FUCK YOU LEFTYPOL. WE COULD'VE CHANGED R/SOCIALISM BUT YOU RUINED IT!!! now I got banned from r/fullcommunism, and they're making me remove my signature from the petition you TAINTED! After that now they're telling me to make fun of Holla Forums or I will stay banned, so here it goes: FUCK YOU LEFTYPOL YOU SEXIST PIECES OF SHIT.
FUCK YOU LEFTYPOL. WE COULD'VE CHANGED R/SOCIALISM BUT YOU RUINED IT!!! now I got banned from r/fullcommunism...
post proof
Please post this message, lmao
Truly spineless
I see you forgot something.
Pick one
Wow, redditors are fucking pathetic. You gonna get on all fours and lick their feet too? Fucking liberals.
Proof that reddit is full of reformists
Suck a long, fat warty dick you LARPING liberal.
You faggots had this coming.
Comrade, it was all historically necessary and inevitable…you will be forced to be free if it comes to that.
Why would you listen to authoritarian assholes? They are not worth keeping, comrade.
really makes you think.
Send this back to them
Kind of want to spam their board now.
Autism is real
Nice try, /r/socialism mod
I legitimately hate the majority of you niggers and this board but this is too damn funny to ignore. When's the counter-raid, I'm sure old-/bapth/ is itching for something.
ITT the civil war continues.
Fuck the r/FC mods for thinking catgirls are woman hateric and pedophiliac
then why are you here m8?
Because you have some decent shit sprouting out of your mouths every now and again, not to mention retardation is a decent source of entertainment in moderation.
well thank you.
You're welcome m8
This has gone too far, I'm snitching
Oh this is going to be glorious.
They will remain in charge one way or another. And everything is going to be the same.
You just painted a big fat target on your back by signing it.
And now they tell you to what to do, because despite the mistreatment you want back into their cozy laps?
What a fine domesticated socialist you are.
You disgust me, to be quite fucking honest.
If somebody posted about this on >>>/baphomet/ I'm sure that they would jump right on it.
if you really want to get their attention, send it to their corporate email, with lots of legalese and a veiled mention that about legal resources that you don't want to use.
What a bunch of LARPing losers. It's like they think they're rooting out Okhrana moles or something.
Make thread, shit could be quite fun.
Any lawyers or good bullshitters want to try this?
What a sad fuck. I wonder if he was always this pathetic or if Reddit made him that way.
I think it's a joke m8. Posting the mod's message here will only make him more butthurt.
Raiding them will only piss off potential converts.
It's not worth saving, burn it all.
Don't bother with /r/Socialism. It's too big, and too identitarian. Go to /r/Communalists
new srd thread. I have a feeling this is HUGE
I think the results of /baph/ involvement and pissing off ledditors at the same time could be very entertaining.
Nigga did you already forget the cancer that was /r/KiA and all those faggots that got brought along with GG? Or the cancer that is /r/The_Donald during its later incarnations? You don't want those people, nobody wants those people. At least with /baph/ fucking them in the ass, you can spot the few that are laughing their ass off at the chaos and recruit those since they can fit the mold while the others are to be thrown into the thrashbin.
Get out.
There's literally nothing wrong with getting their attention.
WHAT THE FUCK YOU GUYS. I DID EVERYTHING THEY SAID AND I'M STILL NOT UNBANNED!?! did you guys sabotage my ban appeal? FUCK YOU! I'm literally shaking right now.
I can't believe they actually thought this could in any way end well. This has to be COINTELPRO in action. Nobody can be this retarded.
Now I know that you're baiting.
That's not baiting, that's tongue in cheek posting.
He's a literal lolcow.
stay mad
All of this started because of anime.
Just stop and think about that for a second, you fucking lunatics.
I'm telling you Holla Forums, you're clashing with goons. All the signs are there.
What signs?
I see what you did there, and you're doing great work, comrade.
This is fucking unreal.
Mainly the extreme and almost ridiculous hatred of anything anime-related combined with SJW puritanism, a secret club, and enormous egos. These are all signs of goons.
What is a goon?
he should have said "reply to this post or your mother will die in her sleep tonight."
Something Awful posters. Holla Forumsacks think they have some secret sjw cult
I'd say Holla Forums just redeemed itself
High-fives all around!
You are not a real woman and you never will be
You're a special kind of retarded, aren't you?
If you can tolerate the anti-leftist posting, read through this thread: archive.is
This seems kind of crazy, and it fits the pattern of Holla Forums ascribing everything to the actions of a shadowy cabal. Stuff like
is very hard to believe.
Holla Forums redeems itself every time it clashes with other left-wing boards
Their influence and persistence may be over-stated, but goons are not a Holla Forums conspiracy. They have been around for a long time and are very real. There should be plenty about them if you look it up.
Compare the actions here to the description of goon infiltration: reddit.com
Shit, forgot my sage. Apologies.
If you guys shit up my r/communalists with your autism I wont forgive you
Did they just take a picture of their monitor? Seriously?
If this is what the non-goons are like, Reddit would be hopeless even without goon infiltration
no its an old picture of the r/soc top mod being an asshole
Why do we care about r/socialism, leftypol?
Got banned from r/soc and r/fc. now I've to come to this shithole for my commie memes.
I think the whole thing is pretty funny.
Welcome. Try to lurk and also understand we are frequently raided by Holla Forums.
Because shitting on redditors is always funny.
When the first thing clueless lads see when tryung to engage with Socialists to only find out it is nothing but a safe space language police Stalinist dictatorship that will ban you for saying retard or faggot that will fuck our public image over the years
It's like when you can't accept Stalin fucked up and you got sent to gulag, so you blame Trotsky.
HAHHAHA it happened to me too fam
Dude what the fuck
This is me. Not even mad.
Did you have to take such a snivelling tone? These are such stereotypical playground bullies, they love getting grovelled to like that.
Worst thing about these fucking people is they don't seem to understand that there is overlap between two of the largest online socialist communities.
That's not all that bad. It's good to ask politely. After they tell you to lick their boots by raiding a website on their behalf you should definitely tell them to go fuck themselves, though.
Why do you want to be part of that community again?
Also juice as fuck saving that image, truly kgb tier
they literally want Holla Forums to stop raiding, and then they tell their users to raid Holla Forums. what the fuck is wrong with them
Did they reply to it?
we like traps in here and we are not fake liberal normies who want to be nice to minorities just because of pc culture. We actually believe in traps boypussy superiority
liberal logic at its finest
But we literally dindu nuffin
We should tell them that if they come here and beg for forgiveness our "big bad raider army" will leave them alone.
/baph/ole here. If you make a decent thread on /baph/ that explained what happened and who the targets are I'll participate. I was the guy who filled out the dox on some TRS guys (though I wasn't the one who found their names). As far as I can figure out some white guy banned the chick who drew those political cat girl tans for some reason? ? ? Weird. Anyway politically I think you guys are silly but if you can ever start a revolution I'd join your side just for the fun of it. Going to sleep now later
It's just "if you ever mention Leftypol, or we even suspect you having anything to do with them, you're banned".
How safe is Holla Forums? Wasn't this place created by a far right guy?
u wot
You are thinking of the website as a whole and crippletwat was or is a libertarian.
yeah I just find it kinda pathetic that like the biggest place for lefty stuff on the internet is worried about some shitposters on an imageboard who have read a few books. anyway it seems these guys are full of salt so fucking with them might pay off. The TRS campaign has wrapped up with the head guy turning out to have a jew wife (lol) so some new meat would be appreciated
How is this not the top link on r/socialism yet?
because they would remove it instantly
Holla Forums is currently controlled by the 2ch. 2ch being the largest Japanese forum. It was started by hotwheels who is some kind of libertarian/trump guy, but he no longer has any involvement.
Yell, apparently it's so big that they don't get that many new threads and activity…
Or they do, but don't allow them.. hmmm….
It is highly likely that some of the r/soc mods are cis-hetero white males pretending to be otherwise for oppression points, so that could be pretty juicy. I don't want anything that makes Holla Forums look bad to the r/soc userbase, though.
this is like some kafka-esque shit right here.
Please hold me comrades, I'm so scared. :'(
Literally shaking right now fam
And my typo will be foverer immortalized in internet history
And there will still be people or trotskyites who deny "Stalinism" is nothing but slander and projection.
I can see it now
/r/socialism = Mensheviks
Holla Forums = Bolsheviks
Wow Socialism is completely dead. It's corpse that is decaying and being eaten by worms and you guys are the worms.
Fuck off reddit. I'm glad your sub is going to shit.
SO what was the thing about r/socialism being pro rape
The irony is that they say that while defending Stalin and ML dictators, when being trans would have been a first-class ticket for gulag.
Imagine being so simultaneously pirivileged and insane you equate being assmad with political repression and consider it dehumanization.
Cry moar faget. Remove Trots!
I don't even understand what /r/soc is blaming us for
Are they the original manarchists?
Me neither. "Brigading"?
Isn't this bannable by Reddit ToS or something? Because that's actual brigading
We dare to allow people say "EVIL" words.
We dare not to put feminism uber alles.
We dare to even be the 4th board in a place full of nazis and still promote all sorts of leftism.
We dare.
Report them. Maybe we can get a few mods banned.
whoa.. so inspiring..
You could probably have phrased that in a less pretentious way.
I doubt it's enforceable to other websites, but who knows? The admins aren't very consistent about the rules.
But where is the fun in that?
Hi, tranny here. What trans oppression?
t. r/soc
well there's your problem. reform is for cucks
I thought most of Holla Forums realized this?
Apparently being called names qualifies as "oppression" nowadays.
In another thread some user posted a screencap of a twitter post saying "bad words = violence".
Liberals truly are the lowest of all scum, even more so than the anarkiddy and other bourgeoise pest on this board.
Hi reddit.
Nice try, but this is not what happened and let me set it straight for you:
It started with a comrade drawfriend being banned over 1. being "associated" with this board and 2. alleged "misogynie" and even "pedophilia".
The only legitimate charge there is that she's "associated" with this board here. It's the sole reason for this ban.
For us, this is about the liberal abuse of identity politics and the slander they're committing with it regularly.
They know that her "association" with this board is a petty reason for the ban, so, as they usually do, they have to cover it up first with "misogynie" in something she actually did, without putting any proof into it. It's a farce and repetition of what the Clinton campaign did with their same accusations against Sanders for example.
And now you're even trying to cover up for your identity politics being exposed as a full of shit arbitrary administration tool by diverting yet again and make it out to be about "anime".
At this point it's not even a question of how low you can go but merely when you'll go and dig yourself into a whole where we can just bury you and piss on your grave.
the modeoisie is a parasite, OP
you are free now
I love Holla Forums.
Do you guys realize that most of Reddit prefers you over r/soc and r/@?
As 1238569 said they were from SA, the proto-4chan of the early 2000's. They were infamous like Holla Forums, but in this day and age are outclassed even by youtube trolls. Also some time ago SA requires you to pay like $15 to sign up for an account so anyone shilling for SA actually paid to become a shill, which makes them even more pathetic.
If you say so. I doubt "most of Reddit" has even heard of us.
They would only use this opportunity to shit on both sides, so we would suffer too (most likely)
The posting aristocracy of Reddit can capture the revolutionary spirit, their memes are too recycled. Only the exploited boards where meme production is outsourced too can provide the material conditions for discussion of socialism.
unironic tranny here
keep fighting porky lmao
Lol, reformism.
So every major Internet conflict, including this one, is just another expression of the epic and eternal battle between anons and goons?
The left goons are all on Rhizzone and have zero love for identitarian politics.
The muting thing just seals it: this is a purge. They did this last time too; they have no intention of engaging anyone they've thrown out at this point.
And here I thought comet was A BIT more reasonable given the fact that he was willing to personally talk to some of the opposition and even went to places like /r/anarchism to talk things out. Don't know where that went, but it's definitely gone now.
So… How is that they're going to spread socialism again, if they just flat-out ban everyone who don't already agree with them?
That the point they arent going to do that and are actively doing just about anything to stop the spread of socialism.
Lol wtf why do they want to ban Bookchin? This is so stupid
They aren't interested in ideas, just showboating and extracting negligble rushes of power in a monumentally pathetic way
Fuck everything and everybody