ITT Leftist writers with an easy to access, clear and concise writing style

ITT Leftist writers with an easy to access, clear and concise writing style.

Ramblers and euphemisers need not apply.

Being vague is tantamount to being a liar.

Other urls found in this thread:'s_list Anarchism or Lifestyle Anarchism.pdf

ITT reactionary scum


Georges Politzer. While edging on being a tankie, PDF related is a great introduction to philosophy from a Marxist POV. Ignore the overt USSR romanticization and you're good to go (Politzer wrote this pre-WW2, when Europe was massively in favor of the USSR and little of its inner daily workings were known).

It's so easy to read and agitate people with that it's been specifically banned in several countries, most importantly in Turkey in the '80s when communist revolts against the nationalist coup started popping up.

This. I also disagree with how he misrepresents Kant and Hume, but that isn't really relevant.


Wow you are really, really fucking stupid. Has anyone told you that?

Also, Politzer didn't write this. It was compiled by his followers after he was killed by the Nazi's.

He was an anti semite and a grass and a cop


Bookchin fam

really though? I tried the ecology of freedom, I didn't his style so clear.

While not innately left related, if anyone wants starting point to more properly understanding Zizek and reading him, I'd say give this a read. Psychoanalysis, more specifically Lacanian psychoanalysis, is the motor behind a large part of Zizek's thought processes and his theory of ideology, and Bruce Fink's Clinical Introduction to Lacan is very good and comprehensive for this.

The only books I need tbh

ex-cop. He quit, and exposed the shittiness of the system from within.

He literally ratted out comrades to the British secret services later in life.'s_list

the comprehensiblest

>published in 1998 but totes written in 1949, nothing really fucking suspicious there
>he who contros the past controls the future, he who controls the present controlls the past refs thoughtcrime ++ungood
if it's not total bullshit like the 'revelation' last year that Malcolm X was homogay, it's sketchy and certainly a black mark on an otherwise good life, but you make it sound like he turned them over to the secret police or something.

He literally did


This shit right here is super short, comprehensive, educational and very much core reading for any Marxist communist in the 21st century.

Blackballing =! imprisonment where I'm from, friendo. Especially when the only """proofs""" he did it are in the hands of a distrustworthy government.
No, and that's retarded.

Very basic, but easy



Yes, that is much more believable given what I know of those two entities.

read engels.

yea, you know Orwell so well, he just can't be a snitch
after all, you like his books so much
and as they say, book is a door to the author's soul

The state broadcaster in the UK is going to put up a statue of Orwell outside its head office and school kids are forced to read his work, his name is synonymous with anti socialism, the state loves him.

One of the two is known for lying and has been repeatedly caught out at lies, and has admitted to using black propaganda during WWII to discredit their enemies (I saw some interview of an old lady whose contribution to the war effort was drawing cocks on Hitler photos and write pornfics about their leadership, wish I could get paid to do that). It isn't Orwell.
Nice pithy phrase that means more-or-less nothing used as an appeal to paranoia. Fred Wertham would be proud.

Orwell literally worked as a state propagandist in ww2 mate


why would they make black propaganda about the guy if as you yourself say, they promote him as an honest truth teller lmao


They're promoting a particular reading of his work as a way to avoid another one becoming popular tbh

Because one of those was Plan A and it wasn't working so they switched to Plan B? Because revising history is a gradual process and they have to make the fish get bigger by small increments? I dunno.

what another? surveillance state is a central topic of his book whatever you bend it

holy shit
someone takes Orwell's 1984 too seriously

They want people to read it as an attack on socialism, as opposed to an attack on totalitarianism, wartime propaganda, and surveillance.

in contemporary discourse socialism = totalitarianism = surveillance = Stasi

They sure do, they left out my
to make me sound like pic related. :^)

Right, and 1984 has been made part of that narrative.

Try his essays, they are better in general.

There is nothing wrong with ratting out stalinists and sectarianism in general

so who will be left after the purge?
socdems and liberals?



Start with "The Left That Was"… it's the last chapter of this: Anarchism or Lifestyle Anarchism.pdf

it's not a great introduction to philosophy at all. it maybe easy to read but it's filled with propaganda, positivist materialistic history and the cancer "scientific socialism". go read Homeros if you wanna start reading philosophy.



This is an even better (for us) version of capitalists selling us the rope we hang them with.

No, it's just an example of capitalist recuperation. A text like Animal Farm is explained and read as an example of why revolutions fail and socialism cannot exist. 1984 is supposed to make us believe bourgeois democracy is true freedom by painting an immensely exaggerated strawman of oppression which even Stalin would've found over the top.

It was satire. It wasn't supposed to BE the soviet union.

What have you ever done in your life to over come bourgeois democracy? Have you for instance risked your life fighting for a communist faction? Like he did? Have you devoted your entire lifes work to democratic socialism as you understand it?

Because George did.