Trump will help the Dem establishment in the long run. His incompetence will discredit populism.
Trump will help the Dem establishment in the long run. His incompetence will discredit populism
Everyone in America will be making $30 per hour in gold backed dollars by the end of his term. You'll see.
The likes of Orbán and Erdogan don't seem to have discredited themselves by taking power, so this might be wishful thinking.
That would be pretty bad news.
Praise the frog god.
if erdogan were president in the us he would have already been impeached and removed.
I disagree. The democratic establishment is already unpopular, that's why Trump won. I think his inevitable failure as president will lead people to lose faith in both parties.
it was more hillary than the establishment in general. obama is quite popular and would have won in a landslide over trump.
As long as he gets rid of TPP, I don't care.
tpp is already dead
Yes but things are getting worse for everybody economically. Trump will utterly fail to address it, and at some point people will begin to question the system itself. There's a reason why "socialism" is no longer a dirty word in the U.S.
Also I think it's important that MLs and Maoists shut up in the coming years. If socialism is no longer a taboo word, then people will be open to discussng it fully and go beyond understanding it as socdem (which is what people in the U.S. think socialism is). When you explain what socialism actually is, they obviously associate it with failed regimes like the USSR. I find the best remedy to this is to point out that there are many different models of a socialist society, and that we don't necessarily want an ML style of socialism. So obviously if ML's are spouting their bullshit then it's going to be much harder to sell the idea that socialism is a diverse set of ideas rather than just tankieism.
Do you actually think Trump in any way represents the republican party?
The former chairman of the RNC is Trump's chief of staff.
Unfortunately, that's not true.
He still did not run as a candidate on Republican politics in any meaningful sense, in fact he's outright hostile to several republican positions.
Well, now it's a dirty word because it's associated with autistic trannies from internet forums.
sounds pretty republican to me
Nice inflation
I thought you guys were supposed to be at least somewhat able to think.
I think, that democrats will discredits themself even more, with their stupidity and witch hunting (aka constantly searching Russian Boogieman)
And yet his cabinet is full of top Republicans. The positions he has taken don't matter, what matters is what he'll do. In the 2000 debate Bush said that the U.S. shouldn't use military force to "tell other countries how it's going to be", then he invaded two countries. All the backtracking and flip flopping Trump's already done shows he has no real ideological commitments, so he'll just be a figurehead for the same old Reaganites.
Trump has no policies. He's a moron who believes what ever the last person tells him.
He's surrounded by repubs and so far has acted as one.
We will see, as far as I understand he has to fill his cabinet with republicans because well, there are little to no options. I am not American myself, but it is pretty easy to see that he opposes Republican values, namely in that he opposes international free trade and "spreading democracy" through intervention in the ME.
He SAYS he opposes those things. Like I said, Bush said he opposed interventionism too, look what happened.
True, but still, Bush never stood up to international capital like that. I am cautiously optimistic for his presidency.
lol no it wont
populism will put the next Dem in power
The Trump presidency will be be one more stage in the gradual delegitimization of American political institutions.
Those on these board who wanted to accelerate the fall of capitalism should be happen. Trump's administration is filled with porkies, the EPA head is tool of big oil, the Sec of Labor is a union buster,,, the list goes on.