And he knows that stuff.
Right now, it's a simple site alphabetically listing the names of giants like Bayer, with links to articles about each company doing something shitty and short comments by Shkreli.
Martin Shkreli made a site about big-pharma assholery
Other urls found in this thread:
He has a Jail wish.
So is he some kind of anti-capitalist performance artist or something? What is his endgame?
This is probably closer to the truth than various other accusations of sociopathy or being everything bad about the world incarnate. He's pretty much just a heel who has justification for everything he does but had a terrible PR team at the start (who he since sacked) which led to him looking like the devil. He's since embraced it and finds it pretty amusing.
I think he's mostly just an asshole.
His initial wealth basically came from lying about being a successful investor to get people to give him money to invest.
He's the true accelerationist.
who are Novartis?
So in other words teaching people gullible enough to get conned to be skeptical with first hand experience. Well worth the price I'd say.
Limited hangout. Things old school conspiritards have known for decades are going to slowly come out until they've manufactured consent from the "yeah i want revolution but my son has soccer practice and a nee walking dead is on later" faggots, the the USA MAFIA will pat itself on the back, propaganda/social engineering experts like alex jones / mainstream media/hollywood/google/facebook/universities will get a raise, and the true truth/freedom seekers will continue to live a tortured existence. This is getting fucking ridiculous at this point and I don't have much left in the tank but I am still somehow getting stronger every day. Never stop fighting back no matter what.
A true tribute to Whataboutism
Also if this is worst you can say about Bayer, former IG Farben, you're not trying.
Stop letting these people get away with shit. Either fight back and quit the broken system or quit wasting my fucking time and go build that 401k
Not really. This board needs a pinned thread with the actual explanation of accelerationism. Accelerationism is not ´´dude lol let's exploit workers and make it worse for everyone so they get mad and overthrow us´´, it's more like ´´dude lol let's bring about the material conditions that make a post-capitalist world feasible as fast as possible through embracing technosocial progress´´. Shrekeli is just a cunt.
obviously the one company who paid him off
stop using terms you don't understand
Fucking hell some of you people are retarded.
Pretty much every proponent of accel that's i've seen believes it's the former. Mostly stalinists that want to remove healthcare and food from working class.
No that's the meme definition invented by some loser futurist who fucked his head up with amphetamines.
So it's both then
How's your transitional program working out now?
The meme version is a retard filter. We need more retard filters on this board, desperately.
nothing you wrote indicated you understand what acceleration means
Fucking hell, it's the first time i derail a thread with an half baked shitpost.
Strange feeling.
Lmao what the fuck is this co-option?
So yeah it's a meme.
Is this not exactly what we are watching unfold?
What we are seeing right now is the collapse of American hegemony. The revolution is at least a decade away.
I talked to him about communism once.
Maybe I rubbed off on him.
only one good thing has ever come out of albania don't be fooled
HEY Holla Forums
Are you saying Skrelli is doing a limited hangout, or that he's being used as limited hangout?
Martin Shkreli
245 East 40th Street Apt. 18H
New York, New York, 10016
+1 646-217-2783
[email protected]/* */
I don't think he's ever attempted to be secretive about his personal details.
Stop posting wrong information.
apparantly not
Kek, Shkreli likes to dox people that call in and bitch at him so this is pretty poetic.
This. Let's order him loads of pizzas when he's streaming some time.
but what sane person would give their phone number and address to anybody who wants it on the internet?
an absolute madman
An attention whore?
He gives his number out freely in his livestreams and given our history of people who know theory and people who are willing to debate being two entirely separate entities I would advise against trying to blow him the fuck out.
Maybe someone should give him a call and help him feel more secure.
Reminder that he can be signed up for free catalogues and junk mail, enough to annoy the piss out of him.
Absolutely no sense of humor. Sad!
revisionist accelerationism. even then it has problems.
original meaning of accelerationism has always been making conditions worse for the working class, and as loads of people among them Bookchin would admit, this necessarily doesn't result in workers developing class consciousness spontaneously nor a revolution.
fuck accelerationism. the only thing that works is class struggle every day all day.
i'm talking about this
that's not what the word accelerationist used to mean.
A slow downfall of society and the ability to be naturally independent is befit for man enslaved who wants a slow and painless death.