Hello Holla Forums /r9k/ here I don't follow politics much (it's too difficult to understand I have executive...

hello Holla Forums /r9k/ here I don't follow politics much (it's too difficult to understand I have executive dysfunction disorder) can anyone eli5 why all the roasties are mad at Trump today? figured this would be the best board to ask.


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They hate the white race and want to race m1x with muslims

Trump is the leader of a Nazi Gnostic death cult that wants to bring about the end times.

Roasties lack theory.

they are race traitors

and shitskins

And globalists

Dont forget this buzzword


Because my college professor said he was the next Hitler
I also just don't like men (unless they're Bernie of course #berniebae) and think that we should have only womyn in office x3

They're race traitors that put their imaginary opressions like "feminism" and "racism" ahead of class struggle to betray working class white men.

Holla Forums mocks the protesters? This board keeps confusing me. I thought they were your kin?!

wtf are you blabbing about?
we on a Holla Forums board

Are you telling me I cannot criticize my "kin" ?

Also why would we endorse violence that's not constructive? Smashing windows does absolutely nothing.

They're mad liberals are rejecting the legitimacy of Trumps presidency. That kind of meme has the potential to really spread and if it does we could see the legitimate end to white supremacy as liberals actually fight dirty against the state that installed Trump

but why are white roasties fighting against white supremacy? isn't white supremacy good for white girls? why would any one not want to be supreme?

does this mean I'm going to lose my SSDI because I'm white?

this stuff is confusing

White supremacy IS good for white girls, but not the patriarchal parts of it.

Which is why you will see white girls fight for the 10 percent wage gap between men and women ironically.

When in reality it's an average of 5 percent wage gap for white women and 15 percent wage gap for latinas and black women.

Also why you see so many protests that never address class since most white women are middle class and therefore comfortable with capitalism.

It's not just roasties mad at him, only about a third of the country has any confidence in him. Also plenty of roasties support him too. Don't you remember all those random twinkletwats with the MAGA hats that were autistically spammed everywhere on this board for the last few months?

back to your echo chamber, Holla Forums, the grown-ups are talking.

hi falseflag

Middle class is not a class.

Because they're pissed that Trump is a racist sexist xenophobe and that America would actually elect someone like him, thats what their version is of him anyway. They have some points but it's blown out of proportion. Trump is a chauvinist asshole but he's not Hitler.

Historically white nationalist countries have always placed women back in the kitchen, you could probably see why this would piss off feminists.

I understand. I have asperger's, ADHD, and panic disorder. Tell /r9k/ I said hi.

Hi /r9k/, fellow robot here. If you actually want to hear it from the horse's mouth maybe try reddit or >>>/liberalpol/. But my guess is that they really thought that if they somehow got their guy/gal elected enough times in a row they'd somehow reach utopia. In reality of course Trump simply puts an ugly face on something that's been there for a long time (of course some of his policies are gonna be a bit worse than average, but honestly 90% of the horrible shit was already there). For the liberal, Trump being elected is the end of political potential for four years whereas for us it is something of a beginning. He represents a major shift in US politics that a real left may emerge from.


Middle class isn't a class in the Marxism sense. But it is a distinctly different way of life apart from someone who is a skilled laborer.

Their lives are materially differentt

White Western women can't coop Support from pocs if their explicitly support white supremacy so they just implicitly support it by ignoring everything that doesnt effect middle class white woman

white supremacy isn't as good as the abolition of race tbh. Either way women tend to be more empathetic and give into peer pressure easier. They also tend to be a lot more hostile toward conservatism (understandably so but the problem is they're still liberal).
all you need to know is that capitalism is trash and communism will win. Once you understand that you'll be ahead of 90% of the population.

Hello /r9k/, I used to hang out on your board quite often when I was in my tfw no gf phase. I learned how to get one, and later realized it was too much effort for the reward, plus the later constant second-guessing and fucking with your head was something I couldn't tolerate, as well as loose morals/snark/fattitude.

I wanted to find a nice church girl as I regularly go to church, even though I have some problems with myself sitting on the computer watching porn. There are some nice girls, but they are almost all older than me and the treat m like a kid brother even though I'm 26. For my part, I decided that working towards a goal where I have automatic means of production and am almost fully self-sufficient to the point where I wouldn't even need to touch a computer again is the fullest goal I could have, and share that with others.

I am working on this with a priest friend of mine who used to be a missionary first in Brazil and then in Papua New Guinea, where we will have a place for men to not merely escape for a breather, but thrive and rehabilitate themselves to the point where they don't need to run in the rat race, but will have respectable lives on their own terms helping each other. We work jobs we hate to buy things we don't need to impress people we don't like.

My thread's over here
Maybe it's time we got out and helped each other.