who chapo here
Who chapo here
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We are all gray wolves in here.
sage tbh.
chapo are hipster fascists.
Grey Wolves will eat you alive
Blood in blood out fam
I think most of us are.
Phil Greaves please go
Listened since close to the beginning. Only don't like they're DSA, but I can't expect much from twitter memers.
grey wolves, hook me up with the latest premium episode, please
Any War Nerd/John Dolan fans around?
My fucking sides
yeah, he's decent, unlike this shite.
interesting that he's not a leftist (at least I don't think) but he seems to just see through the media's shit so often comes to same conclusions
Ban this man
I like him and the whole exile crew. However, I don't listen to podcasts. I just read his twitter and facebook posts.
Pretty sure he's a leftist, just very quiet about it. All the other exile guys are socialists.
thought leftypol didn't like socdems?
Some of them are demsoc and further left, but I think people here mainly like them because they're funny and shit on liberals.
Listening to them is like listening to jay Leno as they shit on nobody libs
Not me
Or Breitbart conservatives who nobody takes seriously anyway
Ben Shairpo up in this thread
They are not socdems.
They have shilled for DSA but one of them even said that you need a mass socialist movement in america and the DSA is the closest to that already, you can start your split organization from the left of it once it gets strong enough. They are pragmatists.
Some of his podcasts are up for free. The episode on U.S urban guerrilla movements is hilarious and informative.
Dolan was a lefty when he was young then became a nationalist because he was sick of campus activist culture. Around the 80's or 90's he was embarrassed by the government and the shit state of American culture and gave up nationalism to become a leftist again.
The left caucus inside the DSA is Marxist and wants to build a independent political party and ditch the strategy of having social democrats enter the Democratic Party. Will, Matt and Amber favor the left caucus and I think Felix and Virgil support entryism but they may have changed.
looking forward to listening to the cthulu game ep today
Any Cumtown listeners?
fucking faggots. kike liberals will squeal soon when the free helicopter rides begin
Those fucking bogtrotters are everywhere.
mfw you're on this many spooks
Oh shit the fellas met Jason Schwartzman
upset your dumb LARPy podcast host got outed as a fraud?
Talk about the burger ideology that never dies.
Wow, nice tolerance xir. :)
funnier than chapo but less political, and you def learn less
I'm laughing 60-80% of the episode.
cumtown would be way funnier if they dropped stav; nick mullen and adam riffing together > the mostly juvenile shit that dude has to offer. i think cth is funnier overall though
you had to respond twice and i'm the triggered one?
Move over Alunya, theres a new catgirl waifu in town
What the hell is a dirtbag left?
it's like the new brosocialists
That's pretty much me.
Dirtbag flag when?
daily reminder that most millennial leftist ironycels will die alone & childless from depression, suicide, skinnyfat diabetes, or starvation (if/when SHTF)
prove me wrong (protip: you can't)
weird twitter is fascinating in a morbid kinda way. they're about as "last men of the west" as one can get without literally killing oneself
TLDR: We're faggot autist manchildren who are physically repulsive and mentally degenerate, we're not leftists at all we're welfare capitalists, we're not anti-hierarcy at all, we are in general gross people and we shouldn't be looked to as leaders or scions or intellectuals because we have none of the skills or ambition required to be such things. we are unfunny, if we were funny we would be taken seriously by twitter but we aren't. Frogtwitter makes us look like faggots constantly. Also one of us is on roids but doesn't talk about it and 2 of us are jews
No its not. their content is garbage and they're a hated majority group that produces nothing. Dril is literally the only one i don't want to shoa
Hot opinions.
What's weird Twitter?
Damn dude you are fucking triggered lmao
good, but she's no leftcom cat
Links to premium episodes, anyone?
What episode do you want and where do you want it uploaded?
anywhere anything fam
whatever is the easiest for you
Here's the latest episode. Crazy funny RPG shit. Support the show if you can.
where should i start with these assholes?
Literally SEETHING
They're either triggered tankies, liberals, or otherwise pissed that albeit somewhat moderate leftists are getting some attention.
thanks famrade
We need to show this to 4/tg/