t. Holla Forums
Baneposting his fucking inauguration speech
Hey Holla Forums, here's some sexy husbandos to trigger your homophobia
Meme magic is real. Our friends at the FSB drip fed it to you along with your holy kek.
It's okay you can use this thread to thank Dugin while you're here.
Kek willed it, right meme magic?
Well, he is a chaos god after all.
He looked like he was crying as he walked away in the background.
This is what Holla Forumsyps (read: liberals) actually believe.
Besides, Bane isn't even /your guy/, Holla Forums.
Those people really need to learn some basic PR. Punching an unarmed guy in the head while being filmed is rarely a good way to win support. He isn't even a notable person, is he?
The anarkid was unarmed too, user. That's how punches work.
Since when have anarkiddies cared about PR?
#1 proof that meme magic is real
Holla Forums are just being dialectical, they're skipping the part where they read a book, split, and sell out. They're just outright going straight to the neocon stage.
You truly triggered me since true sexy nazi husbandos are muscular non-fat ubermench husbandos.
No need to thank us boys, we did it for the k op eks.
Exactly why Holla Forumstards are even worse, they cant even get fucking gay husbandos right
EUflag guy has been an obvious Holla Forumsack for a little bit now, what are you doing chipping in?
Probably forgot to put his flag back on in between shitting everywhere up.
Posting porn that will trigger Holla Forumstards in their raid threads?
I am not the one who takes them seriously nand feeds them replies and bumps
Now Holla Forums is officially NSFW despite the fact it was never safe for work since this board advocates killing your boss
Only in threads Holla Forumstards make here ;^)
Following a Holla Forums guide to the letter to subert Holla Forums. If you're the same liberalposter which you absolutely are.
Which seems to include some good threads as well.
like? Because this is an obvious Holla Forumstard thread
Sorry I don't screencap and store your posts, but I've seen you enough I can't imagine -I- have been in so many Holla Forums threads.
He really fucked up at the start of his posting career by being a typical Holla Forumsyp trying to be a master of satire while doing subversion, which gave the game away. Sad!
Fuck why are the mods so useless here
There is a difference between seeing me and seeing me post porn
Holla Forums threads are usually obvious though there was one that people fell for, something like "OMG Trump is president and NOBODY STOPPED HIM" which is again quite obvious based on the ending suggesting the left is weak which is what made it obvious Holla Forums thread
They've been lazy fucks recently, I've given up reporting shit.
Everybody knows you're a shit Holla Forums plant, that's what you get for being so arrogant that you spend your first day or so trying to get some kids tier satire into your posts. Literally the only thing Holla Forums has going for it is a Nazbol wizard and some FSB shitposters and you're proof of its homegrown shitness.
I beg to differ.
Can you fuck off with the furry spam or at least spoiler it?
This is a SFW board.
To be fair, no part of Holla Forums is SFW. I would never risk looking at it without a VPN, given how much illegal stuff there is here.
To be fair when Holla Forums is marked "SFW" nothing really is
Why are you posting in a Holla Forums thread then? This isnt a serious thread it shouldnt be posted or be seen, just go
excellent taste, famrade. Looks like I'm not the only furfag here.
Fuck off with your shitty taste holy shit.
This is a safe for work board, faggot.
Cry moar faggot
Nice to see more furfags here
Stop coming to Holla Forums b8 threads if you dont want to see porn
You too. What's your opinion on pic related?
Also do you like paws, or vore?
In The Dark Knight, Nolan took populist rhetoric from OWS and in Trump's various speeches, Bannon takes populist rhetoric from OWS as well. It's called parallel thinking and, indeed, confirmation bias.
Your "meme magic" is literally a psyop from the KGB, by the way.
Not that user.
He's right about the hypocrisy of it. The thing is, those artists would be scum even without being hypocrites. Intellectual "property" is the height of capitalist artificial scarcity and should be opposed on principle. Piracy is a revolutionary act and should be encouraged.