Can we come up with a killshot meme for the alt-right? Atheism on the internet began associated with betas...

Can we come up with a killshot meme for the alt-right? Atheism on the internet began associated with betas, autists and neckbeards thanks to the fedora meme. Can we come up with something similar for the alt-right? I remember when atheism was basically the hot topic 7-8 years and now no one really give a shit. All the atheist channels are dead. And I think we can do the same for the alt-right.


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Widespread acceptance of homosexuality is what killed New Atheism (all of their growth was due to gays and their allies who saw the movement as the only to resist social conservatism both at home and abroad in the west.) It had nothing to do with the fedora meme.

Does everyone believe in God now?

No, it just isn't as edgy as it used to be so people aren't as vocal about it

People want comfy not edgy. Edgy a shit.

the internet becoming reactionary over the course of time wasn't helpful either to be frank.

Sometimes i want comfy, sometimes i want edgy.
Monolithic people are shit.

Fug meant to quote

that's more than twice millenials

No. But no one gives a shit anymore. It's less obnoxious tbh.

Has anyone here seen creationist cat? He used to be a parody of Christians, and now it looks like he's a parody of the alt-right.

pubefarmers want to be edgy though

Yeah that's probably because they all live at home.

how did that even happen?

The Infowars crowd is definitely the result of Ted Turner/Time Warner. The SJW's are obviously funded by Soros to make 'lefties' look bad and make everything about idpol. Then there's the Kochs. Don't underestimate what monied influence can do. Also ideology.

New Atheism was reactionary though. It was like a reverse gamer gate situation. It started out as a broad anti-religious coalition that got coopted by liberals and turned into a naturalist neoliberal circle jerk.

So the solution would to infiltration the alt right with liberals. Because i agree, they do ruin everything.


The left turning them away didn't help much, I'm talking about the left that has lost its anti-theist edge over time and that has been overrun by Islam apologists.

The alt-right will just mutate into something else, depending on what the influences are.
What replaces it could be even worse.

like what lmao?

Genocidal Muslim imperialism, oh wait this is actually ongoing but it will be worse after Saudi Arabia has imploded. Imagine something along the lines of suicide bombings in western population centers every months and another civil war in MENA.

soooooo, the alt right are going to become genocidal muslim imperialists?

Because the question was, what will the alt right evolve too?

People who actually do anything besides shitpost

This will actually happen if we keep allowing more and more Muslim immigrants to come.

The fedora's neckbeard meme was somehow a simultaneous web wide reaction. Don't know how to generate anything similar, it'd just feel forced and die quickly.