What's the difference between anarchists and left communists?
anarchists will be the first to participate in a revolution, leftcoms won't participate at all
Anarchists do things
One does stuff, the other reads books.
Usually not much. They mostly disagree over organizational issues, like having a Party.
Everyone ITT is an idiot who has no idea what left communism is.
The flag titled "leftcom" on this board is the logo of the PCd'I (Communist Party of Italy). This party was a part of the so-called "left of communism"; a faction in the Third International that opposed itself to those it considered to be the so-called "right of communism", which according it was the Bolsheviks, Kautskyists, Mensheviks and later the rising Stalinist takeover.
The PCd'I itself had ideas almost indistinguishable from Leninism, but still had qualms with the direction Lenin was taking it.
The left of communism as a whole consisted of way more than just these alternative Leninists; it had (Marxist) syndicalists, council communists, guild socialists, etc., which are all very different from Lenin's take on Marxist communism and more akin to anarchism, although not shy of party politics and seeing the state as a tool instead of some sort of black magic thing to be smashed (and then inevitably remade without calling it one, but I digress).
Most modern left communists are a blend between the two different Dutch-German and Italian tendencies.
What the left communist flag on this board can tell you will thus vary, but its few consistent traits are:
Anarchists want to abolish the state right away
Leftcoms want to keep it around, although idk in what form
leftcoms read
anarchists burn shit
Fucking this
Though I'd argue there's more than two tendencies, though the ones you mentioned are the most popular.
Anarchist theory isn't rambling around doing nothing
Leftcoms are Leninists who dislike the natural conclusion of Leninism and don't do anything. Anarchists are a much bigger group, both in terms of people and ideology, and aside from destroying insitutionalized hierarchy(the state) they can have contrary beliefs to one another and aren't unified.
Well post-left certainly is.
Oh, the ironing!
Was Gramsci a leftcom?
The latest ivory tower Marxist craze is to find a place for anarchism on the left/right spectrum.
Protip: it doesn't belong there.
One smashes dustbins and calls it revolution, the other sits in an armchair and reads lots of books.
One has autism. The other, aspergers.
He was not a member of the PCd'I (Gramsci led another, different but large Italian communist party) and was thus not a member of the left communist faction, but found major agreements with the left opposition/critique of the Bolsheviks.
Furthermore, he had a lot of correspondence with Bordiga and his party and they led a popular front in Italy against the staying liberal democratic party and later the fascists.
ebig x–DdDD
Ooh boy.
It is mostly organizational, and the need and role of the party is indeed an important part of this, but far from all of left communism's qualms with anarchism.
Left communist relation to the state is literally Marx's: the state is not to serve any economic function whatsoever after revolution. Left communists are before anything just consistent Marxists.
I like this one.
I really like this one. Not even kidding.
so leftcoms are anarchists then?
No, anarchist think revolution can be achieved here and now regardless of circumstances. Leftcoms are Marxists, hence the "armchair" memes.
No, they are Marxist communists.
way to dodge a question
so how are you gonna repress emerging capitalist relations?
wait for full automation and then hope that owners gonna give MOP for free in communal use?
I don't get your confusion. Left communists (ultra left is more precise in general, "left com" is a historical term more than anything) are Marxist communists.
The only way for them to "(re)emerge" is for them to have insufficiently been neutered or that there are places where the void of post-capital has not been replaced by the communist relation of production. This is what undid virtually every successful revolution's aftermath, BTW. In the case of Russia it was a direct implementation of capitalism which snowballed out of control, permanently abandoning the near-socialist war communist phase, or in Spain it was the non-replacement of capitalist relations of production.
go on
tell me about the communist relations of production
(You)s from leftcom nerds are the sweetest!