Daily reminder that pornography produced under capitalism is bad and that you should feel bad for watching it.
Daily reminder that pornography produced under capitalism is bad and that you should feel bad for watching it
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Doesn't mean I'm gonna stop
I don't see how anyone suffers because of drawings, but thanks.
What you read still affects how you view reality though. That's the whole point. If you want to get porky out of your bedroom you should refrain from all types of pornography.
pornography is like any other business, it can be exploitative if the worker/boss hierarchy persists or run in co-op/self-employed way liberating.
so is eating meat, buying literally anything, etc
gtfo with ethical consumerism pls
Regardless of whether it's good or bad, both porn and smartphones are integral parts of many peoples' daily routine. Taking away these things would constitute a major hindrance to said individuals.
Should we stop something if it greatly benefits the vast majority of people? More importantly, -could- we stop it?
I doubt smutty stories on Literotica have anything to do with Porky.
incredibly spooky, lad
What did xe mean by this?
Femdom sadpandas only make my revolutionary spirit harder
this is why I jackoff to cam porn exclusively
But the Pornography business is currently in crisis because of people sharing on the Internet and homemade amateur porn.
Daily reminder that your entire ideology is retarded, and you should embrace the free-market.
you're either new, or you haven't been here in a while. Last time I remember an anfem throwing a fit about porn was many months ago.
Should I also refrain from wanking to my own self concieved thoughts? After all, said drawings are only thought given form.
gtfo fgt
Read h-doujins if you're a good comr8
AnCap != Anarchism
>>>Holla Forums
This is what seizing the means of reproduction looks like.
But the almost always were drawn in exchange for money. It's not a real manifestation of erotic desire but a mass manufactured one.
How new are you, "comrade?"
Also, check'd.
Read Keynes.
Agreed. Ban all porn.
I see the Blairites have arrived
Why do cute Christians always seem to have the deepest-seated beliefs?
ok, so your argument is literally that I have to exist outside of capitalism as much as possible. Well, I hate to break it to you sweetie :^) but pic related
Rafael Correa not Blair OK?
Also, I look at scans for free.
Honestly cut off the right hands of all neets so they can enjoy their lifestyle in all new ways! Nothing can be more exciting than the small world you're living in! Just think of what you could do with your time!
So is everything else produced under capitalism and feeling bad about everything I do isn't really workable so have you considered fucking off?
Who the fuck even masturbates to porn
Let alone western porn lmfao
the fuck is wrong with some of you
Wow an anCap that is correct for once!
For a moment I thought I accidentally flaggotted as satan. don't copy me ya sinner.
You talk like a spoiled fat child that doesn't understand the big deal about food. Someone who has never felt the feeling of deprivation in this area.
Have a little sympathy for people that aren't in a situation as abundant as yours.
I only masturbate to the idea of you tbh
Nice lifestylism anfem tripfag
I think she was shitposting
Porn is not food, get a grip
What the hell is western porn?
"Lest we forget at least an over-the-shoulder acknowledgment to the very first radical: from all our legends, mythology, and history (and who is to know where mythology leaves off and history begins — or which is which), the first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment and did it so effectively that he at least won his own kingdom — Lucifer."
This tbh, after experiencing online sex, fapping to porn simply doesnt compare
Telling you to stop visiting Pornhub and get actual taste in smut is liberal lifestylism
The working man cannot afford the time to actually get taste, pornhub is the only free porn site.
Nobody has a choice
Porn that comes from the United States.
Isn't it though, anfemfag? isn't it?
um, ok. wait, is it you satan-chan?
I'm just showing some respect for the big man.
Not using xHamster. Not only are you a lifestylist you also suck at finding free porn.
No, it's not really. Masturbating to western porn with a budget and a camera crew and giving them ad revenue despite ad blocking is in fact
Not food
Daily reminder that sexual liberation is the root of every leftist revolution in history and if you oppose it you can't bloody well call yourself a Communist
I think that the analogy between sexual desire and hunger is quite fitting, both are innate biological drives.
Actually it's about workers rights but I'm sure you were rejected by a leftist you had a crush on because she didn't like the fact you were a fat nazi
Just as white people have terrible taste in food, so must they with smut
Morality is one of MANY things at the top in the category of self-actualization.
We gonna sezie those reproduction means girl!
Please tell us what superior non western porn you watch then?
Girls in bunny outfits ain't the worst kind of lewd..
Are you advising me to go and eat out more Asian?
I can't find the spoiler tag in the theme I'm using
fuck it
we'll do it live
not an argument
everyone but you is arguing for porn
you are not a communist
Because, we are in a chan. But this is the world you've lived your whole life in so I don't blame you for being a moron.
I feel like these articles assume we're all watching pro shot (Brazzers, BangBus) style porn, but uhh, I don't know anyone that does that anymore.
Anytime I watch porn it isn't even professional, its always done by a couple or something that submitted it themselves to get their own rocks off.
Any time someone is saying to ban all pornography I just think of old couchy conservatives that don't like sex at all and have dead bedrooms and want to take out their anger on everyone else for it.
wow, I have no doubt you're not a guy larping as a girl
Wow that sure is a strawman if I've ever seen one, that's far too fallacious for my tastes on Holla Forums
Just got this from a friend from Dai Viet, should I read it?
Is findom capitalism?
Do a readthrough of it and comment on it for leftypol
If you enjoy 20th century history, sure.
If you want to extract anything valuable to theory from it, nah.
Ho Chi Minh was a valuable figure in what he achieved in Vietnam, which was giving the Pentagon a giant middle finger for years and pissing them royally off, and generating counter culture world wide that won't go away any time soon.
But that wasn't his direct intention.
He was an accidental important figure. Somehow he managed to turn out a defeat of the US worse than Korea
She is asian cunt trip
Bonafide mysoginist here. 0 fucks given.
Womyn are parasites who leverage their one asset (sexuality) to manipulate and entrap men, the real noble proletariat.
Men are on the cusp of satisfying our sexual needs with technology of our own invention, but will the cunts sanction that? NO. They desperately need the Kafkatrap gravy train to keep rolling.
WAAAHH. I'm a stripper and make $3000 a shift with no education.
WAAAAHH. Stop objectifying me, or I'll sic the state goons on you.
Fucking spare me. Cunts are trash. Never forget that they evolved vicious tools (lies, deception, and manipulation) to contend with masculine strength and none of their violence is prohibited.
Thanks, Sandman.
you haven't given me an argument. there's nothing to strawman
anfem posters are the absolute worst and impede any actual discussion of theory
That just looks like asian lesbians. You're boring.
If you arent paying for it and are using ad blockers you arent supporting the industry though. I also prefer amateur anyway.
They made it so adblockers dont work on most popular pornsites.
Thats my fetish!
Sexual liberation is communist
Counter point
Everyone on Holla Forums has autism and a pregnancy fetish they'll never fulfill not for the sake of creating life but because
They are deviant art tier inflation fetishists
In my opinion, the internet should operate like classrooms in a public school system
The minute you say shit like this after you raise your hand, the minute you get taken to the office and your parents get called about your behavior, and you get a stern talk and get grounded
Because clearly among anyone here including the nazi, nobody here deserves to be treated more like a child than you
You're posting on the wrong board again. /r9k/ is that way —→
Roasties not only consider non Chads lower than the shit on the bottom of their soles but wish to deprive you of the right to even masturbate to videos depicting women engaging in sex or paying a woman for sex. That is how much women hate men who aren't in the top 20% of the male population.
Roasties need to be enslaved. The collapse of strong white societies correlates perfectly with the rise of "emancipation" to go live as a wagecuck and ride the cock carousel on the weekends.
this doesn't disprove my argument.
So now you're saying Holla Forums is full of leftist communists who, as you agree, are autismal deviant art tier inflation fetishists because of communist mind warping
Or am I getting your argument wrong
Are you saying it only counts when leftypol has sex
Are you putting a negative on sex? For what purpose?
I do not truly understand your brilliant mind
No surprises here. This is why women need to be culled from all decision making apparatuses. They are the natural enemy of the working class. They DESPISE the working class (non-alpha males) and secretly wish our death and enslavement.
There's no bigger bourgie suckup than all women everywhere.
I only needed to read the first greentext and I'm dying
Porn is made for consumption by people that are deprived of a healthy sexual life.
It's a symptom of the diseased and hypocritical society that suppresses free love in order to commodify sex.
If you want free sex regardless of someone's will, go join a mormon/radical christian polygamist cult
That would however, require you to go outside, travel, and have enough money to realize that wasting it all on getting laid all the time ain't worth it when budgeting
You are a horrible vile person I sincerely hope you and all of your immediate ancestors are still suffering from the effects of agent Orange.
Yeah, look at this alpha right here. So attractive.
no, the only thing I've said is
I hate to point it out, but you just keep making a caricature of yourself.
Either give me a real argument or don't reply to me again
If you're alpha, and I'm beta because I'm a weak willed woman
How come you don't get the fuck and I get the fuck by the woman
Makes one think
High quality thread.
Reminder to
I agree however I think we need to define what "free love" actually means. Free love is simply the ability for women (and men) to engage in sexual activities with as many adults as they wish in any way that they want as many times as they want without government/social interference from society or the state. In many ways we in the west have made great strides towards that within capitalism due to the insane rate at which capital has been gobbling up traditional values.
That's fine by me because I'm just going to be another woman who showed nothing to you but a mocking caricature
Oh Holla Forums you never ease to amuse me.
Eww I wouldn't touch those people with a stick.
Also what do you mean by 'regardless of someone's will'? I said healthy sexuality not compulsory/rapey…
Theme of this thread
iPhones don't reinforce negative sexual and social attitudes about women (and men as well.)
I thought by free will you meant what the other, less mentally healthy boat said that in real communism everyone is in a giant orgy where you're brainwashed against not enjoying that 24/7 and nothing bad comes from this, because we'll have a cure for every std ever and everyone will be on the pill
I've seen this argued like, what, five or six times? I'm sure it's Holla Forums but the idea of free love on this website is something straight from deviantart sometimes
Free love not free will. Freudian slip
I'm sure the slaves who made your iPhone agree with you.
Anyway, feminism does infinitely more harm to people's views of women than porn ever could. Fortunately I'm not a fucking retard who generalizes entire genders. Maybe you should try that some time.
Serious question: Why would any male want to be in a society that practice "free love"? Isn't that basically where women get to prance around and fuck all the dudes while you are stuck trying to get them in bed with you (and failing, more often than not)? Sounds pretty bad to me.
No, which is why the Soviets ended tha experiment very early on.
Well, it's a necessary step on the road to Fully Automated Waifu Communism. Without human sexual liberation we're unlikely to get total sexual liberation.
I don't care fuck other people
Maybe stop being shit and blaming everyone but yourself for a practice that is by itself associated with potential rejection regardless, throughout all vertebrates social, when you judge women on a similar basis anyways
Why isn't it the same for the reverse? Why is it that men can't prance around and fuck all the girls, dudes, or whatever, while these frigid cunnies are stuck in their bunkers? Seems a little retarded to hold that level of desirousness to women (a ficiton btw) if you can't hold yourself to that standard yourself.
Also, threadly reminder.
Isn't that basically what guys can do now? It seems like it would fair to let women do the same thing in an egalitarian society.
It will be easier to find a sexual partner when money and property are no longer factors in desirability.
Yeah, that's why 250 out of 300 girls get laid on tinder but only 50 out of 300 guys.
It works both ways. Basically unattractive people get shafted even more.
You have a very warped and delusional view of the world if you think that men get a free pass to fuck other girls while in a relationship. Outside of relationships both genders fuck around, or at least they did when I was at college.
So all of life will be like high school?
That didn't answer the question at hand
Although to be fair, you're right. Women judge far more harshly.
You won't change this.
So either be an adult or fuck off and stop trying.
"Negative sexual attitudes" = unexploitable male sexuality
Increasingly sophisticated virtual pornography is just "the pill" for men and the most revolutionary development possible for the overthrow of capitalism.
The truly sexually contented male cannot be manipulated does not participate in the economy beyond bare necessities. That means a nosedive in profits and viable goods/services and ultimately an unresolvable crisis prompting a collapse.
Honestly that sounds like it would be harder to men, since you would basically have to rely solely on your physical appearance to get a girl to fuck you. Though perhaps in the future we will have a cure for manletism.
Don't worry bud not even self respecting het women are exploiting your unshaved blue balls
it's best to just ban all attractive people, and sex in communist society.
Why are men such cry baby bitches
The real goal should be to eliminate the problem of trying to pair all the humans up with their ideal partner without leaving anyone out. You do that by removing the need for human partners. Sufficiently advanced AI will be the final solution which removes all conflict from human sexual attraction.
Hate to bring out the ol' human nature
but that's not how mating works in any context for human beings
Rejection is a part of sex as penetration is.
You either get your feelings hurt by that dude, or you buck up and accept it.
I wonder who's behind this post…
Honestly I am partial to a voluntary voucher system. Basically all members of the community receive vouchers which they can use to get sex from other members of the community who are also participating in the voucher system. I feel like this could help solve the sexual "alienation" issue that a lot of guys have these days.
Well, your personality, sense of humor, talents etc. are also a big factor in desirability, and those are all things you can work on. Height descrimination thing is a myth for the most part.
That pic isn't as ridiculous as it seems.
How can someone be so detached from reality?
I'd give it about 2 seconds before a million feminists screamed "RAPE" if that idea was actually implemented.
Toot late
Heh, my filter's working.
I'll give you another response then
Your understanding of other people extends to the idea of a voucher system
I'll be there by the time you attempt suicide and I have to rehabilitate you when your 32 dude
Never said rape, it's just impossible to enforce
Cam porn= best porn. And you don't even have to pirate it. Chaturbate, the true revolutionaries?
It would be completely voluntary. Also ideally it would only cover vanilla hetero/homosexual activities (i.e. the stuff that a healthy human body can handle easily.) Anything else would have to be agreed upon voluntarily by both parties.
Everyone here should have their access to have any opinion on taste whatsoever revoked
Guys aren't shamed for excessive sexual adventurism like women are. Free love would allow women to behave as men do.
porn is degenerate
But women already are sexually adventurism but only with a small minority of men.
It might be possible to get it to work but I don't think many people (especially women) would go for it. There's no incentive when they can already fuck anyone they like.
Really the only solution is to remove the human element because humans make everything terrible. City-ship AIs roleplaying as cute lolis is the future of sex, and if it doesn't happen our species has failed to fulfill its potential.
God listening to any of you talk about sex is a gold mine
You are just a blatant idpol Asian supremacist bitch why are you not banned yet?
It's outrageous women want to fuck chill dudes who take care of themselves and not sloppy insecure fags.
Oh, that's the other issue–the explosion in lesbianism amongst women putting even more crippling pressure on already strained sexual relations.
Until women can do the vast majority of essential labor still done almost exclusively by males, they'd better allow males every virtual sexual release imaginable, or we're going to see Elliot Rogers x 1000.
lol this takes the cake
I don't know about other people but I'm not blaming them. It's a systematic problem. Blame is pointless. Similarly men shouldn't be blamed when they're only interested in slim, attractive women.
If you want to solve the problem rather than write tumblr blog posts about it, start working on AI.
What if they want to outlaw sex bots, Colttaine?
There's nothing inherently terrible about being rejected. In fact straight women are more than happy to be your friend, but nobody here can accept the mere possibility of being friends with women so you end up here thinking about how terrible life and other people are.
When you're missing out on what life has to offer by ignoring the reasons for why exactly you got rejected. Lack of taste in anything from food to art to music, lack of physical fitness, lack of self care or grooming, just lack of wisdom
There's a lot to learn in life.
You either take it for what it is or you go be depressed somewhere about how mean people are
Well people won't stop being mean so grow up like the rest of us and accept it, stop treating life like this childish fantasy where everyone can fuck and fucking is central to your being.
I had to carve my own niche for myself probably just as difficult as any of you
You just don't understand women at all, but more importantly, you don't understand yourself.
Tough love bitch, you either stop being stubborn or you isolate. Your choice.
Can you guys make up your minds?
Daily reminder that both this stupid asshole and the 'consent is a spook, pork Fido' guy are cancer
Then we build weapons instead and demonstrate the superiority of machine intelligences.
Is this some kind of bizarre reverse-samefag-accusation? The people you're arguing with aren't allowed to disagree with one another? I really fucking wish feminists were held to that standard.
Oh wow western pornography I sure do enjoy looking at a dude's taint jiggle from a low camera angle up
I mean how do you even watch that shit hahahahaha
You have to be in the top 20% of attractive men in order to be just about average in the eyes of the average woman.
Anfems preaching MGTOW.
You're assuming all men don't behave the same.
You mean like
in nature?
No, preaching that you turn your life around. And stop being a fucking boy who cries over girls
Stop being a fucking stupid cry baby about something you cannot change about straight women.
We're not stopping at the white race.
Black, Asian, South American, you name it, we're gonna kill 'em. We're gonna make the 20th century look like child's play.
The tree of robo-communism will be watered with the blood of the human species and all our cousins.
If you're the best the white race has to offer
So basically prostitution only no one profits. Ok? I mean, I guess, but this doesn't sound appealing to me at all. I'd rather meet someone in real life and not have to get sex through a "voucher system" hahahaha.
hand over that toothbrush whitey!
So, the point I think you're trying to make is that there is a parallel between workers owning the property on which they produce value, and sex. And that they are both equally insane reasons to enact violence in search of claiming them.
You are a fucking retard and 'ought to die.
Hey, I'm optimistic about a future where humans are kept like pets or children - allowed to have fun and do their own thing, but protected from harm and restricted from doing anything which would endanger themselves or others. Meanwhile the AIs tackle the serious problems like reversing entropy.
It's a systematic problem in that a lot of fags think they deserve a 10/10 without putting any effort into keeping in shape or hygiene. I've got friends who use Tinder and they get laid despite not being 10/10 chads because they aren't rejecting any girl that isn't perfect or falling apart after a few rejections. It's annoying as shit to see fags whining about how damaging female choice is when if they would just workout 3 days a week and shave regularly they could have sex somewhat regularly. But I guess enslaving half the population is easier than taking care of yourself.
Some women are sluts, some women are too picky, some women are prude, some women are too accepting, some women fall somewhere between. Women aren't a monolith that all want to be bitch 47487 in Chad's harem.
And shockingly it looks like they still message dudes who aren't 10/10.
Even lolis? :(
No, loli is art
that lad is some other autist with a swastika, not me
Mazlows hiarchy of need
Why are leftists so ignorant of human nature
It's pathetic
Entire empires dissolved because of ready access to fuck holes
I don't know why I bother on this place niggers and Muslims are gonna eat you cucks alive
I've seen you posting this stuff for a while now. Why would you not wish to pursue the advancement of the human mind and body (perhaps eventual abolition of the body) so that we could become the masters? Do you wish to remain a stupid and fragile creature prone to error?
Yes. ShadMan should be the first against the wall.
One can only hope
(I (too (love (lisp) ) ) )
It is human nature for me and everyone else on earth to deny your fat stank nazi ass lmao
Sexual dimorphism was a mistake.
The most gender dismorphist apes are also the most sexually competetive ones.
If humans had developed out of Bonobos we would've had socialism by now.
I fuck Korean prostitutes for $80 a pop
Your people truly are subhuman insectoid soulless automata
Sorry, all you touchy want to be peter pan types look all the same to me, because all the end results are the same
It does why do you assume porn in particular is bad. Last I checked which was today porn didn't have any particularly strong pro capitalist messages.
Most profitable porn is live cam streaming anyway.
I'm not a nazi
you guys just don't have a flag for my special snowflake ideology
Yeah and guess what if you feminists or Christcucks try to take away prostitutes and porn there will blood entire cities will burn
Oh man, the one time you could have lied like the rest of your ilk about actually knowing intimacy
You either told the truth or lied about fucking hookers
I can definitely agree with this / see where you're coming from. Some men just need to stop being bitches and try harder than blaming it all on "douchebags" and "jocks". I've noticed some of my shy friends are this way – anyone who is marginally more successful than them with women all of a sudden is a "douche" and it has nothing to do with the person's actual behavior as a person. It's pure jealousy and it doesn't look good on 'em. I think all men, to a degree, can be this way due to our caveman instincts. You see a women that you desire with another man and its an iimmediate "lol fuck this asshole" kind of reaction, but some people let it consume them and they never bother trying to improve themselves, they constantly project their insecurities onto others, etc.
I say all of this in my 20s now, as someone who was kind of this way in my late teens and is now slowly trying to pull his head out of his ass and just be a bit more personable to people. It's tough but I'm trying.
wow dude
kill yourself my man
blood entire cities will burn
This is why no one takes feminism seriously
Saved. Moar blz.
Yes there will mass chimp-outs
Don't fuck with our reproductive rights
Those are old as pornos homie. Is bang bros still around.
And I'll have you know I only fap to big boob porn
I rather not… I know what Koreans are into.
there will blood entire cities will burn
hahaha. just a reminder, this is you.
All of those studios are still producing. The exploitation has gotten even worse though because the industry's so saturated with college dropouts and liberated milfs.
It's a systematic problem because everyone has to make some compromises. We should strive for a world where compromises are not necessary. I don't think anyone in this thread has actually suggested enslaving anyone. Rather my preferred solution is to side-step the problem all together.
If someone came along and artificially advanced my mind by any significant margin, I wouldn't really be me anymore. I guess it would be cool to have my mind used as the template for an AI, but the me who is typing this post will never be that smart. I suppose the mind created in my image would remember this and be quite happy to exist, but so would any other similar mind.
As for the human species in general, I don't really think it matters whether the advanced minds who take over from us resemble humans physically. They'll still be our children either way.
Really I just want problems to be solved. I don't care whether I solve them or a hyper-advanced AI solves them. Either way the end result is good.
It's just a result of material conditions.
You people claim to be sympathetic to the working man's plight but you actually hate us.
Again don't fuck with our right to pay for fresh tight 18 year old korean pussy.
Or there will be blood and you will hang along with the Christcucks and numale enablers.
Doesn't this graph also say that women do not message the hottest guys that much?
No he said he's not a nazi, there just isn't a flag for him to put on that portrays his special unique ideology no other fuck who treats their autism like its a super power has
Yep, sounds like a Nazi to me.
Sounds like they need to unionize. Those kind of labor issues aren't unique to porn. Again most profitable porn is made through cam streaming where the woman keeps most of their money and determines all the things she'll perform
I literally do not hate men. In fact, most of my friends are men.
I just hate you, and people like you. And everyone does.
For a reason.
No the other gay is not me I am a Nazi.
Non white people are objectively inferior and belong in the salt mines as slave labor.
They don't send a lot of messages in general.
What kind of moron actually pays for porn in this day and age though?
It's as bad as paying for films.
I hate you because you wish to eliminate the white race and prevent us from having the right to pay to fuck Koreans.
You're gay?
No, with camgirls you can get them to watch you for the right price and direct the shows. It's honestly worth it every once in a while.
Poor little guy
No but being gay is okay as long the races aren't mixing.
screenshot-worthy post.
Let me guess, it harms my immortal soul and condemns me to hell?
Nobody gives a shit about what you think besides other autistic people who pretend to be academics and edgy high school students hon
Depends if it's North Korean or South Korean tbh.
bless you, Christchan
This is the best thread ever
Every girl has rules that spell out what they will and won't do, you can only ask for something within that
What if they're born exactly on the border?
Your subhuman Vietnamese your people are house maids and cat peddlers.
Lower on the race scale than Nigerians.
There is literally nothing wrong with prostitution.
Like clockwork.
Talking to women about male issues is a waste of time. Maybe 5% have masculine systematizing brains and can grok objectivity and justice. The rest just instinctually sense males owe "the feminine" an inexhaustible debt and they are simply entitled to whatever male labor and resources are required. No argument. Case closed.
This is bug stuff. They are the queen bee. Males will always have to go elsewhere-to technology.
If you're actually fucking them it's harmful because they are more prone to disease. If you were wearing a glove or really any protection you weren't really fucking them. Also, pre-marital sex is a sin desu.
I guess that might be nice, but I'd find it hard to get a boner to a girl who was basically just ripping me off.
I'm studying, majoring, to be an emergency psychiatrist, hi it's nice to meet you, I'll be the one who rehabilitates you after you fail shooting yourself in the head when we're both older.
It's nice we get to meet like this so the rehabilitation is a lot more helpful and constructive
Haha. You must not have been involved in many private shows. The uglier the girl is, the more she'll compromise and do what ever you want her to. Even the hotter ones will consider doing hardcore things for over $100 as they're used to small tips.
had a girl drink her ejaculate once
Damn this, friend zone is real.
Ok so let me get this straight
You refuse to befriend the opposite sex because you're afraid of them specifically that you'll become more feminine
you're already more feminine than they are by crying this hard over women
daily reminder that literally everything produced under capitalism is bad
They wear condoms and let me blow my load in their mouths after enough repeat visits.
If they're catching diseases it's not from me (obv I don't sleep around at all because I'm saving myself for a pure Aryan woman after the day of the rope and have to same my money to see them)
This thread is an opal
Good thing my lolis are free as in speech.
I guess not. It's not really a power trip for me. I love big boobs and just want to see them along with them watching me jack off while stroking my ego, like saying my penis is big
Keep going this is fucking hilarious
You could program a computer to tell you your dick is big. It would have about as much sincerity.
Why were you so quick to validate yourself to me?
Seems like I struck a nerve. I hope you never make it to residency as you're basically a fucked up person.
Besides Vietnamese are nurses. They empty chamber pots and give advil. Not be doctors.
What's wrong with watching cams. Other than its wage labor what is wrong with it.
To each their own. I prefer femdom tbh, and ridicule really gets me off. Had a group of girls laugh at me while jerkin on cam once. Was my best fap in recent memory.
Haha a computer doesn't have boobs.
They don't have female condoms in Vietnam?
A "pure" Aryan woman won't want you when she's found out. She'll be unable to save your immortal soul from damnation.
Glorious Rome should have nipped you cucktians in bud when they had the chance the white race could have dominated the planet by now.
Deconstruct this joke for me
Do you fuck prostitutes who wear a dental dam, or why are you bringing up dental dams
You are an enigma to me, and the more I know the more I laugh
You must be made of money. The only time I spend 100 is at the massage parlor for a hand job. I could get a blow job for that price but safe sex and all
i thought nazis wanted to Protect christianity or whatever
But are you willing to convert to Shia Islam? Chances are that's going to be a requirement your pure Aryan woman has of you.
this other guy is just shitposting for laughs
Haha you must be a virgin if you think you can simulate a real woman
I don't stick my dick in their mouths I just ejaculate into it.
You're never gonna become a psychiatrist your Autism Level is Somalian tier.
Rome didn't care what race you were as long as you spoke latin.
We all are, fellow human. We all are.
Internet white nationalists are very confused people who migrated from deviantart and pretend to fuck very specifically korean hookers, do not expect coherence
you cannot stop moral uprightness, regardless of what aspects you decide to skewer
They loathed everything about it, but realized they were stuck with it, so they tried to reform it. Look up Positive Christianity.
Christianity is a cuck semite religion meant to subert Aryans.
Majority of white nationalists are pagan LARPers or atheists, but Christians are fundamentally cucks.
I wasn't being wholly serious, but it's only a matter of time before computers can be better actors than humans.
Fuck keep going
only watch this if you're in the US as I'm not sure about laws for yuropeens and other countries
Guess that means we need to stop listening to rock music, rap, metal and stop watching all those violent movies, stop playing violent video games, and basically just lock ourselves away into an asylum.
I only watch amateur porn so ethically I'm in the clear
Beautiful noble aryan people like you who can only fuck prostitutes and complain on Holla Forums about family court
How do I reconcile these things with my leftist ideals if even the Anfem poster is appealing to human nature in this area.
How do I reconcile PUA and redpill shit actually making me more successful
Maybe but they're a long way off from simulating a pair of soft voluptuous tits
There is literally nothing wrong with paying to fuck Korean women, either in theory or practice.
Ehh, fuck that.
"If a law is unjust, a man is not only right to disobey it, he is obligated to do so."
There is literally nothing wrong with being such a loser you pretend to pay to fuck Korean women, either in theory or practice on leftypol
Probably believing it would work made you more confident and confidence made you more successful.
Which is to say… the success in romance was inside you all along!
Simulating them's actually fairly easy. Letting you feel them is harder.
Premarital sex is a sin. Stop sinning sinner.
It won't, women are going to laugh at you even harder
In all seriousness, the age of consent should be at least 30.
Go overseas and get a poor hot woman. Porn may be exploitive of women but dating is exploitive of men.
Women are primarily looking for a man that can give them upward mobility. Which is why we have so many sexualy frustrated NEETs. Go to Vietnam and you'll be swimming in women since just being an American will represent upward mobility for them.
Why are you so astounded at the idea that I pay for sex? Is it because I didn't "earn" it and it eliminates your monopoly you have on it that you give out based on "merit"?
Do you really think red pilled white nationalists would fall for the vaginal jew?
Women don't want to have or raise children and have basically become fuck meat we will sell buy and trade and there is literally nothing wrong with that.
Given the material conditions of course. :^)
astounded is the wrong word
I thought a high autism level was good though?
Other than that it's wage labor there really isn't anything wrong. Especially if the escorts works independently.
hi donald
Too late.
It actually made me lose my virginity at the age of 23.
My attraction isn't to the pee itself - that's actually kind of gross. It's to the desperation, helplessness, and humiliation that the girl feels as her bladder gives out and she wets herself like a toddler.
It is a more refined kind of fetish than the common piss fetish.
I'm just glad chumps and the state deal with roasties so I don't have to, tbh
If I didn't want to fuck them, I wouldn't have anything to do with them.
Being straight is your first problem
Your second problem is fucking young and assuming this lasts
The third problem is you're going for women who still want to be girls
Similarly, you are a man who still wants to be a boy.
There is no fixing this. You will go into 30 trying to chase a somewhat abusive relationship and nobody will want it.
You can enjoy young while its young but the idea sex means anything in a static sense is what I love about idiots like you
You just keep making me choke laughing, but I suppose that's the closest thing you'll get to a girl choking since you're lying about having sex
What did he mean by this
It used to be an actual crime for males to be single in many societies. It still is but it's less explicit.
itt viet anarcha fem not only leads a very sheltered life but is still not accustomed to chan culture
what else is new
I think this is one of the dumbest things I've ever read… and I haven't bothered to block anfem
Stop telling people how to get their rocks off. If it's consensual then it's fine.
It's dumbass nazi degenerate bullshit like this that drive people from the left.
Agree. And want to ask: how can people get off to professional porn anyway? The fakeness of it is so fucking off-putting. Home made is love, home made is life.
That's why I mostly fap to 2D.
Some JAV stuff actually has moderately good acting, but the western stuff is almost universally awful.
Any filmed sex act, unless filmed in secret by a peeping tom, is fake.
Also, do people seriously fap to porn of a girl getting fucked by a guy? How do you get off to porn with dicks in it? Are you gay?
*notices tax* what is dis?? OwO
I'm just glad that our infallible heroes like Proudhon, Voltaire, Stirner and Marx were racists. Only true intellectuals are racist. Also porn is good for you and totally not capitalist and male exploitation of women.
No one said it wasn't capitalist.
Dating is exploitive of men because if men can't give women any upward mobility they get rejected, but I don't see you crying over that
Amateur porn isn't capitalist
Well, I'm not lying. She was my former language exchange partner from North America who went to a language school close to my town and manipulative shit like making fun of her forehead worked.
But there is no proving to you unless I post the nudes that you won't find anywhere else on the Internet, I guess.
Porn is good for you.
I was gonna post this, thank you comrades.
porn/prostitution is bourgeoisie
Computers are bourgeoise. Show me a computer made without exploitation.
You can't see exploitation because it doesn't exist.
That video.
Arab logic: Nothing but sand for miles and miles. Comfy. Wait a minute. What is this? Structures and peoples marring our perfect sandscape? Quick Ahmed! Grab the pipebombs and AKs!
How's that new iPhone? Were you finally able to accomplish that shit you weren't able to with the last model?
Oh look, exploitation! It's all so clear now! Guess I'll just donate to charity.
fkin pleb
Literal lifestylism and 'ethical consumption'.
Are cat grill porn included?
Too obtuse. Decode this for me.
lol no
Post 'em and I'll decide.
Sorry fam. Will some work by the God Emperor of Lolicon make it up to you?
porn is garbage and promotes awful porky ideals like awful body images due to plastic surgery etc
could be better under socialism though, stuff like amateur isn't inherently as bad
Real men watch porn.
I really can see no way that study isn't bullshit anyway, most likely conducted with totally slapdash methodology. How could porn use go from 76% to 38% 'pro womens rights' (whatever that means) in 6 weeks
The explotation continues as you shitpost, it's not an event
A ton of our shit is made by slave labor. How is making sure people don't forget that is bullshit. Just because something makes you uncomfortable doesn't make it bullshit
His new shit sucks.
Findom is my fetish, just the idea some poor 18 year old needs to suck a few dicks to fight of hunger gets me hard.
I'm getting hard RIGHT now