Grew up in a conservative family so I was conservative as my political thoughts developed. Family was post-Cold War military so I grew up with a strong anti-Communist sentiment.
Became a lobert in high school because 'dude weed lmao'. I wanted to rebel against the social structure set forth by my family, but I didn't see many problems with the economic system. Still associated Socialism with the USSR and fuck that.
Later in High School, I became an AnCap because 'dude bitcoin lmao'. I actually read some Chomsky and he helped me see that the State was fucking retarded, but I ignored his economic views because "how can u hav socialism without a state u retard", and I still had dreams of becoming a millionaire and owning a bunch of shit. Around this time I found Holla Forums and started flirting with both the Far Left and Right.
As I graduated, I became one of those AnCaps that conflated the word 'capitalism' with 'markets' but I found and started to think differently. "Maybe under 'real capitalism' we'd have co-ops and shit (pic related). I called myself an Agorist, and didn't mind socialists now, but still used the term capitalism. I looked into other schools of real anarchism, but I never could see through my ideology at the time.
Mid-college, I started to notice the increasing number of fascists in AnCap forums, and decided to distance myself from them. I think around here is where I started becoming an Anti-Fascist, also. Bernie shows up and all my friends start to go fucking nuts for him, never saw the allure of Social Democracy. I ended up taking another long look at other schools of real anarchism, and found Mutualism was more or less advocating for what I wanted as a "dude co-ops lmao" AnCap, and started calling myself that. Really embraced the term Socialist at this point and began to see the real unsustainability of capitalism.
A little bit ago, I discovered Stirner memes, and then Stirner's writings, and realized the NAP and all sorts of 'natural rights' positions were bullshit, and dragging metaphysics into political philosophy just muddies it all up. I still liked the general idea of Mutualism, and thought that's one of many ways unique ones could organize themselves, but also began embracing other models like communism and communalism as possibilities.
Now, I've joined the IWW, actually started going to protests and shit and call myself an Individualist Anarchist (with a preference for Mutualism as an economic system). Thinking about going to Rojava if I don't do anything worthwhile by the time I graduate with a CS degree from college.