ITT: Instant liberal detectors

Post em.

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I like hugs though

Me too




Then all the grills at anime cons are liberals.

Does anybody else get a bit triggered at the phrase "white people", at this point?

Like, whenever someone (especially if it's a white person) refers to "white people" as a group, relating it to being bad at dancing and shit like that, I really do get a bit mad and insulted on the inside.

I don't get mad when most people talk shit about white people, but when other white people do it in the most shallow way? I just think, "wait, aren't you white, too?"
one time I derailed a thread on Holla Forums by making fun of white people who couldn't tan, Holla Forums immediately accused me of being a nigger or mexican
I called them genetically inferior for submitting to the wrath of Apollo

I do too, and I'm not even white.

Not only I hate liberal shits who think all of the world's problems are a matter of muh privileges, I think demeaning whites is genuinely insulting and racist, besides being pointless.


No, reddit. It's just you.

Sharing leftypol memes on facebook ironically.

People who compare the real life political situation for Harry Potter.

I too get insulted when people racially stereotype me in a non-joking manner.

I'm not even white and I feel the same way

Another bitch white boy with a victim complex?

it depends. if they keep on doing the shit that's implying i'm some evil oppressor for being white and am not allowed to have an opinion, or that my life is suddenly awesome because of that, unironically "fuck white people" and stuff, yeah it pisses me off.
if it's the stuff like pic related and "shit, forgot the spices and they aren't going to get used anymore" I think it's just some racist banter

who the hell is that?

The deeply triggering and problematic jokes are just bantz and snowflake whites should stop being so triggered.

That said, it tends to become a problem when it’s used to silence criticism (“Stop tone-policing/whitesplaining, yt boi!”), and the biggest perpetrators are usually other white dudes virtue-signaling.

If I had a dime for every time some woke white dude talked me down (I’m a PoC) and accused me of “perpetuating whiteness”…

Caps from a video of Obama turning and jogging back to the white house for some reason after he was leaving

No because I'm not a whiny little pissbaby.


not in and of itself (the verb 'white people dance,' for instance, is pretty inoffensive), but having all the world's problems heaped at my feet because of shit that happened before I was born gets old fast.

t. whitey

I find it patronizing, although if it's obviously done as bait for Holla Forums it's funny. But my issue with racism is opposite of the liberal opposition to it. While they abhor the idea of insulting and imparting verbal violence kek on an entire race mmfff!!!!. I find that it is an insulting attempt at denying an individual one's ownness.


Gray wolf detected.

nghh fuck i hate jk rowling.

Is there anything more peak liberal?

how surprising

really needs the sound tbdesu

disgusting. delete this ffaggot shit right now or im telling moot

I only mind it when people use it to be funny tbh. Like when they're talking about old literature or history or something and they find a way to wedge in the phrase "dead white men XD" like it has any sort of shock value. It's not really insulting to me. It's just there's such a lack of originality with white people jokes generally. I think the reason why is because more often they're made by socially-conscious libs who wanna "balance the scales."

Anyways actual commentary on racial problems is fine to me. It's just most people who try to make white jokes don't do comedy very well.




The poor blacks and browns of the Dems are as racist as the poor whites of the GOP. Its the job of left wing intellectuals to uncuck them but Neoliberals are making it a helluva hard job with constant idpol and blaming whites for everything like how nazis blamed jews for eveything or how the GOP blames blacks for everything.

Only Americans who have a crippling inability to handle the banter

Having a beard or cheap glasses should not be considered liberal things. Those type of glasses are the least expensive and beards hold no political allegiance.

In America race relations are shit so hating white people could theoretically cause a fascist non white movement to occur. There is a difference between banter and legit racial hate toward whites. Remember we have the Nation of Islam and New Black Panther Party who both would love nothing more than to genocide whites.

Yet, in combination they create something bigger than the sum of their parts.

beards are revolutionary as fuck,everybody knows a commie beard is a must

Also it's what has bred some of the resentment that harbors in people like the alt-right.

What if it's unironic?

it wasn't a beard, it's one of those faggy knit caps with a beard-like extension


i'd legit wear one. imagine some basic 'only works on paper' libertarian trying to call you out and expecting you to be a dummy, and then getting destroyed because you've actual read

like if i can add subtly to this: i mind it when it's used to explain things that can be better explained otherwise. I'm so tired of talking about the election and some dipshit yells out of nowhere "it's whhhitttee muh privilege" like that makes any sense. The reasons Trump won are many and worth discussing, and proclaiming the obvious fact that we live in a racist country doesn't absolve you of the responsibility to think about current events in a critical way.


worst post with the exception of the other replier who thought the knitted beard was a real beard. Also:

If you're scared of NOI you're a fucking dildo

If you dont think there isnt racial hatred toward whites by groups mentioned then you are the racist.

I have a beard I am just letting grow and I soon have to get new glasses so I'm going with the US Army Captain frames since they're extremely durable and I do work in shit terrain and conditions.


Poor cap

What if they compare with Star Wars instead?

My problem with it is the same problem I have with all non-white racial tribalism:

They do not hold their own people to the same standards they seek to hold whites to. That's really the barometer, the litmus test you should be holding all of these people to. Would the chink Eddie Huang ever talk about how the Han on his home island of Taiwan ethnically cleansed and still marginalize the native Austronesian population to this day?

Would the Mexican Aztec LARPer ever talk about Mexico's own vastly more authoritarian anti-immigration laws?

Would the Korean "American" Asian SJW slacktivist ever talk about the horrendously shitty way Indian laborers are treated in South Korea? Or the fact South Korea institutionally is basically a ethno-nationalist state?

Of course not.

The moment non-whites hold their own people to the same standards they seek to impose on whites is the moment I take them seriously.

Yeah, I'm sure Poles or Moldovans would take much better to it.

Non-White Americans don't realize just how pussified the average White American is. Go to Russia and start smarmily talking about how "white people have no culture", then come back and get some false teeth fitted and (hopefully) a realization of just how permissive the average White American is.

NoI were responsible for the Zebra Murders, Black Hebrews were also implicated in some fairly horrible racially motivated killings.

you're dumb. this is basically the berniebro accusation leveled against POCs

Mario fandom

How did that page get through?

Remind them that after Episode III was blatantly a screed against George Dubya, they supported a president who continued all of Dubya's policies.

Remind them that after Episode III was blatantly a screed against George Dubya, they supported a president who continued all of Dubya's policies.

That's been going on for decades, bud.
But being blamed for all of society's ills, like in lazy comics like that, I get really annoyed. Like I said, it's really lazy, as well as racist to target someone for their skin color to insult them. It's also why these people are so intent on disregarding class, because they want to be racist to all white people & don't want you to be able to logically defend yourself.

I was born in '86, grew up in the 90s(& in the ghetto). We always had those stereotypes about dancing & shit, which kinda bothered me but it was mostly true, lmao. Me & my black friends bantered on that shit; it was mostly amicable. They'd say how much they were jealous of my hair during sleepovers, basic kid stuff, getting to know other races.

But now it's different, I'm seeing, for younger kids. I worried about this shit becoming "trendy" to down white people for muh privilege. The word p r i v e l e g e used to actually mean something & they've tainted that meaning. It always meant "rich", where I'm from. You know, actual p r i v e l e g e. It's fucking with race relations, organizing, etc. Needs to be addressed & stopped, asap.

Cape comics used to be about more than just punching people (sometimes). There also used to be lots of Leftists in the industry, compared to now at least. Alan Moore for example is (or was, haven't heard anything lately) an anarchist. DC's Green Arrow and Green Lantern was famously progressive, as was X-Men way back when. This started to get phased out in the late 80s-early 90s as comics exploded due to the grimdark ACD collectors fad. The market crashes late 90s, then early 00s Marvel reinvents itself, tosses the CCA and starts getting huge as they switch to their more tightly controlled "Marvel events" shit, and then stars making movies, and here we are.

Tl;Dr, comics used to be a marginal industry full of misfits and alt politics, much like pulp books before, until they got ruined by popularity


Yeah, even on the internet it seems to be draining further and further away

He literally included countercultural imagery in that post.

Hipsterfag liberal detected


lol there's no reason to take any of them seriously about that shit anyway

Yeah, maybe if you're a retarded American.

Your seem sour. Maybe you'd like to try a new ideology?


Also, the implication about you being an American was that the ADL, as it is based in the US, declared "pepe" a hate symbol, giving you free reign to use it as counter-culture.

The FBI wrote some damn good riffs in that case. Commendable.

What happened to being against the liberalism of Western culture, Dugin-friend?
Also, we literally have CIA documents from the cultural propaganda that went on during the cold war and after, up until the 70's, where they fund whoever made sense as a tool regardless of the political climate.

Yeah the CIA funded horrible shit like modern art. Maybe they had a couple musicians but I seriously doubt they were behind rock music, if they were I'd laugh, probably forever, that's Spinal Tap tier absurd and I don't even care for classic rock.

Me on the far left

Same except also on the far right xddddd

Not just liking music liking degen­erate rock n' roll!
And this is more than just urban legend! CIA has long had ties with the underworld of organized crime and the mob; this is more than just its culture, it's about how they effectively created social control via subjection to drugs, well established channels involving its distribution, murder, prostitution, child pornography, snuff movies and black magic. The feds had already been tampering with LSD just a decade before when they introduced it with the hippie counter-culture movement via the Laurel Canyon scene in LA.

Well, I should say synthesizing, rather than tampering. It's not like the formula changed.

I'm both pro- and antidegeneracy. Confused yet? But yeah I know about all that but it's a bit of a stretch to imagine Agent Johnston next to a Marshall Stack shredding while his plants attach their fake sideburns and wigs and take notes.

I am neither. But if anything deserves to be called degenerate it is rock music (and jazz). And I'm not kidding about the LSD. Its application as a "trauma" was used to gain a formal, measured control of responses, mass hallucinations, people going mad. I mean just look at all of MKULTRA and how it uses drugs for hypnotic rites.

How you think I got so woke?

They did experiment on it but MKULTRA went way deeper than that, I think the psychotropic stack they use was for individual subjects, and I could believe they'd push it in a controlled manner to see what effects it would have on a population like Southern California or something. Please post proofs for these claims and I'd be glad to do more than just speculate, it;s been a while since I read all about all this. Jazz isn't degenerate, relax grandpa.

I uh…read this and consider myself an expert in the field now please don't ask too hard of questions :(