Whats leftypol opinion on Bolívar dream of Grand Colômbia?
Grand Colômbia thread
I liked their earlier indie stuff.
Yeah i liked their work early on, But every one ended up selling out and Bolívar ended up going was just bad.
Bolívar was a Glory seeker
Elaborate please?
Holla Forums tiene demásiados gringos que no saben que fue eso
Yeah most of leftypol probably dosent even know who Bolívar is.
Whats leftypol opinion on Bonaparte dream of French Empire?
Extremely burgeoi, you should instead suport the jacobins.
I asked my Colombian coworker once, he said it failed due to geographic difficulties (mountains and rain forests) so any centralized orders weren't very feasible, and local tribal backgrounds meant too many differences between the people.
However, I think GC could be a reality today what with the technological advancements. Still probably wouldn't work.
It would have been nice if South America wasn't so divided, I live in Argentina and really there's no such thing as an Argentine nation, but I still think that trying to make countries bigger is stupid and I say this because I knew people that actually wanted the Gran Colombia to become a reality nowadays
the only thing I know about Bolivar is that Marx didn't like him but his sources were shit so I can't give a more decent or detailed opinion tbh
too right both literally and metaphorically for Holla Forums, though what Napoleon was building was undoubtably better then the shitshow that was the European aristocracy.
Shit was too big to sustain itself.
Europe would have been better off if Napoleon hadn't gotten too greedy. Not a utopian regime by any account, but substantially better than what it was replacing.
based flag
Bolivar was dreamy as fuck so anything he wanted is okay in my book
We would have ended up with a shittier South America though. It was because of Napoleon that the Portuguese crown relocated to Brazil and actually invested in the colony.
viva gran colombia!!!
i thought leftypol would autistically screech about how much of a porky Bolivar was
South America it's too cucked to pull something like that.
I remember a Sandinista thread plummeting with little responses, which I thought would be more known in the English world