Feels good man
Autists don't need to work in Nordic countries
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Hey man, that's what it's there for. Peace and love, my dude
How much per month?
Only perverts post smug anime girls, I hope you know that.
Bit judgmental from the likes of you m8
Our welfare system is made for people with actual problems, not for fat anime neckbeards
like those who bring 20 related problems with them from somalia
fuck off back to /a/
Pretty sure they use autismbux either weeaboo shit or brony merchandise.
The richest hatred of anime can be found in the stormfag. Anime is communist.
Great, now I have to go look up some Reimu hentai to satisfy my needs
I hope you have impregnation fetish
What a waste. Someone needs to give that lad some estrogen.
Indeed, maybe he has potential becoming a qt trap.
What annoys me is that Holla Forumsacks from Nordic countries will have more time to shitpost here.
Just because something worse is happening does not make that okay
why are all Nordic anons so unbearable on the chans
Depression from no sun
There's literally nothing wrong with being perverted.
Human existence is an actual problem.
Anyway, you don't know nearly enough neurobiology to make judgments about what is or isn't an actual problem.
Can I come to Sweden as a NEETbux refugee even though I'm a white American?
There's got to be some kind of "Trump is literally Hitler and I need muh political asylum as much as the guys running from ISIS" angle to work here
I think Reddit mods have shown that they're the undisputed masters of hatred for anime at this point.
So does right wingers in Reddit. They literally think porn is the Jewish plot against white race.