/monster/ and other Holla Forums infested boards

What do you guys think about Holla Forumss infestation of Holla Forums? How can we stop it? i was on /monster/ today and i watched a /k/ thread get sperged out for having women serve in the military, i watched the entire board go into pagan worship of Ammit and some Italian duck god thing, and now they think their dreams=visions.
What the fuck can be done?

also maybe we should make a thread on /monster/ discussing MG revolutionary potential to fuck with /pol

Other urls found in this thread:


Holla Forums is gradually losing support and we are growing stronger. Trump's presidency will only accelerate this trend.

Is not our fault we're sane and are masters of our fate
Don't cry faggy OP, you went to the mud and found worms

but muh monster girls

Many Holla Forums users have made it clear that anime is not for leftists. Anime is ours. I'm sorry, but you're just too small of a minority to make a difference.

It's not just 8ch. All image boards are pure Holla Forums now and I've even started to see it on parts of the normie internet. It's happening because people are stupid and Holla Forums's memes and rhetoric are simple, easy to digest and makes sense for anyone ignorant and stupid like the majority of people.

We can't.
Most people are stupid and there's nothing you can do about it.

That's correct.
Anime is for childless single men irrelevant to the overall course of history.



Now we are, but consider that you started as just a plucky off shoot of Stormfront, and now look at you: Milo, Mike Enoch, Paul Joseph Watson, heck even the based FBI/NSA.


I hope we have a better fate than Holla Forumsyps had.




Well, They are the only demographic that is legally oppressed in the US.

No you aren't lol

Most people who browse this shitty board are Holla Forums larping as commies for shitposts and memes

Leftism just doesn't go well with image board culture

Inb4 >I am Holla Forums for defending racial equality under the law.

No shit dumbass, you better not be to obvious or you might cry about a locked thread

I love the current year.


It sucks ass.
Challenge them everywhere until neutrals are sick of both sides and either b& politics and make it stick (/reee9k/ being a good example of what not to do), BO takes a side and hotpockets the other side's shit, or enough people make/exodus to another board that isn't full of Holla Forumsshit (/v9k/ may or may not be good for this). Dogwhistles are good too, it makes them look like vegetarians sperging unsolicited advice to people ordering meat.
I doubt we could gain a foothold there. BO is pretty triggerhappy with his banhammer, seems to be intensely paranoid of furfags/SJWs/degeneracy, and considers those synonymous with commies and people who don't like Chump. A better goal would be to contribute writefaggotry to TFT, they don't care about idpol from what I can tell, and that way monstergirl smut aficianados (there a word for us? 'the fandom' sounds too autistic/formal) would bypass /monster/ until it was obviated or the Holla Forums infestation was reduced. That or if you want to make a lefty or apolitical board (I'd advise the latter honestly, so it doesn't have the 'leftys so triggered they hav 2 maek a lefty cuck version of this board XD lel' threads that shat up /leftyb/), I'll post there. There's at least one other guy than me who's sick of Danuki being a vector for shoehorning in jew jokes, some Libertarians who actually are libertarians and want big gov't to fuck off even if it has a swastika, and probably others who might jump ship. Would be really nice to have a thread about monstergirls without the third post being nig/joo/cuck/sandnig/maga/etc.
I'm not sure that's from Holla Forums, though there's probably a lot of overlap. It bothers me less than them saying the world not being like KC or Crabman's Magical Realm is because commies SJWing joos jew commie sandnig dindu cuck muh fun.
haven't seen what you're referring to yet, link?

Sup kid.
Lemme guess, you started browsing IBs in 2014 and think "image board culture" means being a Holla Forumsyp retard?

There were more race nationalists being represented in the Bush Sr's election you fuck lmfaoo


I've been browsing Holla Forums since 2004 kid, I know my shit



i laughed thanks m80

See as an example, all these posts were me

Literally because some lolberts got assblasted by QWoC's on twitter and got too many layers of irony deep.

Holla Forums managed to spread so much because it was seen as anti-establishment. The only way to fix this is to make it clear to everyone that Holla Forums is in fact part of the establishment.

I support the genocide of suburbanites actually

I mean that leftists who like anime are an extreme minority.
The vast majority of leftists are against anime, even on Holla Forums. You either have to be alone or join Hitler.

We're reaching levels of USI that shouldn't even be possible

Wrong shitposting flag?

Oh, okay, sockpuppetry.


Because you touch yourself and don't know how to post, Billy.


See pic.

Also my "race" hasn't done much to help me out lately anyways. Porky doesn't really believe in race so why should we?

Getting real, chans and specially a fetish board like /monster/ are safe spaces for the mentally ill and the socially inept who become nazis because they have no world view outside of myths.
Holla Forums will never leave, it will just get remplaced with another myth that conforts those maggots

The point is that OP should not get so triggered by shitposting, one should have seen worse things by now.

Your race fought bloodily against the government to fight for more rights for workers.

In the primaries, blacks and asians successfully blocked whites from nominating Bernie Sanders.

That's the year my uncle started working at Nintendo.

Then we sure do post a lot of something we hate here. It must be like how you guys are with black dicks.

ask yourself if race exists when a group of Somalians kidnap you and keep you in a rape dungeon and pimp you out to the entire Pakistani diaspora in Birmingham

Sounds like what suburbanite nationalists deserve

Thats not race specific, any race can kidnap you and turn you into a slut. just look at slave owners in America.

most of the alt-right will be realising God exists if that happened to them

It's fucking Holla Forums. This whole place was literally made just for them.



Agreed, Danukis are fantastic and they need to stop getting shit
also the duck thing is this;
I've already been challenging Holla Forums at any chance i get, but its really fucking hard since their a massive vocal minority


Literally this is why another website was made for us but you retards wouldn't leave because you love them so much apparently. This website was made for Holla Forums. There's no going around this.

That you, plebbit?

Debbie Wasserman-Schultz and vid related aren't hwite, huh? :^)

Sure. lets run away.

Still buttmad that bunkerchan has all of 5 users huh space?

I'd actually visit Bunkerchan if its users did not do nothing but shill, and do nothing but shitpost and then complain about other boards not discussing enough theory, despite doing nothing but shitposting.

Like, fuck, the shitposting is tolerable here, because there's at least a tiny shred of self awareness behind it.

This website wasn't made for Holla Forums newfag piece of shit. Lurk more.


This website is made for Holla Forums and people who don't want to be near 4chan anymore or reddit for that matter. Holla Forums and pedos don't own this site, and we have a more substantial cultural influence than any board except for Holla Forums

None than less bunkerchan is shit, it has a terrible interface and is riddled with dumb memes, pretty much a circlejerk for Space and his IRC cadre

Holla Forums was made for redditors with its function of user made boards like subreddits, Holla Forums only came here almost a year after the site was launched.

You're right, that's why anarchy is the only way because it's the only thing that works on image boards. No rules.

This thread isn't about your jackoff fantasies, Holla Forums. Take it to the fetish thread.

Trips of truth.

Plusgood narrative. We didn't leave because we didn't want to be a torture chamber or to post in a SJW torture chamber, which is what bunkerchan is.
Hello newfag. It was made by Flaming Rims after tripping his face off and having a vision, from what I can tell to make a site where anybody could start their own board. Or did you think it didn't exist before the Halfchan exodus?
There's nothing to go around. This board exists, cry more.


your newfag is showing

FUCKING LOL newfag, 4 months after Holla Forums was made Holla Forums had 20 users tops, hell even /int/ had more people and activity back then


wow great counterargument, you sure showed me


we got noticed. Prepare for Holla Forums


as opposed to what?

This thread is shit anyway

Pic related

less Holla Forums

You guys are fags - t monster hotpocketer

Uh-oh I triggered the memester. Keep posting, every image makes your unsupported claims more right and on-topic.

Please, continue.

I love how you accuse me of having no aguments but you replayed to my first post without an argument anyway

I don't think another dozen more or less autists will make that much of a difference if they're as obvious as the ones we've had so far

Some user from Holla Forums was bitching about the samething, although he said it was newfags that were shitting all over the chan. We've had problems with shills and newfags espsically over the election season. I would recommend posting gore, loli and/or child modeling as a response to scare them off or freak them out.

The only thing in my response to your post was evidence supporting the argument that you're Plebbit and to ask you to confirm it, you mong . Which you haven't answered except possibly with your generic meme diarrhea.



Calling somebody redditor is not an argument

Thing is i want to keep the ability to post there. Fuck off nazi.

No, thanks.
I don't want the FBI to start tracking me.

wait a minute, I thought /a/ was attacking Holla Forums ( at least the cartoon part of it) but now that I check the cape comic threads seems that maybe Holla Forums is involved to.

Not to mention the moderation there is horrible and you can talk shit about any cartoon but may God help you if you insult an Anime, ON GODDAMN Holla Forums!

And I didn't call you one, I pointed out your similarities to one and suggested that the simplest explanation was that you were one. Please keep posting your memes and not denying it.

Lets look back to your post

Not an argument

Not an argument

Not an argument

Not an argument

Not an argument just an insult

Nothing you've posted has been meaninful in any way or has contributed to this conversation.

Please go back to reddit.

Obviously there's no hope for Holla Forums or any Holla Forums related board. /a/ and Holla Forums also seem to be unfortunately lost, or just sick of the political infighting altogether (which, admittedly, is a start).

What about Holla Forums? How co opted by Holla Forumstards are they? I've seen the board vols both be openly anti-Holla Forums and sperg out about us before at the same time, and there seem to be both a few of our people shitposting and driving away Holla Forumsacks and a few shitposting Holla Forumsacks trying to drive us away. Given that when newfags come to Holla Forums they usually immediately go to Holla Forums, it'd be probably be in our best interest to target that board if any to get any new traffic discovering this site naturally to be exposed to us before they're exposed to Holla Forums crazies.

Take 2 minutes out of your day and go to Holla Forums and post a few Holla Forums-inspired comments, make a few Holla Forums threads, etc.

my turn to post an image

Holla Forumsyps confirmed for right wing SJWS

Holla Forums was made in 2011 you fucking sperg.


Everything you posted is an opinion based on nitpicking and I just made a post showing that

Again not an argument, you're just making shit up

This is a fact, show me otherwise

we can see that you didn't change your flag reddit spacer

your post has been reported to tft's siteowner.

haha you are a joke, you can't do anything on Holla Forums and all you have is an autist that ironically uses the commie flag

Are you accusing me of samefagging?

Funny you should say reddit, considering it has its own stormfag forum in the form of /r/the_donald.

I'd rather all the hobby boards stay apolitical.

Stay off of /monster/ you can have the furfags. Why in the world do you think you'd do well on a board that basically enforces traditional/Christian style values anyways?



Hobby boards should never fucking be political boards. i agree.

I did not no constant sex and rape qualified as Christian, ill put those values next to Islam then

know* fuck

Are you memeing?

Nah, he's genuine. This is what /monster/ has become.

Sounds awful. I guess newfags don't remember the monster girl threads on 4chan.

You know, at first glance I would quickly discard this as mere weak trolling but after all these years on 8ch especially on Holla Forums I'm not even sure anymore. I think you kids might really be just dumb like that.

Yeah, i pretty much came from the /tg/ ones. Its fucking sad whats become of /monster/. i dont know HOW Holla Forums rooted in thier, the idealogies are the fucking opposite.
Monster Girls are rape and constant sex with members of a DIFFERENT RACE
and Holla Forums despises ALL OF THAT

It's got Christian values friendo. Atleast the closest thing possible on Holla Forums.

What about /christian/?

I'd bet /christian/ aren't fans of /monster/.

Yes it's us who are retarded.


Their cuckoldry fetish on display, once again.

Oh dear.

Come one, come all, see the wild Holla Forumsack in his natural environment, shitposting on Holla Forums


drawings = cp

fucking lol spotted the mentally ill tumblr schizo.


Like the furry boards?

I'm not Holla Forums you idiot. Read again.
But Holla Forums is a fan of /monster/, and it's joked about their obsession with calling everyone cuck is projection.

How is not wanting furries and wanting to focus on girls on a monstergirl board being Holla Forums?

keep your shitty ideologies away from my fantasies you ingrates. its hard enough with Holla Forums making it Holla Forums won't make it better.

That's what we are trying to do!
Holla Forums is the one infesting with politics, we want apolitical /monster/. if Holla Forums was the dominant board you would not have any politics in any boards other then the political ones.

Seconding this!
The random board of an imageboard is a reflection of that imageboard's current state as a whole, and vice versa. Holla Forums is like a mixing pot of all the other boards, and the other boards are an extension of Holla Forums. Note that I'm not talking about the userbase; it's obvious that most people stay exclusively in their home board and Holla Forums has it's separate users that don't stray away from it, but the culture. For some reason, this is how most *chan sites (besides 4chan obviously) work in regards to their Random board. So if we make Holla Forums a Holla Forums dominated board, the rest of Holla Forums's cultural hivemind will follow. Hobby boards, on the other hand, tend to be polarized away from each other as politics dominate them, e.g. if we make /monster/ a Holla Forums board /fur/ will become a Holla Forums board in a sort of pendulum swing effect.

t. imageboard scientist

no you would bring Holla Forums politics onto our board. go away.

No we wouldn't, that's the problem we have. people bringing politics where they don't belong.
We aren't the bogyman, for fucks sake.

your solution to an infestation of politics is to change it into a different infestation of politics. both of you are shit stay the fuck away from us

Im much happier talking about Nazi kitsunes and making lynching trees with a cute kobold than some poof making fag parade writefagging on my board. If you want you're own monstergirl board then make one. Like you did with this one.

Forced Diversity is a jewish tactic made by SJWs like 🍀🍀🍀you🍀🍀🍀


Kek, I thought this thread was fucking stupid until I saw just how much Holla Forums has been filled with salty faggots off-board. /monster/ confirmed for first target of expansionism.

They needed a containment thread, and it's unpopular. Also every Loli has 4 posts calling it degenerate. Face it the board isn't run by cucks and faggots. You can't win every battle.

You sir are retarded.

i said it was run by nazis.

Ura~! to freely distributed state waifus for all

good luck. the only people who will welcome you are the degenerates on touchfluffytail, and /monster/ hates tft.

/monster/ is incredibly degenerate. You're fooling yourself if you think otherwise.

No Gommunism is degenerate leftist faggot.

its a matter of degrees you monkey. compare the average story on /monster/ to touchfluffytail. they're worlds apart.

Organized raid on Holla Forums confirmed?

Which is the main reason it's not degenerate. Don't you want to be politically enriched user?

You offer opinions and debate, you goddamn half-wits.


fucking commies


They are gommies get their terms right man.


That's like comparing two turds. They're still both shit just like both of those are still degenerate. Seriously kys faggot.

Do yourself a favor and kill yourself like your dead economic system

I don't think anyone is actually going to raid you tbh, if anything regulars there from here may start arguing back. This is why you ban political arguments outside the relevant board, and why you've failed as moderator already (if you're the mod from before).

socialism or barbarism is the inevitable outcome of history friendo.

I rather be a barbarian than a god damn commie cuckold.


the shit on touchfluffytail would make you sodomites swoon, while /monster/ apparently incites disgust. as far as I'm concerned you're part of the problem.


Shouldn't you be writing 2000 word essays about why the latest popular movie franchise is secretly a jewish plot to make women not want to fuck you?


The latest on that site is a futa manticores pegging some faggot. That shit would not fly on \monster/


If you want a working economic system try capitalism like a first Wold country.

I don't give a shit about your pathetic board. /monster/ could never compare to the old threads we had on 4chan.

Why are you people obsessed with cuckoldry?

Also see


Quality thread, guys.

Holla Forums has a Holla Forums abcess
I think one would worry about themselves first

Wait did this thread start because the one guy in the monstergirl soilder thread who got pissy people wanted their waifus to be safe at home get ass blasted?

That, the 'Reita' shit. and the insane Ammit shit thats started up.

Not at all.
Outside some minor shitposting, Holla Forums's presence here it's virtually inexistent.
Unless you consider every post that disagree with you or aren't exactly "liberal" to be Holla Forums.

And he got upset because we don't want furries, NTR, and futa on our board

Ammit praise be her thighs, is the matron of that board and is reguraly featured alongside KEK. There is nothing wrong with Ammit friend.

Unfortunate, but not surprising. Much of the site's core userbase came from the Holla Forums audience (including much of the founding population for this board), so it's not surprising that their sentiments have leaked into other boards through cross-posters.
Encourage the moderation teams of non-political boards to remove explicit political content. That might mean we're shut out too, but we have our place for discourse on political matters as it is; at least the hobbyist/whatever discussion will have Holla Forums's contextual taint removed.
Other than that, we just wait and make your presence known as opposition. Either you're banned for it or your not; there really aren't any mechanisms in place to make moderation teams less biased to one ideological orientation or another. Holla Forums's population has been in steady decline for a while now, so their influence really is only held in place by moderators and the fact that many people here don't push out and challenge the spaces they took over in their height.

Theres plenty wrong with worshipping pagan shit.

Not at all. I'm talking about the one's that make threads everyday with "Holla Forums here" like its some sort of love letter, begging for attention.

They can just go to fucking /chaos/ then.

It's kind of like hanging out with the retarded kid at school. You feel like you're doing a service you know?

That's all pretty disgusting.
Stalin would've sent the faggot to the gulag.

I think he'd be to busy making his Sonic OC user.

Fucking ew

because we aren't those old threads you turbo nigger. 10 years ago was 10 years ago, shit changes.



sounds like communism lad

there's a separate board for that, it doesn't belong on /monster/



Everything you say does not belong on monster

belongs on /monster/

And I'm going to make it happen

I'll even draw it


Truman Doctrine

Enjoy your ban.


what is ip avoidance

it's a monsterGIRL board, /chaos/ is for futa, monsterboys and traps.

we just want to keep our board straight


holy shit you're unbearable, no wonder you're here. make your masterpiece, we're waiting.

I don't get it, if it's for girls, why are you all sweaty faggots

Monroe Doctrine

Truman Doctrine

I don't understand, did you not even graduate high school

capitalism only remains stable for short periods without massive capital destruction to return to profit. see the post war boom

The monster board is threatening to ban me for drawing a penis snake

it begins.

Looks like its time for me to unlock my inner drawfag lads

Feels good man

If you read the rules you would know that's not allowed

he will be a matyr for our cause.


Holy shit. Say what you will, we've already won.

I was going to make an argument about communism and socialism post war booms but they allways failed to quickly didn't they?

Then don't complain when you get banned

Shit's worse and you know it.

Oh he wont.
Proxies are a mans soul


You do realize aux could see all of his post history right? He wasn't an oldfag

apparently wanting only straight content is nazism, so yeah you're right

capitalism and socialism are not governmental forms they are global modes of production.

the revolution is was and will be global.

No you just seem like losers and we want to piss you off and swirly you like the nerds you are

Don't worry friend, I have the solution.


Seems okay to me tbh.

Fucking hell, if you cant see his post history don't boast that the BO can.
>>>/monster/252656 This is too good lmao

Make the urethra look like a vulva and you're set to sell it like a girl.

This whole thread started because op got told we only like straight content. But go ahead be his personal army



The time for futa is over, shit is going to be flat as a board and stiff as metal, no peace only traps

no peace

Straight content requires penises and vaginas no?

I normally hate gay shit but i salute you comrade.
Destroy /monster/ with shitty porn.

I'm not going to fuck with anyone's board. If OP wants a non-shit monster girl board he should start his own. Doesn't change the fact y'all are faggots.


so does yuri and yaoi you subhuman clod. rules are rules.

I'm not for personal army, I'm going to bully you

But not together. If you don't give them equal value, then it's not straight. If you exclude half of the thing itself then it becomes yaoi and yuri.

Goddamn i love you. that oldfag will be our martyr and you will be our hero.

A board filled with gay shit would be a really shitty board tbqh. I can comprehend our /monster/ friends here in this matter.
Also stop giving attention to the namefag she's retarded.


/cuteboys/ is pretty close to /monster/ as far as posting goes

She a tripfag you retarded newfag and I won't give her attention because I'm not an idiot. Go back to your shitty Holla Forums colony.

I'm going to draw every Monster Masune snake girl with a cock


You don't know how to have fun

You are a bully


I guess it's too bad that right wing nationalist parties are shooting up in popularity all over Europe huh?

it always amuses me when animefags bicker

Nazis also hate tripfags.
Its like unleashing a lion into a arena in Rome.

are you retarded? Holla Forums also hates tripfags manly tears comes to mind. infact he recently was outed as being a mentally ill tranny.

So here's what's going to happen

I am going to Miia

A nice big juicy cloaca

Kiss her breasts goodbye bitch

Coming out of this big, juicy, thick cloaca, is a cock so fat and thick she might as well be black

she's getting fucked by a muscular black man

I will do this multiple times

Nobody can stop me, I will ban evade, and you can only accept the content I provide

kys normalfag

Great idea 10/10

these jokes write themselves

Its always easier for the forces of reaction to gather as they fundamentally offer no opposition to real power in the world. Any anti-nationalist propaganda pales in comparison to the war waged against any actual alternative to the capitalist elite.

That just comes with being a tripfag, my man.

Oh, how could I forget that media with a fandom as wide and as autistic as yours was actually subversive.


stay the fuck out of my fetish broad, go fight over 3DPD or something. You can breed with them, and force your political view on them

yeah, go with that. Not worth your "valuable" time

Yo thats nasty

You fucking dolphins or something?

Monster actually being able to be masturbated to is a more hilarious possibility

Your board is shit, your board is dedicated to shit, I'll hardly change it.

Das the point.

What are you going to do to stop me?

Ban me?

nobody will fuck you, fat sow.

Tbqh /monster/ needs more zippocat.jpg

Says the guy fapping to sows.

no, I'll work with Holla Forumscucks to keep you out, and I don't want to work with them

Hey, I didn't know we were speaking for ourselves here

Dead ass neckbeard


Don't be an idiot.


nigga we are human fucking beans and you're a tripfag.

your existence alone is enough to ruin everything you touch.

I dont give a fuck about her honestly, that was just a perfect opportunity.

I'm adding posadism to it now.

nice to know its a tranny that you are lusting over.

Whatever you say.

says the tranny.

dude wat lol


monster complaining about ruining anything

really now.

Let's be honest with ourselves

I'm really Donald J Trump



you are mentally ill, seek electroshock therapy my fellow womyn tipper.


But that's what people masturbating to monster masune need

you're pathetic, turn your eyes to god and pray he's merciful enough to end it all

sure I got you.

the sooner you take a shotgun and give it sweet and tasty fellatio, the better this world will be.

I have no love for the EU but be rational and analytical. Look at brexit, it was championed by the nationalist right. fundamentally was an opposition to the paltry socdem reforms of the EU. If you look at the actual result and the tories get their way the power of capital will actually be enhanced.


There is one thing I own over a fucking monster masune dedicated neet board who doesn't own a god damn thing

A fire arm. Not going to use it on myself.

I'm going to find and kill everyone on /monster/, every poster. This is a promise. I guarantee you.

Ask me how I know you aren't Greek.

Today is a day of great happenings, /monster/ raid when?

And that's bad for them how?

Some of you guys are nice. Don't show up on /monster/ tomorrow.

Or what, are you gonna ban us like that oldfag?

It's a meme, you dip.

Just keep away from my CYOAs nigga, Mira deserves better than this.

forgive me i have the intelligence of a Holla Forumsack defending /monster/

ha, ya. I meant in context of the underlying reasons for some factions of the British right's support. From their perspective any regulation at all is in the direction of social democracy.

fuck the neo-liberal EU in general.

man its like you can't stop getting worse and worse. even your memes are fucking stale and weak, can't wait to see that masterpiece by the way. sucks that you're too busy sucking down neetbux pills and shitposting against a shitposter instead of delivering.

it means they're one step closer to their destiny as a non-communist state, something intolerable on this board.

Jesus, take a basic class in development economics. massive influx of uncontrolled capital tend to be both highly destabilizing to a county, makes them dependent on international finance and benefit only the preexisting elite

You're the only monster here user.

Dude just cut your balls off for fucking saying this

I'm serious. Anyone who says the word meme, get a knife, point the tip to your scrotum, cut the balls

That's a weird way to spell NEET Skinhead Faggots who've never seen a real pussy in their life.

Once again bad how?


Someone on /monster/ actually posted this

I didn't know our resident tripfriend was a fan of the BME pain olympics.

But I'm talking to one right now user.

What the fuck is this cancer

im not a catgirl

shit man, looks like you gotta join the party.

oh wait, you're a genetic deadend tranny tripfag that STILL HASN'T EVEN BEGUN IT'S FUCKING BANBAIT MASTERPIECE

I'd call you pathetic but that's just too kind a word for you. Mistake would be better.

We should raid /monster/ and other similar boards on the 20th of January aka Trump inauguration day and possibly national zippocat day if you know what I mean. I can even organize an irc so that we can keep the raid organized. Holla Forums is going to get raided that day so we might as well drag other boards down with us.

No user you're not, people actually love them.

you should emigrate to bangladesh, great job opportunities. and the commute is good since you'll be living in a warehouse bunk-bed on the property

I have though.

These things take time.

Also don't be rude, all men on the internet don't know how to draw or graduate high school into college

Everything under heaven is in utter chaos; our prospects are excellent!

Holla Forums colony /monster/ triggered our autistic tripfag.

Why not use the Holla Forums discord?

NEETs are not people

Funny given that NEETs are welfare-niggers

It's a white country user theyre actually liveable.

dude where the fuck have you been, shit's practically staple these days.

surprise surprise

trannies are not people

Today is quite possiblly the best day in Holla Forums history

Jesus, you think all those textile factories are producing for domestic consumption?… read a fucking book

I don't know, at least they're not furry like monster is




Of course third world factories make cheap products that are sold to the large foreign markets. If you don't want that, try being white, it's pretty great.

CIA detected

Go back to drawing you're futa sneks faggot.


All white men on monster are dropouts of society really, no degree, no future, inpatient by their 40's

I really don't know, it doesn't sound too great.

In fact, it sounds very hopeless.

Oh trust me I am. Mia is ejaculating

You know how to use proxies? you'll need to use a lot of them for this raid.

Yep. Quite easy.


You do realize that before literal communist agitation in early industrial England the material conditions of Bangladesh and Britian were similar, right?

Yo the triggered user is from /monster/, thats why he is shitposting

Anyone fancy a raid?

my sides

Against /monster/? i'd love to.

You do mean before it became a first world country by bettering itself with a modern capitalist system?


you're really hopelessly dumb, did you know that?

So my race fought against my race in order to gain rights for my race but my race repressed that in a bloodbath because it went against my race's interests?
I don't know man, that seems pretty confusing, maybe we're not thinking about this with the most pertinent categories.

not surprised honestly, you guys are so pathetic that you still leech off the most minute actions of others and claim it for you own

they're 3rd world scum, they honestly don't know any better. just take a look at glorious chinese communist republic, they're a perfect example

nah nigga, I'm your bogeyman, Holla Forums

oops meant for

I was amending my statement that the conditions in industry in early England were similar to those in Bangladesh now and would have remained so without socialist organizing. This is literally not up for debate no legitimate historian would argue it.

It was fairly obvious that the emphasis of that post was on the second sentence. Anyone with half a brain can use proxies. You clearly only have half

the jews arent part of your race you know

I think you're the last person who would know what a legitimate historian would do.

this thread is a goldmine

Pretty sure thats our fault.

I would actually. You have demonstrated an obvious ignorance of the basics of the international trade system. I'm guessing you're still in high school.

I'm in university actually, emergency psychiatry.

I think I'm in the best position to say who is and is not fit for inpatient by their 40's.

I have a feeling, it's going to be /monster/.

Do you know what else is easy.

drawing trap snakes cum

never change, it makes it easier to hang you

explains a lot about you actually, no wonder you're neurotic

Prove he wasn't an oldfag.
That's right, you cant.

Don't deny your board is full of men who don't shave, live with their parents/significant familial other/guardian, and have given up in life to all purposes, with no retirement plans whatsoever, and no way to survive without basic income.

You're thinking psychology. This is a medical profession involving in hospital care. As in, inpatient.

Which is why I brought up the point most of you are bound for it. You will drive yourselves nuts with self imposed solitary confinement

Whatever you say, toughguy.


Chafin and Felts were Jews?

prove he was faggot. you're in no better a spot than me, neither us know, we only believe in a side or another. I'm pretty sure you can tell through my shitposting which side I'm on.

I think I've had enough though. You kids have fun, looking forward to all the wonderful content you have ready to grace us.

If it is so easy then why have you taken so long? Everyone is waiting for this grand snake trap.

Prove he wasn't a newfag.




/monster/ is going down.
join the Holla Forums discord for more information.

Because I stopped and I'm just going to spam zippocat

That'll be later.

Not what I said, we're just talking monsters demographics. Most of my friends are men, actually.

I really don't consider you calling anyone kids when you haven't worked a day in your lives and have given up all work for some Faustian bargain where you can survive with your parents forever

You can call people kids when your board actually

1) Knows labor
2) Doesn't chase the Peter Pan dream into future homelessness in an uncertain economic future

Stop. We're full and not a raid server.

Invite is broken.

Says the tranny wasting time on this site.

She actually isn't a tranny. Just a very angry autistic lesbian.

This board actually has a population of women because it is the only board who's men can actually compose themselves enough not to focus on ejaculating every single hour

Well, so are you.

This pretty much.

fixed link


Literally just another fucking day on /k/, they did the same shit back in 2010 on 4chin when i started going there

/monster/ and by extension ammit chan was always shit and the various monster girl threads back on 4chan have always been better and i can understand why a lot of them didn't like /monster/, at least back when i still regularly browse those threads.

Stop it.

i have permission from the discord owner, fuck off.

MEME /monster/ TO DEATH!

Nice so this board is turning into cuckchans /qa/ complaint board, the furfags are going to use your discord because they're that vindictive, you have been warned.

that is the plan my comrades

what is the arrivals channel

So move to the other website like we were supposed to? The one that was below the board title name? It's your fucking faults for not moving when we told you to but you just love sucking Holla Forums dick and can't be away from them for a second. Fuck you.

What the fuck are you talking about? It's getting even higher. Look at the front page for Holla Forums and it's users is even fucking higher than it was before. Same with 4/pol/ and everything else. None of you do anything truly useful to advance Holla Forums instead you make people hate us more. Now everybody knows and laughs at us because people know Stirner, Marx, and Zizek are racists.

Marx vehemently criticized racism and even distanced himself from Moses Hess because he started to emphasize a mystical racial struggle rather than class.
Don't know where you get the idea that Zizek is racist.

Yeah men who consider autism a form of super power don't really register to people with an actual sense of humor and a presence outside of image boards.


What? I'm just telling the truth. I wouldn't be at all surprised if Holla Forums's population comes from hierarchy oriented nations like India then it does rural America. Increase in internet presence outside and expanding can explain the increased board population.

Hell I wouldn't even be suprised if a chunk of Holla Forums's population comes from Ghana or Ethiopia.

You got a black friend too that is a white supremacy bootlicker?

Reactionaries attract reactionaries, India being no exception.

When did I say Egyptians? When did Africa not have a large political right?

It is interesting how similar they are.

>Waaah why are shitskins living in terrible conditions moving into MY UK?!

Haha keep telling yourself pol has appeal outside of Amerifats and eurotrash

What, you think that's contradictory? Lol

Why wouldn't it?

You need to go back

Because you want to subjugate anyone who's not white, male, Christian and straight.

Even though half of you look like fat jews

Quit trying to poach our new lurkers pol,it ain't gonna work. You guys can't even come up with a consistent def of what white is

By consorting with lust-filled daemons who generally thing lowly of humanity and God?
Even the 4/jp/ circlejerk isn't that delusional.


Communism is about labor rights

We got white women, we got asian women, we got white dudes, got hispanic dudes, we got asian dudes, we have a larger presence outside of image boards and reddit

And monster is basically opposite.

The only reallt people who look like "fat jews", are monster regular NEETSocs

What is this presence you speak of then

Just saying that one must wonder why these 3rd World economic migrants when their material conditions have been consistently shit and they see how great the 1st World is

Monster is white NEETS, 8/pol/ is white NEETS and Asian NEETs, 4/pol/ is a multicultural hot mess of shitty people equal in all nations of the world

I mean how is this not obvious

stop right there criminal scum.
leave politics out of Holla Forums
Don't fall for this comrades,this is Holla Forums trying to fuck with you.

I guess I was too busy getting laid to parse out all that shit

Hey, whoever is raiding /monster/, spam threads, not posts.


Man all I want is a cute bf who likes monster stuff and calls me comrade. Why is life so hard?

Lose somre weight, and stop projecting.

not much, Holla Forums keeps the balance , we allow people to have their own ideology as soon as they don't try to market it on Holla Forums.
Holla Forums has tried and failed, Holla Forums also tried and failed.
Honestly the average Holla Forumstard hates both Holla Forums and Holla Forums and for a good reason.
Holla Forums's philosophy is to give shit equally to everyone, they don't take sides.

So any attempt to subvert Holla Forums will fail whether from stormfags or the left.
I have seen it happen before.
leave politics out of Holla Forums

There is already a board for leftist /monster/ lovers…


I will become as large as mars and continue expanding until I absorb the Kupier Belt if you tell me to stop eating good asian food because I will not stop eating good asian food

How in the fuck was any of that projecting you bitch I just told you that board demographics aren't always what they seem

Lol fat lard

Don't have anyone else to blame when I swallow the solar system

No one thinks this reddit style humor is funny here

You are posting on Holla Forums grow up loser lmao.

Lol you literal faggots are funny. Its like when I youtube "sjw" and get compilations of you hopelessly naive ignorantly arrogant children stomping your widdle feetz.

Nobody is funny on Holla Forums

I'm imagining a white dude with a beard with dandruff flakes in typing like a white girl while masturbating to monster masune

And you're a furry

When leftypol triggered /r/socialism they invited reddit faggots like you to pick up fights against other boards so this place can burn out.

Pervert your in the right place

You're projecting again

Your gender is not a fursuit.


You're really going to need to try harder to rustle jimmies around here.

I'd help you but there's no way in hell youre introspective enough

I have been here before that happened don't worry. I really don't have time to waste on neet furries

Christ on a cross shut the fuck up and respond in one post

A mutilated penis is not a gender.

Who is accusing who of being reddit here loser


Trump likes anime. He sat in the presidential suite in the Moscow Hilton and watched anime hentai with his legion of prostitutes after they wetted the bed that Obama slept in according to some totally verified 100% fact-checked reports.

Someone doesn't know how to party

Anyways a snake with a vagina drawn in Japan is still furry.

Only furries raid /monster/

/monster/ IS furry.

So only furries raid furries

Says the fat cow unironically parading as a tripfag tranny with usi.

Chans have been around a lot longer than reddit

stop virgshaming whites

How long have you been here

Its best not to insult fat people, as monster must be full of them.

Besides, I'm hardly fat lmao I'm like, 137 pounds that's nothing compared to the fat blobs of failure that populate your board of terminal unemployment.

Jokes from 2009 over 7 years later do come from Reddit yes.

Furfags always make that asdumption. You may as well spew spook memes at this point.

Furfags calling furfags furfags to protect their furfaggotry

Still fat for a woman, go to the gym instead of being empowered by other fat women that hate you.

(why am I even bothering with this moron)

Le spook xddd numalefag

Some monster frequenters are upwards of 200 pounds

why not 300 or 400? remmeber that 400 pound hacker? he could have been one

Anita sarkeesian tier retort my fellow womyn of power.

It's true.

Well that doesn't make you any less of a cunt, no wonder men only use you for sex

lol, I'm done with this shit. This has devolved into a chatroom. WHERE ARE THE FUCKING IMAGES! SHOW ME THE PROOF!


proof of 200 pound monster frequenters or gtfo (images)

markets fail because "no wonder men only use you for sex"? fail. gtfo.

that sounds like /monster/, not Holla Forums


can someone show me these threads (ammit and the italian duck god?) I'm bored and I want a better thread to go to

Sorry you revealed yourself for the classist cunt you are. The guys you see are using you as much as you're using them.

The first blonde they get a chance with they are kicking your ass to the curb and you know it

thread died?



Top kek

I'm confused, are you a liberal or Nazi? Not that there is big difference…

Holla Forums fuck off of my anime you commie pieces of shit

i could say the same thing to you Holla Forums

We are collectivizing. All anime will be shared.

I just bought an Anime Blu Ray. It is now my private property.

Ayy lmao

Good job being retarded.

There is literally nothing wrong with Private Property.

Keep telling yourself that.



wut is /lit/?????



hello reddit

Now I'm coming to all the fetish boards.


you don't belong here, fuck off.

/monster/ here, a guy doesnt start getting into monstergirls unless he really, really, REALLY hates 3DPD. Biocunt real women are obscene and disgusting and are driving men into the arms of monstergirls everywhere.

So maybe fix women completely? Just fix their whole shit up. Fix it right on up. Then we wouldnt even need the fantasy any more.

Holla Forums's conquering of Holla Forums is a spook.

Why do you keep insisting you're not a Holla Forums colony and than ban me for making fun of nazis?

/monster/ fag here

Hows it feel knowing that our board has better content then yours as well as having at least 2 ancient gods watching over it

also that we've made more progress in the occult then /x/ of /fring/ have since we have ( see nightmare user and doll user)

Our autistic power is the strongest there is on Holla Forums
Also commies stay out your dumb economic system doesn't even work and your subversion tactics are pathetic, obvious , and laughable

also you're really gay
also meme'ed again lol

/monster/ didn't even manage to dox the Holla Forums raiders 2 years ago.

Your autism is indeed the greatest, but your use apart from trolling lolcows is limited.

Ahah! Trying to raid other boards to spread your influence, huh? Don't think we don't know you faggots are trying anything subversive?

>>>Holla Forums8829498

it's like an arms race because you fags are also competing for influence.
can you just eep ths ideological war between you both and not drag other board into it????
we would appreciate it.
t.Holla Forumstard

who cares this shit is being pushed by green, he just wants all boards to shit up eachother.

go complain to jim about Holla Forums raiding all the other boards so maybe…juuuust maybe… they it down.


whomever is raiding desu with gore just stop.

We are pretty strongly Holla Forums but arent directly related to them. You can make fun of nazis if you want as far as I know, but /monster/ isnt really the right board for that. We are neither pro nor anti nazi.

Also you have to be pretty fucking dumb to believe in lefty communist bullshit. How many times has communism been attempted, only for the economy to collapse ruining tens if not hundreds of millions of lives? Like a lot bro. It has been tried a lot. Never once did it work.