Holla Forums here
I bet a lot of others are similar, SJWs are creating that Natsees they fear.
Holla Forums here
I bet a lot of others are similar, SJWs are creating that Natsees they fear.
Other urls found in this thread:
stopped reading there
Exactly, this is why I really hate SJWs. As well as being bigoted they work as a great recruiting tool for the far right.
SJW's are faggot neoliberals who should be hung. Gamergate started as a leftwing critique of a lot of the worst of the gaming industry until it was hijacked by stormfags.
Not the movment itself so much as the exposure I got to the social justice movement and the new left during it. I ended up reading Marcuse and a bunch of other New Left writers and deeply triggering and problematic "decolonial" stuff and was likeโฆnah I'm fash now
Whenever I read the term 'SJW', my brain automatically swaps it for 'Decent, Empathetic Human Being'
You need to leave the house more you faggot haha
read zizek
don't get your political views from youtube pseudo intellectuals
Nah m8 you are just a clueless retard. Stick to video games and masturbating to anime characters.
You deserve whatever dystopia awaits us.
I have read Zizek
do you assume all fash are stupid? lol
You are confirming his assumptions.
Gamergate is a 4th Order simulacrum of a 'political movement', or at least a highly contagious form of mass psychosis among autists of all stripes. There are people, both in the left and in the right, who are still making a living from gamergate obsessives.
I don't know if this particular person is legit, but I watched it fucking happen. The whole thing was like a massive Holla Forums recruitment drive.
I'm talking about the movement when it was very just beginning. The original complaints were about how corporate profit were getting in the way of making games worth playing and getting the media to collude on it.
To everyone's total surprise, calling out corporate shit was responded to as being miso.gyny and bigotry. Stormfront et.al took this as their chance to turn it into tirades of how SJW's were ruining gaming.
You're somewhat right. It's not a very good term because it means different things to different people. When Holla Forums use it they are certainly including decent empathic human beings in their definition.
On the occasions that I use it I am referring exclusively to the authoritarian liberals who pretend to be compassionate and inclusive but really just work to silence people they disagree with. SJWs, by my definition, do not seek to be inclusive but rather seek to uphold their sacred hierarchy of oppression. Anyone outside of the canonical "oppressed minorities" cannot, by definition, suffer any hardship and certainly can't suffer from systematic oppression. SJWs will never fight for the rights of non-offending pedophiles, for instance, because that doesn't let them feel superior to others on tumblr. They make the mistake of generalizing and looking at identities as statistical distributions rather than collections of individuals - ironically the same mistake Holla Forums make.
the actual elite is Marxist Left-Wing Jews and you know it
Gamergate was solely responsible for the trend of most of the internet going far-right.
Many leftists argue that liberalism ends up leading to fascism since fascism is needed to preserve liberalism, and I agree with that. I started off as a liberal who believes in some leftist economics ideas, and the deep illiberalism of the new left and other modern thinkers convinced me that I might as well just embrace throwing them out of helicopters. It would be nice to be able to have a more equal society but if the cost is totalitarian thought policing and violence then I'd rather just shoot the agitators.
especially since many of them hate whites
Rather, the reaction to gamergate from the media and the "left" (read: liberals).
They only have the right to a one-way trip to gulag
Nietzsche is antinationalist.
Her cunt of a sister ruined his image
Yes. You can't exactly argue that they aren't persecuted for thought crimes. The "decent", "empathic" SJWs don't give a fuck because it doesn't fit neatly into their facebook feed.
Pedos don't have a reason to be alive.
Get a grip
Neither do you.
Neither does anyone else.
Indeed. "If you do good to those who do
good to you, how can you claim any credit? Sinners do as much."
Why would anyone give two shits about a pedo?
I'm not a pedo.
Why would anyone give two shits about a dirty commie? Didn't you know Stalin killed a hundred trillion innocent people?
Downloading 4 Terabytes of HD Child porn, ahh a classic example of thought crime. Orwell is truly turning in his grave right now. What if the Child consents tho? hypocrite SJWs are ageist child-o-phobic creeps who want to take away my nonce rights
If they never touch a child, then why does it matter?
Nietzsche's sister is also why revisionism is a theoretically sound concept as a critique and a scoff.
Calm your tits m8.
Which leftist thinkers did you find particularly upsetting?
Is preventing their reign of terror by supporting another, slightly different, reign of terror really a good alternative?
Why didn't you just double down in your liberalism?
We're specifically talking about pedos who don't interact with real children in any way.
Of course now you're going to claim they don't exist, or aren't real pedos, or are guilty of pre-crime.
Not sure if serious
They lust after children, it's reason enough to send them to gulag.
We need a trillion more sacrifices to Khorne
Tankies once against showing their true colors.
not him, I believe in a voluntaristic society based on the NAP and free contract/exchange. Leftists, Islamists and most third world peoples are really hostile to such principles, hence, I believe it is in the interests of freedom to create an autonomous zone in which liberty can flourish. Peaceful 'ethnic cleansing' can on ocassions be the most humane and rational solution.
She dabbled too much into something she could not control.
Child porn is an industry
So anyone who pirates it is bringing down the industry and fighting the good fight?
Like I said the New Left is totally batshit. Concepts like "repressive tolerance" are basically designed to destroy freedom of thought. There is no way to remain on the modern American left without associating with people that think disagreement is literally a form of violence.
I've considered it, but liberalism must defend itself from its enemies. Locke hit on this apparent contradiction too when he was discussing Catholics and the way that tolerating them could lead to the subversion of any liberal society, which in his day was true. The balance between preventing subversion and sliding into totalitarian thinking is thin but trying to find it is the only way to protect freedom.
If there's no money involved, then it's not an industry.
The NAP is fine as long as it treats failure to act in the same way as it treats action. That is to say, failure to feed a starving person is as bad as taking food from a starving person.
Also private property is a spook.
Technically it could still be an industry based on a bartering economy.
If we equate the problem of stopping child abuse to the problem of winning a game of chess, you're a player who can't think more than one move ahead.
OP here, the NAP is a crock of ahistorical bullshit. The existing distribution of property was created by arbitrary and violent forces not some series of just exchanges. The idea that you aren't being "violent" for supporting it and others are being violent for opposing it is stupid. Markets may be an effective tool but your worldview is retarded.
This cannot be overstated. The advocates of the NAP are literally just interested in quitting the game of conquest while they're ahead. Bomb their countries, steal their resources, and then change the rules so that they can't return the favor.
Concepts like "I will endorse killing everybody who doesn't agree with the big leader" do similar. I haven't read Marcuse's book, but I presume I wouldn't agree with it. I presume a lot of us wouldn't. Did you read any libertarian leftists? Which other concepts did you find offensive?
You don't usually preserve something by destroying it.
Ok, if you agree that initiating violence was historically wrong , it follows that the initiation of violence is still wrong right now. Socialism needs totalitarianism and the total abolition of property, and hence of all other rights.
It's insanely dumb. It's like feudal lords freeing their serfs from the land and then talking about how their property rights give them the power to evict the newly "freed" serfs. Even the greatest libertarian philosopher, Nozick, says this explicitly in his book Anarchy, State and Utopia. If I recall correctly that is why he thought some transfer payments could be justified.
Some violence is wrong, some violence is justified. If someone tries to murder or rape you then violence is a justified response. No reason that shouldn't apply to arbitrarily declaring you have a "right" to control the world's resources.
Yeah I agree with you OP.
I still pop in here from time to time but you always get some SJW on their high horse being a dick to people for no reason.
Like this person
It's an essay not a book but that line of thought seems to have consumed the modern left. I have a real appreciation for the libertarian left but they are functionally irrelevant these days. It would be good if they managed to somehow make a comeback.
Deontological ethics are terrible. You should be deciding what is "justified" based on what produces the best outcome for sapient life in the long run.
Of course people are generally too stupid to answer that question, so they fall back to deontological ethics like laws and rules of thumb.
In that case, he initiated the use of force and violated the NAP, giving the aggrieved party the right to retaliate. Its simple logic.
What if a feudal lord enslaves my family for generations then tells me we're free but that we are being violent if we try to stay on "his" land? Your ideology is a bunch of horseshit
Congratulations, you've correctly realized that there are a lot of narcissistic, authoritarian idpol liberals in this country, and some of them have powerful positions in media, entertainment, and academia. Why exactly does this mean you now want to install a totalitarian dictatorship and violently remove undesirables? You've become a worse version of exactly what you hate.
cuck : calling a communist decent
go back and cry at your safe space.
inb5 ban! :D:D:D
But you also want to throw them out of helicopters due to the badthink of the SJW?
I just don't see how you're getting from really disliking haughty bourgie leftists to the 'kill them all' reaction.
Why do libertarians/An-caps tend to also be fascists too? Is it just an internet phenomenon?
Don't you believe in freedom and liberty?
not all of them have to be killed
some of them probably
They probably read a bit too much of moldbug
Ugh. it's really shitty of you to 'kinkshame' folks who personally like to wank to footage of Child Rape
stop confusing irresponsibility with freedom.
Here's your (You).
Tru Cool Kids always follow the rules and respect the SHIT out of Cops. That's how you get cool, Homeslice.
This is how we know Bernie was just a socdem and not a True Communist.
am I banned yet , please remove me from this cuckboard
a faggot
They have become a lot less ban happy here since the election.
I havent figured out why yet.
โ You have to go back โ
You need to apply to your local worker's council for form RFB567.2, then fill that in and take it to the ministry of catgirl affairs in Moscow for processing.
nothing in that post makes sense. I think it's your nap time.
I really don't get why Holla Forums hate fascism so much. Its an impossibility to achieve their utopias without its use. Fascism isn't the end government you understand, its a means to an end.
I wonder how they'd react to his earlier work.
Despite inadequacies in Marx's grasp of the nation state in its colonial and neo-colonial functioning, his account of 'so-called primitive accumulation'4 clearly demonstrates that the origin of wage labour relations is not itself economic, but lies in an overt war against the people, or their forced removal from previous conditions of subsistence. It is the outward shock-wave of this violent process of coercion, whereby the subsistence producer is driven into the marketplace, that determines the character of the imperialist project and its offspring. Capital has always sought to distance itself in reality - i.e. geographically - from this brutal political infrastructure. After all, the ideal of bourgeois politics is the absence of politics, since capital is nothing other than the consistent displacement of social decision-making into the marketplace. But this ideal of total de-politicization, or the absolute annihilation of resistance to market relations, is an impossible megalomaniac fantasy, and Marx's contention that labour trading at its natural price in an undistorted market (equal to the cost of its reproduction) will tend strongly to express an equally 'natural' political refusal of the market, continues to haunt the global bourgeoisie.
The only practical option available to the rulers of capitalist societies has lain in the global disaggregation of the political system, accompanied by a regional distortion of the world labour trading system in favour of the working classes in the metropolitan regions (,welfare capitalism'). This is why a deep complicity has continued to exist between the form of the 'nation state' as intemational political agent and an economic order based upon the commodification of labour. Since it is of systematic necessity that the economic conditions of an undistorted labour market are accompanied by political crisis, the world order functions as an integrated process based upon the flow of market-priced labour into the metropolis from the Third World (on the basis of the economic form of capital production), and the export of political instability to the Third World from the metropolis (on the basis of the political form of autonomous national sovereignty). The global labour market is easily interpreted, therefore, as a sustained demographic disaster that is systematically displaced away from the political institutions of the metropolis.
4 K. Marx, Capital: Volume J, tr. Ben Fowkes (NY: Vintage, 1977), 667ff
Land used to be /ourguy/ and then fried his brains with drugs, don't do drugs kids.
I go back, and you stay the fuck here.\
moscow can suck my asshole
too bad, I know why, because they can't uncuck themselves enough to ban me.
Who wants to deal with facts? Ohlol, I forgot. There is NO SAFE ZONE
you will stay here and you will suffer
until you are no more than empty shell of your former self
and then, at the EDGE of your life, revelation will rain down on you like a golden shover
hail jews! hail jews! HAIL JEWS!
their girlFreud doesn't let them.
The Islamic State is only reacting to Europa's foreign policy of imperialism in general. Besides, they are of the same ancestry as you, that is, Homo sapiens. It is only natural that they seek revenge on every aspect of your Humanity.
Facism tends to keep itself alive through perpetual wars. Hence why Mussolini talks of peacetime as simply a space between one war to the next.
This makes the belief inherently unstable in of it's self i'd rather not go into a new nuclear holocaust because of some grand old perception of the Roman Empire
He is still your guy in terms of goals, he just thinks that this process of Darwinian competition is the only way to produce progress. If you believe we are headed for either singularity or a harsh Malthusian correct then it is easy to see why you would embrace capital acceleration if it would help bring about the formerโฆ.
this represents his dark view of the world pretty well archive.is
Exactly why fascism itself isn't a viable political system. However it is a good temporary system. If Fascism does one thing well, it is achieving goals. Just make sure the right people are at the top, and take them out when the stage has been set for a new system to take its place. Marx wrote about this in the Communist Manifesto I believe.
Le horseshoe meymey.
The gist I get from his current writing is that he wants acceleration to continue until something inhuman emerges and eats us. Who knows what he actually thinks though.
of course it was our foreign policy.
Key here is that the something in question is a superior form of intelligent life, something like a machine superintelligence. The logical endpoint of transhumanism is humans being supplanted by our superior children in the way we supplanted earlier versions of the genus homo.
Its not a horseshoe you fucking idiot. Its a straight line, and every 'communist' country in history has been fascist between the transition. The only way you can change a country is through force.
Yes, it is your foreign policy. Both of yours, mirrored together. They are a reactionary movement as powerful as yours. There's no "waking" up for your people any more, only death.
Rude. I was talking about the ever receding final state. Marxists have that too.
my foreign policy is a peaceful one, you should be more tolerant of my views you racist bigot
Tolerance is a distrust of one's ideals. Fuck off.
whatever, you're just a scrawny antifa vegan faggot
Not revisionism he talks very clearly about the lower class rising up and establishing a dictator. Did you even read it?
oh, so you like meat, huh?
i can give you meatโฆ
This objectification must stop.
Daily reminder that he was right
This is not fascism. Fascists reject class struggle in favour of something like a nation. They favour corporatism and suppressing unions. What is offered is only a mere form of stratification in individual personality.
nigger pls
gamergate didn't make me a fascist
It is subjectification, weirdo.
Holla Forums over half of your user base is from r/ le Donalt
Just proving him even more right.
A dictatorship is fascism dressed up in the people's clothing because all the power is vested in the government, and the people have no say.
Don't xirxplain to me.
and boy , where did all the justice warriors go? INTO HIDING HAHAHA
Oh, so you mean not a Dictatorship of the Proletariat, just a dictatorship of the "proletariat"
Cool revisionism bro
you sound retarded, you were always going to go fash
I guess that's why Marx saw it as a transitional phase
That guy is a romantic fool obsessed with feeling like he is a true revolutionary, which is ironic given that he bashes people for such self-serving forms of identification. The whole point of traditional leftist solidarity is that it isn't based on like or whatever the fuck he cares about, but on fundamental class interests and so on.
You became the SocJusCom. Gaze 2 long in abyss, abyss fuck u ass.
I believe this 100%. Holla Forums is fucking bad now and filled with spergs who unironically believe in meme magic. Its why I post here now.
Read the post chain thats exactly what I'm advocating. My original statement was the the left should embrace fascism as a means for change.
how is castration err sex reassignment surgery going?
Meme magic is real. Observe the r/socialism incident.
I'm only into symbolic castration, thanks.
Do you disagree with the sentiment?
I don't really care about sentiment.
you're mindcucked
Neither do I. Proof of the truth of dialectics. Marx must be right about everything.
my calculations are infallible
if markie was so right ? why did he died?
Oh, and soviet russia :D
That's a very conservative estimate.
Historical necessity.
Bit gay mate
are you seriously that retarded?
It was a critique against radical feminism.
Let's see if there is some mental activity still going on there.
That's exactly the reason why sjws were created.
So you fight idpol with idpol? GG no re
nah, it's because the ideology of the right has seeped into ever crevice of every person's brain and leftist ideas are entirely unfamiliar to a massive majority of the population so, when they feel the rising tide of the far-right political movements they double down on the only thing that they understand, which is liberalism, and have taken it to its natural conclusions.
"Porky" is not some Illuminati who unleashes plots upon the working class, Porky sees things going to shit and happily lets it happen. Don't make us look like conspiracy theorists.
/pol, there's no need to be ashamed
we understand, we are no homophobes after all
Inhale fumes until you get cancer.
They never were on chans you retard.The closest thing you got to them was the retarded mods at 4chan who banned GG discussion,and that was years before Trump.
All those threads you thought were SJW were bait threads.
ANd now,cause you took the bait ,this whole site is filled with redditors.
Good job,the aut-right managed to do what no other normie could
Fill the entire chans with newfag redditors.
I've seen other people mention the same thing (or maybe it was always you, it's impossible to know), and I too was a commie before seeing the light. For me it was the "cultural enrichment" though, not SJWs.
The ๐๐๐media๐๐๐ really fucked up when they tried too hard to win gamergate. Had they not fought so hard (I mean, they even got a CSI or whatever episode about it) it'd only have been a small defeat for them. It still doesn't make sense to me how not one of them stopped to think wtf they were doing.
Does that guy need glasses? He seems a little short sighted.
Considering the GG shit was spammed fucking everywhere I honestly can't blame them.
ehh it's not why it was banned.
Should of made it more apparent lad
It's odd that this is apparently easier than cloning, what people had thought was going to overthrow social order.
There were fascist socialist, they were either killed off or unable to take power. Late USSR almost became fascist but the wrong guys were in charge anyways so it would still be bad.
Good, I don't want someone this mentally feeble and unprincipled in my politics anyway
by god, source?
That's literally the hopes and dreams of this board
I just don't see how you can do it, SJWs and their insane ideology run shit on the left now.
This, why does every broke dick reactionary assume they're a special snowflake that will make the difference in the left becoming mainstream
4chan shitposters gained enough notoriety in the past election to be covered all over the mainstream press and their ideas are spreading quickly online
thanks OP i have cancer now
Anita did nothing wrong.
Anti-"SJW" people are essentially fighting for the right to wear black-face, not only that they're fighting for the right to wear black-face and not be ostricized for it because muh end of history means we'll need to be comfortable with strip-clubs and brothels as an integral part of society forever. It's not censorship, it's simple, natural, healthy cultural change and it's gonna happen whether you like or not because vidya is becoming mainstream entertainment and women won't pay to play meatsacks.(COINTELPRO was sent back to FBI headquaters)
At least you used the shitpost flag.
Not only is this really ironic to a distasteful degree, but you're showing that you're actually mad a video game character is a lesbo
You're not being ironic you are being unironic in how you've managed this ironic shitpost by making it too obvious your ideological goals
Just so everyone knows, this person is trolling. That means they want responses. Don't give them.
We're not SJWs, half of us are ex-gamergate who left when the movement got too moderate and too focused on irrelevant bullshit instead of keeping the heat on crooked industry practices.
What's wrong with strip clubs and brothels. Ugly women need to just get used to the idea that everything is a commodity in capitalism and women much more attractive than them are going to commoditize their sexuality.
If your against brothels and strip clubs you need to be against any romantic comedy that depicts anything but fat, poor socially awkward men as the object of desire.
Good luck with that one
Rolled 20 + 11 (1d20)
Why do you "think" it was banned?
Also OP you say you read some leftists before becoming a fascist. What did you read? What did you think of it?
If all fashs weren't stupid, they wouldn't be fashs.
Good job
Nce taste fam
I was a liberal when this went down
Gamergate turned me into a communist
You didn't learn anything.
tfw a leftybro stands up for you.
thanks mang.
Why do you think that fashs arent stupid? Its even more retarded than technocratism..-
Be nice to technocrat. You know he's very sensitive.