just record it and repost
All I want to say is that the /r/socialism mod team are fucking sociopaths and narcissists.
They infiltrated the petitioners and brought up the subject of pedophilia in the chat to get juicy screenshots, disrupted the discussion on many occasions, as well as tried to get a mod banned.
All they want is to humiliate anyone who isn't a bootlicker in front of their friends. No arguments, just defamation and serious powertripping, treating people like a sadistic boss.
I'm fucking disgusted that these people dare to pretend they are the defenders of minorities and the working class. Take a look at this discord, and see for yourself this clique tapping themselves on back while spouting low-grade ad hominem attacks.
The debate's starting
What the fuck is going on, why do the servers keep switching?
I don't know how to use Discord. How do I listen to what people are saying in Voice? all I see is text.
They banned me as soon as I posted. I only asked if the debate was on.
this, I got banned just for calling them all faggots
Calvary user, avenge me.
I probably got banned for my username: negroface.
how the fuck do people even post without getting banned, I seriously dont understand
It's over.
What was the audiobooks about?
Fuck knows, it had something to do with Brocialists though.
"I don't agree with your moderation policies"
Holy fuck. This is the standard of the /r/socialist mods?
redditors are more pathetic than I imagined.
How did it go?
Still going on.
These people are fucking trash.
I hope someone is recording this for youtube or whatnot.
Sit rep status update. How much shit is MSFD chatting.
I like how he seems to assume the userbase is already on his side and eager to see the dissenters humiliated.
I got kicked for making holocaust jokes.
Yeah that seems entirely predictable.
hahaha fucking newfag
Are you retarded
Yes, but I'm making a new Discord account.
Maybe run everything you're considering saying by us first, to save you from your own retardation.
Guess you'll need a new invite too.
I'm just messing around with the Reddit mods, it's not like I'm actually invested in this. I was making fun of the "80k users" they kept parroting over and over.
And how would that work?
All this boogyman talk of brigading from us, I propose a real raid….
Requesting an invite to user: KantTouchThis
Yeah sure i'd participate. They've memed enough lies about it already so it's not like them complaining about being brigaded will effect anything.
This one doesn't work.
the more i listen to this the more im convinced their cointelpro
they also unironically think we had some 'plan'
all we did was fund a wolff lecture and they banned catgirl drawfag
You fucking legend
It's what the discord app is giving me, sorry.
Try the new one m8.
Ask in the chat for an invite for more leftypol?
if you have invite expired you were banned and you need to reset ip as all discord bans are ip bans
Can I use Tor?
proxy/tor is fine as long it is a new ip and account
The only explanation for the mod's behavior:
Yeah uh, never contribute again you're embarrassing us.
fuck, we should do that
a link to the r/Soc provisional government discord, just in case anybody does not have it.
Yeah I got it. I can't hear anything because Tor is an unsupported browser, but I'm gonna try and get my ban revoked. Along with Schittz.
I think Enji-Iro is doing that right now.
So MSFD was literally just arguing that "catgirls are inherently woman hateric". There is no hope left in that subreddit. Just stick with /r/anarchy.
He doesn't think they're ableist though.
I smell a fed.
I don't know about you guys, but I think that this chat has been pretty productive.
Just not enough, because I think that it is calming people down in regards to the issue, which means that the moderators will probably stay in power.
LMAO. that was fast.
"leftypol is college white boys whoread the wikipedia article on max stirner"
For anyone that has gotten banned use a service called its used for watching videos but it should let you get in that discord
There was never any question about that. There's no real way to remove mods unless they've flagrantly broken site-wide rules. The aim is to discredit them and highlight the alternatives to their shitty sub.
Well if the userbase is revolting they have to take action
They care more about their power than about the subreddit, which means they'll never, ever step down, even if the sub is going to shit. They might resign and come back under a new name, but that's it.
God damn it. How has it come to this?
This works, thanks. Except the audio, but that's fine because I didn't want to listen to MSFD's voice anyway.
No prob learned that one from some assholes in a separate discord I mod
Do they not have anything better to do than interfere with a subreddit?
Gotta make work for all those government desk lackeys else they get fired and the budget get reduced
the best way to prevent organised dissent is to make any organisation a total shitbox. reddit is one of the biggest forums on the net and r/socialism is often a normies first real look at what socialism is.
My other account got banned again. Man r/socialism is full of grade a faggots?
You're not allowed to use that word here. Consider yourself warned
Consider yourself a faggot.
am confused… Is this really a new rule?
Imagine if Engels responded to Loria the same way r/socialism deals with problems in his introduction to volume 3 of Capital? "Ugh, like you are so excellent. Like, how can you even SAY there's a contradiction. Like, don't you get it, this is like, a workers liberation movement and stuff. Fucking never talking to you again".
I still can't get my sarcasm detector working properly it seem then
God, these people are fucking pussies.
That is a innovative, new, and more accurate spelling of the word Redditer.
Is there a leftypol discord?
I Second this.
Discord is just a worse version of IRC anyway
Thank you comrade for that screen shot.
To give some background on the situation first off, I'm the petitioner in reference. As I've said a million times here, I want to work for unity within the left and r/socialism is hurting that.
But as per this topic of the "debate", I was invited because I said I'd be down to have a friendly conversation to get things going. So to make this clear, no one told me about a debate. I went in not speaking for the petitioners (it ain't my place, this shit is democratic) but for myself hopefully to get to know these people on a personal level so hopefully we can start on friendly terms to get this whole thing rolling about their resignations.
I enter, and what do I see but like forty or fifty people there. Most of whom were just spamming shit about brocialists, and the actual dudes who were talking (same people who banned me for bullshit reasons because they were scared of our petition) just took the opportunity to browbeat me and level baseless accusations. Anyone who was there could tell you that, and I hope someone recorded that shit because I have nothing to hide but they sure do after that ridiculous behavior from them.
Actual part of the conversation:
So, they didn't wanna talk. I can see now from that screenshot they invited a dude who just got done having drinks with his friend visiting from across state to have some sort of verbal cacophony where one actual argument against me was that "we make audiobooks, you don't".
Well bruh, you sure can make some "audiobooks" but couldn't raise $500 from Papa Wolff from a community you claim "are not socialists".
Any comrades reading this, we ain't got shit to fear from these cowards. Look at the pressure we've generated in two days. Give it time and they will stop threatening and grandstanding and they'll start to buckle and play nice. We've got them right where we want them, constantly posting shit that they have no idea makes them look like petulant authoritarians fearing their time is coming under public pressure to resign.
A subreddit is being prepared as a gathering place for this petition on reddit. Stay tuned.
they're not wrong outside the stirner part
Someone did make a recording, right?
Don't use discord you idiot. It's propriety and controlled by porky.
Use any of the immense alternatives that are open standards, like IRC.
This, tbh.
The main mod guy speaking was really under pressure, afterwards he had to go out and smoke.
The man was hellbent on straw-manning Holla Forums. What was funnier was most of the mods admitted not knowing dialectics and saying it was the least important part of Marx.
I hope cmag or someone recorded this because there was some comedy gold in that discord we could meme.
can we get a filter from "read X" to "listen to X audiobooks"
There are many legit criticisms of dialectics as formulated by Marx in this day and age, but to claim that dialectics were not at the very heart of his teachings is baffling
How many r/soc users (other than mods) do you think were listening?
Hahaha holy shit liberals are fucking clueless. I told you dialectics was the key to win.
There were like 50 people there
But aren't there something like 30 mods?
good point
And I was there with at least 2 other /Lefypol/ guys about 10 people from r/Soc Provisional Govt discord. and between 5-10 guys from RatChat (An Anarchist meme Discord)
Did it died? Says it expired
I ended you should still be able to get into the r/Soc provisional government discord, though
For the link.
*It ended
Just imagine, you could have organized something actually useful instead of arguing with mentally ill internet bullies.
literally why did no one record it
I happen to think its important to reclaim this space for the spread of our movement. The internet is too large to ignore for our movement's sake.
Might be legal troubles, so I ain't even mad.
Yeah, the community called "socialism" on one of the biggest websites in the world isn't important
What legal troubles?
Yes, it isn't. Internet leftists have literally never achieved anything.
They're less active than our backwater imageboard that isn't even listed on google.
Because the internet was only invented recently.
Retarded tripshit
Aren't there clear laws on recording people w/o consent? That might be legally troubling for anyone posting it on youtube or something right?
I bet those cunts are going to spread a wildly distorted version of what happened.
"So Holla Forums confirmed they want to kill all trans people, and ME!!!!!, they are literally so bad you shouldn't ever go there. If you go to Holla Forums you will die instantly"
Yeah, I guess you're right. We haven't gone out to shoot up Planned Parenthood or black churches.
I don't know the specifics, but if they honestly go after you for recording a public conversation they'd destroy what little shred of socialist cred they have. Not sure they can start shit particularly when they'd have no proof you were the one recording with 50 people listening. Like what kind of leftist would do something like that? Those mods are fucking insane.
ive recorded the last 2 hours (w/ possible audio dropouts alas)
key : rWDDAV8
Yes dude!
Give 4:40 a listen. listen from then on, and thats my favorite part. Perfect example of their problems.
Please refrain from casual ableism.
kys faggot