AMA National Populist: What's the Next Step of your Master Plan Edition

AMA a National Populist who sincerely believes that Oswald Mosley was best Mosley. I wanted to ask, what's the next step in your plans? How do you plan to proceed from here? As an outsider looking in, you seem to be in dire straights. Please keep it friendly, I'm just here to chat ;)

Other urls found in this thread:

What do you mean our plans?

Either individual plans or plans as a community and/or ideology, whichever you prefer.

Holla Forums as a whole, nothing board wide.
Personally Im not american so explaining what I'm going to do will require a wall of text to ge the conntext


Go ahead if you feel like it.


How will we solve The Anglo Question?

They're probably asking for your favourite tea, so just tell them it's Earl Grey.

The internet is amazing.

I don't fully expect a full and honest response in that regard, but I thought I'd give it a go. I'm sincerely curious.

Stop LARPing, my good chum.

t. non-LARPing British Nationalist


I don't think anyone here has got any plans or great schemes to implement socialism. We just make funny memes and that's about it.

Unironically I just plan to go innawoods and be a neet out there with some other people hopefully. Simple life >>>>>>>>>> all this other shit.

Very generally:

and building class consciousness to take advantage of it.

Even people who supposedly live "off grid" still need to go back to society for supplies like medicine, first aid etc eventually. "muh herbs" and "muh holisticism" only lasts as long as the first septicemia.


Last time I did this everyone kept asking if I had any questions myself.

Oh no going into a town for supplies/medical treatment guess that ruins my entire plan

Get bashed, you fascist piece of shit

Personally, for the sake of spreading leftism I want to try making an urban cooperative commune if I can get my boyfriend to go along with it.

Please calm down, and rationally express your grievances.

what do you think about civic nationalism

Next step? Watch the the way the three-way fight between neolibs, rightwingers, and socialists goes and plan our own shit accordingly. Too early to tell what the next step should be.

Neolibs and some of my socialist comrades are banding together to protest the right-wing government in the US and other countries, but you knew about that already since it's constantly in the news. Anyway, I'm always leery of buddying up to neolibs since they're known backstabbers, but not a lot of sympathetic allies around so I can see why some of my comrades will take what they can get.

Not much else to go on except attempting to adapt our plans to unexpected, new regimes cropping up. Not like we've ever not been in dire straits since the fall of the USSR anyway.

A bit too liberal for me, but I wouldn't find it totally disagreeable to live in. At least, compared to now.

Interesting, I'll keep that in mind. Would you describe yourselves as Communist? Stalinist? Leninist?

Sorry, site didn't save my shiet.

Hail fellow nazpop! Brown Red alliance forever!