Who /militantsocialdemocrat/ here?
Smash communism and smash fascism! Fight for socialism and democracy
Who /militantsocialdemocrat/ here?
Smash communism and smash fascism! Fight for socialism and democracy
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Then get out of this board you pseudo-radical cuck.
This is more autistic than Nazbol.
what did rosa luxemburg ever do to you user :(
Fuck off
Verraten durch die SPD. Wählt Kommunisten!
Further proof that socdems are just pro-capitalist neoliberals who want to integrate workers in their capitalism to pacify them for their corporate masters
Get smoked fgt
Wtf i hate socdems now.
So, capitalism then?
verily causes one to philosophize
We need a three arrow soc dem flag then.
Except that Antifa is filled with actual anarchists and communists.
BO pls.
In name and label, maybe. Where do they organize, really? What more do they undertake than bashing le fash and le trash? All Antifa does is strike the ugly face of capital when it rears its reactionary variant, and then at best it only hits the few LARPers interpellated by reactionary impulses. Antifa is the embodiment of pseudo-activism, and so anti-fascism. There is no justification for beating up Nazi LARPers if you do organize actual emancipatory movements, and protip: there is nothing emancipatory about hitting LARPers. Offer the working class an alternative to capitalism and the banality of being against fascism is a freebie.
But the 3 arrows are a very cool symbol
Even as a sucdem, what be your rationalization?
Antifa exists to prevent reactionaries from disrupting actual organzing. Look at how pol has stopped trying to get rid of DIY areas and is now fixated on trolling antifa.
What's a DIY area?
What actual organizing? Organizing that serves no other function than to reform? Where is teh actual anarchist and communist organizing it defends or pretends to support?
Oh wow, LARP on LARP action. Truly, the working class will find a way to overthrow capitalism off of fisticuffs between keffiyeh-wearing anarkiddies and fedora-wearing stormfags.
And yet they've accomplished far more than leftcoms ever have
Nothing but a larger LARP club, and the maintaining of capitalism with a pretty (liberal democratic, "tolerant") face.
The left of communism once organized over 10 million Italian working men and women into a political party, organized massive general strikes and inspired an intellectual tradition that is still alive today.
I actually help unionize in my surroundings, help pique fellow workers with theory and educate myself on how to actually tackle capital, constantly learning from past mistakes, while Antifa basically keeps its function up as guardian of social democratic capitalism in a time and age when social democratic capitalism is almost dead. It is the most reformist of reformist activisms. At least when I sit in my armchair I do nothing while educating myself; all you do is burn some calories while you LARP and alienate any working people from potential emancipatory movements, if not simply render any potential impossible by letting the time bomb tick on.
It's a good poster but the SPD quite literally did kill Rosa and the German Revolution with the help of proto-fascists.
Also Germany and the USSR probably could have been more democratic if you didn't murder those communists calling for more democracy causeing the USSR to become more isolated.
Wrong neighbourhood, motherfucker
Socdems are a cancer.
Ahahahaha, no.
Communism is the ultimate goal; Social Democracy is just a means to the end.
Go to bed Blair
btfo porky
Lol Holla Forums trollposting
"We did not resist, we did not throw hurdles into the waz of the victorious political opponent", wrote the author. "The old ones (in the SPD leadership) are concerned about their fame. Like old, ridiculous actors or singers they never notice when the curtain has fallen."
"We were, and stayed, in all the full blood parliamentarians, that is, we talked about things, but they did, they mastered them. While concentration camps were already being built and many of our followers were shot dead we got into fierce struggle for seats."
When the Not Socialists entered in 1932 on a ford with the Zentrum and thus won a majority in the Reichstag, Hoegner and his comrades considered it merely an "enjoyable game". It is true that the Social Democrats sensed that "a black and brown government was in the air," but they had no other idea than to "annoy our Zentrum colleagues with the song of the black-brown girl."
On March 23, 1933, the SPD alone voted against the Enforcement Act, which gave the Hitler government an almost unlimited power of power. And when the SPD chairman, Otto Wels, had explained the reasons why his party had to refuse to approve this law, Hitler once again hurried to the podium, kicked off the SPD, and concluded, "You, gentlemen, are no longer needed I do not want you to vote for the Enabling Act, but Germany should be free, but not through you. "
Hoegner: "That clapped and snapped like a whip on our heads, that fell like a fierce fire on us."
Nevertheless, at the Reichstag meeting of May 17, 1933, the SPD, together with the Not Socialists, voted in favor of the program proclaimed by Hitler to remove the restrictions imposed on Germany by the Treaty of Versailles ("equality of Germany"), which caused astonishment
The last Reichstag meeting, to which Social Democrats were admitted, was "even more agonizing for many of us than our presence at the meeting of March 23, 1933. At the time we had expected to lose our lives in the worst case, but this time Some of us felt that we were losing our honor. "
But when Hitler began his speech, the comrades experienced a surprise. The new chancellor avoided any attack on the SPD, even for the Nazi opponent Hoegner sounded the speech "extremely moderate": "A more gentle peace speech could not have been held by Stresemann." When Göring called for the vote, the members of the SPD parliamentary group rose and voted in favor of the Reichstag declaration.
Hoegner described this as follows: "Thereupon an agitator of the other deputies broke loose, and even our most implacable adversary, Adolf Hitler, seemed to be moved for a moment, and he rose and clapped us applause, but the President of the Reichstag, Goering, stood up Spoke magnificently: "The German people are always united when their destiny is. Then the German national deputies began to sing the German song. Most of our ranks were singing. Some ran tears down their cheeks. It was as if social democrats, who were always cursed as the lost sons of the fatherland, had for a moment immortalized the common mother of Germany. "
The only way democracy would work is if we first had a major reshuffling of society and especially the media and internet. Also school system.
The 3 striking down arrows.
Let's fact check:
Promoted Hindenburg, the war criminal of WW1. ❎
Hindenburg appointed Hitler. Hitler applauded Socdems for their further assistance as their last acts on parliamental stage. ❎
Banned the RFB - not however the SA. Extra plus point with the Nazis.
Murdered their leadership.
Massacred the revolution as well as demonstrations (Blutmai).
Smeared and slandered the KPD as close to Nazis while those actually exposed them both during the Berliner Verkehrsgesellschaften Streik '32 - while the KPD managed to ruin the Nazis success and took the lead as biggest party in the voting district of Berlin causing loss to SPD as well as Nazis.
Didn't allow its members to participate in the Unity Front. ✅
Oh wow, almost looks like Socdems were actually only stirrup holders for fascism all along!
Who'd have thought that!
same tbh
Communism is a form of extremism. It sets up a totalitarian system that rules through terror and mass killings in hopes of reaching a delusional utopia. News flash: there will NEVER be a 'classless stateless society'.
"Militant Social Democrat"
So you mean fascist? Because that's literally what it is.
You are not shocking anyone here with this, you know.
Better smash your skull, shitposter.
Yeah yeah, we've heard it a hundred times. But tell me: why isn't capitalism an extremism?
Eskalierter Sozialfaschist ausgemacht.
Bring dich um, Hitlers 5. Kolonne.
make up your mind roses
There is no way to peacefully and democratically achieve communism. It's called class warfare not class negotiation. Porky isn't gonna give up shit and liberal institutions are designed to prevent radicals or populists from implementing change.
This is pure liberalism. At least read some theory or realize the communism ≠ Stalin/Pol Pot/Things I don't like
Roses need to decide if they're on the side of the status quo or revolution.
SocDems in the first half of the 20th century could at least be taken seriously. Present day socdems are no better than liberals.
Why do you want to kill Rosa again? Fuck off
fuckin soc dem poster
Socdems should be banned from Holla Forums tbqh. They're worse than Trotskyists and unironic Nazi flag posters.
When did leftcoms become so based?
Leftcoms are ill with the withering critiques, unsurprisingly since Lenin BTFO them and they've had an axe to grind ever since. Positive theory… not so much….
Does anyone else think that the communist was drawn to be more menacing then the Nazi in the second picture? mmt.
Generally other organization happens outside the Antifa banner because antifa is frankly really illegal and not something you want attached to the other shit you're doing?