feudalism when?
Daily News Thread 1/23
Hello, Holla Forumsfag here. Recently I've been interested in leftist literature
Richard Spencer lost a fight against this
German Left
What solutions does communism offer for the horrific oppression stemming from the sexual free market?
Flat earth
So If you don't really care about equality and muh working class but you hate capitalism for the cosmopolitarianism...
Trump scraps TPP and outlines trade war agenda
Holla Forums is trying to organize
Why are white workers in America so dumb and classcucked? In many other countries...
Swastica budenovka
I've recently gotten a job at a call centre and after a couple of months of working there I do not understand why the...
So this happened
Economic calculation problem?
Have i been on the wrong leftypol this whole time? i've been on the .pl recently...
If there is ever a civil war in america between republicans and democrats which side do we fight for?
Serious Question
The most important effort in Marxist thought should be removing any trace of the counter-revolutionary saboteur Leon...
Has he been hiding his power level all along?
Why do Holla Forumstards go on about free speech but idolize people like Pinochet for executing political prisoners?
Requesting a dl of
How will we deal with the problem of inceldom in a communist society?
How to save straya?
Alright, which one of you did this?
Why didn't Lenin succeed?
When leftypol leaves the basement
Stop destroying private property
Do the Chinese believe their own bullshit...
Muh hwite women
Don't let the democrats construct and manipulate narrative again
How can I take any of you seriously when my culture is slowly but surely being replaced by immigrants? Just now...
Redpill me on Communism Holla Forums. I hear it is a failed Ideology...
He's gonna annex thest Bank, the absolute madman
They're really scrambling to find this guy
Leftism asks too much
Under libertarianism you are free to start a commune, you are just afraid to because you can't compete in a free market
European Union
When my boss compliments me for working hard
How do we feel about the reddit left here? eg /r/socialism, /r/anarchism, /r/FULLCOMMUNISM, etc
Grand Colômbia thread
Leftypol webm collection @piratebay
Why is left literature so much more prominent and in larger quantity than right literature?
Is there any leftist potential on Schopenhauer or is he doomed to be a philosopher for artists and and rightists of...
Wertkritik Thread
Trump will help the Dem establishment in the long run. His incompetence will discredit populism
Communists don't support nationali-
I honestly dont get it
Womens march origins
Help a fellow worker
ITT: Instant liberal detectors
Self-Care General
How does Holla Forums feel about firearms?
Mark Zuckerberg sues people to force them off their land
The most butthurting fact for liberals: Soviet Union was actually a most sucessfull economy in world's history
If I take Max Stirner's philosophy to it's logical conclusion
Unpopular "opinion" alert: 1) Trump is not a fascist...
What is 'left'?
Where to start with NAZBOL?
Daily reminder that Holla Forums is posting positive Trump comments and pretends left supporters their fascist lying...
Name one (1) thing that ISN'T a spook
Comrade jeb thread
Nazbol hate thread
This is why you don't protest
750,000 WOMEN showed up in LA
Pay close attention to the media, Holla Forums...
Anti-sectarian thread
Socialist Alternative or Democratic Socialists of America?
The average antifascist is a LITERALLY a shit eating cuckold
Leftist Technologists?
Hello Holla Forums /r9k/ here I don't follow politics much (it's too difficult to understand I have executive...
Thoughts on left wing nationalism ?
What are the point of protests?
Tankies, leftcoms and yugoflags
The communist is not human, but a parasite, and as such, you must smack it down. If it gets up...
Textbook fascism
Why do feminists support Islam, a religion inherently opposed to the core values of Feminism...
That feel when you're a hardcore commie...
Am i the only one getting a little bit of a personality cult vibe ?
I'm a straight white male, what do you guys honestly think about me?
Popular front OP, where are you? International Solidarity thread
You are a closeted alt-rightist protesting against anarchists and liberals and this guy punches you in the face
You're telling me This guy had all this time to put together his black bloc costume, but he couldn't find a knife?
Richard Spencer getting sucker punched memes
Uh, well, this just happened
How did you guys find your way to the left side?
Should we start concentrating leftist meme magic?
Muh superior Aryan genes
Is this liberalism
There are people on Holla Forums right now who have never read any of Marx's works beyond The Communist Manifesto
Normie here
What the fuck is with all fuckos on here suddenly being anti-free speech and using retarded memes like "denying them a...
The only problem with social democracy is that it allows immigration...
Noam vs Ted
I'm still trying to wrap my head around the use of violence against Trump supporters...
Can any of you commies explain to me how white liberal feminists risk against the patriarchy and then do a 100%...
Why do most people hate freedom?
France election
I miss him
Guerrillla warfare will not win the World Revolution
Shoot people attending Milo Yannypopolous speech
When I first found out that there was a polarized version of Holla Forums...
What does he mean by EGO
Hi, I'm new in this board, and I would like to ask you several questions
LGBT Conversion camps
An honest question
What does Holla Forums think of the idea of President Trump defunding Planned Parenthood?
What is the general ideology of this board?
Leftypol in a nutshell
Hello Holla Forums
How do you stop non-hierarchal free associations from creating hierarchy and fascism?
Women's march just went full retard mode
What does Holla Forums think of the Jews?
Ok, which one of you tankies said this?
Daily News Thread 1/21
To all you anti DPRK liberals in here, what part of the DPRK is not a democratic republic...
ITT: we discuss when was the last time Marxism-Leninism, Maoism...
=Thread about stuff both us and Holla Forums agree on==
Reads Stalin, Lenin etc
I think the reaction of this board to the "violence" that happened yesterday is full documentary proof of the spoiled...
/econ general/
Does revolution always have to be violent?
I just want to hold his weak little body and hug him. ;_;
Baneposting his fucking inauguration speech
Afghan Immigrant Attacks Police with Hammer! (Violent)
If trump got stopped being president for any reason, would mike pence be worse then he is or better?
Why communism?
Trump's been president for 12 hours and there hasn't even been a communist revolution
So fellow comrades what is your position on the free will debate, and using lack of free will as a base for socialism
No video more than this one sums up the state of the left today in the western world
I'm speechless
A question for anarchists who support the recent Black Bloc protest
Did countries like the USSR fail because it was too early for communism?
Tell me why we shouldn't start with market socialism
Alright, Holla Forums, let's put together a "Arguing with liberals about the riots" bingo card. I'll start
Trump changed the Oval Office drapes to urine yellow
Actual Fascists in the white house and in control of the most powerful military on earth...
What goes in the Holla Forums column?
Why do you guys like AntiFa?
Holla Forums is threatening lefties
With the unrest in N. Ireland, and the controversy over borders after brexit...
I'm done with Leftist IdPol. I've had it. Look...
French elections
Holla Forums known for having a hard-on for violence, revolution and guns
"Pepe's become kind of a symbol…"
State Terrorism in Washington DC
If the SJW movement never occurred between 2012 and 2016 would liberals still call Trump a fascist?
Mfw a tankie btfo's fox news presenter
The civic virtue of anarchism
We need more america balls post any and all america balls
Why are you not part of the NazBol GANG yet, /cuckpol/?
Tfw leftyfags' antifa protesters are getting their shit wrecked by the police and there's nothing you faggots can do...
Why are the Trotskyist posters the nicest?
Civil War 2 soon?
I want to lefty my poc friends who are only focused on trump election because of fear of being targeted because of...
I hate to be Holla Forums tier… but…
Batista fled the country on January 1, 1959. He died in 1973
They did it
Black Bloc Happening!
As a leftist, how do you feel about this man?
How wealthy can I get before turning into Porky?
Did America deserve 9/11?
What does leftypol play
Guys, I think Bernie can still win
The concept of stateless communism makes no sense to me...
Hey lefty/pol/ can you help me?
In current year +2 everyone including leftypol has a scapegoat
Ask a dumb bitch who is involved in organizing in Los Angeles California anything
Has anyone here ever thought about starting a D&D style tabletop...
Jimmy Dore joined The Young Turks
I really wanna talk to those loonies who thought the first black president was literally the anti-christ who has coming...
I think I've learned to appreciate 4/pol/ - I've seen it now. It's all an elaborate, layered joke...
Give me one good reason why you're not protesting the inauguration...
Can we get a Holla Forums music thread going?
Is this the only way to stop the alt-right?
Rich people:
Is violence against fascists justified?
So what do you think of Brianna Wu's chances against the entrenched democrat establishment? Should she be helped?
Who else ready to get lit tomorrow?
Dad ranting about how much he hates commies to me
Names and words
Will sympathetic bourgeoise like Bill Gates and Warren Buffet be spared from going up against the wall during the...
Ain't this the truth!. Post examples
Why are blue-collar baby boomers so classcucked?
Justify anarchism
What alcohol do communists drink?
It's common knowledge that Holla Forums has been successful in creating memorable memes...
Memes aside, what causes the alt-right mindset?
Jacque Lacan
Arguing with a buddy of mine about race
Committee for a Workers' International
Political Compass
Just a reminder, Holla Forums is trying to move against us
DOW Chemical wants to Keep using pesticide linked to ADHD and Autism
SEAL Team 6 Responds to Allegations of its War Crimes
What happened? For the past eight years we had the establishment, the people, the zeitgeist on our side...
If you were appointed dictator of your country with no limitations, what are some immediate reforms you would enact?
Why are leftists (socialists/anarchists) so cringey and useless now? What happened?
Autists don't need to work in Nordic countries
Dropping a redpill about time and reality and jews and all that
What do you hate the most about this guy
Holla Forums btfo
so why is Holla Forums so active?
Are Jews retarded?
Commodification of culture and consumption
Holla Forums thoughts about SWERFs
Why the fuck do I need to read 50 books and complete a PHD in sociology to become a socialist?
CIA admits to conducting psychic experiments on Uri Geller
Spreading class consciousness
Is Davos a communism?
Organizing against the Trump Presidency
Is Victoria 2 a socialist game?
I understand that there is good reason for not wanting to believe the USIC when it comes to Russia...
Fastforward to 28:00 to see a self-described white gentrifier in a head scarf spends over 10 minutes telling other...
New OC thread
Need more like this
If Germany had not violated the Soviet-Nazi non-aggression pact in 1941...
Bourgeois Tendencies Confession Thread
How do you argue with liberals who perpetuate the "work hard" myth
Authoritarianism is spreading. Liberal values are being sacrificed for the sake of safety, tribalism...
Who chapo here
/monster/ and other Holla Forums infested boards
Why did Soviet Russia have breadlines?
Post your commie crush
Live in capitalist land
What texts should I download?
Julian Assange backpedals on extradition promise in record time
Japan and their child porn
Finding other normal leftists
What kinds of products would not be produced under communism? I know a Ferrari is out of the question...
How do you deal with the fact that porky is holding the world hostage with nukes and a 1917 Russian style revolution is...
Mods what the hell
Marx, then...
Vegan Hate Thread
Tfw made a moderator of /r/latestagecapitalism
I think we can all agree that words can have a real effect on people...
The Dole
Trump so desperate to get people who like him to attend the Inauguration
LSC will now ban anyone against tankies
Libertarians and conservatives which are dumber?
Cultural Appropriation
When are we adressing the nazbol problem?
Can you debunk this?
ITT explain why leftism bestism
Hey fellow commies
A former libsoc from 4pol with questions about the history of Holla Forums especially about gamergate
LGBT and Homelessness
It is 2019
Psychiatric disorders
I voted for Donald Trump in the state of Florida
Can i say is he our man?
Is anime reactionary?
I'd like some answers about Soviet starvation
Does this image reveal the utter stupidity of Holla Forums and how they are literally ruled by muh feelings even though...
Hello. I am an idiot libtard dummy who hasn't even read the complete works of Marx in the original Klingon...
ITT: We bully the ancaps currently browsing this board
/leftykink/ thread
FUCK Trump
He fell for the "degeneracy is bad" meme and believes that he is not a reactionary
Famrades, how do I explain someone that Nazi isn't socialism?
HAPPENING: Noam Chomsky Rushed To Hospital
ITT: people who were right about everything
Soros, 'Globalism,' and Grassroots Revolt: How the Right Uses Conspiracy Theories to Appear Revoluti
Jason Unruhe Killed A Girl In The 90s
Alt-right autism balls
Chelsea Manning’s Sentence is commuted
CIA Chief Not Pleased That Incoming President Likened the CIA to Nazis
Anyone else /sad/ today? Feel free to talk about it
Sexism in Japan and gaming
Tfw been six months since I was a Nazi
Walking to one of my classes today
In light of our new third place I just want to offer a theory
WE 3rd NOW
Now let me just make one thing clear, because many of you extremists can not understand this
I want to go to far leftist meetings but as a white cis straight male I always feel talked down to and patronized
Does the fact that "primitive communism" never existed have any bearing on Marxist ideology...
Do you think that communism is compatible with religion?
Pkk and YPG
Decentralized Planned Economy
Free market capitalism does not wor-
I'm not a religious or superstitious person, but the more I've researched the connection between Pepe the Frog...
Bestiality thread
Chris Hedges
North korea
Official Leftcom Power Rankings
Fetishes and Politics
Conflicted right-winger lolbertarian here
Global Leftism Map
So anyone of you guys going to the Trump inauguration protests on Friday?
Communist here. What brand of cigarettes should i smoke to be the least reactionary?
Could you guys please recommend some YouTube channels to me? Thanks!
White fucking males
Revolutionary potential in the first world
On the Jewish Question
Tfw the first christians lived in a communist society
Revolutionary Feels
Automation is estimated to kill 5 million jobs
Donald Trump promises health "insurance for everybody"
Why do you seek to do the devil's work and destroy religion?
How many here are actively engaged in revolutionary activities
/r/Socialism mods hold open house
Tfw your comrade compliments you on a job well done at your collectively-owned workplace
Open catalog
Tfw you explore the galaxy with your comrades and improve yourself because of full automation and a post-scarcity...
The New Dog Whistles
Brocialism and Manarchism general
Which feminist wave was best wave? Second wave feminism is my personal favorite since it was the most class conscious
Hijab as political resistance
Why do populists like the pee pee man and UK autist always try to paint the world as some collapsing disaster while...
Hello friends, favour to ask, could somebody please proofread my manifesto...
World's eight richest people have same wealth as poorest 50%
Golden Dawn trial
Nationstates Leftybol
Furries appear all over the place in most 1st world countries because dont people live in shitholes and actually get to...
Why does /r/socialism hate you all so much, Holla Forums?
What do lefties think of Ronald Reagan?
What does leftypol think of masculinity? Do you consider yourself masculine? Are you confident in your masculinity...
I never realized the Julius Caesar was a fucking hero of the proletariat
Holla Forumss oppinion on the falkland/malvinas
Get 20 of your friends in here now!
Our Guys Thread 1/15/17
What's the deal with Anarcho-Communism?
Why haven't you accepted energy credit distribution and biophysical economics as the practical answer to organizing the...
Spook Test
She never knew what fucking hit her
Is human nature real?
Daily reminder that pornography produced under capitalism is bad and that you should feel bad for watching it
Whats your political ideology?
Is ISIS a far left group?
He doesn't accept the greatness of the no...
Jimmy 'arm the poor' Dore jakes on a reactionary jew and wins:
Official FUCK YOU LEFTYPOL thread
I want communism but only for white people. What does that make me...
Can we come up with a killshot meme for the alt-right? Atheism on the internet began associated with betas...
ITT Leftist writers with an easy to access, clear and concise writing style
Relationships in a communist society
Comrade Roo has spoken
Reddit Drama General
Tfw my boss called me a favorite worker and raised my wages
Leftists and Minority Nationalism
Are you ready for the trainwreck that will be the next Presidential Inauguration Holla Forums?
Has anyone ever actually gained access to this place? Are they for real Pol Pot apologists...
Why does Holla Forums reject the idea that gender...
Apparently /r/fullcommunism wants to raid you
Why Christopher Hitchens quit being a Socialist
Who else has grown tired of the term 'neoliberalism'...
Rosa memorial thread
Leftist reddit in complete civil war
Could Bernie have beaten Trump?
Freedom & Democracy - Live Stream w/ Wolff, Snowden, Jeremy Scahill, and others
Tfw prolepilled a friend on communism
Modern Multiculturalism and Diversity Are Identical to the Colonial Era
"poor people are poor because they're lazy"
Dr Pavel, I'm CIA
Be careful with idpol
How does Leftypol justifiy the fact that despite Communisms best efforts to create an automated utopia...
Why is there no Marxist-Leninist flag? Why the fuck do I have to post under a fucking tank or Stalin's mustache...
Hello Holla Forums
Can someone explain this image to me
Economic planning
National Armies
FUCK YOU LEFTYPOL. WE COULD'VE CHANGED R/SOCIALISM BUT YOU RUINED IT!!! now I got banned from r/fullcommunism...
Fuck Holla Forums
TFW when you attend a "mixer for Bernie supporters" and it turns out to be a fundraiser for the Green Party with no...
Kulaks: The Movie
Why don't we just start our own army and sieze the means of production?
Why are you so quick to call us facists? Perhaps that's what we take inspiration from...
You want something fucked up?
Socialism doesn't work
Brocialism and Identity Politics
Started a war with reddit
Which flag will make my posts seem smart? Which tendency has read the most theory on average?
I have to admit it but…its pretty fuckin cool, lads
What does Holla Forums think about gun control?
Are catgirls "problematic" according to communists?
It's time to stop posting
Spencer-san will never bully you
Racial consciousness
When Boss calls you "hard worker"
Can I have some backup here?
Liberal columnist suggests running Beyonce, Matt Damon, and other hollywood celebrities against Trump in 2020
Thoughts on this series? It's one of my favourite recommendations to people who don't question capitalism
Can we form a non-cucked communist party USA?
How will we ever recover
The Great Purrge, Part 5
Who is the mommy of Holla Forums?
Where are Jews like me supposed to do to combat IDPol?
Where's the hope for the United Kingdom
Is alex jones becoming class conscious?
I really like alot of your theories on capitalism and new methods to combat it lefty/pol/...
How to not hate rightwingers
Is cooperative property in a coop still private property?
/r/Socialism mods are doing nothing in response to a huge petition
Electricity protests in Gaza: Hamas suppresses the working-class
ITT: Your favorite hypothetical communist country flags
Russian leftypol is better than us
Holla Forums here
Apperently catgirls is also excellent for /r/fullcommunism
Leftypol, Am I left?
Bookchin Book Dump
AMA National Populist: What's the Next Step of your Master Plan Edition
So how long do you think it will take for Cuba to go full Deng and sell out to capitalism?
He talks to the working man as if they were an academic who had the time to study leftist ideologies
Is the turn to capitalism just a ruse? Will they save the world?
I don't know about you but I see absolutely no reason to have children
In its aesthetic, is Fascism just a nerd attempt of making historical fiction real by embodying its values...
Is he, dare I say it, /ourguy/?
Dem empty fake folders
Why does catgrills trigger IDpolers?
He was right about everything
I support Trump for the same social reasons you support Marx
Richard Wolff sent me here
Mike Enoch doxed
Bang bang bang
Identity Politics Destroyed by Adolph Reed
10 thousand hours in autism.exe and 1 hour in paint.net
Should the nuclear family be eradicated?
What is the worst school of thought to come out of leftism in the past 40 years?
In your ideal society, how would work be incentivized?
Is "1488" the most autistic thing ever conceived?
This is what An-Caps believe
Under communism, will women look more like anime? If not, how do we get women to look more like anime
It's time for self-reflection, Holla Forums
Last threads
According to aithis is what the ideal woman looks like
Video Games
/chug/ - Comfy Happening in Ukraine General #11122
We're better than this
Video Games
AI DEGENerated Art and Porn
Video Games
This is a seven eleven in poland
Why did she do it?
/uhg/ - Ukraine Happening General #9445
Social sluts
/chug/ - Comfy Happening in Ukraine General #11121
Good night sweet prince
Television and Film
>American: Japan deserved the nu-ACK
Hey user you're under arrest for posting hateful material online, posting harmful material online...
Kinda seems like the Nazis did it. Anyone got the original German?
Is it true?Is this the peak of storytelling?
Video Games
/nzg/ New Zealand General
Twitch/Youtube/streamer thread
Why do Japanese love iPhones so much, and why don't more Europeans have iPhones? Are they too poor to afford them?
Why is every zoomer obsessed with being a "content creator"...