
Holla Forums stands for Holla Forumsmmunism
Comics are a subersive and revolutionary medium

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But today, comics are very stupid medium.

t. moviefag

I guess. V from Vendetta was technically an Anarchist.

Considering how Alan Moore is an anarchist and he hated the movie adaptation for taking out all the anarchist themes from the comic "technically" is an understatement.
I think Grant Morrison also calls himself an anarchist but he's probably just copying Moore

Holla Forums stands for Holla Forumsolshevism
as we'll have to bring conciousness into the spontaneous/random developments

yep. sounds like anarkiddyism to me.

Smells like a tankie

Wait is there such a board? Holla Forums is infested with Holla Forumscucks and pedos. If there was a /leftyco/ I'd definitely go there.

And no, i'm not going to read anarkiddy fiction. That's covered by their "theory". Stay mad.


Anarkiddyism in a nutshell.


Are you with the "Socialist Alternative"? Your SAlt levels are through the roof.

I guess knowing your comics is revisionist.

I guess not giving a fuck about a comic that wasn't even adressed by me triggers you so hard you're even more of a fucking retard than usual, anarkiddy.

7/10 great Kek, lad, what a brilliant troll to exploit the daylight between the comic and the movie. A+++++ would "(you)" again

This thread died very quickly

Willfully ignorant tankie shitposters tend to have that effect.

About that
Eat shit, anarkiddy faggot.



That's pretty funny.



and still inept of reading and recognizing basic things

Thanks for annotating these posts for me, I now see the error of my ways and have renounced anarchism in favor of the only political philosophy that actually makes sense.

The essence of anarkiddyism.

Literally no reason to not read Kafka.

V for Vendetta is considered to be a classic and Tankie's proving they don't know shit about a medium is hilarious yet expected. Now go back to your fiction of socialism in one state working.

Bump this shit


I hate webcomics.

Where are her fangs?

Typical anarkiddy autism.

I guess being informed is revisionist.

Insufferable jerk who wrote his honors thesus on Animal Man here:
Morrison has probably become more moderate over the years (or at least has started playing extremely coy about his beliefs when asked) but treating him as a copycat sort of denies both the ways in which he is different from Moore as well as the depth of Morrison's own analysis. His particular brand of leftism is situationism, which is still eminently visible, and actually pretty radical, in the themes of even really recent works like Multiversity.

Based Kirby Stan


I still say Animal Man was Morrison's best work but aside from the Anti-Apartheid issue and animal rights stuff i don't remember it being too political.

No wonder you dumbfucks got socialism confused with state capitalism.


Have you read Dial H? I heard somebody call it "the anti morrison in a morrisonian idiom"


Morrison's worry is that comics that are politicized explicitly give way to spectacle and people who understand politics firstly through media before direct action (similar to the people obsessed with Harry Potter that Chapo Trap House complain about.) At the end of his run when Morrison shows up as a character himself, he describes the usage of apartheid and animal rights in the work as an expression of his own impotence in the face of them, that Animal Man can do something about them as a fictional character, but he as an individual cannot.

The stuff in Animal Man having to do with the aftermath of Crisis also has a lot to do with the suppression of history, and a tendency in capitalism to construct mononarratives, hence Morrison's decade long obsession with Multiverses, the very opposite of that.

I have, though this is the first time I've heard of it being "anti-morrison," beyond having a marginally less optimistic outlook, but Morrison is hyper-optimist in most of his work anyway.

song name?

>>>/suicide/ you dumbfuck nigger

My Army - Red Army Choir

Where can I obtain this comic?

No, Dial H is an anti morrison because it present an aesthetic and discourse different from Morrison, for Mieville a hero, a super hero and a multiverse are different than what they are for Morrison.


Very grateful thank you

getcomics.info/ is easier to use then torrents.

The rot has gotten to your head.


wow I was actually able to find it this time thank you greatly I hope I don't get any viruses

I pity the burgers who only got shit pourred down their throat.

It's not going to be about the movie no matter how much revisionism you try to peddle cuck.

>>>/Marx/ and cry about how mean anarkiddies are ruining comics by not pretending they're movies.

Who has the printing presses in their grasp?


Does Garth Ennis era Punisher count as anti-imperialism?

I'd like to pop in and say a few words about Kirby to get the ball rolling again. Recently his name has showed up in relation to responses to fascism, what the Richard Spencer debacle. Conservatives and centrists 4/co/ have been hand-waving the iconic Captain America cover, as well as his own personal responses to Nazis in his real life.

I'd like to give a rundown of Kirby's 4th world, to try and show people that he is considerably MORE radical than he is normally treated, that he would punch a Nazi and do much more.

Darkseid nowadays is basically space-satan, and the ultimate conquering evil of the DCU, and Apokalips, the planet he rules, as hell. But Apokalips very important does not represent evil but domination, and the original version was not space-satan, or even space-hitler. He was space-nixon with a little bit of Italian fascist flair for aesthetic's sake. Kirby makes it explicit that Darkseid is less outwardly violent than other villains in this universe, specifically his predecessor, the very germanically named Steppenwolf, who is outright a brute. Despite the Wagnerian scope of his speech, he barely shows emotion, he's frequently drawn sitting or even lying down, an I'm almost tempted to say that's there's hints of Kissinger-esque deadpan in his personality as well. When Darkseid takes power, he sets up peace deals etc, and is essentially a pragmatist, but the end result is an even more thoroughly dominated society. What we're looking it is sort of Foucauldian: we've gone from a system that oppresses through outright force (Steppenwolf) to one that oppresses through a detached management of people (Darkseid.) Although one is less explicitly violent, (or when actual violence does occur, it hinges entirely on "justification," the main mooks being called Justifiers, the phrase "Anti-life justifies my hate" etc.) the same kind of death and destruction lie in its wake, seen in the proxy war on earth that makes up Kirby's writing. In fact, this domination is far more effective and total, due to both its efficient and insidious nature. Therefore a more "peaceful" kind of oppression must be confronted in the same way as the explicitly violent one.

This is what's genius about Darkseid's end-goal, perhaps even "prophetic," to use a term I loathe when talking about media. The ultimate power to control the cosmos that he's after doesn't derive from a weapon or resource, but an Equation. Detached technocracy is seen as housing all the the same tendencies as fascism, simply having some distant machine or an algorithm ruin our lives rather than one particular ruler that we place the blame on.

So yes, not only would Kirby say you should punch a "peaceful" nazi, you should also revolt against every other sort of oppression that appears in society, regardless of if it appears through peaceful or violent means.

Pic related was essentially "kill porky" and should deserve a storytime.

Argie comics have an interesting history

Capeshit is the shounen of American comics, you're only showing how much of a pleb you are

Based Kirby Stan Julius Schwartz