Self-Care General

How are you holding up Holla Forums?

How's your mental health, work life, personal life, academic life etc?

Personally I'm doing OK academically but I've no clue what to do when I graduate university. Want to just become a NEET but I doubt I can. My social skills are terrible so I'm terrified for the future.

Mental health is improving but it could be better.

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I don't exercise enough, but after spending ten hours at work my feet hurt too much to do any running or anything.

Ideally I'd like to fuck my way to fitness. At least when I get all sweaty from doing that I feel good afterwards instead of just sticky and tired.

Good to hear that you're doing OK.

Not good. Still stuck at home and university at 25 years. Suicide is on my mind every day. Thanks for listening.

Going back to school, living in a dumpy apartment working low wages, but significant other is paying my way and so my life is ok more or less

Reminder that you never have to fight alone.

On the downside, I'm getting laid off from my corporate job in a few months because of a merger. They "don't have room for my position anymore". We're merging with a company that has over half its employees in India, so I somehow find that hard to believe. They don't have room to pay an American wage for answering phones all day.

I could've gotten cut and told to get fucked, but at least I'm getting a little money as a consolation prize. I'm gonna try and use it to get a down payment on a small house with some land, and then I'm gonna try and spend the next few years making it as self-sufficient as possible.

So, I dunno, I feel alright, I guess. I can't wait to turn my back on the fucking office, I hate my goddamn corporate job. Everyone's nice, the work isn't too bad, but fuck the heirarchy and fuck the fact that I spend 15 hours of the week actually doing work and the other 25 shitposting on Holla Forums and planning tabletop campaigns.

How do you cope with work?

I've never a job. The thought makes me curl up.

You're either a capitalist or just live in your middle class families basement?

I'm quite lucky, i have a quite comfortable job, I make enough money out of it to be courtised by my bank to make investments and fully embrace the petty bourgeoisie.
I'm not sure how to feel about this.

Mental health is OK. Academic average. Applying for jobs and working substitute in kindergarten. Lots of hobbies planned for the future. Social life is decent, will improve once I get a job and move back to my hometown.

I should exercise more and eat less. Have too much time on my hands but not enough money or space to do many of the things I want to do.

I told you, I shitpost on Holla Forums and plan tabletop campaigns. I hate that I have to post using my phone, because it guts my post quality, but it's better than nothihng.
One guy I work with is a 100% Trump fanboy, it's funny how he's still sticking to his side after Trump drained the swamp and found his cabinet at the bottom of it. He's also a redditor/4chan user, and uses both at his work computer, which, frankly, I find completely fucking abhorrent, which is a shame because he's the only person I really get along with on a personal level.
It's hilarious because we also work with a vegan SJW who drinks 2 cans of energy drinks a day and voted Hillary.

I just sit around making snide comments at them all day, and I don't shy away from shitting on my job and corporations in general… once the boss has gone home. Our clients are some of the biggest companies in the world, so sometimes I get to help people at, oh, Bank of America set up a meeting for all their chairmen in the Bahamas so they can spend thousands of dollars on champagne and resorts. My corporate job has been illuminating to me. I can see the greed, the discarding of good and loyal workers, the hierarchy that slowly erodes its low-level workers and hires more only to fire them before a year is up.

I can see it all, and it fuels me.

Bad. 26 and still deciding what I want to do with and devote my life to for an occupation I will enjoy. For now I'm still a NEET though.

Well, investments are a good way to try and game the system.
If you make enough investments to live off of and go full revolutionary NEET, what then?

I'm not, my family is working class, I've just avoided work so far thanks to taking on stupid debt to go to university


An injury to one is an injury to all.

Meh, i love what i'm doing right now, i don't see myself becoming NEET.
On the other hand, unless i'm planning to die while filling a tooth, i'll have to make plans for my retirement.

Well, I'm glad you enjoy what you're doing.
I just wanna move out into the woods so I don't have to work a job anymore. I'll happily work the land to my own benefit, but fuck having my labor be taken from me.

so I watch a lot of old-timey cooking and building videos to prepare

I was just looking to share feels and be less lonely

I'm unemployed and have no money.

That feel.


That must suck user. How's your living situation?

That also sucks. How are you holding up?

things aren't so good
I'm hoping it'll get better this year

With every passing month the likelihood of an economic catastrophe increases, so I guess it really depends on what you mean by "getting better."

Learn to live off the land now, just in case.

I mean for me personally
no point worrying about how things could go badly

Yeah, me too.

What is something that will get me lynched by An-Prims, Alex?


Same here

Who gives a fuck about an-prims? If the world exploded right now, there's still a billion mirrors already in existence floating around.

It was a joke

Mirrors and copulation are abominable, since they both multiply the numbers of men…

everyday is the same

Anarcho-primitivism is a joke.

Yes, thank you for explaining the humor. You're really very clever.

You a NEET or do you do work online?

Thanks, user!

NEET living with my parents
living off the little money I got last year when I had a job

how long until you run out?

What are you going to school for?

I hear ya. Not so much the sex part, but I feel tired most of the time.

What are you studying?

That is a nice thought.

they monitor your weight? is that normal in your field?

I hear ya, knowing what to do with your life is scary as hell. I'm running out of time before I'm chucked into the wide world again

For some companies to get health benefits you have to submit yourself to medical inspection by a company doctor whose responsibility it is to try and "help" you "make healthy choices." If you decide not to follow his advice you might get your benefits cut off and/or your medical information used against you if you hurt yourself on site and try to sue or whatever.

Sounds fucking ridiculous. Anything to let Porky squeeze more money out of the workers, huh?

That's if you're lucky. Just take a look at this:

Shit I ate a whole box of corn flakes the other day

They just check you to be fit for duty, merchant navy 2nd officer, nothing like military though to require actual fitness or tests, just some basic check ups to see if you have any severely flaw like handicapped etc

But since there was an accident the retarded doctor specifically gets all obsessed over anyone gaining weight, even fucking thin people.

But what if you're muscular?

My bmi is like 30-something but I don't think it would be that noticeable looking at me

Same thing every day my concept of time is really fucked
Video related

Fucking disgusting. These people don't deserve to live.

English and American studies. It's useless and brings me no joy at all…

I'm studying history so I know how you feel.

Japan is really messed up.

I just started a corporate job and I know how you feel already :S

Its ok m8 me too I believe there is literally dozens of us that have yet to be laid off or automated out of existence

I am doing better than I have ever in the last 5 or so years. College was a lonely anxious time for me and if it weren't for getting a job bc engineering degree I would have not gone at all and just worked, but who the fuck wants to make min. wage if they have the choice at all?

So I graduated and started a corporate job as a software dev. However, of course, there is the crushing realization that now I get to be shat on by anyone making slightly less than me bc class antagonisms. This chaps my ass so hard. Friends all work either as geek squad techs or baristas and they act like I am Bill Gates now even though we all were born in the same relative class position.

My salary is good, but in spite of all this, I still have close to 100K in debt to pay off, need a new car (mine is 100% grade A shit, breaks down all the time), new place to live, etc. It ain't all sunshine and rainbows, I'm just still digging myself out of a gutter.

In my free time I mostly shitpost but I am slowly trying to get out and I think I might want a hot gf that I can hopefully turn into my lefty dream girl or somehting. One can hope…

Get fit by getting laid, eh? And I thought I was the only one w/ this master plan, heh.


Rough. Really, really rough.

I'm 25, I continue to struggle with a social anxiety that is now even worse than it used to be when I was a teenager. I keep dropping out of college and I'm unable keep a job for more than a few months before it becomes too soul-crushing. Physically I'm disgusting and I just feel useless and depressed in general.

Hang in there man, shit is tough but I promise you just keep focusing on your self and things will slowly get better.

I struggled with anxiety pretty hard all through college and like you it wasn't as near as bad as a teen. Getting through college was so difficult for me, there were so many times I wanted to quit. I gotta say when you have a lot on your plate, sometimes it's good to slow down and think about what you really want out of life. I know we don't all have the luxury but I definitely have done that now that I'm out and have started making some money again.

Slowly I am trying to develop some kind of plan to break out of my shell a bit more… but I know it ain't easy once you get in that habit.

Mental health: not great. worsening schizoaffective, but on the plus side i'm in a manic period. No motivation to do shit I need to do
Work: "good"
personal: non-existant. Other things take up my time and I'm not a very social person
academic: bad, can't concentrate on shit that needs to be done, crushing reality of the indoctrination system of capitalism

I plan on becoming a roaming NEET Stirnerite proselytizer, or something, cause this shit isn't a life worth living

why does becoming a wageslave have to be so difficult

ready to put a bullet through my skull TBH

Put a bullet through your boss's skull instead.

I have been been moving around with my family since my whole life. First India, then Qatar, then Abu Dhabi, then Australia, then Mumbai and now that I'm coming of age I feel homeless and alone

The city I was born in was Bangalore so it isn't like I'm back in my motherland either

Why'd you guys move countries so often?

My parents pursuit of work. If you didn't know that is very common for much of South Asia and the Philippines. Kerala for instance get 1/3 of its GDP from cash for workers working abroad

Man, what a useless thread
