I hate to be Holla Forums tier… but…

I hate to be Holla Forums tier… but…


Protestors who have denounced both capitalism and Trump in Washington are rioting. Media is describing it as the worst rioting yet

Other urls found in this thread:


That idiot at the start with his face uncovered is so fucking arrested

lol, I know.
he looked sjw and soccer dad

Good tbh.



lol, what are you talking about?

Wtf i love anarkids now

Look at those impotent smushys go.


Hello, FBI…
I have a tip for you..

Comrade Zizek would be doing the same shit whether in capitalism or communism.

Remember comrades the jews are the biggest perpetrators of capitalism.

I'm surprised a bank would have such weak windows.

go home kid

They grow up to be nationalists anyway. Same coin, different side.

what does this even mean??? your comment literally means nothing, what the fuck is a "perpetrator of capitalism"

You know exactly what it means, kiddo.


Won't somebody think of those poor working-class windows of Bank of America, McDonalds and Starbucks???

Heh thanks for proving me right.


They let those racist trash bins get whats commin to em tho


Trash cans are a instrument of white supremacy, they reproduce the symbol of whiteness that are trash free streets.

Is this reddit?

Lol, implying I visit sites which are controlled opposition.

Oc, my friends, I just made it and you were the first to see it

It's just the regular "Holla Forums pretending to be Holla Forums" pushing their usual "antifa is worse than fascism and neoliberalism combined" meme

lol, I was trying to push nothing of the sorts

Also, I think fascism and anitfa are on equal footing with each other, tbqh. anything with fascism in the name is kinda dumb.
But neoliberalism is as bad as both combined

Antifa and black block are the only non cucked elements of the modern day left and the only real threat to capitalism.

If you really wanted to enact change every leftist would be black block. But no you want to masturbate to the idea of revolution in the comfort of a Starbucks while reading psychoanalysis pseudoscience.

Please don't do this, I don't want to agree with a Nazi poster

This nazi gets it. If you believe antifa and fascists are the same, you might as well go back to HuffPo now.

Well you ARE deracinated white cucks intentionally or unintentionally working to destroy white ethno states. So there's that element. :^)

So its not ok to attack someone for their race or skin color, but its ok to attack somone for their beliefs?

Not conviced


Yes, they are the enemy. Most of the world (besides classcucked liberals) don't see police as protecting them, they see them as an occupying military force.

Fake news. The pope is great. So is Israel. Abrahamic religions are cool. Continue to sit back doing nothing while Trump and Clinton have servents. That's how things are done in the United States. The US MAFIA runs shit. You are a slave and will never be anything else. Deal with it.

really makes me think

Still not convinced.
I believe that people are entitled to any belief they want as long as they dont force it upon others. Both fascists and anti-fascists are in the wrong when they attack another for not holding their belief set

If thats hating black people, or hating people who hate black people, its all the same to me.

When it comes down to it, both groups are still fascist.

Remember - corporations are people too. If you want communism you have to include poor opressed corporations.

your not fooling anyone

I think he's being ironic user.

that you are twelve and what is this?

That's not what fascism means. Fascism isn't just 'hating ppl' you fucking newfag.

lurk moar

Damn, I was fooled

Fascism has been dead since 1945. Most people who throw that word around have no idea what fascism actually is.

I would describe fascism abstractly as "Intolerant views or practices"
In which case, it fits the definition

Please tell me theres more chaos in store for today Lord Satan. This universe is getting boring as fuck.

They are not attacked for their beliefs. They are attacked for organizing against us. The Nazi program includes killing all leftists (well, at least the active ones), and every time they get together, they are actively working towards their goals, including our death. It has nothing to do with speech.

Ok, and so they are attacked in turn for organizing against you. Still not seeing any difference between fa and antifa, they are two sides to the same coin

Honestly, all debate aside, this started with me just creating some OC I thought was humerus. I wasnt trying to get every antifa member of leftypol butthurt
I didnt hink this picture would trigger leftypol:

Honestly, all debate aside, this started with me just creating some OC I thought was humerus. I wasnt trying to get every antifa member of leftypol butthurt

I didnt hink this picture would trigger leftypol:

You guys need to calm down

The difference is that antifa is on my team. If you are apolitical or whatever and okay with Nazis attacking us and a whole bunch of other people, I'm okay with that, just don't pretend to be a socialist.

I just saw a protester waving a BLM flag.

There really isn't any fucking hope. I guess all I can wish for is that Trump doesn't accelerate the shit out of us somehow. Because I don't even think I will even see an organized radleft in my lifetime much less the revolution.

peak liberalism: the post

WTF is this bullshit, is protestors hating a thing now in Holla Forums.
Yes, I believe that breaking windows is silly, but with enough momentum, the anger could be directed at porkys instead of windows.

It's more because they're only mad that Hillary isn't president.

Further proof that leftists are the niggers of the white race.


Only leftists could reach such heights of hypocrisy.



Pathetic, they aren't even starting fires or throwing molotovs. Thats barely a riot.


If youve read any of my arguments, im not ok with fascists or antifascits. Theyre the same thing in my mind.

Both are intolerant of others and attempt to force their beliefs onto others by violence

It's a pussyriot :^)

Seeing unwashed leftists getting their shit beaten in by riot police is one of the most touching sights of all.

That's nice but that definition is so nebulous that it could be used to describe anything. Try reading a real analysis of fascism before you spew your liberal bullshit all over the board again.

If only I had a light machine-gun…

thanks for confirming cops are fascists and fascists are cops

offer a definition of Fascism then

socdems need the gulag treatment

Politics and violence go hand in hand. To think otherwise is completely naive. The West is so far removed from actual political struggle that you think real world politics are enforced through rigorous debate and a drum circle.


textbook fascism

so anti-establishment bro

I'm not convinced. These kinds of guys have shown up at a LOT of protests, they have kind of a reputation. It's probably more about Trump actually being president than it is about Hillary not being president. They would likely have been less motivated to action by Hillary, but they would have also had less of an opportunity had she actually won. Strategically, striking against an incompetent guy who's only president on technicality just makes more sense to begin with.

Bit kinky mate

You and niggers are more alike than you think.

Keep licking those boots cuck.

It's a hypernationalist, militaristic, corporatist ideology that promotes class collaboration with the intent to form a strong nation state. It's stated goals are usually to bring the nation/people back to a time of greatness which has been subverted by threats both internally and externally. It thrives off of it's inconsistency and relies totally on the aesthetics of power.

This is the only valid argument I have seen

Google and webster disagree with you:

(in general use) extreme right-wing, authoritarian, or intolerant views or practice.

1920s: from Italian fascismo, from fascio ‘bundle, political group,’ from Latin fascis (see fasces).

You can tell they're numale cucks but their weak bat swings. Bet they spent childhood going to Buddhist temples and eating vegetables instead of playing little league and getting adequate protein. Sad!

A core of 200 starting shit and getting hit.
Kinda pathethic, but interesting to see how the police still has to get that much action to handle it.

guys it's FBI

Hmmm maybe because dictionaries are descriptive and don't actually handle political theory.

The police were letting them block entrances, service people were turned away, I don't think there were orders to make this an easy day for Trump.

and before you disagree with google or websters definition:

let me remind you that the only person who has used the word in the context of a government in this thread is you. Every post I have made I am using the general sense of the word, I have not been describing forms of governance

Maybe you should email webster if you think their definitions are wrong

Guys when small shit like this starts and your group is small the first thing you do is grab all the people trying to record you and smash their equipment

The common use of the word is useless because it can be applied to any political ideology.

checked, but not kekd

Once again, if your not happy with how Webster defines a word, maybe you should email them


Im sorry you dont like the definition of the word. maybe you should email webster and ask them to change it

Does anyone have clear image of them kicking the trash can?

I just want to thank you. Thank you user, that was amusing.

dictionaries are prescriptive


Thank you. that image triggered half of leftypol and I just wanted to make something funny

Some are. Some aren't. Webster is descriptive.

Oh. Oxford would be prescriptive though, right?


It's the love of class hierarchy and violence, so yeah

Knowing anarchists, this is probably about having presidents.

The american proletariat deserves to be genocided tbh

time to learn kurdish

only some of them do

iirc it's also descriptive. I don't know if there is a prescriptive dictionary in English.

ITT: leftypol doesnt see the inherent power against the dominant system by breaking rules and thinks rioting is about destroying stuff

They smashed a Bank of America, McDonalds and Starbucks

A real slap in the face to Hilldog


Raoul Moat made the British state sperg out and send RAF jets and commandos in because he challenged them that hard.

what happened with "peace and love"?

Rioting is understandable and it's an outlet for frustrations but it's really not constructive in building a socialist movement. The riot is what the workers turn to when they have no alternative to combat the capitalist hegemony. We should building the alternative.

Take the hippy trash elsewhere.

Try that, /neo-leftypol/ will just shout lifestylism, LARPer and hippies. Nothing is good enough for these retards from r/fullcommunism

Make Israel Great Again?

no, you don't. you love it. admit it.

Fat ass pol vicariously living through cops that are actually fit detected

That triggering makes it every funnier for me, but I started my internet journey on 4chan Holla Forums/ Viva Lulz!



and this is actually supposed to be PRO antifa material. holy fuck

Posting in cancerous "replies are le ebin sjews triggered" thread.

This is bullshit
The modern day riot is an egotistical flaunting of whatever power a few theoryless twats think they have - and they are always in retaliation to specific events, not against capitalist hegemony as a whole.

They get shut down fast and arrested, or laughed at and ignored, because they allow themselves to be recorded and televised and their image used to reinforce state ideology.

Fuck you, fuck the obviously FBI run honeypot riots/protests

it will only show you that police are always the aggressors
the people are just in self defence

good, that will push the public opinion further in our direction

Is this a serious post? Are Americans really this retarded?

What direction? Trump is a Zionist porky. And you are just as dumb as cuckservatives when they vote for Bush or Cruz…


You're literally dripping with anti-establishment.
A true rebel, this one.

show some fucking dignity and beat the fuck out of the cops!

First rational argument against the rioting

oh no the bootlicker zionists will like us less

This. I liked the post you are responding to, shows how Western progressives will romanticize themselves and their activities endlessly regardless of meaning or repercussion.


they wont they're a false flag

a few kids are gonna get arrested later and thatll be it

lol, might just as well be some old school radical who has been a petite bourgie for like 40 years taking his rocks off the shelf


the first rational argument against rioting is "what if bad things are actually bad".

Well not every riot is a bunch of anarchists running around. Regardless that was my point. These people don't have theory and the specific events that bring about the feelings needed to riot are caused by capitalist hegemony whether or not they realize it. That's precisely why the left should be building organizations to channel that energy and anger into constructive action. We should be in communities introducing people to theory.


just a little at a time.

there will be more.

Sounds like projection on your part m8

There's no more Slav gentiles to do die for you, they're on our side now.

You're all alone, and the right wing is gaining strength with every enrichment event. Just give it a few more years.

feel bad for the guy who got his car spray painted

kekkity kek

lmao'ing at all the collabos itt


Oh no, you're worse than a Jew, you're their useful idiot. I can at least respect a Jew for his dedication, but you? You're filth.

In true communist fashion the tumblr userbase of this fine board once again steals memes and fails to make them funny.

I'll lick your tears when he starts deporting your spic boyfriend.


Are people with emotional responses like these genuine or are they just putting on a show? I don't think I've felt strongly about anything like that since I was a toddler.

Ha, that hypothetical personification of an ideology you don't like won't know what hit him!


Is this liberalism or just not being an anarchokiddie?

Left my shit posting flag on

Most likely deliberately there to ridicule the opposition

In Korea however, this kind of exaggerated emotion is normal IIRC

It's pretty liberal tbh. Basically every historic socialist movement combatted the far-right and fascists with physical violence on the street.


lol triggered

way to refute anything I've said, assmad Holla Forumsyp


Whoa these guys are hardcore.



Wow, it's fucking nothing

It's almost like you need to go back to reddit tbh

agree, they are of the richest class as well

Limo on fire


Yup, my candidate lost and yours betrayed you. You're going to spend the next 4 years disappointed and running damage control for somebody who couldn't give less of a fuck about your autistic beliefs.

The commenters are triggered as per usual.

I'm going to enjoy American politics for the next few years, I think.

Liberal has become completely meaningless on this board. What exactly was liberal about what I said?

I don't accept Holla Forumss antisemetic world view so I'm not able to pretend like they are "being betrayed by Jews" or whatever the framing is.


I'm laughing at you this one. Thanks for getting our lolcow in though

If Islamists can do more than this in this day and age, I find it pretty pathetic when this is the extent of anti-fa.
Truly liberals in disguise.

Nazbols are a literally a meme. It's a joke.

We don't need to look further than his cabinet picks to see that he is not back peddling on shit



Trump is still a jewish bootlicker, and you're a bootlicker's bootlicker.

Is this satire? You're a fucking nationalist dude.

The fact that they allow themselves to be recorded is proof enough they're plants m8

nazis crying over muh limos again

Thats my kink

Well people were saying
I hope BLM can convert to being marxist and a bit more intersectional (since they do cover others getting shot and/or killed by pigs).

Uh…. Yes?

Liberals co-opting leftist rhetoric again? Evidence they woke, obv

Your posts are God tier


If true then you're a master. I am humbled to be in your presence.

literally the only us organization succesfully carrying out direct action against the military-industry complex. Did you faggots know shitposting on anonymous imageboards is not radical praxis ?

Why do you leftist idiots do this?

You know you aren't ready for a revolution.

You know it's just going to be used to justify the police state which will crack down on you.

is this a joke?

and that police state will lead to more joining the cause. we aren't trying to appeal to middle class incels

Green majority 2020 eggs pee
Yeah because if we've learned anything over the past few years it's that the working class really like leftists.

top kek

Are people with emotional responses like these genuine or are they just putting on a show?
I honestly dont know. I WANT to say that its some sort of plant because I find it hard to believe that a presidential inauguration could elicit such a response… But who am I to judge how people feel about shit

Problem is, these liberals pretending to be anarchists and commies are only damaging property (and that too only for a single day). This will cost the bourgeoisie only pennies to repair. We need to make them fear for their PERSONAL safety. "Let the ruling classes tremble at a communist revolution."

It wont cost anything - there's a reason why these plants only attack insurable objects

All this shit is going to do is cost poky some pocket change and make him crack down harder
What needs to be attacked is porky, not porkies ride

This is literally nothing new. The same shit that's happening now happened worse during Bush Sr's administration

You are White Nationalist Jrs


The working class used to be the democrat party's base before they decided to be the party of rich Californians.


Typical communist scum.

Niggers and faggots*

Lol. I didnt see anyone brainwashing children. I saw an interview with a child who seems to have a point of view different than your own



That's what lolberts and SJWs are doing right now fam. Could be worse. Sides, kids love playing with fire.

Inorite? how unpresidented.


Spurdo is our meme now. that breddy gud :DDD

Literal anarkiddie

Literally everyone has a camera on them nowadays you sperg, this isn't the poll tax riots.

Still has done more to promote leftism than >99% of Holla Forums


Sorry for your loss, fam. :^)


Yet here you are.

Random acts of vandalism aren't leftism, you anarkiddie.

QT. Also,

back atchya


I have hopes for this kid.


you sure???


Come on spurdo you're better than this.


stares ravishly at windows

Hence the quotes, like a rep saying that.

Let's expropriate porky :DDD

(I'm not intentionally being this autistic, I just woke up. Shouldn't have said that in the first place.)

They're not even looting FFS, what a joke.



That's actually kind of dope.


This is what happens to autists who wear pepe badges in public.

Makes our cause look like /edgy/ preteens enacting their emotional trauma IRL is the norm. Whatever tbh. I'm only angry that they destroyed rather than looted. What's the point of breaking the windows of a Verizon or Radioshock without stealing the electronics? FFS. Wasted opportunity tbh.

Saying this as a nearly homeless comrade that would appreciate the next group of rioters to give us some electronics.

Seems a bit liberal TBH.

Thank Marx these brave photographers were there to capture this inferno.


>fighting imagined nazis is liberal

Can someone please upload?

Well, considering that nazis and liberals are heavy into idpol, bother generally favor some kind of capitalism, either socdem or le free market, on top of both being whiny faggots, I think it's about right.

But seriously I was commenting that the punch could've just come from a liberal. Also, it only makes the liberals sympathetic with nazis, since they have been indoctrinated with anti-violence since birth basically.

I now no longer know what the fuck I'm talking about/

Already taken down. Someone reupload it and post webm blz

This is actually a genius shot. All these photographers thinking about how a bin that's kicked over is the moneyshot, when they've become a farce and a scene themselves.

This made it worth
Thanks smashies


It's like the trashcan of ideology has been kicked over, and thus liberals surround it to eat the insides. *sniff*



Truly strange times we're living in.


Requesting smaller gif from Holla Forumsfag

Rip Donald Trump's Limo



Someone should send it to Zizek, I bet he'd love it.


Why is it that antifa is fascist? isnt that a bit counter intuitive?

When I first glanced at that I thought it was an edit of pic related

Educate yourself, liberal: youtube.com/watch?v=Ic4Cq2-3QZc

me too. I though someobdy shooped a Doom-style chaingun

Describe fascism.

Antifa are anarchists for the most part, you're confusing the liberals for antifa tbh. Most liberals wouldn't mind fascism implemented if it meant protection of their idpol.

Well, this apparantly is debatable…
But if one were to use the webster definition for the word fascism, in it's general, non-governmental sense (which is also debateable), fascism means:

(in general use) extreme right-wing, authoritarian, or intolerant views or practice.

So while the term anti-fa itself would seemingly imply "tolerance, non-authoritarian" the way anti-fa is commonly used is to mean something similar to "Those who fight against fascists" which could easily also be describe as "those who are intolerant of fascists"

…So I know this is debatable, but if you are intolerant of other people's intolerance… you yourself are intolerant

Just watched a neo-nazi get punched while trying to explain degenerate image board culture.

Trump Presidency: Day 1

I made the above comment. This is how antifa should be thought of, but this is not always the case

Whats his end game guys?

Does he have alzheimers now or what

You guys are ridiculous. Jew is a founder of your ideology and is using you as a tool to enrich himself by proclaiming everyone is equal.


All this shit could easily lead to the Trump presidency being the most Orwellian version of American government yet.

But for some reason I'm glad these guys are the "anti-establishment" anymore.


That quirky behavior is what allowed for the invasion of Iraq and the continuation of the Banker's Oil Wars. I'm pretty sure it was in his autobiography that he learned early on that he had to act like a pleb in order to take political office, as his Yale educated personality alienated voters.

Definition of socialism
: any of various economic and political theories advocating collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods
a : a system of society or group living in which there is no private property
b : a system or condition of society in which the means of production are owned and controlled by the state

Definition of anarchism
: a political theory holding all forms of governmental authority to be unnecessary and undesirable and advocating a society based on voluntary cooperation and free association of individuals and groups

They are against the political ideology of fascism. Fascism doesn't have a monopoly on intolerance so the dictionary definition (which doesn't describe the political ideology) is pretty much useless.

Yes, i used a dictionary to describe a word that has been around for 100 years.

I would rather look to a dictionary to define a word than a random shitposter on leftypol

I thought they invented communism

Nazis are so stupid that they can't even decide what to think


Look up what a descriptive dictionary is.

Wher are you looking?
im using mobile app


Then you're a fucking retard who should go back to reddit. I've seen actual arguments on there between a life long socialist and someone claiming socdem, communism and socialism were all the same thing using a dictionary definition, absolutely refusing to accept that the dictionary could be simplistic. You'll fit right in.



I think your responding to the wrong person. Also, communism existed before Marx, who just criticized capitalism, and was actually anti-Semitic. Also, I want quality of life, not equality.

They didn't loot the stores and redistribute the electronics, that's what pisses me off the most. If that antifa lad from last night is ITT, he better take note for next time.

So provide your own definitions of fascism and we can all argue over which one is more correct.

No, he was always retarded.

what about barron? whats his endgame?

This post is what every liberal and reactionary have said during all revolutions. Seriously, you could be refering to the October Revolution.

Fuck off back to the young turks comment section you cretin

to have a stylish cut


Already did this with you

If you're still fooled by his foolish behavior you're part of the problem tbh. This is how he got away with everything he did. If you felt he was smarter than you were, which clearly he is as he was POTUS, you would feel antagonistic and want him to suffer for hurting the constituents of the USA. Since he's viewed as a retard, even subconsciously you feel sympathy towards him, when in reality he killed 1million Iraquis by extension and tens of thousands of Americans.


this is my point exactly. Instead of discussing a point, everyone on this board wants to argue semantics. Im sick of the shit
I dont want everyone to post their own definitions of the word so we can argue over it, that was sarcasm.

I wanted people to feel like its stupid trying to argue over the specifics of words.

And by your response, I think you got the idea.


Ya.. Bush jr isnt an idiot.
He may choke on preztels and say words that dont exist, but I wouldnt call him stupid.

The whole October revolution was done by Jews and almost all 20th century's notable left leaning ideologists were Jewish.
People like Soros treat you like a tool to undermine their opponents. Communism is nothing more than instrument in war of power between Jews.

He wasn't stupid at all. I think him and Karl Rove had a book reading competition. He literally probably read 50x more than 90% of the posters here.

No not at all. But when you critize something for being too violent or too disoriented, you have no fucking clue.

But I think a third of the people ITT are fresh out of reddit and one third is Holla Forumsyps false flagging.

Also, these riots are still pretty impactful, seeing that it takes place in Freedomistan. By European standards, this is barely a riot but…

Then why did Stalin start calling them rootless cosmopolitans and liquidate them from the party?

m8 are the jews a big conspiracy or not?

Shit, it almost sounds like they're merely a group which happens to be highly educated due to their socioeconomic background, and therefore tend to show up a lot in groups that contain highly educated people.

nah can't be that


Soros is anti-socialist m8.

This is fascism as a type of governance. fa/antifa is fascism in its general sense, not in a sense of governance.

When someone says that another is fascist, they generally dont mean that the person is hypernationalist, militaristic, corporatist, and promotes class collaboration with the intent to form a strong nation state.
When someone is referred to as a fascist, it is generally meant that person is racist or intolerant.
Im not saying your definition of fascism is incorrect, only incomplete

You are saying that antifa is hypocritical because they are in fact acting like fascists. Fascism is a complex political ideology that isn't "intolerance+violence". The definition of fascism is a long debated subject among historians and political scientists. Your argument is wrong because you don't have a basic understanding of the word. Literally reading the wikipedia article would make you more informed then you are now.


Objectively false

I get that the common definition of fascism just means someone acting intolerant and violent but that's not what antifa are against. They are a political organization who is in opposition to the political ideology of fascism.

Because they were his enemies in fight for power over USSR. What Stalin did doesn't change that October revolution was made by Jews for Jews.

Objectively true.

I agree with this
Good idea.
We are using different meanings of the word, both correct

So the question is…
are anti-fa's against fascism as a political orientation, or fascism as a pejorative term.
I would say both are correct

So why then does he fund Antifa and funded Hillary's campaign?

nice evidence
way to not repeat the same unsupported statement as nauseum and call it an argument like all the other faggots from your board always do

Lol except communism doesn't overwhelmingly support one ethnic group and all the Jewish bolsheviks were purged by Stalin and the Russian ethno-nationalists in the USSR by the late 30's.

meant for

They are obviously against the political ideology.

It's not an anti-capitalist organization. He probably funds it because he doesn't like fascism.
Has nothing to do with socialism.

I think after everything we've said today we owe the smashes an apologies and a thanks.
Sorry smashies!
Thanks smashies!

I would agree with this, but also extend the movement to be intolerant of fascism as a pejorative term as well

replace kikes and jews with capitalists, and you've got Holla Forums



I wouldn't. The prerogative is vague enough to be applied to almost any political ideology. Violence and intolerance aren't exclusive to fascism.

Not anti-capitalism? You're joking, right. So explain this.

not quite. socialism has no fascism in the pejorative sense
Also although it is only one website, antifascistnews.com, i will use it as supporting evidence that many anti-fa's are also against fa in the pejorative sense

sorry, forgot image

Except for the fact the problem is a systemic one, rather than something you could pin it on a few people, even if their deaths would make the world net better.

I can show this enough.

Sounds like he wants global capitalism and big government to me. Where does it say that he wants a stateless, classless, currency-less society, let alone one with the workers controlling the means of production similar to co-ops?


I agree with this. It's not necessarily a bad thing but it can be inconvenient, like liberals calling Trump a fascist when his economic platform was farther left than Hillary's in several ways, Anti-Fa like many anarchists groups can have lifestylists liberals which would direct their actions against the "street" definition of fascism rather than the actual thing (possibly because actual fascists are dangerous meth-heads rather than old people with chauvinistic feelings).

response to

The only criticism I have of black blocs is they are never organized here like they are in Europe.

In Europe, they plan everything out for the day, they for example create blockades, blocade certain streets, force the police to funnell through certain areas where they can bottleneck them, they use fireworks, molotovs, they know how to fight tear gas, they know how to fight riot police etc.

Here all they do is smash a few windows and throw some bins over.

That being said, king hitting Spencer. Beautiful.

Antifa isn't one monolithic organization. It's just a bunch of chapters that have loose connections to each other. There is no unifying ideology outside of opposition to fascism.

true… half this thread was basically me and one other guy arguing over the definition of fascism.
(I think) we settled on the idea that fascism can be used in a political ideological sense, and a pejorative sense

I am currently teaching my younger brother, age 10 about Communism. Helping him with a book report on Fidel.

Hey. Am I late? Did you guys see the part where Richard Spencer got decked in the face yet?


Nice. Thanks!

thank you for sharing, no, I did not see that part yet

holy fuck, anarkiddies are literally retarded.

Soros is one of the most virulent anti-Communists since Hitler

I tend to agree with this. I was the poster of that webm, unless if your burning the bourg or a strategic structure of some sorts, I dont think setting shit on fire accomplishes much.
I thought the video was hilarious for the following:
kek. as if a kid saying 'screw the president' explains anything
It actually does explain everything that is happening right tho, tbqh

You realize we've been 100% softshoe while the right wave guns around. The way things are headed, the center-left/neoliberals/whatever are very popular but it's a demographic which can still win most of the votes and lose elections. Simply put: pussies. MLK's side of the civil rights movement shared the time period with the rise of militant black movements.

There is appeal to be had. Liberals are realizing that the center isn't willing to fight for its rights and beliefs. They've been disenfranchised and misrepresented for long enough. They know that 2 million is enough for an invading force, and if you think that whole number was totally pleased with voting for Hillary you're probably wrong. They've been given a proposition: settling & pacifism or representation & arms.

minor correction: American neoliberals have been 100% softshoed.
true Holla Forumsers and other radical leftists generally believe in waving guns around as well

Yep, this is why showing violence is important.

It signals that there is a THREAT of violence behind the peaceful protests, that if things do not improve, things can go badly and out of hand very quickly. Every major movement was won on the back of the threat of violence or actual violence behind it.

Civil Rights never would have been won without the violence of the riots happening every single week at the time and the militarization of black communities.

My only major criticism of Anarchists, is their violence is too disorganized and pathetic, it needs to be targeted, inspiring and spectacular and it needs to cause serious problems for the Government in the region.

I agree with this.
tbqh tho, i am against some of the rioting going on right now…
mindless rioting and looting is not the way to go.
The french peasantry won the revolution because they stormed the bastille, and later Tuileries Palace.
They didnt win the revolution by looting and breaking windows, they won it by directing their efforts where it counted.
This is the lesson we need to learn

the current form of rioting will only serve to make the ruling powers more oppresive. it is only when the ruling powers are directly attacked and destroyed that progress is made.

breaking Bank of America windows is only going to cause porky to fight 10x harder to make Trump fight us

Basically agreed.

DC riots are simply mob mentality in action.

we need to purge the bourg, and take no prisoners.

Vegeta knows whats up.

This is why my example elsewhere in this thread was that Wall Street should have been seriously targeted during Occupy and seriously just razed.

It is a very important symbolic act and seriously damages the system and those in power. It also signals both to the people, that the rich and powerful are just humans and that we do have power, it also signals to the elites, we are willing to fight to protect ourselves and our rights and communities.

100% this.
200% this
300% this
total: 600% this

ya, some of the shit going on is basically mindless

ya, some of the shit going on is basically mindless

forgot to post pic


Dude got pummeled by a ninja sneak attack and can't get over it.


Should we troll?

If you want. Just go to his twitter.
There's a bunch ass furious aut-rightist commenting on his tweets.

Fuck the trashcan and the limo

We're bitching because it's done by koolaid drinking liberals, it achieves nothing, it turns people off leftism when they see silly pointless violence, and it gives reasons and justification for more oppression.

It's still fucking up a limo

Imho good for them.

his name is Mark Lind


Richard Spencer did a periscope on this:

Kek is obviously not with Spencer. As soon as Spencer mentioned kek, he got hit.

Shut the fuck up nerd

kek wills it

An additional reason is that it vents frustration and anger that could be used for real revolutionary action, but instead they want to feel good instead of doing good.

Ok but a rich faggot's limo still got fucked




Nice post

Who the fuck cares about a limo? How does fucking up a limo help anything? It's just causing a slight inconvenience for the limo company.

The bougie on the phone with car insurance right now who owned it


If they can smash a limo in chaos, imagine what they can do with better organization. They can smash a whole bunch of fucking limos. They can smash the limos of specific people, who are going to turn to the state and ask for more backup. But the state is unpopular, and will lose popularity as it turns more and more violently on its citizens in the defense of the elite.

People accept consumerism, accept the state, accept non-violence… often for the same reason they accept anything else. They don't realize there are other ways and that people will actually do them. If you understand the sheer number of people dissatisfied not only with the outcome of this election, but with the political system and the election itself, this means a lot.

theres probably a 99% chance your right about that limo being owned by bourg…
but i feel bad if its some dude who bought a limo to run a limo service and his livelihood just got destroyed

Many insurance companies will not insure against loss by insurrection, this sometimes includes rioting as well… it is generally listed as excluded right next to 'acts of god'.

weather this is classified as insurrection or not i dunno.

had to find a sauce for you:

I agree. The french won their revolution by storming the bastille and later the Tuileries Palace… This effort needs to be focused on strategic targets, not limos and mcdonalds

Propaganda of the deed was often a horrible failure. But that's irrelevant because this isn't PotD, just pointless rioting and the rioters will never do anything more because they're edgy cowards. The Black Panthers standing in public with rifles was PotD and was actually meaningful and required courage. The only people impressed by the rioting are liberals, but most people are just going to be turned off by it, including anti-system people. If the rioters attacked and killed police and weren't rioting because the media told them Trump was literally Hitler and they're preferred oppressor didn't win, then maybe it'd be worth caring about, but this isn't.


ITT: Doing absolutely nothing and just sitting on your ass posting on Twitter it's the most revolutionary thing one can do.


The true revolutionary never leaves his armchair, opportunistic faggot.

No one's advocating doing nothing, just not doing counter-productive shit that solely makes you feel good.

Then what do we do? A peaceful protest that gets ignored or probed for loons? Start another organization with >50 people that doesn't do shit? Shove newspapers at passerby? Scream how Holodomor was a hoax and Stalin was right about everything? Tell everyone to read Bordiga and wait for the final crisis to bring Jesus back destroy capitalism? Start a co-op that to the normie eye looks like a normal business?

Last option is the best one. Find a friend and get started already.

I'm not advocating against violence or for pacifism, I'm advocating against pointless violence. If you don't know how to start the revolution, you can at least prepare for it. Libertarian/constitutionalist militia groups might be FBI infiltrated LARPers, but at least they have a vague idea of what to do. Shit, they're basically the only ones getting into armed stand offs with the Feds, that's closer to revolutionary than rioting and they're most likely to start an uprising than anyone else.



ITT: not charging into an unwinnable fight like Leroy Jenkins for no damn reason

Man doing this must be so much fun. There's just something about destroying things that is so exhilarating.

flawless logic. Plus why the fuck is FOX News interviewing a fucking child


Well, with that attitude!


Hey, if the trend keeps up this all might actually be worth it.

I hope you lefties don't actually consider those subhumans to be your comrades.


Your weeb is showing, Fritz.

fuck limos tbh
and fuck bofa, mcds, and starbucks
and fuck you propertarian

I bet you want to be just like him.

I'ts more sad than anything to be honest. For example a lot of actual Not Socialists, think that alt-right and neo-nazis are total degenerate cucks. Are you okay to be mixed up with any kind of cringe and idiot? Why are you celebrating those people when they're doing their best to destroy the last bit of dignity that's left for the left?

For someone who shouldn't even acknowledge props being props, you're getting awfully angry over them. Also, would you be okay with me coming to your house and smash any electronic device? I mean you couldn't shitpost here anymore, but at the same time you shouldn't give a shit about your props getting demicated right, since private property doesn't matter?

Sometimes I wonder why we even bother.

Nobody is falling for your two faced bullshit.

Sorry dude, but unless he runs a one man limo company, he is gonna be a bourg just like any other. Scale doesn't change class status.

Here's what you meant:

Since they're Ameriblobs, they probably think not-capitalism is when da gubbamint does things.

also, dat'll teach do's ebil wacist to too respect us!! :'^)



Yes, it okay to attack someone from their beliefs. Beliefs are a choice; you can stop believing in something any time you want. Race and skin color are not a choice.

Are you really that stupid?

I thought your ideology is all about sharing property, i.e. public property? not destroying it? Wouldn't it make more sense to simply take away the property and share it? Also aren't you all about workers and their rights? But somehow at the same time you're spitting into the face of the worker who worked to produce the thing you destroy. If it's supposed to be symbolism against capitalism and property, wouldn't not buying shit from capitalists and sharing your stuff among comrades make more sense? I don't get what you're trying to do here.

And with dignity, i meant the fact that you're siding with people who use your ideology as an excuse to throw a hissy fit, which will neither result in a succesfull revolution, nor will it swing the public to think more positively towards you and your ideology.

Nice crocodile tears.

I want liberals to go.


I hate Americans.

Can the young save the world?


No. Children are the worst


Say it with me.




Certain right winger see the police as the number one reason for not organizing actual death squads.

So is Clinton. Do you honestly believe these people would be rioting if Clinton won the election? I don't think so because of muh vagina pres, muh glass ceiling and muh donkey partisans.

i wonder who owned the soviet union central bank

What does that even mean?

pls no starbucks

100% yes. They also protested Obama and Bush, and Billy C.




this is what most americans think. They think if its not capitalism, it means that people with money give away all their money to poor people

Song name?


You're not wrong at all

In America, socialism is when the government does anything at all. The military is socialist. The Federal Reserve is socialist. Jim Crow laws were socialist.

man, those jews know how to party
got it?.. party.. like in bolshevik party…

Why are American anarchists this dumb?


better than doing nothing but I agree they could stand to be more violent. And ffs bring a gun for once.

I am now whitepilled.

Fucking Bill hick