Is it real communism?
is Kim as evil as the us media portrays him?
Are people still starving there?
Why do they literally worship the Kim family?
Is it real communism?
is Kim as evil as the us media portrays him?
Are people still starving there?
Why do they literally worship the Kim family?
close too
they don't
this poster knows the truth OP don't listen to imperialist lies
If communism were a shithole, yes it would be
Because they are cucks like the tankie above
They don't
It's not socialism, but also everything you know about it is false and it should be left alone t. tankie
No, not even close nor with any real pretense of communism in the modern day.
Requesting webm of Juche Tower if anyone has it.
Probably not him personally.
His larger cabinet of government officials as an embodiment of the things Kim is credited for? Probably.
Not as bad as they used to be, but they are entirely reliant on food aid nowadays.
It's in a weird situation right now where it's teetering between Cult of Personality and whatever the modern equivalent of the Imperial Cult would be. In other way, multi-generational indoctrination with threats of multi-generational violence if not adhered to.
Yes sure bud. I have been watching nk videos directly from no the last month. they literally jump up and down at the sught of Kim like a bunch of retards in a cult. they even chase after Kim and run into the the ocean as Kim leaves in a boat. he is like a god figure to them.
prove it
Don't have the Webm anymore but got it uploaded.
Because Tankies are retarded.
Yeah, you're right, those fucking asians are inhuman! We are so superior here in the anglosphere, not like those brainwashed freaks!
If not communist, what is it?
I'm new, what is tankie?
Heres more cult worship
That doesn't really discredit the extremity of the DPRK's cult of personality around the Kims, it's just a 'and you are lynching negroes' non-argument.
It's more accurate to think of them as ultra-popular celebrities than to think of them as gods or priests.
Retard, is that you Jason?
a tankie is someone who ironicaly defends stalin mao and other filth
No, it just proves that you are parroting imperialist propaganda about how their country is so different and needs to be destroyed. It's not and it doesn't.
Nice argument you've got there.
Who said anything about it being destroyed? The bureaucracy needs to be eliminated and the Kims to either step down or or accept more limits on their power.
considering the graphic nature of JFK assassination. Its obvious people would cry retard. But the hysterical cries of the north Koreans is absurd to the point of comical. They even cry in the presence of Kim. jump up n down, chase after him. It seems umm idk almost rehearsed!!! if not its still creepy
How about not jumping on the imperialist bandwagon? This sort of rhetoric disgusts me.
Nothing "needs" to happen, and the only two options are retention of the current government or absorbtion into fascist south korea. The only sort of world the North Korean people could be introduced to that would improve their lives is a socialist one, and we certainly don't live in one.
Those fascists and their leaps!
So why give a shit? North Korea is not a progressive force. There's no stake in backing one or the other reactionary force.
let's see how the brits act when the queen dies.
or how many westerners act when a celebrity dies.
Fucking hell who am I talking to here?
I suppose you support the colonisation of the Americas because the natives weren't Marxists?
but she has no power. people cry about celebs them forget two weeks later. stop making retarded comparisons.
What's to be gained from supporting one or the other competing imperialist powers? Tankies always fall into this pit in thinking that if something is anti-American imperialist than it's automatically good.
one finger man
Pic fucking related.
It's an ethno-nationalist monarchy.
You're right, they're essentially a Chinese vassal state.
Not an argument
Also I've already said "It's not socialism"
Apologies for not supporting your freedom loving empire though
And that… makes them an imperialist state? Quick, find another excuse to justify your desire for these people's slaughter!
so it's fine to cry over celebs death but not your leaders?
I think it's very resonable to grief over youre leaders death if you like his or hers rule
how do you know the same isn't the chase in DPRK?
Why tankies always have this stupid black-and-white dichotomy that if you don't support one thing, then you must support the other. Fuck them both.
Just fuck off Jason, you've made nothing but strawmen arguments.
Because most of the lies you spew are (a) complete bullshit made up by the media and (b) made up for no other purpose than to get people to despise the korean people and not bat an eyelid when we brutalise them with sanctions and military action.
so what do you propose instead? letting imperialist westerners continue to exploit the third world because "there is no lesser evil they are equally bad XD"?
Would you rather have reactionary US puppet South korea then the northern one?
you disgust me
Actually, if the US removed said sanctions, the Kims wouldn't have an excuse to maintain their grip on the North Korean state, so it's pretty mutually beneficial for powers in question, i.e. the Kims get to stay in power and Uncle Sam has a convenient boogeyman to justify the bloated military-industrial complex.
I'd rather have democracy and socialism, tbh, something these irrelevant post-Stalinist regimes failed to deliver.
South Korea is a lot nicer than North Korea though
Sanctions are responsible for the suffering of the North Korean people that your media has convinced you not to care about.
Which clearly isn't an option for North Korea. The only alternative to their current situation is destructive war combined with neoliberal capitalism. Sounds great doesn't it!
Just fuck off, no one's convinced by your fetishization of reactionary regimes simply because they're 'anti-imperialist'.
Please find a quote where I've "fetishized" north korea.
Fucking hilarious how this is a "leftist" board and I'm being criticised for suggesting that we shouldn't subject the Korean people to genocide and capitalism. You're clearly fucking clueless as evidenced by this laughable post
but it's still very disheartening that even """leftists"""" are totally indoctrinated by necon propaganda
It seems there's nothing you guys wouldn't defend. Why does it hurt your ass so much to admit the government there is shitty?
neither of wich exists in south korea
No one's advocating those things, it's just autist mind going into overdrive because someone dares to criticize your pet ideological ideas.
Kim Jong Un is the sexiest man alive. Don't you dare forget this.
And North korea is best korea
No shit, which is why I'm not an anarchist. That said, I'm not a fan of Bonapartists who wave the red flag while not living up to any of the ideas it's supposed to stand for.
You uncritically accept the propaganda of corporate outlets for whom war and subjugation are the explicit goals. You probably wouldn't do a thing if your country invaded them either. You would just shrug your shoulders and say "both governments are reactionary!" while millions die.
Neither would tankies, they'd just bitch about it on YouTube. And millions of people die every year, do you have the power to stop that? Then shut the fuck up and quit your moralizing about what you think people should be doing.
The government of Brunei is shitty and the government of Peru is shitty. Why the focus and hatred of North Korea?
It's because the media tells you focus on North Korea and the media tells you to hate North Korea. I've never claimed that the government is socialist, but all of the shit that you talk about it is no doubt directly from the mainstream media. People like you can't even be bothered to read a book before casting judgement over a country thousands of miles away.
anarkiddies have always been useful idiots to the capitalist, they always tries to ruin any real socialist movement
I'm not claiming you "have the power to stop it" you idiot. I'm claiming that as a """"leftist"""" you should be doing everything in your power to stop your government from harming innocent people, even if that is only propagandising or joining a political party.
Because that's what the OP is about, not those countries. The people aren't the state and like I said, Bonapartists that hide behind the red flag do no one any favors.
I have, the closet thing I can find that more or less aligns with my views is the IWW.
Stay btfo
But the truth is no one in this thread knows a fucking thing about North Korea. All their "sources" are CNN and the BBC. I'm not a "Bonapartist" - just somebody who would like to see North Korea, along with every country, free of imperial influence.
Depends, I don't think the NKVD murdering people in Spain helped very much.
t. literally every anarkiddie ever
No shit. There's plenty of propaganda about the place but I don't buy the counter-propaganda that the DPRK is a worker's state either. In the end, we won't really know for sure the extent of the situation until tha state collapses, which inevitable.
Didn't Lenin himself institute the NEP, aka state capitalism, to build the foundation for socialism?
Lel, literally admitting its 2 ez to cuck you, marxists
Yes lel
I'm not of the opinion that feudal states can jump directly to socialism, i.e. every Marxist-Leninist state that arose in the 20th century.
Aim of propagandists: destroy the North Korean state
Aim of counter propagandists: maintain the North Korean state
which do you think will cause more suffering? That's my only point here - that any socialist should defend everybody's right to be free of vicious imperial war and the lies that precede it.
People "got" that for Iraq, but I fear they won't for Korea. They are too indoctrinated. They will just shrug.
I want to fight for socialism in the US, not in some third world country I can barely pronounce
Ahh yes the dialetical motion
if they hate him so much the could just leave
literally nobody said that
So if they anarkiddies do not subvert them, do they collapse on their own?
Wow that sure helps lel
Check those digits, tankiecuck
A movement isn't a state you literal child
This meme is terrible and I'm not even a Leninist. Please make a better one that doesn't cherry pick random incidents decades apart.
Isn't industrial communism the end goal? How do you plan to do that with a population of subsistence farmers?
That's actually why I think socialism can only be achieved in any meaningful sense in the industrialized world, because all the infrastructure and societal base is there.
Can give anything when it doesn't exist yet.
North Korea is… BASED
Destroying the state is pretty commu ist, the problem is making sure a shittier one doesn't replace it.
So they magically grew food, cloth, water and so on in tsarist russia?
I don't knoe about you, but I like industrial civilization.
Are you implying the workers themselves wouldnt like to reduce their SNLT?
And how do you go about that in a non-industrialized semi-feudal state without the need for some sort of state or other form of political organization?
Workers will build the machines necessary for that
Just spontaneously? That's not how it has worked in capitalist societies.
He's bad, but no worse than other political elite.
I've gotten conflicting reports on that.
Developed a cultish following from his daddy, friendo.
If George Washington had ordered that during his presidency, you'd have a point.
No that's not the point, and I don't think anyone on here has commented on the origins of the cult of personality, merely it's existence
Yes, spontaneous order is a thing
Yes that is the point. Youre comparing a monument to US presidents made decades or a century after their death, yet in North Korea they have giant ass obscene statues made to them while they're alive, alongside a million other things that constitute a cult of personality.
Some examples? I'm not convinced it can be achieved on anything but a small scale.
Juche. Ethnic nationalism. It's asian Holla Forums.
That's a general Korean thing. Look up how south Koreans mourn and you'll see its the same
Dugin supports them.
they don't
Get a grip.
Probably slightly worse
Yes. 100%
I don't.
Stalinism I guess
Not as evil as Stalin or Mao, but still rather bad
But better than the Saudis and other US """Allies""" for sure
Not starving, but the food isnt the greatest. But its somewhat alright.
Really good propaganda
And a sending people that dont like him to gulag for a few years also works
Anyone else calls their capital Phenian?
Btw do North Koreans eats dogs too?
I wish there was a big dumb statue of my grandpa.
and i managed to miss the field in which to write in sage.