Trump so desperate to get people who like him to attend the Inauguration

Kek. Barely 100 Retweets.

Draining the swamp


Is this all you guys have left? Yes, Trump is a phony and a piece of shit, but underestimating him is why he won in the first place. Stop doing that. Enough people liked him to get him elected, and that's not a fucking joke. It's very serious shit.

A pathetic amount of people even voted this time around.
Less people voted for Trump than voted for Romney.
He's victory is due to the DNC being even bigger faker pieces of shit that noone wanted to vote for either.

You're right. We should adopt a very serious tone in these threads on Holla Forums, the vanguard of revolutionary socialism.

Nah, it's not so much Trump's win, it's rather Hillary loss.

Something similar is happening in differents countries. More and more people are becoming disilusioned with politics. The far rightists are just slower to get demotivated

That's my point though. You all thought Trump couldn't win so you underestimated him.

It's not about Holla Forums, it's about how people see Trump in general. Many many people do not like him. I am not a leftist and I think he is a fucking retard. But I am not American so I couldn't vote against him. Your snarky dismissive attitude (a lot of people think like you) is why he won.


No, I thought he had at the very least a good chance of winning.
And I wanted him to win.

Neither am I.

I was not dismissive during the election, and I doubt that had an impact because again I'm not American.

I stand corrected, when it comes to you. Why did you want him to win? He doesn't deserve the presidency, a lot of edgy people just clung to him because they thought he was "resisting" something.

You remind me of the same people that thought he couldn't win due to declining white demographics. Nothing to do with Holla Forums. Nobody took the fight to Trump quickly, strongly or properly enough. He had no real competition.

Because he will be an awful fucking failure of a president, turning people away from the populist right, and giving a grass-root-oriented left-wing based in populism a chance.
It's called accelerationism.

S-s-silent majority g-guys…

I'll be there in spirit senpai.

This is a really good answer; thank you

The majority of people didn't vote for him because they liked him. They just hated him less.

Not really, no.

If you just came from some other plane of existence where we all haven't been getting fucked progressively worse over the past fifty years yeah sure

Absolutely degenerate.

Yes it is how he won. Since people repeatedly said that he couldn't win, the white vote was too weak, blah blah. They didn't oppose him seriously enough. Trump is a JEWISH shill, the people that support him will slowly realize that even though all the evidence is already out there.

Please stop virtue signalling.

Isn't there a South Park episode where Cartman has to pay the other kids to come to his birthday party or something or other?

Also, I know someone who was invited and I like the guy, but he's not exactly a relevant figure, even on a local level.

Wrong. Both turnout and the Republican vote were up from 2012.

I'm pretty sure nobody from the clinton campaign posts on leftypol so what we thought of trump mattered jack shit

I think you've mistaken us for liberals/reddit/tumblr

Actually they weren't. And the popular vote went to clinton. If this were any other country, we would have the bitch as a president, but since this is America, we have the bastard. And only because of weird fucking electoral college rules

I honestly think I hate everything about American Elections but I triple hate anyone who fucking gets invested in them enough to make posts defending the Republican population's voting record

Fuck that fuck this fuck everything

but democrats are bad though and now there is a mentaly unstable oompa loompa in the white house that has a good chance of irrepairably damaging the american empire


did I say Republicans are good anywhere in my post? Both parties are complete trash but Trump's isolationism might actually reveal weaknesses the american empire that can be exploited/

*in the


America as a state cannot be confronted in traditional means, only by other Capitalist states.

So it won't solve shit to put faith in Trump to be the capitalist fucker we all know he will be

It will just end up being 4 more years of wankery

Nothing revolutionary will happen, but the public left might be revitalized

But another marketed election cycle could easily subvert that

Would Clinton getting elected cause the American left to attempt to get it's shit together in the same way Trump's election has?

Probably not. But then again it still stands any "revitilization" of the radical left could be absorbed in bad circumstance under a promise maker the next election cycle, have your Obama and take it.

I have no faith Trump will lead to any short term help for the radical left, but will only put the working class at further risk from a bunch of shit. Same with Hillary really.

We're all fucked economically, and the subversion will only occur, perhaps decades from now.

Somebody needs to tell Holla Forums.

Holla Forums needs to fill his inauguration, it will be the best thing ever.

Top fucking kek, so Hillary did have the election stolen from her.
Good! Fucking bitch.

We are all fucked economically. Why not roll the dice that the devil you don't know might actually weaken the system enough to begin the base of said subversion in 20-30 years?

Because you shouldn't invest in American politics whatsoever

Ignoring a tool you can used to further your goals is pretty retarded.

Tbf people are just still a little butthurt Holla Forums won. They're caught up in this petty forum rivalry which they have become emotionally invested in (to their chargin). Posting "you Holla Forumstards think you won, but you didn't really win *crying wojack*" assauges them a little.

Hence posts like "drain the swamp" being made even though it's an obvious non sequitur in this case.

No one likes Trump except for lonely autistic manchildren and a small section of the usual conservative reactionaries. I only voted for him because I hate Obama and his disgusting neoliberal legacy.

The only tool is you for voting lol

95% of the time someone says "this is why Trump won" it isn't really why Trump won.

You can reason it out from the 2012 vs 2016 results. The Democratic Party lost among crucial demographics and gained among none.

fairly certain twitter filtered this out possibly because their algorithm read it as a spam

It is extremely degenerate to encourage and hasten the societal collapse so you can come in and take power. Holla Forums is very degenerate if this is the common idea you all have here.

Where are my pro-filters?

He only won because the Electoral College subverted the will of the people. Hill got 3 million more votes

Aut-rightists are delicate and prone to triggering.

This is just like when Iraq invasion started to go to shit, all of a sudden you couldn't find a single conservative that voted for Bush online, looks like the denial is already starting

It would!
TYT had a story about a Jewish scalper that paid 700$ for inauguration tickets and tried to sell them on stormfront, all he was offered was 100$

cant believe I'm agreeing with a trip

Look fam, let people vote for whoever; we'll all have to unfortunately reap for what we sow and in twenty years you won't hear anyone who'll say they voted Donnie. His presidency won't be kind of them.

Was that really true though? I mean despite the apparent total shame and regret– he was reelected.

This was after 2004 after his second reelection when even normies realized Iraq was a shitshow.

Used to go to, which was like petite porky central at the time. saw rationalizations like Bush wasn't a real conservative so his fuck up doesn't count against the GOP.

They were shouting down liberals that would come in and shit all over bush

There are actual "pro" Trump people on this board. Or at least ones that realize Hillary "Bomb the Russians" Clinton would have been an even greater disaster.

Alex Jones is a Jewish shill.

I'm not saying Hillary Clinton was better or good in any way. I'm saying Trump is not good either, and the "muh lesser of two evils" argument just doesn't cut it. Trump had no real opposition so that's why he won. The next 4 years are going to be one hell of a ride.