huh…really makes ya…really makes ya think
The average antifascist is a LITERALLY a shit eating cuckold
Other urls found in this thread:
Why is the altright full of whimps?
Wrong, slave ray died
nice damage control scat boy, cat's out of the bag now though, you like to eat da poo poo.
lol Holla Forums forced memes btfo
Spencer literally ran away like a bitch
As you can you, youlose either way
i dont even care about spencer, hes a naive dumby. i just think its funny that the modern left is so desperate for masculine heroes the first one they latch onto turns out to be a shit eating scat fetishist.
i shouldnt be surprised really, this board is filled with trap loving neets.
No we just think you forcing it is funny as fuck
Kek, please keep sperging
Slave ray died, he had a brain tumor, keep on keeping, meanwhile everytime you go out on the streets you will be humiliated on live TV
Holla Forums everybody!
Holla Forums is getting desperate.
Good thing I'm a proto-fascist and not an anti-fascist.
Not to mention, Stormfags aren't fascist. They're just autistic.
nice desperation shit boy, the proof is in the feces pudding.
this is how you sucker punch btw, the person should go down. i guess cuckolding isnt the kindve thing that cultivates a good boxing technique, heh.
He's dead, Jim.
He has a grave. This is sad, you could have just said mistaken identity.
Kek, nice psycosis, keep going
the image is clearly photoshopped by the shit eating sucker punch my dude, hes gone into hiding. i know you poor lads were so happy to have ended the dry spell, so sick of having your faces rubbed in your own femininity and failures as men, tired of us Holla Forumsyps bullying you with videos of noodle armed antifa getting shitstomped into the next dimension that you immediately tried to make this guy into a folk hero but he eats shit for fun, let it go.
Mandy Flores is hot. Scat is way too hardcore for me. But I would totally eat out her ass (assuming she's clean down there, no shit). I have a face sitting fetish. I've eaten out my ex-girlfriend's ass and did it to some escorts too.
I would also like to watch while she is having sex with a black bull and then have sex with her right after
I'm a robot but I have a femdom fetish
why would he go into hiding over free publicity and why would his lover on her website confirm his death 11 months ago
Was this an 11 month jewish cointelpro cultural marxist psyop Holla Forums?
Kek, delicious sperging
Holla Forums's ALWAYS WRONG
why couldnt the shit eater even knock richard spencer off his feet with a running sucker punch? normally when you sucker punch people they at least fall down *shrugs*?
richard spencer also seems kinda milquetoast to me, but the shit eater couldnt even make him bleed? *shrugs*?
there is no way in hell thats the same guy who beat up richard spencer
Keep sperging out mi buen amigo.
we are all enjoying the salt.
why couldn't you just say oops wrong guy
I wish he was shit eater.
Makes it funnier he almost got pummeled by a literal cuck.
It isn't. If you look at the comparison between the antifa puncher and the mustache guy, the puncher looks slimmer and the only connection is they wore black and have something in their back left pocket. Furthermore the nose and eyebrows on the mustache guy are different than Slave Ray who also happens to have died almost a year ago. The only thing Holla Forums has proved is that they watch a lot of cuck porn.
But the shit eater is dead, what are you talking about?
yes most leftists are sexual deviants, thank you, we know.
on a side note, what do you think went through this antifa's head the moment before he got clocked? what are the chances that he too was a scat fetishist? and what do you guys think is the percentage of scat/cuckold fetishists among antifa, do you think it is higher percentage than the general population?
someone on Holla Forums literally knew of a dead cuck indie pornstar, knew they were dead so that he couldn't answer, and posted it
they probably had it ready
this is attention to detail that falls apart with just a fucking google search
If someone went on Holla Forums and posted "water is wet" I'd go double check
Fantasizing about BBC wasn't enough for Holla Forums, now they've moved into fantasizing about getting punched by scat old men.
I don't know dude, with all the right wing christian cults formed around rape, abuse, polygamy, and sex….
I mean, you've lied before…………………………
I don't think I can take your word on this………………
So that's why cuckchan was deleting all of those threads.
He probably just gave up on the business of eating shit
how can he be dead if he was caught on camera punching richard spencer less than 2 days ago? logic trapped much /leftyscat/?
also, here is something i am curious about, what is this antifa doing here? is this more deviancy? some sort of period blood art?
Because they're not the same person because one is dead and one is alive
Holla Forums?
do you get it?
Dont think so
Keep on dancing :^}
The real question here is why does Holla Forums partake in so much cuckold porn?
he had a brain tumor and died
if you really think thats the same dude who punched richard spencer you are fucking retarded
Richard Spencer got punched a scat loving ghost!!!!
These are going to be some entertaining four years.
i think you'll find the video and photographic evidence suggests otherwise, there it is right in the OP, same guy, eating shit on one occasion and assaulting poor richard spencer on the other.
its lucky he was too weak to break richard's soft skin, he might have transmitted GRIDS or some other faggot/shit related virus.
also, what the heck is up with antifa and blood? why do they always play in it?
Probably, because it knows if they specifically found a sub dude who was pathetic, old, and dead, they could blame him.
However, due to some similarity, it's not entirely outside the realm of possibility they did this either quickly.
Giving benefit of the doubt here
it's fucking shit like this that gets me, spend 30 seconds and you'll debunk the image entirely, but i know that everybody on Holla Forums will eat this shit up, and post it every time it's mentioned, simply so they can feel some sort of false empowerment from it
Go on the travel channel and make a reality tv show about sodomy loving ghosts
Psychological projection.
why is /leftyscat/ so defensive about this? i thought you were accepting of people's choices? morality is a spook, deviancy is a spook. so what if your hero chows down on feces from time to time? he totally bruised the fuck out of that nazi spencer.
Lol, keep going, reaching bottom of the barrel now
This is what Holla Forums actually believes.
We want to find evidence of ghosts and the paranormal
But slave ray is dead, we are not kinkshaming him, he are making fun of your psycosis
cmon dude, the OP image is quite clear, he likes to eat shit, get over it smdh.
But that specific man is dead
Reanimator starring Richard Spencer
"This is the shittiest one!"
Man we have told you a thousand times before that Slave Ray is dead!
why aren't you able to accept that basic fact?
Legit question here:
do you have cognitive disorders?
As much as I would have liked the fact a scat munching cuckhold pummeled Spencer, it's sadly not true.
But I am not kinkshaming slave ray,I am making fun of how impotent the Holla Forumsyp is :^}
Would that make this man the son of god
Why are you doing him like that man
How did Holla Forums all even know who Slave Ray is anyway? Hmm…
jesus and you people say the Holla Forumsyps are tinfoil!!?!? there is VIDEO FOOTAGE of him punching richard spencer, so unless it was his corpse the guy isnt dead, got it?
i knew you guys were weird but i didnt finger you for being a pack of lunatics.
and SO FUCKING WHAT if he likes to eat SHIT? he still totally FUCKING bruised the HECK of out richard spencer's right ear, it is still for a victory for us comrades.
I'm starting to believe this is the baitiest bait ever baited but I know for a fact Holla Forums really is this retarded.
The evidence speaks for itself
Dude mandy flores makes some great content, wome of it its literally shitty, but aside from that, their ok
No, there is no videonfootage of him punching spencer, thats just your psycosis
so what the heck was that footage that was being bandied about, are you saying richard spencer didn't get punched?
I have a friend who looks a hell of a lot like Jesus, naybe I should ask him to turn some water into wine someday.
Of course Holla Forums has consumed enough scatological cuckold porn to immediately notice the resemblance from a partially obscured picture of the man's face. Why am I even surprised?
Psychokinetic sub/dom entropic fuel slipped between the spirit world and the object, fueled a man to come back to life, and in passion he had as he died in bed, he slapped Richard Spencer and went back to bed!
That's not him you fucking idiot, the guy in the video looks much slimmer than the guy in the pic, and the guy in the pic is not Slave Ray. He has a different nose and different eyebrows. Literally the only similarity is that he has a rapist mustache and rapist glasses. Lots of people have them.
How do they look similar? The guy in the video doesn't have a mustache, doesn't have glasses, and has a completely different hat.
The guy in the pic is not the guy in the video.
Of course he got punch, and ran away like the little cuckboi he is
That's what I said.
Really tickles the ol' gray matter
lol cmon dude it is clearly him, why try to hide it, EMBRACE it
/leftyscat/: hit and run turd attacks, nazis watch out!
think of the possibilities, turd catapults, shit breath, feces grenades. the nazis wouldnt stand a chance.
or you know…be bigoted and spooky as fuck and reject a guy because nazis and porki demonises a perfectly legitimate form of sexual expression.
So does all this hysteria basically prove that bashing the fash really does work?
Nice reddit spacing centipede.
golden shower water bombs will be our next attack vector
THIS, we can not allow the fash to de-legitimize this guy simply because of his sexual proclivities, that is not who we are. Honestly the amount of morality spooking and kinkshaming going on in this thread is fucking disgusting, slave ray was a fucking hero, I will shut it loudly and proudly.
Holla Forums you outed yourself
But slave ray did not punch spencer
Loving the impotence btw
Oy vey am I right Holla Forums?
Just lol at all the Holla Forumsyps in this thread masquerading as leftypol trying to make us disown slave ray and in turn undermine his beat down of Richard Spencer, just pathetic, even for Holla Forums
News flash Holla Forums, we literally do not fucking care if this guy ate shit for a living, we are not obsessed with spooky shit like that. Yes the man who punched Richard Spencer into next week was a cuckold scat fetishist, we don't care, we win as usual.
Why is lying all Trumpists know how to do?
For a group of people that supposedly hate postmodernism, they sure do love the post-truth aspects of postmodernism.
Slave Ray is dead retard why can't you get this through your thick skull?
Holla Forums can you type like a different person
Says Holla Forums
Alt-rightists are post-modern fascists.
This is sad even for you dipshit
But slave ray is ded, what are you talking about Holla Forums?
Is your impotence really kicking in this hard?
Well fucking said bro, I think there is a latent spooky worshipping element on leftypol who rejects the complete shedding of bourgeois norms and intense expulsion of energies that one experiences when allowing oneself to indulge in all manner of sexual acts that many spooks would call depraved. I've ate my own shit, as have many others on this board, and we've done more than that as well. Anyone trying to disown Raymond because of this is NOT one of us.
it was true…..
Can I see his death certificate? If not, STFU because you have no proof.
Where's the video Jim?
no shit you've been eating shit this whole thread
At least some of us aren't totally spooked to death. As for me, as someone with a cuckold and feeding fetish I found it empowering that someone from my community was able to take down a symbol of the cishet fascism in Richard Spencer.
Report thse to posts, type "need a samefag check on this cunt mods"
Mods can see IP
This was planned by the DNC for 11 months
Aww yeah whit is about to go down!!!
Where do the lies end and the truth begin
It's Retard vs. Bigger Retard everyone!
Can I see his death certificate? If not, STFU because you have no proof.
Sorry to disappoint
I like the little white lies joke someone on here said.
Going to copy paste the same text kid? You must be feeling extreme anger
So no death certificate? No proof? Alright then.
Join Slave Ray in the afterlife
Afterlife? What do you mean? You know he's dead? You have his death certificate?
Want me to get his birth certificate to make sure he was born too you fag?
I just think you're the anarcho nihilist tbh
Do you have proof there is no death certificate?
Do Holla Forumsyps realize that normies don't actually care about the guy who punched him? Even r/politics was celebrating. Face it no one likes you fucking fascists. Your guy is going to betray you in the end.
Don't assign your faggoty ass labels to me.
That's not how evidence works, dipshit. The burden of proof is on YOU since YOU'RE the one claiming it.
We honestly must be getting raided if there are so many people kinkshaming and slandering a hero because of things he does in the privacy of his own home.
He's been dead for a while apparently………
The evidence is already here. You are the one who is disputing it.
this shit is getting pathetic fam
You are claiming he is alive, why dont you shows that there is no dead certificate under his name, after all, you have the proof he is alive don't you?
89iq tier post
That's not "evidence". Anyone can say that. Evidence would be a death certificate.
someone posted a link
Nope, that's not how "burden of proof" works.
Their butthurt is delicious, let them.
They also increase our traffic, its a win win situation.
A bot infested subreddit, who fucking cares.
Of the death certificate? Where?
Deny everything
It is extremely implausible that anyone would spend 11 months of planning on a dork like Spencer
I can see it now. Richard Spencer comes out that his assailant Slave Ray is alive and well
No that is evidence. You just arbitrarily decided that "evidence" means "death certificate," mostly because finding that would be impossible without knowing his real name (which is also not likely to happen.) You are trying to force a meme but it isn't working. Normies don't care. Normies are thoroughly enjoying watching your boy get punched over and over.
Normies now know that commies are just a bunch of shit eater cucks.
Black twitter already knows that you tried this
I just want to let you know
Holla Forums you're almost saying something I agree with
It was on the top of /r/the_donald. Reddit is one of the most popular websites on earth. Everyone saw it. Everyone knows commies are shit eater cucks.
That slave ray is dead.
They've known for hours now.
Also the fact it was and they pushed it that hard makes me just think that its full of bots more now that the election is over and it has no purpose
All sexualities should be despised. The only unimpeachable path is of the faithful celibate!
man you are desperate
how about though I go proxy spam Holla Forums with the pish fetish your fuhrer enjoys so much?
So you cant prove he is alive?
It doesn't matter, no one saw that he's dead. They saw that post depicting commies as shit eater cucks. That's what matters.
No one cares faggot.
Death certificate?
Black Twitter makes better jokes than Holla Forums for 1
Nigga you're the one who claimed he is alive
Lack of Death Certificate?
No one cares about a bunch of niggers.
We run reddit.
Yea, he's alive by default. Since the last we saw, he was alive. The burden of proof is on you to prove that he isn't.
We won though, why would I be angry?
Tell me more :^}
you have to go back
lol Holla Forums finally you guys stop being ashamed
Actually the opposite is true, nobody cares about Holla Forums and 4chan/reddit's influence has been usurped by a bunch of black people who make better jokes
And they basically already know you tried to blame a white sub for hitting Richard Spencer because he was dead and couldn't answer for himself and you did it thinking nobody would find out with a quick google search
So in the end
Once again Holla Forums
Everyone is laughing at you
Have fun lol
Reddit is one of the most popular sites in the world. Why wouldn't we care about it? It's extremely useful for waking people up.
Yeah you have a bunch of gullible white people there it's almost like Holla Forums
There I fixed it
Top kek
they create plenty of jobs
in china
or mexico
pretty everywhere that isn't where the corporation isn't based
But those are commies jewish scat loving cucks!?
You should, you might be pleasantly surprised.
You're missing Mattis, he's on the board for General Dynamics, a big military contractor
Except Trump is completely against globalization and will impose a foreign tax to force them to create jobs in America.
Rich people!=swamp.
They support Hillary, actually.(YOU TOOK THE BAIT, Holla Forums. YOU CAN'T TAKE THE BAIT.)
His name is Mark Lind. Not Ray tho
Boy do you get off on lying
Because consciousness is so easily defined, and because it finds such common usage as in political slogans and colloquialisms, it is as equally counterfeit.
i dunno who the fuck Ray is. Dudes name (supposedly) is mark lind
Wow what a shit name for a band
Capitalist Exploitation and Slavery is always the same around the world.
Can the name Mark Lind only be used once, or what?
They don't look much alike either…..this guy has blacker hair
At this point everyone knows Slave Ray is dead so I don't think it matters
Pol says its him, but tbqh…
The guy who punched richard spencer appeared to be wearing a white/light gray hat. The picture of the guy from the riot (supposed Mark Lind) is wearing a black hat.
So Holla Forums is prolly wrong. nothing new there
this was just the first time I had heard the name slave Ray, it was new to me
Slave Ray prolly died from eating feces.
That shit is.. well, shit.
He had a brain tumor
Lurk more faggot
I like how you didn't respond to
It's almost as if it proves that just because someone looks like someone else it doesn't mean it's them.
Washington DC is a city of 681,170 counting the federal district alone. With that many not counting the whole population of the metropolitan area it is an eventual possibility that there will be at least two people who look similar living there. Not only that, but since the man who punched Spence had part of his face covered meaning that while he may have some similar facial features one can simply not pin down a person without seeing their whole face. For example if you took the mask off the man who punched Spencer you might find that his chin is too pointy or hell maybe the mans lower jaw is hanging there like a corpse, but you can't see it because he has his mask pulled up. Point being there are so many variables that a few similarities plus someones face being partially obscured means one knows nothing, but they found someone who has some similarities with another person.
you're also not counting how many people are going to washington for the inauguration
We should steal pepe back TBH.
You didn't win, but your piss loving daddy did, and hoo boy is this term going to be hilarious. Your tears of denial are oh so sweet.