Trump says he wants to send federal troops into Chicago to curb violence.
Do you think he'll actually do it? probably not, but the police will just use this as an excuse to be even more violent now
Trump says he wants to send federal troops into Chicago to curb violence
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Once more: diversion, and there are already two threads. Stop making this an issue. If he doesn't do it, then he was using this to actually do something awful behind the public's back.
we had this thread and it got anchored
bait too obvious, go with trot flair or something next time
Drugs are degenerate. Everyone who is active in that trade deserves death. Even Stalin would agree with that!
Nazism is homosexual and degenerate anyone who is a Nazi is a homosexual and a degenerate, even Stalin would agree with me on that
so is this proof that Barron has the tism?
says the scat porn expert
I watched a movie about a film projectionist who had his wife cucked away from him by Stalin. He was a degenerate! !! ! !
pretty sure you were watching a trotsky allegory
Pleb tier.
I can't even tell if this is supposed to be real or a strawman at this point
A sufficiently retarded political ideology cannot be straw manned because it is already exaggerated.
drug criminalisation is spooky
Let me put this simply
The capitalist state apparatus doesn't actually care about poor people
They asked for this, let them live with it.
There is no good outcome from this.
Best case scenario is that this drives more of the gangs towards keeping their illegal activities on the downlow, but that comes at the price of street gangs turning into proper organized crime syndicates (not the good kinds of syndicates either). We're just entering a time when organizations like the Mafia have finally been pushed out of higher criminal influence: we don't need to make a new organization to take their place.
Middle scenario, the gangs and such run from their existing neighborhoods like rats from a sinking ship, only to then occupy nearby territory that was either previously exempt from the worst of the gang violence or into other gang's territory where the violence amps up 10 fold.
Worst case scenario is that violent resistance by the gangs happens where the federal troops intervene, at which point it's not without reason to assume federal troops will go full ghetto liquidation with limited discretion as to who has to suffer.
If I see a single fucking fed in my home city I'm going to personally double the fucking homicide rate.
So what do then?
Notice how everyone in this thread is melting down because Trump wants to stop the poor niggers from shooting each other over nicklebag heroin distribution rights. Woah it's fucking horrible.
???? um have you even been to Holla Forums
those dubs, they don't want national guardsmen to shoot niggas and arrest massive numbers of innocent people on sight with zipties and taking them to federal prison or military holding facilities. soldiers=martial law always and forever
This board is 90% larping teenagers from reddit. Like I said in other thread, end drug war, while starting to fix their communities. Starting to crush the Democratic machine that collaborated with the GOP to keep them down was a good start.
Is this a trick question?
hi guys the poor deserve it just bring in the military and execute all of them haha fucking degenerates get a job amright?
Holla Forums? who is /pol? i'm not /pol. can we get back to discussing identity politics now
Drugs are not the problem. Even if they were legal, they would just smuggle and distribute some other illegal thing.
fuck off bootlicker
take your meds
yeah that's what i said dipshit
jesus fuck do you autists ever stop LARPing and thing before you talk
more policing doesn't solve these problems, and if they did you'd be slobbing Clinton's knob right now
Hmm I guess you're right even less policing is needed maybe Chicago would be better off as an ancap utopia.
It doesn't?
It doesn't.
So why don't we end the pointless drug wars, then ?
And whose fault was that?
Because they would be violent anyway? What would be the point of legalizing fun, when the violence would remain the same?
how do you honestly think the drug war went? would you consider it a success?
there's already been increases in policing in impoverished neighborhoods that just led to more conflicts and skirmishes and heightened tensions. plenty of papers have been written on the topic. do you have any evidence that what those neighborhoods need is more policing? any data that they currently have not enough police presence and that more will positively impact crime rate? keep in mind that more police also means more people to report numbers and to catch criminals so the pure numbers will be up no matter what
try to speak in full sentences here I'm seriously wondering if there's any thought behind your empty platitudes. go on, show me that your ideology is more than just feels
LOL this board changes "de gen-eracy" to "fun". Speaks volumes about you people. "fuck the state legalize drugs bruhhh i just wanna live like a de-generate while contributing nothing whats wrong with that gimme gimme"
Oh right, that's how you feel it would go down. So logical
Maybe… just maybe… they should stop doing drugs? If there wasn't a drug war, there would be a thousand times more drugs. Just because it didn't completely eliminate them doesn't mean it's not working.
no one gives a shit about your buzzwords on this board, that's correct
we're all just patiently waiting on you to stop sperging out and make your point
It increased drug use and a lot of the initiatives actually spread drug use across all communities, including the white ones. Try again
Drugs are an absolutely massive part of the problem. The Drug War was inaugurated to fuck over the blacks specifically. Your autistic theory of culture being downstream from genetics is retarded. You don't cure social decay overnight by removing the historical source and expecting it all to suddenly work out.
Your fuhrer, for breaking the Molotov-Von Ribbentrop Pact?
And somebody is forcing you to post here? How awful!
Who benefits from the drug trade? Porkies.
Who is harmed by the drug trade???
Even a leftist can understand something this basic.
Nah man don't you know porky is cool and edgy when he's selling drugs and flaying his competition alive.
That is some strong double think there. A war on drugs increased use. K then.
It's really not hard to act like a civilized people and stop doing drugs. Trust me, I've been doing it my whole life.
Honestly, I'm with you guys. Trump shouldn't send in the Guard. Let them kill themselves over drugs.
growing and smoking or consuming your own drugs doesn't hurt anyone. large organized crime syndicates and a corresponding massive prison-industrial and policing complex does hurt people, hundreds of thousands of people every year
It's not doublethink it's an ability to read data you mong
No. They hurt themselves by doing drugs. Do they not have freewill like normal humans, or are they just subhuman animals? Really makes you think.
So u b saying the shootings in Chicago are just over gang colors?
That's even worse lmao
yeah no fucking shit, porky benefits from drug addled communities being funneled into the justice system
maybe stop giving porky control over the situation by presiding over judgements on the topic? nah that would cut into your heavy bootlicking schedule
It's almost like they had no intention of actually wiping out drugs use.
So your iron strength of will is stronger than systematic social decay and culture? So then how is Jew subversion causing all of this fun then? Isn't that what the whole plot is supposed to be? Are you saying rednecks are just subhumans?
Trump is an anti-vaxxer?
holy fuck you're such a sperg. go look at any of the data from DARE for example. turns out telling sheltered suburban kids about drugs just gets them interested
I can explain it again using smaller words if you need I know it's super hard on you
I wouldn't be surprised, but I think that's just a joke tweet.
hell yeah dude the cartels will stop making billions from the drug trade once they can sell the drugs in the US without any risk at all.
Rednecks are subhuman but they are our worker and soldier class. And still much more agreeable than your average groid.
"muh dick" and "muh drugz" is completely different than the subtle and calculated cultural Marxism that pervades every aspect of big media from the moment you are born.
>look at all the proofs I provide instead of parroting things over and over like a fucking autist
right, but your NEET lifestyle is based in superior genetics
Tell me more about how the possibility of having your home raided and you shot by cops for having drugs makes you want to do more drugs.
What you call "Cultural Marxism" is an aspect ideological superstructure which includes the liberal academia, and upholds the entire system. It's often a retroactive justification for what's already happening. Neoliberals decided white birthrates were too low for the economy and aging boomer population so they needed mass immigration and came up with multiculturalism. The War on Drugs was specifically to destroy uppity black communities in the 1970's onwards, and it also served the interests of the global power elite. Did you ever wonder why the UN Conventions on Psychotropic Drugs were almost completely uniform across every country? Strange…
Man I wish there were communists in charge.
I'm talking about the mudskins and their gangs. White people casually take drugs here and there for fun sometimes sure, but they don't go full ape over them and turn cities like Chicago into Mexico. Are you not able to follow along, or should I start repeating myself?
Its because Barron is a sperg
take your meds
your simplistic worldview doesn't leave you other options anyway
I thought you guys were supposed to understand supply and demand? Why go to illicit sources when you can buy drugs legally? Seriously, how retarded are you to not understand how decriminalization negatively impacts black market drug trade?
those digits and that's not what i said you sperg
how typical that that's all you could understand. typical "orcs vs humans" retard
Nigger white people do more drugs than Blacks do and get in almost as many incidents with the police over drugs
lol, fucking dumbass
who told you that's what happens? got any studies, shit-for-brains?
here in the real world it doesn't increase use
That's all you've done all through this thread, why do you suddenly care now?
Oh yeah this too. Usage rates for drugs are the same or lower among blacks IIRC. Drug dealers don't tend to use because it fucks them up and they get sloppy, they end up in jail or dead. "Don't get high on your own supply"
Really makes you think
Checked. :^)
I always wondered where is this vast American welfare system?
It's real in their minds. They prefer self-affirming delusions to reality. This is why fascists and other reactionaries will have to be killed during the revolution. Liberals who side with them will be permitted to live in the gulag however since they could probably be reformed.
Why not raise taxes instead?
Yeah but it's mostly an inefficient web of scams. It's a giant black hole, like the massively inflated military budget. Raw figures are meaningless when they just throw the money away.
Then how come you lost the Vietnam war? Or how Germany lost WWII
really makes you think
Sounds spooky, mate.
No one here is into idpol as much as you, you really BTFO out this board with that one
I've got an I.Q. of 156.
Glad to see that intelligent posters choose to fly the nazbol flag.
Literally a new faggot.
It's funny sometimes but gets fucking annoying, I'll give you that.
So the party line is Slavs are white now?
I hope you know most people on welfare are white and you have to work to claim benefits. Unemployment is only paid for a miniscule amount of time and a pathetically small amount.
"I'm treated like a criminal already, what do I have to lose?"
ffs mods, if you want to ban a naziflag shitter fine, but can you stop deleting all their posts like that? It makes the thread unreadable.
What's the point of deleting the posts this mod is a joke.
I mean why even have a Nazi flag if you're just going to ban and burger all Nazi posts.
What's the logic? If someone's purely shitposting and not arguing fine, but what we shouldn't try deradicalize Holla Forumsacks? We shouldn't teach people how to respond to their arguments?
You ban and purge us because the red pills are too harsh.
Trump will clean up Chicago and I'm sure the average black guy with a straight job will love him for it while you autists reeeee all the way.
I'm out
lmao what red pills? bans or no bans you've been consistently shown to be a dumbass in terms of both the data and the rhetoric
I don't mind getting banned but having the prior posts being deleted is obnoxious
You got that number from a cite whose only source they cite is their own blog which in turn cites a broken census link?
You're pretty spooked guy.
You've got your perscriptions mixed up again, those are brown pills you've been posting
I mean wikipedia says the same thing too but I didn't feel like linking that. Maybe the internet itself is a spook ;)
It's ok no gf nazi. I belive in u. 1 day u will find her.
And I have a 14-inch but very feminine schlong but I don't feel like posting pix of it :^)
Reading through this thread, I can barely follow it. Were half the posts deleted?