Can you debunk this?
Can you debunk this?
Other urls found in this thread:
But what if guys found with their added free time they'd have more opportunity to get in shape and groom themselves etc.?
Also we know the real reason women or especially the 10/10DimepieceTop1% women pick their men and that's $$$.
So if all men were able to have some basic financial stability plus some more freetime to devote to their significant other, I'm sure they'd be able to find someone to make them happy.
There are attractive men in this world who are turn down because they don't know what to do with themselves in this Capitalist society. This percentage he put up literally has no bases beyond dating sites which are gold digger central in every case. If the need to gold dig is gone so does the desire to ignore most men.
I'm a virgin
I just want a comfy fair world and to be left alone. No interest in having a family, nor do I really care about this shit
I'm sure if I get desperate there will be sexbots and VR
Why do r9k incels care so much about such shallow reputational achievements as "getting laid"?
stop projecting m8
why do people use "virgin" as an insult?
it's even present in your post. perhaps if people weren't laughed at for being lonely and virgins, they wouldn't care so much
woops forgot to turn off muh shitposting flag
Most women want a family (like most men), or at least a partner to call their own so I don't think it will be a huge issue. It's not like going solely by attraction, personality etc is any more unfair than attraction, personality and wealth anyway, as others said you'll have plenty of free time to get fit and develop hobbies, and even if you can't find a woman of your own I'm sure there will be a relatively high amoutnt of people in casual or open relationships that you can bang.
1. A guy with visible abs and a chiseled jawline is in the 99.9th percentile, not the 90th. Shit, in USA, just being non-obese puts you comfortably above average.
2. Plenty of women like plain guys, more women than you think consider seth rogen to be top-tier in terms of looks.
3. The whole 80/20 rule is based on online dating and "hookup culture." I'm no psychologist but I'd wager a lot of the people desperately fucking different people 3 times a week are trying to stave off the negative feelings induced by alienation that won't exist after capitalism.
4. Looks literally aren't everything. If you truly offer nothing to a partner other than looks this goes for chads too, you should be working on yourself, not trying to get laid.
You see the same kind of clustering when you look at communal societies in Australia and apes.
but apes have
they're by far the most important thing though
What about meaningful human contact and the feeling of belonging, can we socialize those too?
I hope so
What study are you referring to in regards to Aboriginals?
This might come as a surprise but liking ugly men is a thing, usually it comes from women that like ugly nerds.
Unless you are literally deformed your looks probably aren't bad enough to stop you finding anyone though. It might make it easier for some people sure but nature is always gonna give some people a better hand.
Politics enables autism in every case, comrade.
it gets exponentially more difficult as attractiveness decreases, though, and if you are unattractive and have a personality that differs greatly from the attractive male personality (75-90 Autism Level, spontaneous, extroverted, prevalent dark triad traits) then you are screwed
ENOUGH. Get your fucking r9k asses off my board. Any threads about sex and relationships should be insta-anchored
I thought the personal was political, though
if you abandon r9kers they will continue to turn to reactionary ideologies
what is this song? its catchey
with all men being equally, give or take, well of financially the women will gravitate towards the hottest and sexiest of men leading to the pic in OP.
Don't mind if I do.
You're fucking delusional
Why indeed.
Anonymous imageboards attract lonely r9k types and every one of these threads turn into mgtow redpill bullshit
Wojak is no cuck
evidence shows that the further a male's Autism Level increases over 90 they are more likely to be a virgin or have a lower total amount of sex partners, which could suggest that it is a personal decision, however, they are also more likely to see prostitutes, which suggests that it isn't, and we also know that this effect is less pronounced among females
these are just facts
A geographically isolated subspecies of Chimpanzees that most likely would not survive contact with their more aggressive cousins the Chimpanzees.
I agree.
drastic measures must be taken.
A normalized S-curve of the number of offspring produced by the different male chimpanzees matches the perceived attractiveness of human males on dating sites. The table of the actual offspring produced is included in the study.
not surprising coming from an image board poster. It also overestimates attraction and pickiness.
even if it did happen I wouldn't have a problem with it, all part of the dialectic. Besides, we'll probably get sex robots by the time FALC hits
no thanks.
tfw no aryan cutie. why even live?
If a women didn't have to get with a guy for resources she can finally pick the *ahem* *shuffles papers* *smokes a cigarette* *chews a tic tac* *comments on the weather* *asks you how your son is* "NICE GUYS"
But something tells me if you blame the world for your virginity rather than finding out what it is about yourself that you need to improve then you're most likely not a 'nice guy' you're problem just a kind of bitter and salty all the time which is no fun for anyone to hang out with
On hunter gatherers:
but you're assuming that this is what people are going for and it isn't (both men and women), what matters primarily (to women at least) is being attractive, and second would be certain personality traits such as a slightly below average level of intelligence, extroversion, and spontaneity
you sound like some reactionary who started a business with daddy's money telling impoverished people that they just need to pull themselves up by their bootstraps
fucking lel
what you're missing is that Chad in most cases is articulate and an honors student. As far as I know, through hearsay of statistics, people tend to gravitate towards people of their own intelligence, whether low or high - and even then it isn't a strict rule. No one gives a fucking intelligence test before dating.
I just got promoted at the gay cum factory, thanks a lot faggot.
Wait, so 50% of the population ranks barely above 1? Am I misreading it or is the graph shit?
What they basically found is that do this anonymous gift-giving game. It's like the stoneage tinder and the number of likes were represented by honey sticks.
The interesting find is that the amount of received honey sticks don't match a linear distribution, though, less pronounced than agricultural or modern societies where differences in capital become more apparent
The conclusion from this is that the average male is considered to be inherently less attractive and sexually worthy.
your problem is that you think women are dumb and therefore to dumb not to pick idiots.
Dumb women (stacy) picks douchy guy (chad)
Now why the fuck would you want the 'chad' picker in the first place? She is most likely basic as all hell. How do i know this…….? Because She likes 'chad'
What you want my friend, in all honesty, is probably a feminist, because they hate chad more than you do. I'm not joking.
You want a woman who you can actually talk about stuff with? A smart one?
Okay, don't go for the girls that pick chad.
Don't assume that if you had them they would make you happy. They would bore you to tears.
How do I know?
T. Chad
Just the males. This is what the 80/20 rule is about. If you are barely scratching the 80% of attractiveness, the average woman will think that you are just a 5. This is an empirical graph from dating websites.
and no, I work in a cafe.
Whomdo incels belive the world owes them something?
There is no one to blame but yourself, get a hooker
doing well in school is easy if you put in any amount of effort, and in any case, it is quite clear that men in the 75-90 range are the most successful with women (also the range with highest propensity for crime)
not really, women on average are roughly as smart as men, but men tend to have more outliers (both smart and stupid)
and the "chad" pickers are 99% of women
Brutal, but not that surprising. I'm ugly as fuck, and I'm still decidedly above average around these parts.
Is there a graph for women?
Well that's kinda old news, isn't it? Women are the reproductive bottleneck, so mother nature can have that surplus male population be more reckless, risk-taking etc. Supposedly, twice as many women than men have passed their genes on.
no it isn't
When I made this post months ago as a joke, I never expected to see it reposted, much less more than once. Men can only fuck so often. The refractory period creates scarcity, not to mention that even sex gets boring if you do it enough. This means that the most attractive men would get to be at least as choosy as the most attractive women. They'd have to be, since they'd only want to have sex every so often and having sex with someone you want to fuck less than someone else means less time fucking someone you'd rather fuck. Human biology evolves in tandem, both male and female evolve in parallel. Most of our evolution didn't involve class as it exists now, and which facilitates harems. Looking at other primates, the ones with hierarchical social structure get harems and the equitable ones have pair bonds, often for life.
TL;DR there is no reason to believe this scenario would happen. I wrote it specifically to fuck with /r9k/.
many a true word is spoken in jest
well said
the graph for what men think of women just shows a normal bell curve
What basically happens is that the average woman has convinced herself that the overwhelming majority of males is below her attractiveness level but then she goes right out and messages some anyway.
In her head she is settling for someone that is far below her sexual and market value.
See.That's the hilarious part men actually rate female attractiveness in almost normal distribution.
wanting companionship is thinking the world owes you something?
damn that means /r9k/ is overflowing with MENSA candidates
who got the trips?
You think 99% of women are somehow with maybe 5-10% of guys?
You think each and every Chad is right now in a relationship with like I dunno 9 girls each? I'm bad at math.
You think 99% of women are okay being number 8?
This is how I know you have the wrong impression of women. They are territorial and jealous as shit. Just like you would be probably. Most of them aren't even happy being number one.
and let me ask you something, are you complaining about not being able to get women, or just not being able to get 10/10 women?
Eerily familar this kind rhetrotic, haha
Gorilla colonies overseen by Harambes aren't generally communistic. On the contrary, they're feudalistic. :)
there is a very big difference between a class of people who are being actively and wilfully robbed being told they don't work hard enough and a singular person demanding that another person, a woman, any woman, not even a specific woman, somewhere SHOULD love him, for any other reason than, she does because they fell in love
Big difference
i am not complaining necessarily, i am just pointing out facts
and i am not necessarily saying that all of these women are actively "with" these guys, just that these are the guys they want, and in any case, a lot of these guys having multiple partners is common, and I do think most women would prefer being number 8 with a good looking guy than number one with an average guy, let alone someone of below average attractiveness who may have negative personality traits such as autism, high intelligence, lack of dark triad characteristics, etc
I mean how are you actually suggesting this should happen? Arranged marriage? Is this why so many westerners went and joined ISIS? For real?
You know what, I have more to say on this. People actually don't like having sex/relationships with someone they view as very different attractiveness-wise. They feel like they could do better when they have sex with someone much less attractive, and when they have sex with someone much more attractive they know that the other person probably feels that way and they get insecure. Attractiveness =/= just looks BTW.
top kek
This whole shit is probably /r9k/ incels trying to rationalize why they suck at getting a gf. When they are in a large group it's easy to lose sight of how low are they in numbers compared to the whole society.
Is unattractive.
but we already know that men of below average intelligence are the most successful with women and as intelligence increases success with women decreases
the dating market, like capitalism, is not very meritocratic, and to the extent that it is meritocratic it tends to reward things that are negative. you're just adopting the rhetoric of apologists for capitalism
Like demonstrated in this thread, if you are born an average male you are already inherently considered way less of a match, less worthy and less attractive than the average female.
This applies to all kinds of human societies from communal hunter gatherers, to early neolithic agricultural and modern socieity. You are blaming people for their innate disadvantages and you consider yourself a leftist?
that is only a correlation, intelligence is _not_ a factor per se
Man, guy, friend, this is your self esteem talking.
Do you understand this? You hate yourself so much that you actually think most women would be some guys number 8 rather than just number one with you.
It just isn't like that. For your sake. Please understand. Women are FUCKING CRAZY JEALOUS.
Have you ever been punched by a jealous woman? Have you ever had a jealous woman turn up at your apartment in the middle of the night banging on the door because she thinks you are with somebody else?
You ever had a women screaming at you about some girl you talked to for too long at a club ( another girl who is your mutual friend) ?
This is common female behaviour. Being happily number 8, I actually have never heard of. Ever.
Three times this.
not getting laid isn't a sign of intelligence you sad faggot
no i said average, i'm far below average
statistically it is, although extremely stupid people also have trouble, the golden area is slightly below average
It's not a reason communism will fail (unless you consider there to be no state or police - which then would result in rapes with no punishment. then communism would fail as that tribe would establish dominance over the former communist society).
It just means males will suffer more.
Now, here's a solution that I think most of you who believe in a state would agree with:
At birth, all females babies are taken by the government. The people who produced them are given a material reward for donating it to the government. Families, as we know them, are raised with only sons, as they normally have. The girls, however, are specially raised together in state-run facilities. Male and popular culture influence is strictly prohibited so that they stay pure. At age 12, a random matchmaking system assigns girls to a random boy of the same age. The girl then goes to move in with that boy's family. Then, the family gets to raise that girl with the boy as they learn eachother and eventually get married and have kids to start the whole process over again.
Of course, it's a truly high-tech and revolutionary idea, so some of the more, primitive socialists might have a problem with it. But they are living in the past.
Hopefully we could actually have a female surplus due to this and we can assign some of the extras to incels who are a bit older so they can too experience love in the transition phase of this society.
Also, we would need to actively stomp out and destroy any remnants of hookup culture/courtship that existed in the previous society, kind of like how Mao did to old Chinese culture. We would have to work on a clean slate.
What do you guys say?
Dumb people breed more. They are more like monkeys.
men of below average intelligence are successful with women of below average intelligence.
Women who devote time to careers and such, smart ones, spend less time fucking.
Same with smart guys. They literally have less time to do these things, also drink less, socialise less, etc.
Yeah, it's not meritocratic, but dating market is better in the sense that it's harder to manipulate it. There is no single person who can completely wreck an entire country's dating market by one single action.
The thing is younare confusing intelligence with autism
Just because you have autism doesnt mean you are smart
As aan example see
what is wrong with you. Go on, give it me straight, this is anonymous Juran Watchmaking Board so you can say anything you like.
What makes you so unattractive?
This is surely some epic troll. This whole thing, the whole realm of thinking. Its all a joke. Right? Guys?
Holla Forums really is a sad place
you'd expect social failures such as incels and the like would be purged out of society. But that hurts his feelings, so he constructs his own fantasy world. This sort of rhetoric is really parallel to those radfems, Dworkins oe whatever was her name.
we have, so go and get a ugly and insecure gf already
Oh nazzy virgin, you never disappoint
These findings have huge social implications and are matched by suveys about marriage satisfaction.
yes there is, the fappening changed the behavior of millions of sexual relationships
We should point out that intelligence can be modeled with gaussian distribution. Actual dumb poeple and intelligent people are quite rare.
Do you think maybe this might have something to do with an actual average man (mean, median, take your pick) has shit all for money and women pick up on this in terms of ability to care for hygiene, ability to buy nice clothes, etc? Where women put the average is where the average "should be" from an evolutionary perspective. Men evolved to select women based on physical fitness for motherhood more than anything else (largely because giving birth is dangerous for a human due to the massive head). Women evolved to select men based on physical fitness (for the genes) but also for the ability to help care for the baby. Gender roles and a class system only made this paradigm stronger. In communism, the poorest man is going to be well above what women have evolved to see as average, so right out of the gate there isn't even a problem here.
The problem would only exist if hypothetically the average man under communism would still fall below the "should be" average, but even then rising standards of living and evolutionary pressure on women to be less selective would push the two together pretty fast. The real flaw in sexual selection is that it lacks context. The women who raise the issue see all these poor men they don't want to fuck and say "where have all the good men gone?" but don't ask "why does society produce these unfuckable losers?" It's a failure to think at the systemic level rather than the personal level, but it's not at all exclusive to women or this particular circumstance.
TL;DR it's once again the material conditions at work here. Even though innate biology plays a part, it's not that women are flawed (any more than men). What's happening is capitalism is impoverishing people and women's sexual interest is a response to that.
Incel Nazi is a leftypol regular. Don't take it too seriously.
except as we know smart men are more likely to see prostitutes, and the effect of decreased sexual activity that accompanies increases in intelligence is far stronger in men than in women
now, if as men get smarter they are both less likely to engage in sexual activity and more likely to resort to seeing a prostitute, what does that tell you?
physically unattractive, autism, very low degrees of sociopathic, narcissistic, and machiavellian traits
What a dim view of women. I don't see it like that at all.
There are shallow idiot women out there, just like there are shallow idiot men.
Good caring women can always be found, and they will be more accessible once they no longer have to marry and date for money.
These are more likely to be the marriages where the perceived attractiveness level of the woman shows the greatest disparity the men's attractiveness level.
I meant to say female babies, the boys stay with the mother/father.
See image. Courtship creates an insane world where men have to fight like dogs for the scraps. There are no insecure gfs, and females who are as ugly as me have "attractive" guys going after them. And we don't have a female surplus (not for people under the age of 30 at least)
You cannot seriously think this. Who had fapped before fappening, also fapped after it. Are you saying that a lot of couples split up? Or that men didn't have the same motive before it?
Wew lad, since the internet exists, there is porn on it. Much of it is free or can be obtained easily without using money. Fappers gonna fap.
Incels gonna incel
Women to blame again!
The type of intelligence you mean (IQ) is more to do with autism than the kind of mental faculties that make women wet.
Intelligence is very subject to material conditions. Dumb people are more likely to be poor. Poor people breed more because their kids are less likely to be healthy and poor people don't have the resources to invest a lot into a small number of children.
t. never had a gf or interacted with a girl
pls don't lump all of us virgins together with him
I fear being executed after a revolution enough already
I'm not blaming anyone actually. I don't believe that this is caused by some feminist cultural/marxist boogeyman. I'm just interested in repsonses.
The problem is the wrong conclusion is being drawn from the information because the material conditions are being ignored. Read this post
nope. they're not mental faculties. face, height, frame baby. nothing else matters in that order. good face, 6'3, built like a warrior. you getting mad puss bruh
It isn't really a revolutionary idea at all. Mongols used to do the same thing in reverse. Parents arranged marriages between their kids really young, and around seven or eight they would send the boys to the bride's family to basically be a squire/servant groom to learn the necessary skills and see if they were compatible.
Sure it's interesting to think what if in fully automated luxury communism.
That's not what I was getting at.
Sexual attraction isn't one-dimensional. Women and men are happy to fuck people who are physically attractive but don't like long-term relationships for this reason
In relationships that go beyond one-night stands or short term fuck buddies, other factors come into play.
Nobody's arranging marriages for their daughters, because nobody has any daughters. It's completely assigned by a computer. A girl born in Kansas could go to a boy living in Vermont.
So what you're saying is, class system influenced women's, but not men's, selection criteria, because what constitutes "being a good provider" depends on the society?
Please user, I don't need yet another way in which to be a disappointment.
Where are you getting those graphs from?
Don't listen to that. Most men are attractive, women just have the power to have extremely high standards. Your looksmatch is probably a pretty girl, we just need monogamy for it to come to life.
^ also this
Literally wrong. Read Mutual Aid.
wtf is a looksmatch
It's been shown that most women consider most men ugly, so their definition of what an ugly nerd looks like is going to be far different from ours.
Maybe it's the direct translation of one of those composite words Nazis liked so much.
I'm still saying most guys would have a better shot. Unless you believe in the 'work really hard and save and then you too can be geriatric porky banging nubile pussy' meme.
Darfailian gynocentrism at its finest. B-but men are op-pressors. No. Nature is the oppressor. We merely reflect what is put into us. No choice is involved.
10 boys, 10 females
If they were all ranked in attractiveness, they would be matched to the same number.
(Of course it's impossible to rate and rank different people like that, but it's different from women considering some men to be 10/10s in look and other men to be 1/10s)
He actually has two videos up trashing the alt-right and race realists.
What the fuck is going on here?
Honestly it makes me feel bad for you guys.
Good women are easy to find, you just have to look other places that the typical PuA places like bars and craigslist and shit.
Find some hobby you care about or get organized politically. You'll meet someone nice.
I've found both friendship and love that way.
it's because they reduce themselves to statistical chances
See, if you are an attractive guy then you live in abundance like a fat kid. You don't know the feeling of real hunger and you don't know the feeling of starvation and you just go around telling people about what works for you without any consideration of the situation of other people. 'Lel why don't you go to the store and buy some food?'
But we don't expect you to empathize anyway.
Well don't argue about real-versus-fake communism ever again!
You can't just say you are ugly. What have got, a big nose? Creepy eyes?
I have a fucker unibrow. I get girls. I pluck it.
Just get a skill that gets you money. Those sociopathic and narcissistic traits should pay off, its capitalism.
How autism are we talking? You seem to be able to type coherent (if a little out of the ordinary) thoughts?
More or less. It influenced men's just to a lesser extent. Men aren't only attracted to physical traits, but they have much more weight than for women, again because infant mortality and death from childbirth was so common (i.e. exerted a ton of evolutionary pressure). Since class changes external material circumstances but not inherent biology (over the short term evolution doesn't change this nearly as much as society changes social standing and resource access), the result is that women dip below the "should be" average far less than men do.
On top of this, the ability to rank physical attractiveness is tied to the group being assessed. Everyone knows if you put someone uggo next to someone hot the uggo looks worse and the hottie looks better. This means that men's preference is more subject to change than women's. Even though poverty makes women less physically attractive, men tailor their desires to the population available more than women do. Again, this is largely because of which traits men vs. women are looking for.
Women look for material wealth and social power have the ability (in theory) to leave the current tribe and find someone better. This might be a wise choice, since better resources means better chances of her and her offspring surviving. Also, it means if neighboring tribes have better resources they could conquer her current tribe and she could find a better mate with them. There's a technical term for this that I forget, but it's in the interests of females of plenty of primate species to prefer conquerors of their former tribe because it means better genes and circumstances for their offspring (conquerors tend to murder the babies of their defeated foes to boot). This happened famously with the German occupation of France in WWII and happens now to a degree in Europe, which we all hear about because of how upset it makes Holla Forums. Remember, this wouldn't be an issue if it wasn't for war or poverty creating these situations. It's not a problem with women; it's how they cope with society.
It's not about you though. As I said, the biggest problem with sexual attraction here is attributing someone's standard of living to them as a person rather than society as a system. It's not your fault or any individual's fault. It's not wrong for women to be disappointed either, just wrong to blame the individual.
God you are fucking disgusting. Please kys
Feels good woman!
Who are you saying is gynocentric?
You are forgetting the fact that this is an imageboard. A lot of the people here are social recluses. Also count the fact that Holla Forums ideologies are quite marginal in western countries.
No wonder why there are a lot of lonely people here complaining that the system is shit.
I am perhaps slightly below average when it comes to looks. I ham certainly not conventionally very attractive, and I used to think just like you did, and honestly I also find it a little offensive that you think that my girl only loves me for my looks. There's a lot more to it than that.
Problem is if you go to bars and social places to pick up women OF COURSE you're gonna get shallow bimbos who care about nothing but looks.
Find places where your equals may experience you for who you really are, when you're passionate about something, and love will come.
I'll send you the video psycho!
This is where the 'just be yourself' meme comes from.
It's uttered by people for whom 'being themselves' has always worked, people that have always lived in a state of abundance. They never have faced the same difficulties an incel or a robot type of guy has faced. That's why all of their advice is effectively useless at best and even damaging at worst.
Thanks for your superficial virtue signalling, though.
Why are you asking for sex advice on Holla Forums
Please don't virgin-shame. It's mean, inflammitory and uncalled for in this thread.
top fucking kek this thread, stroll back to Holla Forums
What the fuck is going on here?
Honestly it makes me feel bad for you guys.
Making a lot of money is fucking easy, you just have to look other places that the typical places like bars and craigslist and shit.
Find some hobby or passion you care about and turn it into your job. You'll be successful
I've found both a great job and made a lot of money.
Why do you guys adopt capitalist rhetoric that readily when it comes to this issue?
The muh privileged have a knee jerk reaction to it because it's a power structure they benefit from. I don't believe they're lost causes, they just need to do some soul searching.
Go on, tell me more Foucault
Attractive guy here. This is broadly accurate. Anybody who doesn't have to deal with a problem is likely to have trouble empathizing with those who do. Not just in this case. In middle and high school, girls were all over me, but I eventually developed mental problems that made socializing difficult. I've been on both sides. Even before that, seeing the other guys wanting attention and not getting it just kind of pissed me off at the girls. It also helps that I'm attracted to more "masculine" women, i.e. the kind who don't play up vulnerability and incompetence as attractive.
Not to mention that going by the autism test thread, the board is autistic as fuck. I've known autistic people and people who are not autistic have a very difficult time understanding what even mild autism or near-autism is like for your ability to function socially. Add social anxieties on top and you have a disaster scenario.
Either this is bait or you don't know where you are.
No, that's how you kill your passion.
lel, well they do say the female is expensive
Scroll up, I'm making fun of the other guy's post.
Sorry, I actually thought you made another contribution to this thread and confused you for someone else.
The pig nose was 2subtle4me I guess.
He's memeing on the earlier post, you nerds.
Women have higher standards and it feels bad, man. I have more gay friends now because they actually find me atttactive. My previous gf always thought I was average. Turns out gay dudes find me handsome. I let one of them suck me once, and he did a better job of it than any gril. Face it , women will never into guys like us.
Like demonstrated in this thread, if you are considered to have an average attractiveness level by a woman then that puts you in the 80th percentile of all men in attractiveness.
Autistic here.
The autistic scenario you described is completely accurate. I'd also add that autistic people feel less need to socialize, so they get less experience with people (including women) and the certainly won't spend as much time looking for members of the other sex as potential partners.
Luckily, lots of autistic people are quite happy with their social standing.
This is a very interesting comment. See:
It would be very interesting to know whether gay men rate other men the same normalized way hetero men rate women.
Jesus it isn't at all that simple when someone means be yourself.
That only applies if you have a personality. None have you are all as interesting as you think you are.
Go through some shit, get some taste have complexity, get taste in music and art, theory and politics, and generally, don't expect women to come to your aid and waste valuable time, money, and resources on you, just because this occurs.
Just be fucking friends with people without getting a crush if that doesn't work out.
Of all things straight women enjoy at all more than anything above, it's passion and inensity.
Don't buy anything otherwise. Being passionate and intense about a topic you know makes women interested, because there's a curiosity that long term conversations between the two of you can last.
It's not that got damn hard
Yeah, I've already figured that out in the meanwhile.
Gay men have higher standards of attractiveness
Women are vulgar judges of aesthetics outside of pigment and texture. Their eye for organic beauty is trash. Gay men pick Adonis, Straight Women pick Brad Pitt (Significantly uglier than Adonis). Gay men have statuse Antinos at their sex parties. Straight women have Black muscle bulls at their sex parties. Totally different. Women don't have the slightest clue what is beautiful in the realm of flesh
Women are however better decorators and hosts than gay men. This is a fact and i will debate this all day
Yeah, because all those guys with gfs who spend their days thinking about the next Steelers vs. Chargers football game just entrance women so deeply with their minds.
Buddy you're talking to /r9k/ here, they're convinced you and I are too busy having sex with literally every girlfriend they never had just to spite them. We have no preferences, no minds, no other functions - we are primitive apes that fuck all day and they're convinced their enlightenment has cursed them to eternal virginity.
That's not what I'm saying. You aren't "becoming a different person", it means you're using your personality you already have and changing.
Everyone fucking changes through life through information? Were you always a communist? Did you always think about labor rights or homelessness? No, you didn't.
You have to mature. Because none of us are fucking teenagers anymore, the people you talk about are girls, the people in your age group are women.
The dynamics are completely different.
Also stop acting like women, or having sex, is an achievement. It's not, don't put having sex above all else and all things fall into place after friendship.
You actually have to not just be yourself, you have to be mature and care about someone. Without showing it in a "m'lady" way.
If you can't adapt to that then, you're not an adult yet.
Wow its almost as if women do not enjoy the hyper masculine male the bourgeoise try to push so hard in everyday life
Hmmmmmm really makes you think
I would rather be /r9k/ tbh, which I'm sure is why their idea of normie chads is so ridiculous.
I think women like competing for the alpha dick. There's a film about Japanese host bars, in the host bars there's a sort of party atmosphere, there are many female (customers) and fewer hosts, they compete for host attention, they buy bottles of champagne and so on.
In the same film, a hostess bar is shown. Each (male) customer buys time with an individual hostess, the section I remember shows them sitting at a table, eating and talking quietly.
The Midwest, happens to not be, the planet Earth. Also what I said still applies.
The chargers suck fuck anyways.
Did you not get the last part of what I said?
What makes you anymore interesting?
What are you talking about? It's the opposite.
High school girls
Wow this is life
Yet women love to spend their day listening to some dumb chad talking about their favourite team, and feel good when he invites her to a game
Women really don't give a solid fuck about masculinity unless you live in some midwest fuck hole.
That's the thing.
The thing most women appreaciate, is not the same thing as men are expected to live up to, thus why straight women and gay men like differnt kinds of thing in men.
But then again, we're having this discussion like it's just about PuA-tier attraction and picking-up people.
Again, generally, it's just about being a nice person and be willing to open yourself up to other nice people.
Well, yeah. Youth is one of the most important attributes of female attractiveness, so naturally women that age and depriciate in their looks try to settle for someone that is less attractive that the guys they usually scored.
>itt a rug-munching gook tells you what straight women really want
You just to become friends first, man, haha
They do. The reason they don't for you, is because, you're not interesting.
We are talking long term investment here, you have to be able to hold conversation. For months, for however long.
If you can't yeah honestly, you'll just be friends.
there is nothing wrong with having friends, if you see this as a bad thing, rethink as to maybe why you have no friends
Genghis Khan would beg to differ.
The only staright women are lesbians
t. Lacan
Is this for real
/r9k/ get off my board reeeeeeeeeeeeeee
So what I want from a woman is different from what straight woman want
That isn't what I meant. I meant you are imagining the last time you saw girls.
Which is high school.
Men are the guardians of commitment and women are the guardians of sex.
If you are a man with a lot of female friends then this means that you are ready to give up your commitment easily and it makes it worthless, you are becoming the male equivalent of a slut who just sleeps with anybody.
Yeah, straight women usually like men.
Are you really this dumb.
Wrong, read Lacan
I just don't think the description of women you give lines up with the average woman, even if there is no such thing. Are you sure you aren't conflating normies with the 2% of the population who have a lot in common with your undiagnosed aspie friends?
undialectical af tbqhfam
And when you change you become a person different from whom you started as. This is a continuous process that is always happening, even at a molecular level. It's common trivia that the human body cycles through its mass every 7 years or so. We're all walking talking Theseus' ships.
Lots of people on here are teenagers. Probably more after the shit on reddit boosting traffic. That said, just like a lot of young men are acting less mature than their age, so are a lot of young women. Don't be sexist.
This is actual good advice. Especially if you mean achievement as Achievement™ like from a video game where once you do it it's "unlocked" and somehow it changes you.
And you immediately fuck it up. Friendship and sexual attraction or a romantic relationship are whole different ballgames. The "my SO is my best friend" people are honestly a lot more pathetic than even /r9k/. That is not a healthy way to be.
In my experience the "m'lady" shit boils down to "ew this guy who doesn't meet my standards is showing attraction to me." Most often it's social competence that's the offender, but I've seen it happen with socially competent guys who were just ugly or poor. The fedora thing is kind of classist because somebody well-off enough can make a fedora look good.
There's only one aspect of personality women care about, and that's how much of a brutish, domineering asshole you are.
If I asked broad questions about your personal life would you answer?
you justify your virginity bruv
Oh yeah? This is what it's actually about.
All this talk about 'maturing' and 'becoming and adult' and 'settling for someone that appreciates me as a person' actually just ties into women that become increasingly less attractive as they age and them deciding to stay with someone.
Woman past a certain age are completely invisible on dating websites and the dating market.
You don't think that they wouldn't continue with the party if they didn't grow old?
Not an argument. You have no idea what traits make a man attractive because you do not find men attractive.
Thatsmdue to the fact that you are a closeted faggot
If you use the term normie I won't respond.
Prickly flag, prickly sized response
Oh? Do tell me what I want
If that were the case why you single bitch
Sorry, but no.
OK, that's just plain incorrect. Different lesbians are attracted to different sorts of women, but they still understand what other lesbians find attractive that they don't. See if you can extrapolate from there.
Just as in straight life, you are capable of liking muscular women, skinny women, thicc women, all sorts of fucking women
Do you honestly believe that everyone dreams of being with fucking Fabio
Please stop.
Who? And why bother typing your shit out if you won't read someone's responses?
The referenced post as it assumes that what women want is what is actually needed without debate.
It's funny that every single incel or /r9k/ thread devolves into everyone blaming the incels for their own failings
It's difficult not to, because it's true
But it's definitely not how to convince them that they need improvement as people
Because I got like, four or five at once and I wasn't willing to go through every post. Also, if you don't know who prickly is, god damn that must be a blessing.
What's wrong with 'normie'?
Just look at this graph.gif.
How men universally prefer their women to be young, all the attetion a woman gets from suitors at this point in life.
(20 was actually the cut-off point in the survey and I think it would've gone lower if they gave more alternatives to answer)
Prickly_Cactus is some ircfag that she thinks is literally everyone with the AnCom flag
No..just a certain kind of posting style who use the flag.
Also, don't blame me for having a tainted flag.
sez the bitch that wore anfem for so long
Point taken
But I still like women. I can't tell a man what women find attractive.
People in general like attractive people. It just so happens that the average woman finds most men unattractive.
do you take all unsourced online images as truth?
So to disprove that women only want dominant men, you ask the man to tell you what you want?
gg, no re
Do you know what a twink is
There is more to being attractive, then being Fabio.
This is blatantly false. Just some are more capable of holding long term commitment, interest, and security, than others to an actual straight woman.
You are asking a lot of a person, and if its only casual sex and you're not adept at that then try not for that and just give time and wait.
Because you have your priorities all fucked up atm
Clearly we need to reduce the number of men by 90% through genetic modification techniques.
I actually thought that posting the okcupid graphs doesn't warrant a source since they are so widely circulated on the net and so known that they almost have meme status.
How could anyone be this fucking retarded?
That's garbage
Wait - you sit here itt pontificating about what women do or don't find attractive in mean, while being a lesbo?
What kind of a narcissistic cunt are you, seriously?
Namefags will be sent to the gulag first.
Ithink the graph was taken from an online dating site statistics. It doesn't necessarily reflect preferences when they are physically close.
The original source is a book from the statisticians at okcupid.
All this talk about 'people are diverse and have diverse tastes look all these obscure fetishes are equally applicable as what the majority demonstrates to find attractive' is garbage advice since in ordre to score effectively you have to adapt to what's considered to be attractive by the overwhelming majority.
I will most certainly blame you for hating on a flag/tendency because of this one faggot you know.
If she is a lesbian, then she can clearly point out which behaviours and characteristsics she does not find attractive, and therefore we can understand most of these is what a straight woman would find attractive
Are you really fucking stu.. Oh wait thats a tank
If you don't want casual sex, and want a relationship, then you're asking for a comitment, finnancial, emotional, intimate investment.
You know what I'm going to say it, you can't fit.
That isn't a bad thing, either become an adult, or complain. I cannot offer any more advice than I already have if you're unwilling to change or agree to anything you haven't already set in that interesting mind.
One that understands women like so many different personalities and body types in both men and women similarly.
In fact, so do men. Straight men.
I wouldn't mind being ripped.
Yeah, going into the sub 18 or even the underage range would've spurred a bigger controversy but they shied away from it.
ban this cunt
What does that have to do with anything?
And yet somehow Fabio seems to be the standard.
Then refute the evidence ITT.
Now you're just assuming things. You have no idea where my priorities lie.
I'm butthurt that you deflected rather than answering my point. Have you ever had a working class job? Have you ever tried talking to the women there about your deep intellectual passions?
How can anybody have this much lack of argument?
Don't ask a fish how to catch fish, especially one that doesn't suck worms.
Just because you dropped the nazi flagndoesnt mean we cant tell its you by your sheer stupidity
There is no point with arguing with an illiterate fag like you
Read lacan first and then come back
It means gay men like feminine men and machismo men, they can like one or the other, or both. which would otherwise contradict the bizarre idea you have towards physical appearance being static.
Fabio, is in fact, not the standard.
I am.
I don't think it is unfair many people in this thread have their priorities fucked up.
I am currently a student and had to focus on academics from an impovershed neighborhood, I didn't really have a choice. I am now, mostly moved to another area, in college, to study emergency psychiatry, to treat working class men and women who are in need of critical care.
Over 200 posts and still not debunked.
Fuck lacan, that bag of shit ideology needs to die.
Yeah, except for the whole not liking men thing, you know, the subject at hand. How in the hell is she going to guage attraction in someone she finds unattractive by default?
Nah, dude.
Moterfucker, I'm the one who wrote it. It's intentionally flawed as I explained here here and here
Honestly your idea of what a personality is and what is/is not attractive, at this point, I think is highly projective.
That's a no? I'm not sure how it is in wherever you are, but working class intellectualism here is stone dead.
after so much time on this board the only thing this resonate within me is images of Lacan
Are you stupid?
I do not like men, therefore, that means Imdo not like the usual behaviour a man presents
I can assume a woman who likes men do likes what I dont, because she likes what I dont
Stop being fucking dumb
Psychoanalysis is pretty much entirely a just-so story.
Working in a hospital, is in fact, labor.
Hospital work is in fact, labor.
Alright, I actually liked your last post a lot and the fact that the disparity of the 80/20 weakens(not disappears) the more communal the society, as in the case of the tribes, gives kind of hope.
Stay mad closeted nazi
Freud/Lacan is a plague, a cancer, that needs cutting out of leftist though. Gulag people following the motherfuckers.
I too enjoy platitudes.
This is meaningless in a discussion about distributions of perceived attractiveness.
Do you have anything beyond your personal anecdotes to substantiate your theory of why there is a different distribution of perceived male/female attractiveness? I'll jump for joy if you prove it is grounded in, say, wealth inequality or whatever, but no proofs! Just being bitchy at incels, which is fun like any form of kicking down tends to be, but not much more.
I am an stirnerite and not even me denies lacan this much
doesn't help your case tbh
Doesn't hierarchy imply bureaucracy, something that is unique to humans, Also not all leadership is hierarchy.
Pepe is literally fucking a part of Wojak though.
It's interesting that it's actually Nazis that want the 'state controlled family' meme.
I sometimes wonder if in communism that a level of Darwinism would occur, and it's got nothing to do with who's the strongest, fastest, or smartest. It's who would adapt more to their environment. There's a reason why most people, at least in the west, are lactose tolerant. There's also the fact that we actively shape the environment to suit our current needs. I have a feeling we will need to take full control of nature itself to prevent extinction, lest our sentience be proved as an evolutionary mistake.
Except I never said that, and it's already been shown that men guage attractiveness more fairly anyway.
Not that you would know.
No, you're not. You barely even make an argument and you don't have any citations.
Again, you are assuming. Making an even wider assumption doesn't make it better.
oh man. oh man oh boy oh lord
But listen, my personal experiences with these obscure demographics totally invalidate the conclusions of surveys with big samples!!!!
Ignore what? I'm not ignoring anything, I'm actively against the ideology. And no Zizek spouting the shit doesn't make it less shit/cancer/trash.
Doesnt help yours either
Keep in mind though, that sexual selection is a bit apart from traditional natural selection and not as easily grasped.
This is all you need to see folks on Lacanian thought.
I go farther than Stirner (self/ego are the ultimate spook). Psychonalysis is literally just some shit that was made up and not subjected to falsification. Just because it sounds plausible, has a strong case made in the "theory" or is complex and well developed doesn't mean that it's true. The only difference between psychoanalysis and a religion is pretense.
Sex is one thing, but if he gives it up for money he may as well be dead.
How many times do I have to tell you god damn virgins whats wrong when I'm trying to help you, that physical attractiveness doesn't mean being attractive.
Lesbians like me, like muscular woman, but also I am quite the fan of thicc women, and skinny women, all sorts.
The same with gay men, you have your twinks and your bears.
Fucking hell, straight women aren't some static monolithic entity who go after the same guy. I gave you solid advice on how to get someone's interest.
Perhaps I shouldn't have.
I as a lesbian woman, am only friends with lesbian women, who do lesbian things, and straight women or bi woman are outside of my register, we talk about nothing but how we're evil abusive spinster withces too, rubbing our hands together.
You haven't given even a slightest argument as to why people like different body types. Straight women do not fucking fawn over one body type.
I could make stereotypes about men, but I refuse.
What are you doing, writing a thesis?
Why do you keep ignoring the physical? Both you and I know that is the main driver of attraction. We've also established that women find the average man to be ugly.
I do not like any men that has a girlfriend, yet their girlfriends do like him
Literally everything you conider a fact is just considered a fact because it sounds plausible
No. Where do you even get this idea. Primates (not just apes) fall pretty much exclusively into two groups: hierarchies and pair-bonders. The distinction is so pronounced that you can tell which is which just by looking at the skulls of the males and females. Humans are the exception to the rule, as we have traits that are defined as part of both groups.
I don't.
I believe it is what I described.
Who has had more slit here? You, or I?
Because of their personalities
For fuck sakes Thom Yorke has a cult of straight women at his feet ready to fuck him and look at him the past decade.
You are really just stereotyping everyone as having the same taste and refusing to budge.
They are not. That's not what distributions mean.
I'm starting to think you simply don't understand what the discussion is about, but that would be sexist of me.
Men who have trouble with relationships cannot expect any pity. There were a couple of articles on slatestarcodex which summed this up nicely, but they were a long time ago, and I can't remember their names.
The author is doctor who didn't go on a date until he was 28.
Citation please. This must mean that the vast mjority of men have a terrible personality.
You're not a sexist you're just a tankie.
I think this is what psychoanlaysts call projection. I base my knowledge on my (and others') failure to falsify it, and even then I still couch unfalsified or untested knowledge in appropriate context of not knowing. My self-assuredness is based on the rigor of that process rather than any particular set of ideas, which also frees me of a great deal of bias.
They just want status and money :^)
As shown by this very thread where you have people telling others to no consider having sex to be an achievement while shaming them for being virgins in the very next post, haha.
what is even going on
That is true, but if a guy is stinking up the place there's very little chance a girl will want to sleep with him, unless she's into the fart fetish. This is sort of why I think fetishes are important for the survival of out species as well, to a degree.
That's something to consider.
Sometimes in the same post.
Women might say they want anarchists, but they all secretly want totalitarians.
the dialectic in motion
Pic related. is desired by a fuckload of straight women in the early 2000's
Not because of money, but from personality from music produced. Hell on social media there's still bitches wetting after his old ass now that he's single.
Yes, I know how cringey this analogy is, but nonetheless it is true.
People like a vast amount of body typpes.
Unfortunately, yes. A vast majority of the dating pool is like you.
Start making any sense now, if you understand knowledge comes from the patterns of repetition, you hqve now to explain how psychoanalisis and psychiatry does not base their knowledge on the process of pattern repetition
Ddo you think you can just come up with whatever theory you want and not expect the pwychoanalitic community to question you?
Not an argument. Read the thread.
It doesn't matter how many straight friends you have. You have no idea what they actually like about men. What women tell you they like and what they realky like might be completely different things. That's not even getting into you trying to disprove a large sample size with anecdotes.
We're talking about overall averages. One thing is for sure, women don't find most men attractive. Outliers don't change that.
All I'm seeing is people who have never had sex describe what women want.
When a woman comes and tells you what they want, you refuse.
I think this is largely indicative of the problem.
This schizophrenic behaviour of people confirms my hypothesis that deep down we all know this doesn't really mean a lot, but society at large tells us always that "get a gf or you are nobody".
Mainly because women who go after men are mentally ill
made me lel
Because men are not attractive
It's more tough love and wanting people to improve. I do not hate these people, I want them to see the error of their ways. You are implying intent that isn't there.
You have, then tried to change the subject over to fetishes.
Doesn't matter. I'm not trying to attract lesbians, and you aren't sleeping with straight women.
Would a man who looks like him but isn't famous have the same luck with that froup of women? I don't think so.
Nah, this just reaffirms my notion that generally people that live in abundance can't empathize with people that have it worse.
This 2bh
anfem is solid here, lads. Unless you don't have know-hows and experience (you don't), no need to comment your armchair theories.
I just get the picture when I screencap. Why is that?
To be fair, for the moment, we need people to have sex if want to build socialism, because we still need people to build socialism, and making people takes sex. So having sex should be commended. for now.
Chad is secretly a stakhanovite.
no idea
Spoken like a true abuser. Can we talk about why Lesbian battering is so common?
Fetishes are not body types.
For fucks sakes do you think I don't have straight friends who bitch about their problems I do not want to hear.
This is a lifetime of being around other women. I am fucking telling you, what they want.
You are ignoring me, and saying they want what you specifically rigidly believe.
If they did, you wouldn't be here, complaining about being a virgin, while at the same time blaming the opposite sex.
He isn't famous because he's an actor, it's because he has talent (arguable to some), at crafting music.
You have to be passionate about something, just like, music in a sense.
This is all going to go over your head so I think I'm out.
Who will improve whom, and into what?
Oh so now you're suddenly taking a stand on abuse.
Again, you stupid idiot. He is not considered attractive because of his looks. This is the issue at hand and you seem determined to distract from it.
And yet women begrudgingly settle for us. Also you have no idea what I'm like. Get over yourself.
He's a celebrity. High status.
Advice on how to give this desperate ass tail
No idea, people this deep in the internet are incapable of reason when it comes to social interaction.
So largely, the same.
I didn't imply hate against whom you argue.
I just found it typical tha people say both, and shouted "my hypothesis confirmed again" out of joy or something. Since I'm among men who doesn't have gf, I hear both phrases a lot, often from the same people (just at different time). Sry if I wasn't unclear, I meant no offense.
See, the very first thing is just an assumption on her part.
If they weren't straight they would like men
Hmmmmmmm its almost as if men are not aesthetically pleasing because women who like men do not like them for their appearances, because if they enjoyes a subjectnfor its appearance, they would be lesbians
Makes you think……..
This is why you need to read a book, closeted nazi
Must be NSA
And the average woman is in peak physical condition, and an intellectual giant with unending passion for her varied pursuits?
Why not both?
I heard the same sayings from other incels too.
Your notion is certainly true, but for me it seems that mine is also.
That is, exactly what I'm trying to say.
You don't understand attraction is the problem.
Thom Yorke is an isolated weirdo who puts out music pitchfork loves, true, but really as to why he is a celebrity and the content, and why that overlap creates a large group of female fans as opposed to men is what you should take away.
Nobody fucking goes around trying to fuck that guy from Nickleback
I've written and published a novel, I talk about writing with girls interested in it. I'm the leader of a leftist org at my uni. Neither of these passions in my life have made it any easier to get a gf.
Maybe I'm just bad at communicating with people like that. I don't know.
He's high status. He's in Radiohead.
By citing what women have said they want.
No. They're just as stupid as you. But that doesn't matter. Because intelligence can be a factor here, but it also can't. Honestly, if you're trying to chase after intelligent women, you're going to fail because 1) you are not intelligent 2) you are everything they hate about the dating pool.
So in that sense you're right, but really intelligence shouldn't be why you love someone.
Damn, its like you enjoy beingnfucking dumb on purpose
Of course nobody likes him for his appearance, women who like men do not like men for their aesthetic appearance
Hmmmmmm its almost as if women are attracted to men because of their worth and not because of looks
You know nothing about me, but you're willing to fling insults at me?
Nobody fucking goes around trying to fuck that guy from Nickleback
Ahhhh the good old, when women say they want something else, ignore them and assume what they want for them.
Classic tried and true method, you stand as perfect example.
I did not fling insults at you, actually.
You clearly are a mysoginist closeted nazi, which is why get so angry the tripfag gets sex and you don't
Mainly because you are envious she is openly homosexual, and you don't
Again put your nazi flag on, everyone can tell its you
wonder what the responses are going to be
You should really give people a primer on your bizarro worldview with every post, so we know what words to switch out to make you make sense.
Namefag a terrible person? It's more likely than you think! More news at 11.
But it's just tough love, right? You care so deeply about me, I'm touched.
I've never posted with a nazi flag.
Except we have a bigger sample size that contradicts you.
Again, this is not the topic at hand. It isn't his physical appearance that women like, and unless you are telling every man to simply become famous like him, I don't see how he is of any relevance.
The second point is genuine cruelty. Can you imagine what that would do to some thin skinned, well meaning, awkward young man?
Why would you even try to deny it?
It's a numbers game and you are fishing in a small pool, what you consider to be interesting, passionate or exciting doesn't match the interests or hobbies that the bulk of women consider to be interesting, passionate or exciting.
I've literally never used the nazi flag on this board.
I am not making personal judgement on you, and you forgot the part where I said intelligence isn't make or break
You shouldn't love or hate someone from their intelligence.
Some people do, some people don't. It all has to do with intelligence and passion, or lack of it and passion.
You're not going to understand what I'm saying.
You can love someone who isn't smart.
Intelligent women hate you because, you're being entitled about their time and energy, they're busy in college or something, and they don't have time for a relationship.
By second point, do you mean when the woman wants a man as a provider and not as a ken doll?
Depends, if the man is straight? He will understand that women attracted to men do not like him for his looks, and this will relief him because he no longer has to comform to the bourgeoise image of chad
Is he a closeted fag?, He will keep crying why he doesnt look like a barbie doll
When did I say fat?
Doubt it.
No I'm telling you he has a larger feminine fan base because of the
of his music, rather than, his ability to get good record deals. If that was the case, then why in bloody hell aren't other high level musicians not lusted after to the same degree?
Even during his peak, Alan Jackson or whatever CMT fucker couldn't generate a female audience.
This alone should give indicators on what straight women enjoy, and, that body type attraction isn't this simple.
You should come work for my future NKVD with all that effortless intelligence gathering you are capable of.
Its os obvious to see why women are not attracted to you, you are too worried with your image, becausenyou are attracted to masculinity
You can't call someone stupid and unworthy and then claim to not be making personal judgements about them.
You've got to understand that sometimes people disagree with you.
Come, not even for LARPing sometimes? I find hard to resist my urges to troll the board even if I'd like to have constructive arguments about marxist theory.
More porky rhetoric
I never said not worthy, and not intelligent does not mean stupid.
I'm not the nazi poster. What makes you think those things?
And you wonder why women who like men do not like you…
Funny that you label anyone as porky when you can give you the luxury of being gay
So I guess you can't just be passionate, huh? You gotta be passionate not about what you care about, but what everyone else does. What great advice!
The whole 3DPD dating scene is part of the spectacle too. If anything fapping to anime leaves people with far more revolutionary potential than normalfag 3DPD dating.
Oh but you must be a nazi, otherwise you wouldn't be so obsessed with your "masculinity"
When did I say anything about my anyone's masculinity?
you do realize anfem is a certified psychiatrist, right? Honestly, despite that whatever she writes looks pretty shambly (not that you're entirely better), I'd take her word in this thread over yours.
Shocking!!! I tried to become popular with christians by showing the tirner and guess how they replied?
Let's hope she never gets her hands on any young males.
I would love to hear you elaborate on the revolutionary potential of waifuism.
Everywhere in your exchange with the anfem tripfag where you implied women who like men must be attracted to aesthetic masculinity
Remember, this is not the free market. In relationships, your mental image about you also matters. Marxist critique doesn't apply here without modifications. Saying "b-but it's orky" won't get you anywhere.
(On the side note, your "porky" parallel isn't THAT bad, it's just that rules are not the same)
Yes, women corrupt males!!!, We should protect kids from females so we can achieve our nazi utopia!!
I'm not certified, I'm studying
Honestly I'm giving you great advice. You won't listen, and you're going to keep being in the same position.
What the hell do you have to lose by even trying, anyways?
Wouldn't be a problem, and I'm not in emergency pediatric psychiatric care circles, that's far far far far too depressing.
she's emergency psychiatrist, you're an armchair expert.
That's not my position. My position is that psychoanalysis fails to subject itself to the rigor of falsification. Any system of knowledge can come about by recognizing patterns, but it's well documented how badly those systems can go awry. Instead of just trusting our gut when we notice a pattern, we can attempt to falsify our suppositions and get rid of the ones that don't stand up to scrutiny.
When did I? Link the posts, they probably aren't mine.
He's probably dealt with more clinical psychiatrists than she has.
Her gender isn't the problem.
Emergency workers shouldn't be trusted. End up in a hospital? Scream "AM I BEING DETAINED? AM I BEING DETAINED?"
What? No it does not, most of freud theories have been revised and exposed as false, and that is just an example
(someone should really make a commie version of the white knight)
he gender has nothing to do with what I said
What? No she isn't, she's also made false claims lacking rudimentary knowledge of the field, so she's not even that far into her degree, if she even is doing it (no proofs have been posted). You're a moron.
Association fallacy.
Part of it is true, they tend to be from higher classes.
But burgers can also say things that are true. especially if that is their area of expertise.
Stop getting your knickers in a twist, you don't even know if that isn't another chick
"Certified psychiatrist" means about as much as "village witchdoctor". Psychiatry as a field is a haphazard mix of guesswork, personal bias, and unquestioned dogma. It is only alarmingly recently that they stopped prescribing electroshock torture as a treatment for homosexuality, and they still completely fail to take a scientific approach to matters of human sexuality.
What is the problem then?
I'm not a clinical psychiatrist. I'm more focused on keeping people fucking safe.
Why would that matter? Same principle applies; you would know.
So your job is to force depressed people to continue living against their will?
Anybody? This can be a good meme. Commie white knight comes to the rescue and gets rekt by porkies. Or pwns bourgies. Depending on circumstances.
You're claiming you actually have done field work now? Bullshit. The story changes every day.
No, it actually doesn't. Again, I'm not certified, I'm studying. Second, I'm emergency. As in, suicide attempts, people who can't take care of themselves, inpatient, etc.
Want us away? Good fucking luck
No, keeping people from scratching holes in their skin
No, I did not. I am saying "studying", it is my major.
Christ your thick.
Well then I guess I was wrong in that detail, but in a way that makes my central point stronger.
Interesting. Have you tried actually solving the problem which is making them try to scratch holes in their skin? And no, sedating them isn't a solution.
Hmmm… Maybe it isn't about you and what you claim to be without proof?
Are you one of the flat-earthers or anti-vaxxers?
Should be easy; if you give him a black-block look, you can even just draw over the visor with a balaclava or something, no need for a clean template!
I am not visually artistically capable though.
>you're stupid and you suck and women hate you. It's your fault you're alone, but maybe, if you're lucky, you can find a woman who'll settle for someone like you
>but at least someone like me is willing to give you this tough love.
probably true yeah
and that's what makes it a spurdopost
I only knew she does emergency psychiatry, inducted that she has a degree.
Why, the whole theory of communism is the story of white knighting already
The poor prole needs to be saved from the evil bourgeoise by the good commie
Keeping them monitored to make sure they're safe? This isn't just fucking young people, this is the elderly.
For someone who cares about people in need, you surely are full of fucking empathy.
Capitalist society has changed beauty standards. Physical attractiveness has never in history been put on such a pedestal by the average person. As for incels, this is a modern phenomenon. Capitalist society is alienating which causes depression and lifestyle choices that make things worse. These issues won't be solved overnight but once we get to a point that someone could "do nothing but fuck women all day" these problems would be gone.
"""'"""""tough love"""""""""""
It's beyond criticism by people who are not experts in the area. Like me or (seemingly) you.
The "whole theory of communism" is that the worker has to save himself from the exploitation and eventual elimination by the bourgeoisie.
Read a book.
When it comes to emergency situations, it is beyond criticism. Lives, and livlihoods are at stake.
If you want to critique it, then post something other than an obnoxious fucking cultural critic who is making Netflix bank
Nope. In fact most of my objections to psychiatry stem from the fact that it is entirely unscientific and frequently harmful. The fact they are given financial incentives by big pharma to sell antidepressants to people who have every reason to be depressed is just the icing on the cake.
Nope, as shown in this thread you have the same skewed distribution in pygmy hunter gatherers and chimpanzees.
Psychiatry is not psychology, and you don't even know what field of either you speak.
Welcome to the real world kid, life sucks and then you die, at least she has a whole you can use to masturbate
Dont tell me you fell for the fairytales they used to tell you when you were a kid
And you get an excuse to kill people in a self-righteous way, isn't it great?
Do you remember Rome? I think beauty was important there. Your other arguments az OK.
Liberal faggotry. In any case, if you lack the expertise you lack the expertise to criticize my own. I happen to be PhD tier so try me :^)
And it's exacly meaningless when that's not what anyone else is talking about. Look, I'm going to be real with you, and that's a stilupid thing to do but here goes.
I'm not a virgin. I have jmhad plenty of gfs, but it bothers me to think that these girls think they're doing me a favor, or that they like me in spite of me being unattractive. I just want them to like me for me, not because they couldn't do any better. This is what bothers me, and it seems that this is exactly how the average female thinks. Fuck, as I said before ITT, gay bros find me more handsome than my previous gf. I remember the point I realized it. We were playing a game for shits and giggles. One queation was to rate your partner. I rated her an 8, and she rated me a 4. I mean, I laughed it off, but that kind of stings. I just want girls to want to be with me for me, not as a secondary.
Yeah no, fuck off
Wtf I am a tankie now!!
That's your fucking bizarre problem
And Greece. Though, you could make an argument we know next to nothing about culture, and only know of the elite culture. Which is very often focused on such things, having a lot of time to waste not working.
Jesus fucking Christ get over yourself
I was thinking of her potential interaction with mentally unstable
I didn't say that. I specified field, or what field you criticized, in psychology OR psychiatry
be specific
They were
I have critiqued it before. The likes of you won't listen, so I'll just stick to correcting fuckwitted mistakes from arrogant sociopaths online, if you don't like it, too bad.
Despite my image board personality, I am very compassionate, and very empathetic.
This is a pipe dream because all findings point towards males being inherently less favored by women due to them being the evolutionary bottleneck. You can repopulate a village with one guy but not with one woman.
Women in the same population bracket will regard themselves as overproportionally attractive. You have to deal and adapt to it.
I didn't say that. I specified field, or what field you criticized, in psychology OR psychiatry
be specific
Trump, is it you?
It will all be ok as long as she doesnt face a mysoginist homo like the one ITT that could potentially hurt her, because then her resentment will be projected on every patient after him
There is a reason experienced nirses are cold as hell
You don't even know anything about it haha. I'm convinced you haven't done more than skim Wikipedia. The only thing you've ever brought to the table is the distinction between psychology and psychiatry which you keep making inappropriately. Which leads me to believe the whole thing is a lie.
I am Donald J Trump
Maybe you think you are.
these fucking threads, man. This isn't the first time. Still, I don't think OP will manage to top the time one user advocated for abolishing age of consent in communism to avoid traumatizing kids from not having sex; yes he was also schizophrenic. /liberty/ screencapped that thread, hope someone saved it.
I knew I shouldn't have bothered.
wew. I knew I liked you for a reason AnFam.
Like that "mutual aid" Harambe gave that kid? Yeah, alpha as fuck!
Not in every field. Only science and science-related. Also not authority, but expertise.
So you are have a PhD in psychiarty or a related field of study? Good. Then we are both on the side of science. Now we only need case studies on big pharma getting the situation worse. As far as I can remember, there was an expert (maybe in England) who wrote credible criticism of the big pharma stuff, but I'm not really into that part of science. I'm just into authority of science itself.
So am I. It doesn't mean anything, only makes you better a ruining people through ideology if you have the wrong ideology.
So look into your ideology rather than parading your "virtue".
Look man, if she did anything but look at you with disgust and phone the police, she was doing you a favor.
I'm convinced you have. I'm not a pencil pusher in a clinic, I have to make sure people don't end up wrapping their bed spread into a fucking noose.
So of course the responsibilities are different, and I am somewhat more focused on other tasks than a clinical psychiatrist.
Listen I empathize, but maybe you're just imagining what isn't there? Why not communicate your fears coherently?
If they don't take it, they aren't worth it.
Thats true tho
Age of consent is bourgeoise
I said average person. Do you really think peasants were in such a position? Or is your understanding of history so incredibly limited that you think everyone was living it up in orgies while pissed on wine?
What is my ideology, in your opinion?
True. But this beauty-thing is really only for burgies (and to some degrees proles are into it, but remember: rural places are not into porky stuff .)
Once again, it's not about you.
You HAVE to have rudimentary knowledge of the basic essential medicines, in fact you would have learned this in general medicine. If you are doing a psychiatric specialization now you should already know this stuff. Quit larping.
Well, I know, but apparently pointing that out is controversial now. Let's face it, I kind of lucked out. If i was born in communism, I'd never get a wife or gf. Thankfully waifubots will exist by then.
I dunno tbh but it's one of the purest forms I've seen yet
It would make more sense if you told yours, only you know what it is after all.
But anfem, so wrong on two counts, being an anrchist, and a identity politics deviationist. Wrong on two counts.
You'd be surpise
Also true. But the things proles can be into, they are sometimes nasty as well of course.
Hint: Men are considered to reach the peak of their attractiveness later in life than women when they are made men with a stable career and status while the attractiveness level of women, so dependant on looks, depriciates with time.
So don't shy away from dating younger women when you are older and ignore the jealous same-aged naggers.
The basic fucking medicines of psychiatry you lying moron, they're on the WHO essentials list. You're more than happy to pretend you're a practicing psychiatrist sometimes as well. I kind of believe you;re actually in school tho.
The massive overuse of prescription psych meds can certainly be blamed on your field. You're like a monkey holding a soldering iron claiming to be a software engineer. At best you're the medical equivalent of an electrician. You can only (crudely) fix the most basic failings of the human nervous system.
Yeah, it was the culture of the financial elite. What I'm saying is that in today's society, these beauty standards apply only to the elite.
I'd argue about beauty standards of people not living in the cities. They are almost as many as city-dwelling proles and burgers.
(they are dwindling in numbers, I know)
You'd be surprised at the extent capitalism changed my country's beuaty ideal. I'm speaking about Hungary, a mostly agricultural country.
I didn't Imagine it with my last gf. She definitely thought she was out of my league. We broke up, which is good, but outside of the internet, I don't want to look needy. I actually thought about swearing off relationships for a while and just doing the casual sex thing. I mean, if I was gay, I'd probably have a better time of it. I just get along more. The problem is I don't like dudes. I don't know, but I don't like this aspect of women, and it fills me with despair.
Who cares? You're getting off on tearing others down.
You're even telling yourself you're doing them a favor.
This is a fairly weak defense of your own argument. Your ideology is just as every bit outdated as orthodox stalinism.
Just masturbate more for a while, it's better for you than one night stands.
Gabapentin. Neuropathic pain in severe?
Really, Z-drug non-benzodiazpenine for short term sleep disturbance? Also severe?
You have no clue. None.
What's your starting dosage for quetiapine?
lads, I think it's time you all stopped.
On a scale of one to ten, how effectively could your job be performed by a pharmaceutical sales rep?
They are on the edge of society. They might be into nasty stuff, but I think they are tot diverse to be considered as one object in this case. Internet is certainly not as centralised as traditional media.
Also, not all nasty stuff is from the burgers. I know about a case when my prole friends were into fingering other in the ass as a punishment for bad jokes. Seriously. I don't where they got the idea, but that was certainly not from burgers as I know. They had so little connection to mainstream culture, even I was surprised about that. (I, who pratically live next to a rural ghetto in the perimeter of Europe)
That might work if I find a really mature girl. I honestly wouldn't mind dating women of my same age even if I was older. I'm a faggy romantic that wants what my parents had. They grew old together. I suppose the upside is that I would get a better-looking wife, but that isn't what matters to me.
Going against the sate isn't hopeless, only pointless. If you didn't like states, you will hate what will come after them.
Get fucked you sexist pig, she larps as a psychiatrist. People white knighting her on the basis of mistaking her for being an actual psychiatrist, which she doesn't immediately correct them on. If she is indeed a student.
Student = not qualified.
You aren't entitled to a woman's body ==or== a fulfilling relationship, sinner.
Stop, my boner can't get any weirder.
wew lad, leftypol is starting to sound like a proto-mra / mra board. :D
I always associated them with fascists and reactionaries. Times are changing.
Fuck off back to reddit you piece of shit
my point was that the thread got derailed so much from the initial point and it's just pointless quibbling, mods should bumplock this shit by now, clogging the front page. No need to get mad.
I wonder if that has anything to do with just how hard feminists push that exact narrative.
It is and it dictates you take over the state and beat everything else to death periodically. It is the best system.
The initial point was about communism induced inceldom. The thread is about making the quoted post undebunkable.
Anfem tripfag is, hands down, the best poster
Just look at all this asshurt
One of the main problems with the left has been its strong association with authoritarian lunatics who want to thought-police every discussion and blame everything on men and the patriarchy. In fact, I'd say that's the whole reason why we have Trump as president rather than Sanders. The right weren't afraid to defend free speech and question the absurd claims of the authoritarian bigoted sections of the left.
I actually did that. It stopped when I bought a big onahole. I never opened it because I thought if I went further I might turn into a dollfag.
I unironically agree. Whoops forgot my flag itt
The thread should have been deleted the moment it was created. We have this thread every day and it's completely shit every time.
Someone tell the nazbol to stop replying to me
If the state is too strong to capture, it is too strong to remove. And then the argument is pointless, it means we cannot improve the situation.
The actual argument is argued by others, I'm just reflecting on the events. In a way I consider funny. Please don't get triggered by that, I know that not only Holla Forumstards can be using MRA terminology.
(I don't use reddit, I'm more intelligent that: see the past tense in "associated")
True, I only point out that where I come from, they are almost exactly the same people. (I know about maybe 2-3 exception among the 10 million people) It's not surprising considering that I came from socdem-feminist-anarchist background. Holla Forums is sure a good place, I'll stay.
The point isn't to remove the state, it's to operate outside of it in order to give people an alternative they can thrive off of more than Capital, and the state.
You starve it to death.
But you reek of it
Fucking yes!
The mods did a good thing today.
Holla Forums and reddit are hardly competing for more terrible website at this point
I'm honored to be in the same thread as such a scholar.
Fuck off back to tumblr where you belong then.
Yeah, I know that. There was an image about it on, I also know about Holla Forums's idpol stance and I agree with it. Maybe I'm a newfag, but I clearly didn't come here sabotage or popularize my ideology, only to have fun and learn about current leftism.
You know what a good plan is
Going against the national guard, marines, NATO, NSA, CIA, FBI, DNI, Navy, Army, and UN peace keepers in a long battle of asymmetrical warfare they profit off of.
And get squashed.
That will show Capitalism
Tumblr and Holla Forums aren't too dissimilar either
Now you're getting it. Ready to call out your friends as the progressive mask of fascism yet?
They are not my friends
Outside the state has never in human history been a better place to be at. It usually means mercenaries and clans. I have never once encountered a pleasant are outside of the state, not in today's world either. Every anarchist zone I have ever visited was a disorganization inefficient mess.
this thread is incredible
Stop proto-namefagging. Stop calling people who disagree with you reactionaries.
History changes and so does context.
At this point, it means resource delivery at an equal fashion outside of the state. Through theft in one way or another, of large corporations and bougie individuals through identity theft.
You haven't encountered just about anything really.
They work for the capitalist, the pig-man.
I won't be a namefag, I don't want identity on an user board, but okay anyways.
You still haven't told me where you got that mind-reading ability.
Have you ever talked to someone without talking down to them?
Here we go. It's time for the Asian-American child-rearing practices spiel.
There is a thing you need to know about Asian women
It's that we are all arrogant, stubborn, evil, and rambunctious. It is beyond just cultural, it is on a molecular genetic level that talking down to everyone is the default mode of communication
Rike crockwork
This sounds funny, tell me what it is.
Ask her yourself you tankie faggot
You really need to cool down, it's getting too fun to see that even my mistakes push you further.
wtf I hate non-whites now.
When you get less than a B and your parents are first generation immigrants who work in retail and want you to be succecful so you bend your knees while holding three textbooks over your head for over an hour depending on parental mood
I'm serious.
Also, the shoe is a universal weapon to be feared.
If only there was a word for this.
Nice trips, shadilay
I think you might be projecting a little bit.
There is a saying among Korean Americans
It goes
"Don't date Korean women"
You shouldn't be mean to people just because your parents were mean to you. Don't they teach you anything in shrink school?
hi Holla Forums!
Best friends with a Korean woman. She's all around a great person even though she has an attitude. Wouldn't want to date her, but a lot of guys do.
I thought you were a Vietnam fucking shot?
They're not, but South East Asian women are culturally different than say, some 8th generation American girl.
It is difficult to properly explain but we are all, equally, cunts. It is appealing.
You are looking for this:
I made some ambigous moves while pointing to my past habits and you jumped right into the pile of shit. (AND you have mistaken my mistake for a deliberate move to anger you further.)
Depends on the generation. and place and time.
And, you won't find much difference really.
I doubt that. People can each be cool and cunts.
Yes, that's what I was getting at, newfriend.
But you are wrong. I am not rustled in the least. Red text is a good sign that someone is pretending.
She came right off the boat bruh. Known plenty of decent SE Asian girls. I will admit seeing a lot of the type of girl you're talking about, but I wouldn't consider it a general rule.
We will bury you
Thanks for the advice, m8. It was fun anyways.
I'm playing at hyperbole, I don't bite much except for online.
Yeah and I'm successful lmao
Tell me more. This is good fap material.
Y not gulag?
Still not redditor even if reeking of it. No account. I only check it for the news about a programming language there (it's a hobby). Maybe monthly. And with adblock, I don't want to give reddit money.
Are you trying to virtue-signal us, or giving good advice? This place is screwing with my head.
Nope, it's just the truth.
It is good advice.
maybe because all that redpill stuff is true…
I just do it to be less followed, monitored to be honest.
Proudhon was right all along.
First, I did just for browser performance (I had shitty 10-year old desktop pc at that time - built it from trash), that I discovered that reddit cries about it. Then I also read about that I strengthens anonymity.
Get out, spectaclecuck.
Adverts are disgusting. They demean me.
Besides, who would even ever buy a brand-product? Veblen goods are for suckers.
Communal mandated girlfriends for everyone! I get the hottest one
The fact of the matter is, you're going to have to be as sexy as young Stalin. But man, was Stalin a pimp. He fucked other women so hard it caused his wife to commit sudoku and he cucked numerous other revolutionary leaders, sometimes to death like Trotsky. But what's wrong with being cucked? "Cuckoldry is the intellectual fetish", as the liberals call it.
No, the hot ones must be shared.
I only want the kind ones.
It actually is. Or rather, the idea of blame is completely counterproductive. Anfem is the way she is because of the material conditions of society. We need to figure out how to solve that problem - not how to get angry at people.
Blame is counterproductive. So is making excuses for shitty behavior instead of trying to be less shitty.
You can't solve systematic problems by forcing tiny numbers of individuals to change.
You can't solve personal problems by refusing to change as a person.
If anfem cunt was an outlier among humans you'd have a point.
a unibrow isn't a problem at all, it's something that you can easily change, and I said that I have very LOW degrees of sociopathic, narcissistic, and machiavellian traits, which is the problem, because these traits (at least sociopathy) are attractive qualities in men
Just because someone fits a trend doesn't mean they don't have it within them to change.
mfl, I've been cucked from my own OC
What are you gonna do, fgt?