Reminder that George Orwell was a reactionary little snitch and Trot-sympathiser who sided with the British state over...

Reminder that George Orwell was a reactionary little snitch and Trot-sympathiser who sided with the British state over communism and hated LGBT people

https:[email protected]/* */[email protected]/* */eftists-for-the-british-government-dc66778f360e#.s8jmn2pyl

Why is he so quoted on the left?

Other urls found in this thread:

Reminder that TANKIES sided with fucking LIBERALS instead of helping the anarchists so that Catalonia couldn't be free

Your hero Stalin literally put fags in death camps.

You're not the one to talk tankie.

not all of us lefties like communism

also expecting progressive views of LGBT people in that era is anachronistic as hell

Gulags weren't death camps


I mean it's possible that he had a degenerative mental disorder when he did that.

I thought he was dying of tuberculosis or something

He read Bordiga?

Yes, it's what killed him.

Anarkiddies need to read.

/liberty/ might be more your thing

News to me.


Tankiddie tears are delicious

And they claim anarchists have revolutionary commitment problems.


Reminder that Karl Marx was a racist anti-Semite who never worked a day in his life, was bourgeois himself, and literally let his children starve to death while he went and boned his maid. Why is he so quoted on the left?

Marx produced brilliant scientific and philosophical work

Orwell just wrote utter shite.


leftcoms btfo

the anarcho-syndicalists were collectivizing shit though

Not a tankie and no I don't.
These two points apply directly to the Central Committee as well.

So did every single communist revolutionary of merit ever. What's your point? Homosexuality = Counterrevolutionary = Death penalty

lmao at thinking that dialectical materialism is at all scientific or brilliant. he wrote Hegel atheist fan fiction

you might be on the wrong board my friendo.Or maybe reclass what you define lefties as,I'm sure there are some lovely centrist boards for you

So much so that they could have taken control of the entire region but they were so spooked by revolutionary authority that they gave a voice to liberal's and capitalists which undermined their power base and contributed to Catalonia's failure. They got fucked by the POUM but they also made their own mistakes.

Sure sounds tankie to me.

being edgy aside,everybody hated gays back then


Homosexuality IS reactionary. Go back to fucking ancient Greece if you like it so much.


He sounds alright to me.

I was more talking about Capital, but there is nothing wrong with DiaMat

Yeah he was in POUM and wrote for some trot publications but that didn't stop him from having trots like Isaac Deutscher on his snitch list.

Edgy bait

My hot take is that 1984 and Animal Farm are overrated and boring but idiots pretend to like it because it makes them feel smart since they heard it referenced on TV.

Orwell is watching you squirm. Cry harder. Cry hard enough to forget all the times that Stalin betrayed workers around the world. Cry hard enough to forget the Hitler-Stalin pact. Cry hard enough to forget that Stalin started the holocaust. Cry.

It was a bright cold day in April, and the clocks were striking thirteen. Winston Smith, his chin nuzzled into his breast in an effort to escape the vile wind, slipped quickly through the glass doors of Victory Mansions, though not quickly enough to prevent a swirl of gritty dust from entering along with him.
The hallway smelt of boiled cabbage and old rag mats. At one end of it a coloured poster, too large for indoor display, had been tacked to the wall. It depicted simply an enormous face, more than a metre wide: the face of a man of about forty-five, with a heavy black moustache and ruggedly handsome features. Winston made for the stairs. It was no use trying the lift. Even at the best of times it was seldom working, and at present the electric current was cut off during daylight hours. It was part of the economy drive in preparation for Hate Week. The flat was seven flights up, and Winston, who was thirty-nine and had a varicose ulcer above his right ankle, went slowly, resting several times on the way. On each landing, opposite the lift-shaft, the poster with the enormous face gazed from the wall. It was one of those pictures which are so contrived that the eyes follow you about when you move. BIG BROTHER IS WATCHING YOU, the caption beneath it ran.

Orwell hated Marxism-Leninism because he knew he'd be outed as a miserly little bourgeois cunt

Disgusted Isaac Asimov.jpg


Really turning my gears here pal.

yeah communism is purely utopianism and it will never be achieved

or it will be a nightmare despotic hellstate as seen throughout the 20th century

I still like Orwell and it would be silly to discard his whole works. Many leftists in history have made regrettable mistakes.

1984 an Homage to Catalonia are pretty dope tbh.

thats why he took a bullet in the neck in spain and spent time with as a tramp. Sure.

Asimov was friends with Hubbard. Made me sad when I found that out.

trips and yes It was the Hitler Stalin pact. So said the head of the Soviet Archives. von Seeckt and Trotsky had a deal to rearm germany since 1920. Then Stalin had his coinvasion of Poland which started the holocaust. And Katyn(inb4 tankies deny Katyn). Poland wasn't into the commies after they tried to invade.
I do love how tankies want credit for "ending" a war they started.
Would the holocaust have started without the Hitler-Stalin? Would Hitler have invaded Poland without this Alliance? Would WW2 have started without this Alliance?
Stalin confirmed for Startuing WW2, the Holocaust, and rearming Germany.
Ok tankies, lets see you squirm.

{{citation needed}} German re-armament was carried out by the British. How were the Soviets going to rearm the Germans while they were in the middle of a civil war?
Yes to all. You seem to be ignoring the fact that if Britain and France has entered into the Entente with the Soviets in '39 the Nazis wouldn't have gotten off the ground. Britain and France confirmed for starting WW2, the Holocaust, and rearming Germany.

Omg good thing we have books otherwise we wouldnt have this great w0rld we live in xD

Author is just another name for faggot who is obsessed with themselves

Take the times into consideration cunt. At that point homosexuality was medically (and scientifically) considered as mental illness.

t. anti-intellectual

Only if you were a fascist, kulak or capitalist.

citation cited
Wheeler-Bennett, Sir John The Nemesis of Power: German Army in Politics, 1918-1945. New York: Palgrave Macmillan Publishing Company, 2005.

Wheeler-Bennett 2005, p. 126.
Wheeler-Bennett 2005, p. 139.
Wheeler-Bennett 2005, p. 122.

Stalin fucked up. Deal with it.

Post the relevant passage or fuck off.

It is and always will be a mental illness.
No amount of political pressure will change scientific facts.

It still should be.

Can't find the book in the libraries, so i opened a wikipedia page on Hans Von Seeckt and saw this:

Seeckt saw the Second Polish Republic as the core of the problems in the east, and believed its existence was incompatible with Germany's vital interests.[24] He was in favor of an alliance with the Soviet Union, which along with Germany had also lost territory to Poland. After seeing encouraging signs from the newly established War Commissar's Office of Leon Trotsky, Seeckt sent out his close friend Enver Pasha on a secret mission to Moscow to make contracts with the Soviets.[33] In the summer of 1920, Pasha sent Seeckt a letter from Moscow asking for German arms deliveries to the Soviet Union in exchange for which Trotsky promised to partition Poland with Germany.[33] Seeckt did not hesitate to use military force against attempts by German Bolsheviks to take power, but his concern over communism did not affect his attitude toward relations with the Soviet Union.[34] Seeckt regarded his informal alliance with the Soviet Union in practical terms rather than ideological.[34]Both nations were weak at the end of the war, and had external threats. In working together he believed the hand of both nations were strengthened.[24] Seeckt regarded the efforts of General Rüdiger von der Goltz and his Freikorps to create an anti-communist, German-dominated state in the Baltic as a ludicrous attempt to turn back the clock.[35] Seeckt was all for seeing Goltz conquer the Baltic states if that was possible, but he was very antagonistic towards Goltz's efforts to use his proposed state as a basis for overthrowing the Bolsheviks.[35] Seeckt saw Poland as the main enemy and the Soviet Union as a very useful ally against Poland, so he viewed Goltz's anti-Communist schemes with some hostility.[35]

First of all sources 33, 34, 35 are the same pages from the same author, in the exactly the same order that this gave us, so that means that he probably hasn't read the material himself and is just quoting from wikipedia.

And if my english serves me correctly it says that Trotsky promised to carve up Poland to this german commander in chief, if he would first give guns to the soviets. I am not sure if in the end the german commander in chief agreed to send weapons to Trotsky.

You can fuck off too.

Dustbin of history.

Oh and Trotsky (being the smart revolutionary he was) that the german commander in chief could not do shit if Trotsky would not do his part of the deal.

Oh and Trotsky (…) probably understood that*…

Mistakes were made

you know.. except that one time…
when a bunch of psychiatrists decided that homosexuality is not an ilness…

real science here, no bullshit, just facts

This love affair with fag acceptance will end in 100 years one way or the other mate.

citation needed

Lmao. Thanks for clearing that up. I just felt like the dude didn't know what he was talking about and you just confirmed it.


Why don't you follow what your flag dictates you to do, sonny boy.

butthurt: the post

Yeah but why does it matter now?
His books are pretty good. He was a traitor okay move on he has been dead for a while.

no they were comfy holiday resorts. right?

you sound like the leftist version of a Holla Forums tier holocaust denier. same semantic acrobatics.

Spot on.

There are huge differences between a prison/labour camp and a death camp. One re-educates people the other genocides peoples.

Nice false dichotomy you got there, buddy.

there's no hard empirical evidence under DSM

As much as I disagree with gulags, over three fourths of gulag detainees were released after a few years. In contrast to literally anyone who went to a Nazi concentration camp, where everyone either stayed until liberation or was incinerated/worked to death.


His books are mediocre at best.

They were prisons for enemies of communism, not extermination camps.

your own charts say there are over 100 000 documented camp deaths. probably the lowest figure you could find in literature. and now you chose to believe it. all dissenting authors being capitalist propagandists, no exceptions. there's hardly a difference to me between stalinists and nazis. both are authoriatarian and violent imbeciles. remarkably they even produced similar aesthetics quite often.

red fascism = brown fascism

You're an idiot.

best argument ITT. savant tier by stalinist standards

Which is less than 5% of the total Gulag population. Hardly a death camp.

[citation needed]
Say it with me kids: Telling the government somebody is unreliable for writing anti-Stalinist propaganda is not the same as handing thme over to a firing squad.
[citation needed], also is basically saying 'stop liking things I dislike' to somebody who's been dead for the last 70 years.
Yes, because saying he was sick of the Left being full of dingbats and idpolyps is le exact same thing as wanting to drag gays behind his pickup :^). back to reddit


The most believable thing on this thread so far has a smug frog as part of the post. Just wow.


So this is the Tankie version of 'muh fun' or 'muh soggy knee?'

so you claim to have accurate figures on both the total gulag population and the death toll?

finally an expert on the subject. please publish your scientific book containing authoritative original sources with the figures asap so we can finally end this annoying subject that's being debated in academia for decades, by lesser minds then you, of course.

He said the working classes smell

He knew exactly what he was doing, he wasn't stupid

1984 and Animal Farm glorify Trotsky (Emmanuel Goldstein and Snowball) and he fought for POUM

Feminism is part of the left whether you like it or not

Nope. Just took an average of the estimated population of the Gulag during '38 and put it against the 160,000 in the image. Not really rocket science. You seem needlessly upset and indignant about this.

He's a fucking boring writer who said the most obvious shit imaginable.

Yup, it's Reddit.

now that's what i call rigorous application of the scientific method!

keenly observed. all kinds of fascism make me upset. brown fascism, red fascism - same shit, different assholes.

Doesn't say the opposite of what you were claiming? Here the Germans were sending arms to the Soviet Union, not vice versa

Did I miss something? I didn't know we were at a symposium and I was presenting rigorous scientific research. I could've sworn we were posting on an imageboard in the small intestine of the internet.

I'd rather be a Tankie than a snivelling rat like Orwell

thanks for personally confirming your posts are dogshit. it wasn't necessary to point it out since it's self-evident, but still, thanks, the gesture is appreciated.

Where, when and in what context? He could have been bitching about how Porky gives them no or inadequate access to hygeine and sanitation or something.
What consequences did those writers face? Were they arrested? Inestigated? Or just not hired for a job they would be ill-suited to?
Parallelism =! glorification. Also I thought Snowball was supposed to be Lenin.
No it isn't, it's a fucking tumor attached to it by Porky so that we'll squabble while he profits. back to reddit

Okay. I disagree, but different people have different tastes.
In hindsight, maybe. Also he had this to say in his defense: