Trump names his Inauguration Day a ‘National Day of Patriotic Devotion’
Textbook fascism
it's happening
Holy Kek this is Mussolini tier
1) Trump is not a fascist, 2) "fascism" or "fascist" is not a buzzword to sling around at ugly things (capitalism) suddenly getting an ugly face ([insert populist demagogue responding to the failures of left-liberal capitalism]) and 3) calling Trump, a right populist, a fascist, is fairly disrespectful to the actual victims of the horrors of fascism.
Small protip: the fact that he has a few Nazi LARPers gushing at him still doesn't make him one, and you'll be hard pressed to find a historical example of a right populist that _doesn't_ have a LARPing fanbase.
Trump must advance the Juche Idea
…yes? His inauguration address demanded total allegiance. It was basically STRENGTH THROUGH UNITY, UNITY THROUGH MURICA
we Juche with American characteristics now
Sounds Maoist af
i was under the impression that every president signs some meaningless proclamation like this celebrating their inauguration
we gotta cool it on the hair-trigger f-bombing guys and use it when it really matters
Isn't the 4th of July already a national day of patriotic devotion?
ffs americans are ratrded af
Otherwise it will be a dead word like communist. Thing is, the right loves to use it almost as much TBH.
What other president has done this?
wtf i love comrade Trump now
they all do. just search presidential proclamations. it's a list of ultimately meaningless shit like "Proclamation to Remember Sergeant Corncob in Bumfuck, Idaho and to Fly Flag at Half Mast"
people overreacting to what is nothing more than usual conservacuck jingoism like this is really going to bite people in the ass when the real shit starts going down
the Trump train keeps accelerating!!! it can't stop!!!!
While this is true, none of them have been "National Day of Patriotic Devotion" tier.
And declaring your inauguration a "National Day of Whatever" ends there.
National day of butt chugging
Bankers are capitalists.
i agree it's the worst on that list but the obama one is a little creepy too
Don't get me wrong,we obviously have a higher level of discourse than "fucking fag" but it's not like most anybody here is doing anything,or even wants to do anything, to actually build a revolution
Hoo boy.
I think most of us want to, but both image boards, as well as regular forums, are a shite way of properly organizing. At the very least, we'd need a method to avoid sectarian infighting, eliminate idpol (p much checked off for Holla Forums) and cease the shitposting.
whenever people use the word they're just trying to evoke nazi germany as a scare tactic. nationalism is stupid, but it doesn't automatically make you a genocidal nazi.
Biggest way to tell if you're looking at real Nazism vs reactionary nationalism; Nazis had no concept of "good ones". Trump's said shit about Mexicans but then also made a big deal about legal Mexican immigrants that supported him. He obviously didn't win much of the Latino vote, but he still tried to make the appearance he was reaching out. In Nazism, there wasn't really a way for Jews to fit into German society other than by proving they technically aren't Jews according to the autistic racial laws.
The European anti-Muslim sentiments are a bit closer where the rhetoric there is that Islamic culture is fundamentally incompatible with European values, they don't even pretend that they're trying to appeal to Muslim voters, and the more conspiracy-minded far right voters believe in a Muslim/Arab effort to "Islamicize" Europe, but even then I'd say not all of the big far right European parties are Nazis.
Nazis were all dindu good boys at the start, it's called "a process"
Have you tried rioting and punching people some more?
I heard that helps.
Yet another distraction for liberals to outrage over
Now all the rioting which took place will be described in the newly rewritten history books as "massive celebration" by "throngs of patriots".
The limo which was set on fire was simply accidentally caused by fireworks,
The broken windows of McDonalds And Starbucks were simply patriots who couldnt wait to show their support for capitalism by purchasing goods.
Just a side effect of Donald Trump's 4d chess at work…
hitler spelled out his plans pretty clearly in mein kampf.
Nazis had the concept of the "Honorary Aryan" though and they had plenty of half-jewish and other "good" "untermenschen" working for them. According to your definition, not even Nazis were Nazis.
truth of the matter is, is that there is no agreed upon definition of fascism and Trump checks many points of many definitions
My goodness I can literally smell the zyklon b in my shower
Holy shit fam, dont get me started on definitions of fascism. I spent the whole morning on this board a week ago arguing with someone over the definition of the word fascism.
I dont even use that word any more on here. I avoid it like the plague.
It is pointless, leftypol isnt much better than the brainless Holla Forums drones.
They call Trump stupid and easy to read while in reality he is worse than Hillary and Obama.
He is using this outer autistic later to keep everyone and the media occupied
He fulfilling "promises" that dont lose him or Russia money like the tpp(Not because Putin has a tape but because he has profit from Russia)
And quitely on the back he is selling out and fucking up the government for money
They are morons, and there is little hope with morons who are just part of the brainless masses that know very little and just believe whatever crap they are told
"Fascist" is a liberal buzzword, promoted by the state and capitalist class, so as to shield criticism away from the actual perpetrator: capitalism. Antifa is the greatest example of this, as they scream for all the meaningless liberal platitudes, even using words like "comrade" to address one another, while never attacking class oppression, simply deflecting away from the problem.
Fascists have been dead for 70 years, there are about 5,000 edgy teenagers who larp as fascists on the internet and a few puppet dictators of US imperialism over the years who can sort of be called "fascist" but are just your average run of the mill puppet heads of state. There's a reason porky has you chasing the ghosts of fascism while selling you all the tools by which to do it.
lol, really Holla Forums isnt even trying to hide anymore
It's funny how all the Hillary sychophants who suddenly appeared over the past week have accused me of being Holla Forums more times than I've been called in the past year combined. This should be good, spell it out for me - what's the Holla Forums agenda I'm pushing here? I'm covering for the monstrous threat fascism lurking behind every corner right?
It's literally the same "Greatest country on the Earth" and "the Constitution is the most holy work alongside the Bible" nationalistic rhetoric said by every conservative. It doesn't single anyone out, talk about any politics, or mention anything concrete at all. It's literally written for patriotic people to feel good about their president.
Fucking this. Fascism is a dead ideology universally despised by everyone. Conservative/reactionary nationalism and populism isn't fucking Fascism and it's been around much longer than fucking Trump. Republicans have always fetishized America, the military, the great people of these united state, etc.
Yeah i forget this place is full of Holla Forums "converts" who lack intellect or ability to see what is really going on and celebrate anything at face value.
It's not so much what he writes so much as the way he writes it.
Yes, most of it is standard conservative stock, his own unique spin on it is what's interesting.
Holla Forums truly is pathetic…
Correct, but not only Republicans so did FDR, Truman, hell even modern liberals in the media now that Clinton lost in their drumming up of pro military, pro CIA, pro state propaganda. Not only common for America, but common for just about every nation in the world, it's a fundamental aspect of the relationship between political parties, the state apparatus they wish to control, and the populace they wish to control. Both radical fascist and anti-fascist governments often cloak themselves in this kind of nationalism.
I heard the use of kek back in '09 and I've only started using boards back in '14.
In WOW you have 2 opposing factions called alliance and horde.alliance is humans elves and all that shit horde is orcs and that lot.when the horde type in a global chat it looks like a weird language to all alliance players.LOL=KEK in horde
That's revisionist history that comes from the retards at knowyourmeme and has been repeated by newfags. kek's usage as a stand in for lel and lol comes from the lal, lel, lyl, jej, lo, kek, threads from /sp/ and Holla Forums, which started off as "lal" and morphed. It was never used before that in that context.
*never used before that on chans I should say, I don't know how it was used in WOW, but chan's weren't adopting WOW language at the time
Kek was more popular on reddit than imageboards back then, make of that what you will.
"Kek" is what World of Warcraft used to translate the word "lol" into when it was used by the opposite faction, you imbecile.
No you didn't
hello laci green
I don't think "Honorary Aryans", Mischlings, or the alliances of convenience with "untermenschen" really worked the same as the idea of a "good one" though because they weren't models for getting groups to integrate into German society (i.e. Japanese being honorary aryans didn't mean Germany was now accepting visa applications from Japan, Mischlings were only considered okay if they could prove under autistic race laws that they weren't technically Jewish but were in fact Aryan all along, the collaborators weren't given honorary Aryan status or otherwise changed the Nazi racial policies towards their ethnic group), they were either ways to maintain alliances of convenience or prevent the army from mass purging itself every time it's discovered someone has a Jewish great grandpa. I'd say it would be the same if the Nazis had some policy where someone who's designated as an inferior race can still be totally allowed within German society on a level par with any other 100% Aryan without needing to prove they're not actually a member of their inferior race, like if the Nazi policy was "Jews are bad unless they join the Nazi party in which case they're good Jews we'll allow to live in Germany and marry Aryans".
LeftComs are always right.
Hips be upon her