Good, good.

OMG Obama is such a good dancer! Did you see him on Ellen?

Too bad they'll just fall for it once again if the next candidate is slightly more affable.

Trump can get thousands to show up to his rallies, he can surely get more than ten thousand to come to his inauguration.

you mean browner and lacking in male the genitalia?

Just cracking a joke every now and then and smiling appears to be sufficient.

It says "attended" I think it's referring to the concert tonight, not the actual inauguration ceremony tomorrow.

This. It's great to see so many people stand up against him but I just know that if the dems win in 4 years they will go back to unironically supporting the fascist state that is the US.

I bet Obama Trump's Trump in the latter category. No homo.

The Dems will not win in 4 years unless we have another great depression.

A democracy being flawed doesn't make it fascist.

Fascism isn't a catch-all term for everything that's bad and/or flawed and/or you dislike.

If this cycle has taught us anything, it's that the candidates and news events matter more than these sweeping truisms.

That's not a sweeping truism, it's based on the Democrats' current staggering incompetence and doubling down on what lost the election.


haha epic post my friend,what's your reddit account so I can give you gold on r/The_Donald.
Also be sure to screencap this and post it on Holla Forums for this epic BTFO.

The OP is the only fucking reddit around here.

Not surprising tbh not many celebrity A-listers are going to sign onto Trump, and consequently he's not going to draw crowds. Liberals have been smugly loling themselves about how many celebrities dislike him for a while now. It does not inspire confidence in their ability to present a challenge to him tbh.

This is just sad

Worse than I thought, but Trump has the lowest approval rating of an entering president. Probably doesn't help he has already betrayed his supporters and become a piss meme.

Trump is the only President that has been tried to overthrown before Inaguration by the previous Government. He had the lowest approval ratings and won the fucking Presidency. He's probably not bothered about U2.

Obama had a DVD sell of his second Inaguartion concert there was so many A-Listers. It was called 'We are One' lel. These faggots amounted to no votes in November.


They should have brought snacks

Confirm my thought that most of his voters just wanted to get rid of hillary.

Jesus it's going to be a long 8 years

talk to any trump supporting normie thats done a backflip post-election and its clear people just wanted to throw a spanner in the works

America was never a democracy. Are you a socdem by chance? The USA is probably the least democratic capitalist country out there. It was literally created by the bougesie to protect their interests in the most efficient way possible from the very start. Its oligarchic tendencies have made it become fairly fashy over the past decade.

Oh god I'm drunk.




it's just capitalist fanfare

yup. part of me was optimistic because capitalism has a really nasty face now.

the problem though, is that they'll all just blame "that one really bad guy trump" rather than the system itself

It's why it's necessary to draw attention to the people he surrounds himself with and the bougies' complicity in his actions.

We're all accelerationists, like it or not.

like Roy Cohn (McCarthyite angel of death) and James Woolsey (super spookman)

I don't even know what I count as around these parts. I'm used to the paradigm of everyone to the left of Margaret Thatcher being a 'libtard.'

I don't believe in full communism but I think we need to swing the pendulum far in the direction of market regulation, progressive taxation, and welfare. Is that a yes? The internet says social democracy promotes social justice, and I have had it up to here with identity politics.

Sure, but the proportion of eligible voters has increased dramatically since then. I won't debate that the US is a flawed democracy, but it's still a democracy, not a fascist regime.

Obama was a meme president endorsed by Hollywood celebrities and their rabid fans.
They tried to do the same with Clinton, but this time it failed.

Obama at least was believable. Clinton was more pic related.


You are wrong. This is exactly what bourg. democracy looks like. Fucking anarchists.


This is great news. Not because "Obama was eh cool guy" but because people are pissed off with politics, they've lost hope in the establishment. The winners are winning by less and less. The time is nearing.

I guess the point she's getting at is that bourgeois democracy is not true democracy?

Well to be fair, D.C. leans left and they don't like Trump. People don't care enough to travel half the country to see the inauguration. That doesn't excuse the super low turn out though.

top fucking kek. what we in europe usually called democracy involved at least following through with the popular vote
we don't quite have it anymore with the crook national gvts in many places and with EU but the US NEVER had it.
big difference.

