What does Holla Forums think of the Jews?
What does Holla Forums think of the Jews?
Its very simple.
The richer they are - the better they are fit for gulag.
Now go away, Holla Forums.
I dunno about Jews, but I do know that Mark is a total faggot.
Not all of them are evil but despite being a minority the CEOs of various millionaire companies are Jews which does raise some worries.
Don't expect me to give them hugs, if I see Soros-level of shit, straight to the gulag it does.
If they do even a third of what Holla Forums thinks they do then they sound amazing
Regular jews = bro tier
Zionist jews = shit tier
Porky jews = gulag tier
Trump and his people are from the 2nd and 3rd group.
feels bad man
If you are talking for real…
Rich Jaws of today are the sons of sons of Jaws that were lending Christians money with interest in Europe centuries ago. Christians weren't allowed to do so, Jaws did and made $$$ really easily. Some Christians converted to Judaism to be able to lend people…
I'm partly Sephardic, and I'm poor as dirt just all Jews who lived in Morocco, even in Israel they still poor as dirt and the jew trash of Israel. Simply because in Andalusia (or in Morocco after they leaved) jews weren't allowed to lend with interest.
Same goes for black people and white trash in America, they are poor generation after generation since forever.
Rich Jews are not any different than non-Jews like Trump.
Kill all rich tbh fam
I'm still waiting for that invitation from the zionist club
Don't give a fuck. A jewish porky is still a porky.
Holla Forums hates them because they validate genetic determinism with their mean Autism Level of 115 despite having origins in pajit tier stetl matoooriawl cawndooshuns
LMAO I'm loving the word filter
But they invented communism and leftypol loves communism
They have the best humor.
Jewish working class = whatever
Jewish bourgeois = G U L A G
Jews are okay. Bourgeoisie Jews need to be gulaged, of course.
White people on the other hand, can't wait until every last one of them is finally gone. Well, the autistic apolitical ones that just make video games and cool stuff, they can stay. But everyone else, the fascism is in their blood.
An example, white anarchists and anti-fascists are actually fascists at heart, as they're always out beating people up just for the sake of it. For them, being anti-fascist is just an excuse to be a barbarian. They all shout the Maxist and Maoist slogans, but they say it with no meaning, just empty words. They don't believe in real Marxism, only in being a part of the in-crowd so they can bully and beat up more people. Every single one of them is like this.
they alright. The richer ones need to be expropriated. I know a couple from school and they were all pretty nice.
Helllllooo Holla Forums!
People are people. I'm more interested in what somebody makes in a year and how than whether or not they like bacon and foreskins.
idk, never met one
I'm honestly not sure whether this is a genuine third worldist or Holla Forums
Step your game up.
They are great
Antisemitism is the Anticapitalism of right-wing fools. Jews are just their scapegoat.
Just like Misandry and deeply triggering and problematic racism are the Anticapitalism of the left-wing fools. White men are just their scapegoat.
As a thought experiment, let's take Holla Forumss beliefs at face value. Let's assume there really is a grand global Jewish conspiracy that every person with a Jewish grandparent is in on. Regardless of whether they are pro or anti capitalist, nationalist, globalist, etc. After all, per Holla Forumss beliefs all Jews everywhere are exactly the same.
Let's also assume Holla Forums is right and Jews control every bank, fortune 500 company and all western media.
What system gives them this power in this world view?
Is it decentralized democracy? Is it the workers ownership of the means of production? Is it the collective management of local and national resources?
No. It's capitalism and privatized finance. It's unaccountable central banks. It's the state and it's monopoly of violence that give a small clique of individuals a disproportional amount of power. It's undemocratic governance that puts power in the hands of malicious actors. It is the military-industrial complex and it's endless wars. It's corporate welfare that steals from the poor and gives to the rich. It's the drug war that's an excuse to fill up private prisons and disenfranchise the working class. It's the exploitation of the workers and the destruction of the environment by faceless multinational corporations.
Of course Holla Forumss solution is more capitalism, strengthening the business interests of those same Jews, handing out more money to the Jewish military-industrial complex, escalating a drug war that has so far cost a trillion dollars, filling the US cabinet with Jews and worshiping a billionaire real estate who has deep ties with Jews and who's children are Jewish.
And if you don't agree with this they will screech autistically and call you a faggot-kike-nigger-commie who's just salty that the other pro-Capitalist, pro-Military Industrial complex, pro-Israel, pro-Mass Surveillance candidate didn't win.
Holla Forums is hopeless.
Israel is our greatest ally.
They are both about the same level of delusion.
Race is a spook
You say this, Yet Jews were the driving force behind communism in Soviet Russia and in that time they used their influence only to bolster their own standing in that regime and also used their influence to slaughter and silence any opposition to their rule. After communism fell in Russia they fled to the United States and Europe like rats off s sinking ship, you see their population in Russia go from 5.2m to a few thousand in the national census.
Jews love communism because it ties in so easily with Collectivism which is their genetic mindset. This is explained in depth in Culture of Critique and has plenty of references and sources to back up the findings from institutions worldwide.
Jews were also slaughtered in the USSR.
More evidence that Jews are masters of 28 quadmensional royal rumble champions.
Except they didn't implement democratic worker ownership of the means of production. Instead a tiny vanguard class almost immediately monopolized all the resources and control over industries.
They abolished the soviets (worker councils), and then went on to kill millions of "kulaks", ethnic minorities and "counter revolutionaries". A prominent feature among these purges were of course people like Yagoda and Yezhov, which I won't deny.
However practices are also exactly the kind of thing theorists like Rosa Luxemburg (Jew), Emma Goldman (Jew), Bookchin (Jew) and many others opposed. But I guess that is once more just "hyperdimensional chess". And at the end of the day, capitalist or not, socialist or not, poor or rich, every Jew with no exception is in on this "conspiracy".
And that's the problem with this whole obsession. Too much focus on arbitrary definitions of Jewishness, and then subsequently trying to paint individuals as Jewish if a connection is not found, instead of focusing on the power structures that leads to the exploitation, subversion and oppression in the first place.
They are brutal monolithic monsters . . . in bed