You are a closeted alt-rightist protesting against anarchists and liberals and this guy punches you in the face
Wat do?
You are a closeted alt-rightist protesting against anarchists and liberals and this guy punches you in the face
Wat do?
Call my lawyers and send him a piece of soap.
repeatedly insist that i wasn't injured but then turn around and complain on twitter about how the cucks are being violent and trying to censor me.
Sooooo does the entire modern day leftist movement pretty much revolve around either being a disgusting sexual deviant and/or paying a plastic surgeon to turn you into a dickless eunuch? Who is to blame? Is it just material conditions?
For a dickless eunuch he sure made you "butthurt" lmao
Leftism is a pornographic ideology, like pornography, there always needs to be more, more positions, more contortions.
It's all they have left.
does the entire modern day right revolve around a man with a piss fetish who gets upset when twitter dotcoms points out hes less popular than an actual black man?
When you try to come off as Zizek you come off like a cheap austic rip off like James Woods trying to play a role
Degeneracy is class struggle in the sexual field
buttmad incel detected.
I don't see the connection, apart from zizek using metaphor.
Leftism is worse than incel, the incel doesn't have what we wants, the leftist wants more whenever he has something, his lack is perennial.
youve missed out the sniffs and pulling your shirt. You are most likely sweating like Zizek though, so your 1 man "anti-sjw" comedy tour will be a success in about 6-12 weeks!
You pulling sexual metaphor out your ass is something uniquely Zizekian about your post, an air of bullshit
theres still no clear evidence this guy and the guy in the video are the same people
And this is bad why?
It's difficult to make good jokes about SJW's. How do you tackle someone who is already on the ground in a pool of his own shit?
It's not uniquely zizekian, nothing is really.
Why is a lack that can be filled preferable to a lack that never can be filled?
No idea really, maybe you know the answer when you have put 20 dragon dildo's up your bum in every possible contortion only to find out that what was missing were fur suits, or after you ad fur suits to it and find out that what was missing in the scene is shemales..
Or maybe you'll never know.
dont know about shit, but i dooo know of a certain world leader who enjoys puddles of piss though…
not agument