Why do right wingers seemingly use "cultural marxism" as a scapegoat for everything?

Why do right wingers seemingly use "cultural marxism" as a scapegoat for everything?

What actually is cultural marxism?

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It's basically a code word for "the Jews".

It makes no sense to me.

Cultural Marxism is equated to the Frankfurt School, but those guys were cultural conservatives that hated modern media for shitting in your head. I bet if you presented these exact ideas to a Holla Forumstard without saying where they are from, they would integrate them into their arguments against degenerate art and modern media. Still, as soon as you bring up the name instead of the content, everyone thinks it's idpol, forced equality of outcome or SJWism.

"Cultural Marxism" is literally an oxymoron. Marxism would see culture as a result of material forces, and if it puts culture as being central instead of class then it isn't Marxism. People literally think that something is "Marxism" if it advocates against inequality or uses an oppressor/oppressed dynamic because, and this is a real quote

It's literally the same logic as "atoms and solar systems are totally the same dude! Just replace "nucleus" with "sun" and "electron" with "planet" lol"

cultural marxism for the alt-right = patriarchy for feminists

I can only assume it means making culture more inclusive? In which case it's a really lazy short hand.

marxism is about class not culture. it's a misnomer for identity politics meant to drag actual marxism through the mud

It's been done before, you can take a random quote from the Frankfurt School, paste it on a picture of Evola and Holla Forumsyps will agree with it

Because calling liberal idpol cultural capitalism would make them uncomfortable.

A dumb conspiracy theory about the Frankfurt School which is essentially the old Nazi meme of cultural bolshevism recycled into a new form.

KEK, i remember that.


I find this reading style hard to understand, if I don't look very carefully I only see complicated words that contain no meaning. Is there a kind of Adorno for dummies book that can get me in on the topic without me having to learn his style?

They kind of have a point, we want a tolerant society so having full communism isn't enough. The problem is just that they are setting their priorities wrong. If we waste our time on race and sex war before the class war, we are playing into the hands of porky.
Oppression will become easier to dissipate when the capitalist media is gone, since it's a popular distraction tactic to pin all problems on minorities instead of capitalism.

No idea. I guess only the most autistic can get into Adorno.

I really dislike this Hegel inspired writing style, it obscures the actual statements. While Adorno is certainly more understandable than Hegel, he is still hard.
If we want to appeal to the masses, we need to drop that shit. If not even we semi intellectual college kiddies can read what they have to say, if you have to study obscure uses of language to even have access to the ideas, then only very few can grasp the texts and they will ultimately have no impact for lack of public understanding.

Adorno is good. Dialectic of enlightenment is a must read

Except I would think that full communism would entail the abolition of all identifiers outside of the individual.

Too bad I have no fucking idea what he is trying to say. What is a dialectic anyway, everyone uses that word without ever explaining what it means.

Sounds like a good goal. I'm not sure if it can be achieved but I think at least during socialism we will have to cultivate tolerance for groups.

You know, wondered if it could be a good idea to translate some book with obscure styling into more commoner friendly language?

Cultural marxism is basically marxism(opressive porkies and poor little proles) applied to culture.

For example, the oppressed and the oppressor. Anything that comes out of a cultural Marxist(be it an institution or individual) will be framed in such a manner. For example a nigger gets iced by a white pig, the pig/police/government are the white oppressors and the nigger was a gud boi. This is used to cause social strife and divide nations, making it easier for a glorious red revolution to sweep the nation and, well, what happens next is up to the commies.

Of course this would be applied in every aspect of life, marriage = man opressing wife, income inequality = proles oppressed by bourgeois.

This is VERY general, and I do agree it is used too often.


I think it's totally achievable. All these identities really are are random signifiers based on preferences or physical traits. Bushy eyebrows and liking apples aren't considered a social category. It's not hard to imagine that being black and liking benis could eventually be seen the same way.


Top fucking kek m8

holy lol

You have a point. Liberals want to go from "we are different and the other side sucks" to "we are different but the other side is okay I guess". Meanwhile, we could be aiming for abolishing the belief that differences are important instead of teaching people to be proud of their differences while also respecting those of others.

Really, pride and shame were a mistake, we should just cultivate an atmosphere of not giving a fuck towards these issues.

to be fair, i hoped the comrade to try 8/pol/ but givent they're one click away and lurking, it would have probably not worked as well.
Should try with another quote i'll not post here before hand.


A tolerant society full of lazy, decadent apathetic fags, and communist utopia of peasants ruled over by the bureaucratic class. Would collapse in a fucking day do to their being no food production, or production of any kind. The working class isn't made up of tolerant losers, hell, the working class in soviet Russia hated fags, niggers, you name it. That's just a fact of the working class of any nation.

Literally nothing is blamed on minorities you rube.

Wow it's almost like people agree with good arguments.

That sounds better.

oi fuck off ya cunt

I only saw one post agreeing, and it was 4/pol/, so your not making the argument look any better.

wew lad

Whatever you say "nigger", just stay where you belong next time Holla Forumslyp

What do you mean by this?

Cultural Marxism is a term used to address the influence of marxism in the European culture.

It's used by Holla Forums in pejorative terms because Marxism seeks to destroy the core elements of European culture or the elements that made Europe so powerful.

it's not just a 'scapegoat' like it's tha joooos (Marx was jewish lel).
but an explanation of the decline of European culture and way of life because it seeks to replace it with a perverted version of different ideas that in the eyes of Holla Forums, is not sustainable and morally wrong towards Europeans.

It also is against the ideas of Not Socialism in a lot of ways, which makes the term's presense more frequent.

Details about its origins and how it fits the "destructive Juden" narrative might be for a later post.

Fucking where?

The same reason fundies use satanism as a scapegoat for everything.

Make me, fascist :^)

*National Socialism
Don't mind my drunk English fellow comrades

The ideas injected in our European society nowadays, like "it's very European to be tolerant towards refugees". Which is against the original European culture, and has been transformed (subversively) the past decades.


You missed the point, they didn't check the source and honestly thought it was Evola

You were implying it was a good argument based on the fact that one person on cuck/pol/ agreed with it. That's not great conclusion.

False, only arguments matter.

I'll imply whatever I feel like implying, tyvm

We need to create it because popular culture pisses me off so much tbh

So this is the esteemed nazbol ideology I've heard about.

Here's what you do. You know how books have a synopsis, an introduction, chapter headings, then introductions, further sub-sections, broken down into paragraphs right? Then once you've read the book their general argument has been elaborated inside your own mind to your satisfaction that it was good? When arguing, you do a similar thing. You make an introductory claim. Then expand on it when challenged. Eventually, through the Socratic method, you'll have covered the material in the book. This proves you've actually understood the material rather than just presuming you do because it's supposed to be good according to some tacit consensus.

I really wonder what that is about, it feels like combining the olympic games with food stamps or something like that.

I know how to read a fucking book, any recommendations ? I'm genuinly curious

Recommendations? You missed the point. Anyone can claim they've read a book when they haven't. Human beings have a finite number of books they can read in their lifetime. It's not a valid heuristic to read a book based on anonymous prompts that may or may not be ironic trolls. You know the saying, publish or perish? It should be the same: argue or perish. That's all NazBol is.

Hegel is the worst thing ever to happen to philosophy. He reduced it to an empty cyclical masturbation activity comprehensible only to a handful of aristocratic intellectuals.

Fuck Hegel.

That's where you're wrong. He is now.

Owh interesting perspective, but living my life this way would get me insane I think

Pic related for clarification

The philosophical life shouldn't be about being a monastic pedant engaged in empty scholasticism inside a clique situated within institutions built upon the prevailing ideology, but following the Socratic/Diogenesian example: bringing it to the people, one argument at a time. It's not for everyone.

Marxism isn't a cultural phenomenon. It is based on German philosophy, early French socialism and British economic thought. You have no idea what you're talking about

Please source me the part where Marx and Engels talk about destroying Europe. Go on, I'll wait.

It is exactly the same narrative, because it is a 1930s Nazi meme revived in the 1990s.

Funny that you mention the Nazis, because they wrecked Europe harder than any of your "cultural marxism"

Meant for

I kind of feel the same. I once spoke with my history professor about it and she said that while he keeps showing up, because so many works are based on him, she can't read his original works because her mind always draws a blank.


lmao. it's actually quite easy when you get over the style.

Ok i'll try to be clear:
Holla Forums hates Frankfurt School
Holla Forums agree with Frankfurt school if you tell them it's not the Frankfurt school
It makes their dismissal of Frankfurt school pretty funny, independantly from Adorno's claims validity.
Get it?

The cognitive dissonance created by wanting to uphold right-wing ideal of love for your country, people and culture and simultaneously hating everything about your country, people and culture.

The way they resolve this is by inventing both interlopers who corrupted your society and turned it to its current, deplorable state and some fabled, idyllic national past that supposedly existed before their society fell to corruption. They love that made-up past society, not their real, existing society. That's why "Cultural Marxists", "Illuminati", "International Jewery", and so on and so forth will always be necessary in right-wing thought. They are the key that allows them to conflate the idyllic societies in their heads with their much bemoaned real society.

It's this dumb shit which is basically an extension of Nazi Germany's compound conspiracy theory buzzword "Social Bolshevism"

Because they have no functional theory with which to interpret the world or the material and cultural forces within it.

I prefer sexual bolshevism, myself.

it's lot like you use the word "neo-liberal" as a unifying theory for everything you don't like

take nazi logic, replace jews with coptic christians, and you still have nazism. take marxist logic, replace class with gender and race, and you still have marxism

this is ideology 101

idk but I really want to start pretending to be a right wing tinfoil hat wearing white male so I can go around and start calling basic rights cultural marxism or something to confuse the shit out of people and make the alt-right look stupid and crazy, it seems like a better strategy than trying to convince people that marxism and cultural marxism are different at this point


Except that's wrong you dumb ancap faggot.


pretty much confirms what i said

except it is right because ideology is about logic, not the subject of said logic

Ideology in general maybe, but not specific ideologies like Marxism. If you could place any subject into whatever ideology you wanted then it would be easy to make a case for mass immigration as naziism.

William S. Lind, literally a man who gets paid to spew propaganda out, dug up that term in the 90s and used it to connect their old bogeymen, commies, with the new one, political correctness. Thus they get to still redbait at a time when there are fewer commies in power worldwide than at any point since 1917.

It's rather pointless to argue against this misuse of the term, unfortunately. Either the person using it is well aware it's bullshit and doesn't give a shit, or most likely is just plain too damn dumb to realize they're being a useful idiot.

The general modus operandi of the right has always been to spot the contradictions in muh status quo (usually, capitalism itself), and blaming them on a politically convenient target.



How the fuck does that confirm what you said?

And you understand that class is something very specific in Marxism, right? It's not interchangeable with race and gender at all.

Top fucking kek

To them, Cultural Marxism = Turning the world upside down, destroying MUH WHITE CULTURE and turning men into women and vice versa and other spooky bullshit. It's fear of postmodernism and the modern world coupled with tribalism.

Why do you people insist on getting the flag direction wrong? Fixed that for you.

Wait shit forgot that small part; fixed again

It's a way to brush off changes in socioeconomic terms as being part of some evil conspiracy

An attempt to divert struggle against economic elites into battle against so-called cultural elites like the film and music industry, as well as urban bourgs?

Often people using it end up promoting a reimagination of class struggle along social lines. Which is shit theory, but hey - it works!

This is what Holla Forumsacks really refer to, and this is what they should tackle in the first place.


But then they think this is related to critical theory anyway.