I'm done with Leftist IdPol. I've had it. Look...

I'm done with Leftist IdPol. I've had it. Look, I know that among us there are SJWs and to them I want to kindly tell them to fuck off.

I don't give a shit about racism and sexism because they are at best secondary and maybe even tertiary issues compared to class struggle. I fucking hate the modern Left in pretty much every single one of its iterations. If I hear racist or sexist one more fucking time I'm going to blow a fucking gasket.

I can't believe there are imbeciles on here that defend this tripe even in the slightest degree. It's not going to work. Trump proves it. No, the rise of right-wing populism will not reinvigorate the Left if the predominant message it presents is one that most people honestly don't really give a fuck about.

Give me an honest opinion, Holla Forums, how many SJWs do you think we have here? How much do you agree with typical leftist identity-centered political views? I need to know if I should even bother coming here anymore or look for a proper leftist forum that actually bans SJWs and their sympathizers alike.

Other urls found in this thread:


The problem with sjws is that they see everything as a struggle of racial, sexual, tribal etc Identities. (Idpol)

Not that they care about women and black people

Reddit has infected this board. Give it a few weeks for the redditors to leave and things will probably go back to normal.

You better not be saying right-wing idpol is a "lack of idpol" as many do.

Idpol exists to make everyone reactionary fam. Stay put and make fun of it like the best shitposters do.

Most SJWs get bullied off the board within an hour of posting. We had one that was fresh over from reddit r/soc and got banned for saying dumb or something. Probably best to lurk for an hour or so right? Wrong. Immediately starts a thread and asks us to change the rules so because r/soc has it right but has just gone too far. r/soc is at the logical conclusion of its petty censorship and powertripping and they can just fuck off the internet if they don't want to fit in either place or tumblr. We all told her to go fuck herself.

Are you from here or a reddifugee?

I agree about racism and sexism being not a central problem but saying that you don't care at all about it is going too far.

SJWs aren't an issue here. They get told to fuck off. There is nothing wrong with fighting racism and sexism, but you're right the class struggle itself should take priority as these issues are tied to it and can't really be solved without it.

IMO all systems of oppression need to be dealt with, which in theory puts them on an equal footing. In practice, capitalism is the one that claims the most victims and needs to go the fastest, simple as that. It does not mean we need to belittle or trivialize the other struggles, though.

The most bothersome thing about the stereotypical idpol/sjw crowd is its cult mechanics which makes a lot of those movements look like attempts at distracting and splintering the left further. If that's what the alphabet soup agencies are trying to do, they're pretty damn successful currently.


I think we have by far more reactionaries here than SJWs. In my time here I don't think I saw one sincere SJW that was not just a Holla Forums troll.

I'll give an example: BLM. It's often criticized here and looked down upon by members of the community. The claim is that it is identity politics and utilized by the neoliberal agenda to distract from the class struggle, enforcing Black and White identities instead. This is an ignorant view to hold. The only way you can come to this conclusion is if you're radically un- or misinformed.

To solidarise yourself with BLM does not mean you're a SJW. Racism and sexism are essential to the class struggle, especially in the US. The US is a country that is deeply entrenched in ideology and the capitalist rule of a small ruling class is controlled through it. A support of BLM inevitably means that the control of the White establishment is threatened and through this the hegemony of capitalism as well. To highlight the unfairness with which Black people have been treated and are treated in the US is to question the very fundamental values from which it draws its legitimacy as the greatest country on Earth. Many BLM activists are outspoken lefties (actual lefties, not liberals) and criticism of capitalism is essential to them. To denounce them is you just falling for establishment propaganda.

fuck off
funny how sexism never works the other way around
it kinda like rape is only a female thing

Tbh the redditors would run screaming if this place allowed brutal gore

So close, and yet so far…

"They cared more about his class than they cared about his identity. He was born wealthy and he was born into one of the well to do german families, and so he had a good upbringing, right? So they cared more that he was rich than he was gay. If you were poor or middle class and gay you were going to the gas chambers, but if you were rich you were going to orgies and having the time of your life while you were sending others to the chambers."
Cenk Uygur


You mean hula hooper ravers aren't relevent in the political scene???

>>>Holla Forums

You have to work with and in all democratic movements as long as they allow communist agitation. The point is to raise class conciousness, not pouting and expecting everything to already have it.

How is it race reductionist? Of course it will drive White moderates to the right, their economic position and way of life is threatened by the discriminated fighting back. If the White majority was sympathetic towards the struggle of the oppressed the US wouldn't be the extremely right-wing capitalist society it is.

I recommend ´´From #BlackLivesMatter to Black Liberation´´ by Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor. In her book she outlines how Americans and in particular Black people have been failed by Obama and liberals and how the BLM can serve as a useful catalyst to fight capitalism.

I hope you didn't make that because it's pretty gay

1. Organize independently of this shitposting board either way.
2. Do not take anyone serious, this platform is not for genuine discussion and developing your ideas, it's a shoutbox to shit over others and share own ideas.

That's because Richard Spencer is pretty gay

I agree that topics that they bring up actually are factors that plague society keeping up the division of the proletariat, but I also disagree with their constant need to silence a voice because they are supposedly less oppressed then others and should not even speak. Another thing I can't stand how certain groups are more deserving than others because of said oppression which only reinstates racism with another race becoming the "superior". I'm a firm believer that to destroy racism is to destroy race and to destroy sexism is to wipe clean of what is expected of the two genders.

That capitalism in the US is controlled (among others) through racism in the form of a largely White ruling class is a political reality. This is not ´´attacking whiteness´´, this is attacking racism.

I do. In otherwise-similar conditions, you are not going to be treated by society quite the same depending on your skin color, gender, and so on, and this has to stop. This however usually pales in comparison with one's class; you need insane amounts of discrimination that have become seldom in developed countries to even have a particular group of people be systematically worse off regardless of class.

Class is the only system of oppression. Oppression is material. I see you redditards trying to push this shit endless, "we're socialists we deal with all oppression" to sneak in your idpol garbage. Class is the only oppression, end of story. Everything else is personal taste and biases.

Listen to yourself. That is what a liberal would say.

White people are the rulers and are evil is what it translates to thanks to the retards you keep on your side. I could point out that it's mostly minority that buy this tripe and it slots in nicely to their own feelings of being hard done by combined with them being generally less intelligent. Enjoy your Nazi masturbation fantasy mate.

Citation needed

Good to know the plan is working

As we can see with Stalin's treatment of the Jewish people.

It might translate like that to you. Personally I believe that everyone willing to listen will also not misunderstand. And whoever is not willing to listen is counter-revolutionary anyways. I agree BLM has supporters and individuals among it that are lost to idpol bullshit, but BLM is after all not a uniform movement. Judging the anti-capitalist potential of the movement as a whole because of these supporters is ignorant however.

I cited a very interesting and informative book that deals with the topic of capitalism and racism in one of my earlier posts already. If you're truly interested in learning something you might want to pick it up.