There goes any chance at a socialist in the future
Trump was the real deal
Turns out socialism is just protectionist capitalism.
How much political capital does Trump have if Bernie's on the Trump train?
You don't get Socialism by shitty trade deals.
soc dems gonna soc dem
Paul Ryan takes any of that away he's a trade cuck
The TPP was absolutely horrible. You'd have to be a moron to support it
Just proof that they were on the same team all along
Yeah tpp might be a blow to capitalism but he didn't do it out of the goodness of his heart, he has a reason that will most likely profit him and is still a proto fascist who lies everyday and cries about how the media lie as well.
Trump is the enemy, only Holla Forumstards like him, if you do you make yourself look like one
Yeah, he wants American jobs so he can get re-elected, unheard off. But he's actually doing something real to make it happen unlike past Presidents who all had the same economic philosophy of the Koch brothers.
Socdems in a nutshell
Hey Holla Forums, try to be less obvious next time
You don't understand how this vanguard thing works do you?
Really makes oh think
What's wrong about that
Trump is supported by very few of the richest men you pleb, he's fucking their trade plans to shit.
ok lol, what does Trump gain personally from cancelling TPP? just curious
Wow, it's like these cabinet positions are political picks or something, and this particular individual has strong connections to industries that the Trump administration finds desirable to cut deals with
I'm honestly curious myself. It was a good deal for porkies like him. Is he that triggered by gyna?
Why can't we kill people as stupid as you?
Fucking retards.
Was it, though?
The "big winners" from TPP in the United States were mostly agribusiness, pharmaceuticals, and the tech industry - none of which are exactly counted among Trump subsidiaries.
Is this all FBI, Holla Forums, or has Holla Forums just gone insane?
Opposing Trump just for the sake of opposing him ass fucking retarded. Oppose the things that he does wrong. Like the fact that his cabinet is full of insiders. People like you are why the left is a clusterfuck mess.
I don't know if leftypol is starting to become just as bad as pol at this point when emotion is all that matters this defend trump brianlessly like Holla Forums
*is fucking retarded.
I must have ass on the mind.
Well if you fall for maze ideologies your intelligence really isn't that great
What's a maze ideology?
I don't think we should support Trump at all. My point is why is opposition to the TPP now suddenly some sort of damning thing?
When did leftists become pro free trade?
You truly are a fool. That's not what I'm saying at all but you're an idiot if you're not opposed to the TPP just because Trump also happens to oppose it.
I imagine it's an attempt to reach out to Trump supporters.
You know, what Holla Forums claims they want to do.
This. Opposing something that is universally despised on the left because Trump did it is a great way to make yourself look ideologically bankrupt.
Fuck you for making me agree with a nazbol.
kek trump supporters dont give a shit about predatory corporations and the illness that is global capitalism. they just want to be making iphones in their own neighborhood
What's wrong with the free exchange of goods?
t. ancap.
Outside of capitalism? Nothing. Within the capitalist framework free trade is used to expand the available labor pool, drive down wages, offshore jobs, and expand profit margins. It's shit for workers.
wow no shit, tell me more
It fucking isn't as long as you don't unironically believe Trump did that for some benevolent reasonlike nazbol and aren't celebrating "trumps choice"
It is like celebrating porky because he gave you a hour off every Friday
And free trade exacerbates the issue.
From his opposition to the TPP? At least ol' Sanders was a consistent SocDem on that. Oh well, better you drop him for a shitty reason than no reason at all (although hopefully you learn not to ever support SocDems again).
Protectionist policies won't make shit any better. it's still capitalism
It also has the added benefit of exporting the visibly exploitative side of capitalism away from the eyes of the first world's proletariat which further drives down revolutionary potential. When your kid isn't working in a copper mine or your not doing 18 hour shifts in a sweatshop it's easier to ignore your economic situation.
Nobody fucking does in America. Why the hell do you think we're here?
True. I never said Trump was leading the vanguard. I still think it would improve conditions for workers in the immediate future.
No, prices will go up for everyone who is not a factory worker.
Not a single comment describing why support for the TPP is a bad thing.
Smells of hillary in here.
I mean good thing, I'm retarded.
Hillary was pro-TPP.
Free trade is good and protectionism is retarded. What more needs to be said?
i really hate liberals but at least some of them occasionally break away from retardation to reflect on the inequalities of capitalism. middle and upper class trump supporters don't give a fuck about the inequalities of capitalism, they see them as a reflection of natural hierarchy. working class voters for trump are so uneducated and cucked into focusing only on jerbs without advocating workers rights that they envy factory work in china.
okay well good luck having some sort of revolutionary or ideological revolution without the 48% of the USA (really about 20-30 percent of that groups working class) also being in tune with your ideology
work on your fucking agitprop. Influencing others to your ideology isn't done in a year, or even 5.
Think long term you fucking moron.
The TPP would raise food and medicine prices for the US. The deal is rather top heavy with where the benefits are going. Real shocker.
wewww lad
Exactly. Working in factories is often dangerous and exposes you to carcinogens. We should work towards minimizing human involvement in such dangerous forms of production China is working towards precisely this. The trouble is, in our current society, people need some kind of job in order to be able to feed themselves, so they're willing to take on factory jobs if it means they can care for their families.
You can't really count on welfare state policies, as they breed resentment and before you know it a reactionary candidate gets elected on the implicit promise of stopping the flow of your tax dollars to nigger welfare queens, like is about to happen with the GOP policy, Obamacare.
US trade "deals" are mostly about protecting US IP rights, but there's nothing wrong with establishing regulatory harmony and setting barriers to trade to zero.
And liberals are so cucked they want to work with Trump too, so it's not like he's burning any bridges. So what's the big fucking deal?
playing kid gloves with trump voters is just as bad as propping up delicate liberal flowers.
addressing and breaking down idpol on both sides is a major priority for me
Watched some fox news while I grabbed lunch. They were celebrating the announcement of a FoxConn factory here. FoxConn factories are so bad they had to erect suicide nets. These people really don't comprehend how badly they're going to get fucked.
you said:
"working class voters for trump are so uneducated and cucked into focusing only on jerbs without advocating workers rights that they envy factory work in china."
which very heavily implies just tossing them away (they are "so uneducated and [class] cucked") as if they are not savable
good luck building a coalition w/o the white working class
you also don't have to treat someone with "kid gloves" to influence them, but that also means not being a little shit.
do you see that?
soc-dem fashy enabling, racist hipsters, sam hyde, bernie bros who voted trump, brocialist reactionary tankies and nazbols, convergence of authoritarian right and far left. accelerationism nigga
What's brocialism?
Bernie isn't /ourguy/. He's better than literally any other American politician, but he's still not one of us.
There are no /ourguy/s in politics in ANY western country, or the vast majority of nonwestern countries (I can't name any nonwestern /ourguy/ politicians, but there might be some that I'm not aware of.)
Why are you people still getting surprised by this?
maybe you are projecting just a bit, com?
The white, adhering fanatically to his barbaric religions of conservatism, capitalism, and Christianity, is in dire need of civilizing.
I for one, welcome economic nationalist accelerationism.
Trump isn't so much the enemy, as he is a figurehead to system that's breaking down.
It would basically mean no more internet, therefore, no more useful information for the proles.
"dude trump isn't that bad a lot of his policies are good for all of us, like his anti-TPP stance and his plan to bring back manufacturing jobs, also he's open minded to environmental protections and just as anti-war as we are. lmao sjw niggers won't he able to push him around like they did with Bernie" that's a brocialist user
"anyone who doesn't like Slay Queen Hillary yet professes left wing political leanings"
runs to socialism as an escape from acknowledging white muh privilege (which I believe exists but has to be rooted in historical materialism)
That just sounds like self-delusion.
According to SJWiki, brocialists are those that reject /idpol/.
Nope sorry you're wrong
Most accurate answer.
Rulling class are the only ones with muh privilege TBH. Class antagonism will beget racial antagonism.
I just consider class more important, m8y.
There is no solving racism or sexism before destroying class antagonisms.
So if brocialism rejects /idpol/, is it a bad thing?
that's fine, do you get triggered by irrelevant shiting or gay people wondering if they'll get fag-dragged in a communist society? if so then obviously the means of production shifting is not enough to satisfy you. its worth discussing these things, withot appealing to authoritatian devices like "muh gibmedats nd reperations dawg" or "66 cents on the $" lies
its nota bout rejecting idpol its about not acknowledging racial, gender antagonism
disagree you can do it simultaneously without appealing to gibmedat solutions like BLM and femmenazis want
Inherent or caused by a justice system that heaps muh privileges on women and minorities?
this is idpol
minorities aren't priviledged with anything other than the right for their clown representatives (Yeezus, Beyonce) to glorious uprising on tv and bitch about muh reperations. they have the shit end of the stick otherwise
We shouldn't trust him and I'm not a fan of him, but if he wants to get rid of bad things I don't see the harm in it. Take your meds.
It's a meme. Rejecting idpol isn't necessarily a bad thing, but sometimes it has it's applications. Though it's mostly in the third world.
never change leftypol
im not the one that seems to think they are unsalvageable.
you need to influence some of the trump voters into leftist ideology and not that clinton shit.
you don't have to treat them with "kid gloves" but you do need some sort of influencing rhetoric, but if you're just a dick then good luck influencing anyone
fuck off
This is why Stirner is so important, and fun.
Yeah, fucking obviously.
If you didn't realize he's a reformist after his 26 years in congress preceded by 8 as a city mayor, you're a retard.
If you simply didn't mind until today, you're just a butthurt Clinton supporter.
We could just wait for the rural whites to die off and be replaced by people exploited by white supremacy to start the revolution too, you know.
White working class americans are spooked to hell and back.
Hello Reddit (or Holla Forums pretending to be Reddit)!
that's Holla Forums you're replying to
What? Isn't it true? The American white working class has fascist leanings, a history of being manipulated by porky and HATES communism. We're better off with people so spooked and race doesn't matter.
Don't get me wrong, I am also an acceleracionist, this is why I advocate free markets and open borders: Only after the rural 'muh niggers and mexicans taking der jerbs' whites die off will revolution be possible, otherwise America will always be under their yoke.
Give me five examples
Not only is this an absurd exaggeration, it's also absurd to assume non-white people are any less reactionary/conservative. Perhaps white people have a tendency to be more reactionary than average, but I'd say they have a tendency to be more radical than average as well.
Thanks for this classic leftypol meme, pirate poster.
Like no better, not one tiny bit better? Fuck off