Memes aside, what causes the alt-right mindset?
Memes aside, what causes the alt-right mindset?
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Poor social skills and blaming all defects on the big other
Hatred of white people.
Plain as day agendas to destroy us and turn us into minorities in our homelands.
Being a loser.
having a victim complex the size of the universe
Getting all your social interaction from image boards.
Insecurity and fear.
There has to be more to it than just this.
People seeing that our current system capitalism has problems, but due to both the current state of the left, history specifically the Soviet Union/tankies in general, anti-communist propoganada, and societies general hostility to anything left of social democracy people don't consider socialism/communism so they turn to anything else that seems like a viable alternative.
Never reading a book
Not reading Bookchin
The degradation of culture in the West and it's replacement being consumerism, the evolution of terms in social circles, the changing of demographics which has displaced the European people in their own nations, the attack on white men primarily coming from Liberal networks, and while the list goes on and on the sum of all of this is the destruction of identity for European people both in their continent and abroad (North America and other places where they're seen in mass).
The "alt-right" are nothing but shills for capitalism. They can dress it up anyway they like, i.e. anti political correctness. They know modern capitalism is in crisis and want a "cultural revolution" to reaffirm its position. They wish for the days when capitalism was more effective i.e. post WW2 Golden age. They want the nuclear family, all white neighborhoods and traditional gender roles (etc.) back.
It's no surprise all the libertarians of Ron Paul 2012 have suddenly become Trump 2016ers. They don't care what particular brand of capitalism they get, they just want something that isn't late stage capitalism and isn't socialism
Please don't post Nico with such obvious bait.
Thank you for posting legit answers, im not OP but I really appreciate decent contributions.
for my part, i think it was being an insecure shut-in
going trans rid me of almost of all my alt-right tendencies
like, it's kind of hard to view female as an oppressed caste when you're immensely jealous of them, but then you actually have to start experiencing their side in the matter and it's like… oh.
Lead paint chips.
The nation is one of the few currently viable defenses against the machinations of the capitalists.
States can be compromised, but it's better than being prepped by the UN to get fisted by a global elite.
They worship an ideal of an old culture where men like them were valued and considered good people. My experience is the alt-right is mostly young men who are not valued for who they are by anyone around them and blame among other things the current state of society.
insecure masculinity combined with a confused idea that "the natural order" of things is being disrupted. Starts as an ancap thing then eventually becomes a nazi thing
It is being disrupted though. Man isn't meant to reach this height.
Alienation, probably insecurity about masculinity.
I'm not hopeful about the future.
no gf
why is this ideological path so common nowadays? maybe it's just a self-selecting edgy internet community thing, i don't know
Milo and Spencer are huge faggots tho.
And judging by the amount of whining and how aut-righters act I have an assumption that most of them are at the very least a bunch of closeted faggots. I have the same assumption about Holla Forumsacs too.
Social progressiveness flourished while economic progress was crushed by the state and the bourgeoisie. Shit has been going bad for everyone, but social progress has somewhat blunted the economic decline for non-whites, giving them the feeling that things are getting better.
White folks are getting poor and scared and desperate, and the Mexicans supposedly stealing their jobs, or the welfare dependent blacks supposedly stealing their taxes are easy things to see and easy things to hate and blame. Poor uneducated people don't look at 40 years of outsourcing, falling wages, anti-union legislation, or labor-capital relations to figure out why they're struggling. They just feel the pressure of the job market and see that if they had that bit of their paycheck that Uncle Sam's taking, things wouldn't be quite as hard as they are.
Meanwhile, the media and politicians steadfastly ignore falling wages, increasing inequality, and rising mortality rates, and insist we've recovered from the 2008 collapse despite all evidence pointing to the contrary. The media focus on "safe" issues such as racism which don't raise questions threatening to their corporate owner's desired ideology, 17.8 million poor, desperate, struggling white Americans competing with their black and latino counterparts, and thinking that nobody gives a shit about them because all they hear is black lives matter and how great the failing economy is and anyone who doesn't love Clinton and Obama is an evil racist sexist idiot monster.
wanting to feel like a rebel while actually supporting the satus quo.
They aren't true anarchists, that's why.
feelings of insecurity and intense sexual frustration
Technological bubbles.
Careful not to fall for them ourselves.
Honestly, the more time pases, the more I'm convinced that reactionarism isn't a set of ideas so much as a pathology, which can most definitely be present in leftists.
Degradation of society (by capitalism) combined with social alienation and pre-existing reactionary beliefs.
this tbh
Is the middle guy the bf of communismkills
Why would they be valued for who they are? They're worthless.
People posting the picture of the guy on the right to laugh at him makes me really angry and sad. So many soulless hateful liberals
the point isn't that they're ugly, the point is that they're degenerates who, by their own ideology, should be removed from the gene pool
if they weren't godawful people, we wouldn't have trouble with them
It's bourgeoisie as fuck to make fun of poor white trash. Why don't you try to help them and educate them instead of being edgelords poking fun at them? This is what's wrong about this society. Everyone is an asshole with a "fuck you, got mine" mentality. There is no solidarity.
How are they degenerates out of interest?
Bourgeoisie is a noun you stupid socdem piece of trash. Bourgeois is the term you were looking for.
degenerate by their own standards
ie, watching anime porn, being lazy non-contributing members of society, etc
It's a counter-reaction to SJW phenomena
It doesn't make sense for them to be part of the alt-right. But the left openly mocks autistic basement dwellers. Why on earth would they join the left? Most autistic basement dwellers probably don't get involved into politics at all. They just do their own thing.
Ever considered that they're actually just anarchists in disguise?
the patriarchy is actually a pretty valid construct if you don't listen to the autists who portray it as a conspiracy about women
yes, there are adverse cultural issues which make it harder for women to live as freely as men do
You mean men and woman are different and face different issues in capitalist societies, but only one is important politically.
In western countries there aren't any "cultural issues" which make living as a woman any more harder than living as a man.
Good post.
there's also biological issues which disadvantage women
not to mention minor grievances like slutshaming, which is only an issue for women, as well as having to deal with overaggressive men hitting on you constantly
we're seeing the rise of equity, which makes an effort to help women rise past natural oppression, but it's still not enough to completely level things out
autism, being tall and white but bad at socializing and creative pursuits, comp sci education, STEMlord, Not having a good relationship with people of other races at an early age, being religious or conservative growing up, having a very bad time sexually in HS and College, being ugly and white and tall (real shame), not being sapient, being psychopathic, being a cuck
Fascism is extremely similar to a fusion of feudalism and absolute monarchy; ancapistan would be a fusion of fiefs and probably one dominant large mega corp ('monarch), ancaps focus exclusively on history from 1600-present and only western euro history usually, obsessed with late 1800's social and economic ideals which coincided with biological racism. slippery slope is slippery mate
this is literally only a woman only issue to people who dont leave their basements and never get laid
there isn't nearly as much stigmatism over being a 'player' as there is being a 'slut'
I was in CS and most of my classmates were Bernie supporters. Really only remember 2 fairly autistic guys that were obnoxious about Trump. I don't understand this STEM hate.
you're seeing things as a male here
there is no benefit to being a "player" in the eyes of women; you're an STD ridden whore all the same to the judgmental of them
i'll concede that
still, having beta males flirt with you unless you pretend to be a guy is annoying as fuck
It's a global psyop.
What the fuck are you talking about?
Not a cultural issue especially in western countries.
Not a cultural issue especially in western countries.
Any decent western country it's secular and people don't give a fuck about religion anymore.
It must be difficult becoming an STD-ridden whore if women are so averse to sleeping with you
I made a video going over this. I know i'm shilling a little but, I dont see this view getting talked about anywhere else:
damn bruh you are dumb
there is obviously a tipping point in promiscuity where your social standing decreases
There kind of is, actually. Women arguably favor status over looks, and there's no better indicator of being desirable than having women desire you, after all.
fuck off deep ecologists. you're basically reactionaries anyways.
All of the nuclear family, all white neighbourhoods etc. are all a part of this bizarre rain dance these people do. They think that if they can replicate the social realities of the past, they can bring back the economic conditions. If the 50s were multi-culti, but with personally beneficial material conditions, they would want to bring back the diversity, and hope that the material conditions follow.
You have to be a damn fool to not be able to see that the world is going to shit, but why is it going to shit? I think that its been going to shit since we started forming civilization.
get this redpill shit out of here
The post modern chaos has made people deeply unhappy, and the neo-liberal one made them poorer. The 50's was fucking good for white families who could live on blue collar jobs and look after their kids too.
Red pill lel.
I know what you mean. They might have hateful, retarded opinions and beliefs, but they're still just unhappy people, victims of the same system, and I feel bad for them and understand why they think the way they do. Especially a pathetic looking guy like that; I can't hate them or fear them, just feel bad for them.
Thinking there is some boogeyman that is out there to get you and scapegoating all your societal ills on some other group of people without thinking about things critically.
Fuck off cunt, never forget 1939-1945.
White millenials living with their parents trying to find an explanation for their own inadequacy and trying to protect their egos. It's not they that are wrong, it's this Jew-controlled society keeping them down, discriminating them from college, jobs and girlfriends.
They want to return to an imaginary era where they were on top of society, could get a good job with a high school degree and have a pure girlfriend.
To expand on this, I believe the whole fake news thing is also a reaction to economic stress and an untrustworthy media:
The economy crashed eight years ago and still hasn't recovered. Wages haven't recovered. Employment rates haven't recovered (NB: "Unemployment Rate" measures people looking for work. That number has gone down because people are giving up looking, but actual employment hasn't recovered) Despite this, Democrats and the media insist everything is fine. The discrepancy between people's personal experiences and the story mainstream media tells them about Obama the Economic Savior destroys their trust in the media and in Democrats. They're mostly ignorant, uneducated, and have no rational understanding of what's going on, but they know on an intuitive, emotional level that they're being lied to. They dismiss the fake news of mainstream media and look for stories which better fit their experiences and prejudices. Of course, what they find is retarded alt-right fairy tales, but by the mere fact that the alt-right acknowledge a problem exists, their stories are ultimately much more credible than "America is already great".
Opinion discarded
Dialectics, material conditions and human nature.
That covers it in the most superficial manner possible.
And all the relevant so called cultural issues come from these biological issues. Patriarchy confirmed for being biological.
speaking personally, when I got into alt-right crap I was depressed and lonely
I still am lonely, but I'm not depressed any more (so much, anyway) and I'm back to being left wing, as I have been for most of my life
Most people have some redeeming value. Kindness is important as long as someone's not going out of their way to antagonize you.
All humans have value and deserve empathy and compassion. Especially the hateful and violent, because it was through shitty, horrible circumstances that made them that way.
That is false, homophobes etc often did t have a bad gay experience, instead they were the majority and were taught to think ina certain way, that led to a really cemented world view which makes them hate anything deviant and different, that is why they often have intense negative emotions of disgust when talking bayous gays for example.
Not everyone hates because they were rejected, many hate because their life was way too easy and never had to think for anything and were easily accepted as part of society and got controlled by it
eurotrash poster is very wise for saying this.
First; Some form of loneliness which drives them to browse the internet.
Second: Discover youtubers like Amazing Atheist or The Golden One or any other cringey alt-right youtuber.
Third: Discover 4chan and specifically Holla Forums. Their infographics will then begic the process of turning them into proper alt-right idiots.
The fucking liberals guide to differing views on race and sexuality. You are a clueless cliche.
The Amazing Atheist isn't alt right or wasn't when I still watched that faggot 5 years ago
No a lot of people genuinely hate others for pathetic, totally unjustified reasons that have nothing to do with bad experiences or society being cruel to them specifically. They just never had to deal with the situation they're repulsed by and have no sense of empathy or depth of understanding. Its not liberal really, its just obvious.
Anger, resentment and marginalization of ones problems.
Same as all radical groups.
He's still basically a socdem/social liberal. He just sort of jumped on the anti feminist/antisjw bandwagon but he isn't a racialist or even a civic nationalist by any means.
mostly just stems from sexual frustration. even the xenophobia
alt-right =/= poor white trash
To be honest, I'd say the real causes are alienation with idpol, and a perceived failure of Enlightenment Era values
actually most of "alt-righ" intellectuals and people who follow them are middle and upper class people
Low lQ
not really a concrete political ideology. Alt Righters are driven by resentment of their 'enemies' more than by a positive image of the future. When they talk of the SJWs as an all powerful totalitarian force, it is because to them it is one. The alt right is really invested in this image of themselves as strong powerful alpha males. The pipeline from PUA /men's self help pseudoscience (ie. cernovich) to fascism actually makes a lot of sense.
The alt right is characterised by paranoia and internal contradictions, there is a surprising number of gay/bi fascists, for example.
The collapse of bourgeoisie enlightenment values is a huge factor. We have gotten to the point that you can't defend them without somehow denying them at the same time. The only solution would involve the sublation of liberal values into communism, imo
I can tell you about me
right now my immediate interests are alt-right aligned:
death of idpol, stoppong immigration, nationalism
probably not a lefty in your books, but I feel that would be a better framework to achieve a better social order:
I don't think i agree with anything else.
Although.not with my objectives in mind, i think most autrightists share mostly those thee points
And that they arent the right in economic terms (they just hate communism because they bought into the cultural marxism meme) and strange as it sounds, they are closer to class awareness than most of the population (education level, hatred of banks, they realized that porky funds idpol and immigration). They know something is wrong with the system, they need direction, and it's more realistic than teaching poor people, or immigrants
come on, hit me with your complaints
That pic of Heimbach is a few years old
Here's something recent
When I was more of a Holla Forums user, I was definitely more lonely. I got a g/f and calmed down a bit, and I started moving more left. Before that I was looking for purpose in life, thinking maybe people needed struggle, (national) identity, conflict. I think I was feeling a bit like an Italian Futurist, which is a stones throw away from a fascist just without the emphasis on traditionalism.
But somewhat pathetically after I was less lonely I stopped caring, just wanted a better life. All the things I had become convinced were necessary for caring about life were just a reaction to loneliness.
It's like contradiction after contradiction. How boring.
Although I have no gf
Lower than average Autism Level.
Sure, many people have prejudiced or bigoted views simply because that's what they were raised with and surrounded by, but most will drop those views when personal experience contradicts them, and even if they don't they're likely not going to be cool with gays being rounded up and murdered, even if they advocated for it; usually they don't think about how gross gays are or how annoying niggers are, it's just an opinion they casually have. But for the people who entirely are serious and who refuses to change their mind and their life becomes how much they hate other people, usually those people are like that through shitty circumstances. Look at /r9k/ and how lonely and miserable they are and how that correlates with their hatred of women, the same for Holla Forums and their hatred of minorities. If they were successful, happy people, they might still have similar views, but they wouldn't be anymore serious about them then most other people are about their prejudices.
Growing up on the internet.
Trolling so hard you literally take up the most extreme right-wing ideology, but then up believing your own bullshit.
Did he draw something into that Swastika? I can't tell what it is. Also weev kinda looks Jewish, lol.
*end up believing your own bullshit
Not too sure, but he probably did.
Dude looked jewish af.
I was honestly kind of surprised when he turned right. Believing in "muh fun" always seemed antithetical to being a troll for me. But I guess that also depends on who you're trying to troll.
Massive amounts of propaganda and astroturfing.
they see SJW-bullshit and counter-"radicalize"
Combine this with thee chochamber-effeckt, put it in the oven for 20 minutes at approx. 180°C and you´v´ve got yourself some aut-rights.
they see SJW-bullshit and counter-"radicalize"
Combine this with thee chochamber-effeckt, put it in the oven for 20 minutes at approx. 180°C and you´v´ve got yourself some aut-rights.
not ideologically, just some common objectives
Tribalism is not a bad word, it's a component of the human mindset. Loving "the motherland" is tribalism. I believe an important base for socialism is playing with a sense of community.
A sense of community is not idpol, or at least not idpol in it's current, divisive nature
I encourage you to actually argue
They immigrate for economic reasons
How is this not mainly a economic matter, regardless of any racist component?
Porky wants cheaper labor and some leftists defend this
Agreed, but this really falls into why you need to fight religion, not the patriarchy. It's a component of any society, but honestly don't see how this is relevant to this matter.
Agreed, a lot needs to be done to protect victims of violence (may I add that in many other cases too: children, retards, old people abused by family, etc)
There is cultural inertia at I think we are getting there, but I don't feel this is a patriarchy-backed thing. Women not being taking seriously is, but in educated societies (that breed the most sjw's) it's kinda universally seen as a terrible thing to hit women
Feminism is the flag you'd wave to raise awareness about the issue, but this is not "fighting the patriarchy"
Weakest point. This is like what I said about hitting women, but even stronger. What sane men would want their sister or wife being raped in their wonderful patriarcal society?
Defending borders means defending private property, and people have the right to go and live where they want.
Aside from that, the economic problem isn't the minuscule amount of wealth going to "Mexicans" but in the monstrous transfer of capital from working people and the economy at large to the financier-ownership class. Wages paid to illegal immigrants are trivial in comparison. That's all to say nothing of the essential role low prices facilitated by low wages in maintaining the American consumer economy.
So, sure, it's an economic problem, but which section of the economy you're looking at matters.
correct if I'm wrong, but:
Jobs who cannot be outsourced can still be automated tough.
Except it's not. There are still lots of things being produced in the US. The thing keeping companies for outsourcing is the initial high cost, but the moment they see they can realise a quick profit by outsourcing, they do it.
Also you're really deluded if you think companies would pay Americans more were it not for Mexicans getting paid shit.
The fuck is that autism?
Just because they cannot be outsourced "yet" doesn't mean they can't or won't, or that the whole problem won't just be obviated with automation. Again, it's silly to be upset about the paltry wages "lost" by non-American workers when it's just a tiny fraction of the billions companies would get to keep either way.
All the popular mainstream alternatives are worse than the alt-right who are opposed to the evil scheme of the capitalists: they want open borders to destroy the nation state in order to get more and more cheap labor and then use the white man as a scapegoat just like the Nazis have used the Jewish man as a scapegoat.
the moustache of that guy looks like two turds
I see the parallelism, but I don't care to conflate two things with different results because they share a general structure
I think many social policies are unsustainable when the right is given to anybody
yes, this would be ideal, and maybe I'd agree were it not for how terribly overpopulated the world is
About the economic problems, we agree, but I want to point out that the migrant population being small does not mean it doesn't have a relevant impact.
First off, you should compare the working-age populations to have a better guided idea of the impact. Also, compare only in southern areas, specially rural
Lastly, a small percentage of excess workers can have larger implications on wages.
I'm pulling this graphic out of my ass for illustration purposes only, to bring my point home. It's obvious that in a free market just a little more offer than demand severly affect the price. 9 workers for 10 jobs is SEVERLY different to 10 workers for 9 jobs. There is a reason the minning industry constantly hides their findings on resources:
No Borders! No Nation!
("Nicht nur die Wortwahl bei der AfD sei gefährlich. „Abgesehen davon sind die Inhalte (…) tödlich für unsere Volkswirtschaft“, sagte der Präsident des Arbeitgeberverbands BDA. Denke man daran, was Deutschland 2030 brauche, so seien dies unter anderem ausländische Fachkräfte, Bildungsinvestitionen und offene Grenzen.")
Billionaires are afraid of "populism" and borders, hostility towards immigrantion:
Invite refugees and let the media know that they have cried hearing about the immigrant's fate:
yes, but still immigration lowers wages
it's not a matter of nationality, Americans would be payed more if other Americans died, or moved to Canada. It's a matter of available workforce
In all honesty, Mexican and American masses should be better educated and become job creators instead, but that would mean competition for the existing porkies
I don't feel comfortable with saying "Mexicans should go back", I just believe it's inescapable that large unqualified immigration is a tool of porky
And in a socialist or communist state would be a bit more unstable having more workers than people capacitated to manage them.
Open immigration means that as soon as you create an utopia, it gets flooded. There's no way around that.
Export your production model, spread the word, educate the world.
But do not import the workers.
***because it would wreck their economy
I'm all for the deportation of cirminals though