Why is there no egoism flag?
I want it.
Why is there no egoism flag?
I want it.
Milk bottle flag when?
It's the black flag you unique one
just use this one
I fail to see how. Sorel why not, but Stirner?
Except that Fascism is a total spook.
I said it before and I'll say it again.
ITT: Everybody request the flags the want.
gimme dat flag
I want that Esperanto flag
Requesting this as SocDem flag. The other SocDem one has no transpareny, is ugly and pixelated and is titled "socdem" in all lower cases. At least change it to something humorous like the traitorous SocDem's Iron Front flag; we don't want succdems getting comfortable here.
Wow egoist babbies literally don't even know that Mussolini was a huge Stirner fan? It's like they're totally clueless or something?
NazBully! Are you really a fan of Heidegger? Pls say yes.
Of course.
Good…the Kraut presence on Holla Forums grows stronger…
Buddhist Socialism
Posadism flag. Flag would be of a nuke or nuclear blast. Or just the radioactive symbol if you wanna be boring.
There's always annihil.
Shit. I have been wanting a flag of my own forever and now I don't know which because I'm still reading up on theory.
Is there one that has a focus on environmental science and technological principles aiding the advancement of a socialist revolution but isn't anarcho-green or green? I kinda don't like the anti-science, and naturalist bent of anarcho-green, but I also think Technocracy is too authoritarian/dystopian.
this so much.
also a Cuban and a sorelian flag would be a nice audition too
I even made one and the BO didn't accept it.
This isn't the finished one but it's not like finding it will change anything :'^(
When will this suffering end?
Dafuq is a sorelian flag?
I also suggested the Autism Level wordfilter be good boy points instead. My entire existence here is pain.
a pic of sorel like how we have a pic of marx as an flag option
He has no source, he's talking out of his ass
Flag is a spook
You use this if you want Cuban flag. Or just use Che.
bretty good desu
you mean tripfaggin'?
you faggots are making me rethink the way i lurk imageboards
for a second i thought facism and egoism was
flags are spooks, as well as for fags.