

ne~ leftypol-kun, so what are you up to today?

It's pretty late here, I've already done everything I wanted today, so now I'm just shitposting.

What about you, OP-chan?

Destroying capitalism, like always.

Feeling sleepy, would you like to join me in my bed?

It just needs "SLEEP WELL" on the bottom

Can we post wholesome leftist memes like this?

Good night, sleep tight :3

Going to get right on it.

Yes, this board need more comfy.

I finished classes and fucked a girl. Now sitting at home wondering if I'll read comics or play vidya.

What kind of fucking disgusting anime thread is this? Go back to /a/ weeb

The same thing i'm up to everyday, OP-chan. TRYING TO SUBVERT THE WEST!



But /a/ has horrible taste and is 90% shitposting.

Feeling retarded like usu. and writing out a list of pros and cons for joining the military desu.

I just spent another day destroying the west by convincing white girls to have sex with black men by putting subliminal cuckold propaganda on a children's show and Soros gave me a one million shekel paycheck for it.

Just go air force or navy.

Why is OP not replying? :c

I'm thinking the latter. My uncle is in the reserves there and he gets some sweet benefits from them.

Building a website because I am just about autistic enough to get annoyed with having to manually keep track of my teams Scrum board, spring and product backlog and getting shit from the teacher for not doing the right bookkeeping for the godforsaken thing.


This isn't the board to advertise your pedophilic tendencies



I've never watched anime but I don't mind weebs, they tend to be kind and nice

Just enjoying my recent unemployment by studying Japanese, reading Marx, and playing vidya.

Holy snap, we /comfy/ now? This board gets better every week.

Anyways, things haven't been going so well for this comrade; between my laptop being destroyed, getting sick (twice), and almost getting stabbed on my way to school, I'm starting to wonder if I've just got naturally horrible luck.

Hopefully some chocolate and ice cream will let me drown my sorrows.

i've been sick at home the past couple of days just posting here

Kinda just relaxin now~

Why did this thread get anchor'd? :c


I am considering making this into a stencil and start fighting lack of sleep from the underground

It's going to get better, friend!

Thanks famrade! I'll try my best to make sure it does!