Bianco Footwear ad

Now this is pod racing

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This infuriates me. Please post examples of women on Twitter posting about how is is liberating and enlightening so I can jerk of my hate boner.


It's actually getting backlash to the point that they are pulling back.

w e w

"Yes good goy, consume and buy expensive shit you don't need, that'll show Porky and his oppressive white male patriarchy"

t. ( ( ( ( PORKY ) ) )

Tiqqun was right. Girls are vapid consumers.

This is satire right? R-right?

For real though what. If you boil this advert down to it's bare bones it is saying that a certain subclass of people who "want" more things deserve to have more things.

Capitalism you've done it again.

what a surprise this ended up here, OP

Kill your master

bitch your expensive taste in silky underwear is not my problem. You think Tesco boxers don't itch my buttcrack? We can't all have our genitals gently massaged by satin and lace all day. Jesus Christ. If your underwear is expensive then buy some granny pants and stfu

ITT: Brocialism


Girls can be bros too.
Go hijack the comments lads

… WEW.

This makes your run-of-the-mill corporate feminist sound like a Maoist.

Everyone is a vapid consumer.


The theory of the young girl is not gendered concept..

I googled this to find out what it was and accidentally ended up on a site called SJWiki. It was an odd experience.

I'm not saying it is. but this is precisely what Tiqqun is referring to, no?

So this is what MTWs mean when they say the third world will lead the revolution as were too spoiled