we were having a discussion about poverty for one of my college classes and someone said that theres a laziness factor when it comes to the lack of fresh foods people by for their families
"poor people are poor because they're lazy"
how is he wrong? Most poor people aren't poor because of "muh system". They just suck, they're bums!
Do something awful tohis boss to make him lose his job then yell at him to stop being lazy (
Learning to cook is just like any other skill. You have to have both the time and resources to fuck up, which for working people are investments many can't make. I can't blame the guy that comes home from two tens and just wants to put something in the microwave because he has to be up in six hours for another ten or twelve hour shift.
It's not laziness. It's exhaustion.
To individualize what's essentially a structural issue is Capitalist apologia 101 tbh. Everything is about personal merit or lack of it.
Anyone who thinks this deserves the gulag.
Have worked shit jobs everywhere, 72 hour weeks with an hour drive to and from work for 10 an hour. Can confirm, did it because I was lazy and didn't work hard earlier in life. Believe it or not, you retarded marxists, humans aren't a monolith.
What did he mean by this ?
No prole, don't you understand? Poor people don't -need- rest or recreation; if they were -really- hard workers, they'd devote every spare hour of their lives to improving themselves.
Oh, rich people slack off all the time? That's because they've earned that right through hard work! And you could too! If only you stopped being so goshdarn lazy.
Pic related.
So we should treat certain people like crap? Including yourself?
God I've never seen such classcucking
If rich people work so hard why are their hands so soft
Not an argument :^)
Same asshole.
>>>Holla Forums
How have you been friend?
fuck off >>Holla Forums
Well… are we surprised. This is why I hated college tbh
That kid is a riot.
You can fuck off as well r/socialism
and its one roof over a whole bunch of heads
I'm not a redditor you autistic fuck
It is not socialism.