Guys, I think Bernie can still win
Guys, I think Bernie can still win
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furnie 2020
There will be delusional Bernouts saying he can still win after the 2020 election is over.
No he is too old and a socdem/demsoc sell out.
If he's not too feeble in 2020 and mired in pedophile scandals, maybe
I'd take a soc dem over any right-wing regime at this point.
Don't be silly. We can only start thinking about winning after we have a comprehensive ideology which 100% of leftists believe in. All those who disagree will be purged.
Then we can think about winning.
Okay we get it, you're an r/soc mod.
His camp wiped the floor with Californian democrats.
This shit was glorious. Even massive shilling in Oceanside could not prevent a Bern win.
I thought Clinton won California?
Yeah. It wasn't even close.
Yeah her campaign pulled off some dirty shit, but in the end I think she'd win because the partisan Dems here largely don't like Sanders. It was non Dems largely voting for him
Can someone tell me why people say Hillary "stole" the primary?
Because from what i heard before the primaries everyone was saying that Hillary would win because she has more delegates or something and there was no way Bernie could win.
Yeah he might have been popular but the system of primaries is autistic and Hillary had all the important system support.
If this is the case then it isnt really stealing, it is just an autistic system like the electoral college
I think because there's allegations her campaign essentially rigged the vote in some states. I have no idea how true that is though
Some tinfoil says that she actually rigged votes. Not sure how true that is. There was definitely a media bias against Sanders though. The entire DNC platform was designed to minimize his presence and supporters because it was "Her Turn".
There was a real effort to discredit him, and to even set Trump up as the nominee for the GOP because they imagined if Trump could win the nomination, Hillary's victory would be assured. Hillary's camp was more afraid of her having to run against a Jeb Bush, a Kaisich, or a Ted Cruz than Trump.
*Debates delayed by several months to prevent Sanders from gaining mainstream exposure
*Leaked emails show DNC staff planning for Hillary's electoral campaign long before primaries, while shitting on Sanders
*DNC official leaked primary debate questions to Hillary, but not Sanders
*Media wrongfully reporting unpledged delegates as belonging to Hillary in order to foster the belief that Hillary had already won and there was no point in voting.
*Media wrongfully claiming that Hillary had won enough delegates for the nomination just before the California primary, again to suppress votes.
*Consistent, proven media bias against Sanders.
*Leaked emails show DNC planting stories and reprimanding journalists who step out of line
*Mysterious registration purges all over the country prior to the democratic primaries.
*Polling station problems: insanely long poll times, stations running out of ballots, polling stations near colleges closed
Yeah the Dems def. did some dirty shit to Sanders, no doubt
Oh man, I almost forgot about all the campaign finance violations. Basically, she held fundraisers which allowed maximum donations to both her campaign the national democratic party, and the state democratic parties. All the money she supposedly raised for state Democratic parties was immediately transferred back to the national Democratic party coffers, then funneled into support staff and ad campaigns which solicited clean-money donations for Clinton.
The maximum donation allowed to her campaign allowed by federal law is $2,700, but by laundering money through the DNC and 32 different state parties, she was able to raise over a little over $350,000 from individual donors. Leaked e-mails also show them fraudulently backdating donations to the previous year, to allow wealthy donors to give two years worth of maximum contributions in one year.
Oh yeah, and partway through the primary the DNC repealed their ban on funding from federal lobbyists because they realized Sanders was a real threat, and needed more corporate money to defeat him.
I remember a mathematics insitute, the same one that recommended that some of the votes were recounted in the general elections, said that the difference between exit-polls and actual tallied votes meant that there was only a 1/9000 chance that the votes had NOT been tampered with.
Pretty crazy if so. I just refrain from speaking it like fact because I don't have any evidence, you know? What does my heart of hearts say though? Of course there is foul play. If I'm being totally honest I think Hillary Clinton has had people murdered.
hello reddit!
Pretty goddamn sure she did. She deserved everything that happened and more.
If anyone can win now, it is Jeb.