Unpopular "opinion" alert: 1) Trump is not a fascist...

Unpopular "opinion" alert: 1) Trump is not a fascist, 2) "fascism" or "fascist" is not a buzzword to sling around at ugly things (capitalism) suddenly getting an ugly face ([insert populist demagogue responding to the failures of left-liberal capitalism]) and 3) calling Trump, a right populist, a fascist, is fairly disrespectful to the actual victims of the horrors of fascism (900 gorillion never forget, of course, but especially the actual fucking communists slaughtered) and anyone who actually knows what fascism is.

Small protip: the fact that he has a few Nazi LARPers gushing at him still doesn't make him one, and you'll be hard pressed to find a historical example of a right populist that doesn't have a LARPing fanbase.


You may now go back to performing your duty of designated LARP opposition, anarkiddies. Your revolution is but a few tossed trashcans away, I'm sure of it!

Other urls found in this thread:


I dont think most would disagree here that Trump isn't a fascist. I agree with what you've said, anyway

The catalog suggests otherwise (search for "fasc").

The point of the thread is not just to slap some sense into people, but also to highlight the poverty that is left wing antifascism, and that it's little more than self-recuperating garbage that goes directly against any kind of worker's movement.

Yes, I said this. Reading comprehension, my dude.

Oh? I've only seen people mocking those who call Trump facsist and the next hitler

Pretty sure a lot of those OPs get mocked quickly afterwards.

Agree with your OP, btw.

Look harder.

Or you can give examples.

Look at the replies of any of the threads involving the four letters "fasc" in their OP.

Alternatively, lurk the threads about yesterday's "revolution".

I see a lot of people mocking the protesters and mocking the concept of Trump being a fascist…

Explain the inauguration speech then.

Either one of us must be blind here, and it might just be me because I'm just that rustled by autifascism.

Right populism with jingoist undertones.

Alternatively, read the article I posted.


Go look at the posts after the "wahhh fashies n smashies!! :'(" OPs, they generally get mocked.

Every. Fucking. Fascist. Ever.


It is time! The smashies have arrived; I've hit center square! My job is done.

Also you obviously don't understand that the majority of libs are spooked as fuck and so emotionally charged rhetoric is necessary to galvanize and increase class consciousness.

I'm not a counter-revolutionary; I've just realized that doing nothing is much more efficient on an armchair with books instead of on the streets with a keffiyah.

Over 70 years of "emotionally charged rhetoric" and a few broken windows and trashcans later and I'm sure we'll get there soon now.

Describing Clinton except for trivial differences? Trump the ultra-traditionalist right?

You can't accept any criticism of your "rhetoric" though. That's the problem. It's why you still say "spook" unironically. The idea is good, but you are too self-absorbed to bother taking into consideration anything but your own childish gut feeling, being products of late capitalism just as much as any fashies you hate.

Your links analysis is garbo

Oh and before the immanent melt-down at the flag. "Supporting" a politician for dialectical, realpolitik, geopolitical reasons is not the same as hero worship. You can even despise someone and support them politically. Something liberal children simply do not understand. Of course Trump is dangerous, so is Clinton, just in a different way. We are out of time and out of options. So far your idea is to try troll the liberals into supporting your autistic street theatre and it simply won't work.

Great arguments there; I'm stumped.

Well, he got rid of TPP whereas Clinton would not. He's definitely not an ultra capitalist shill at least.

That's just protectionism.Trump wants to have porkies exploit his own people as much as possible rather than other countries.TTP was bad yeah, but so would any 'home grown' industry

Capital is treated as a universal constant, and the relations of production are reduced to whatever fits.

Because of this, you get garbage: "The political forms which Capital gives itself do not depend on the action of the working class any more than they depend on the intentions of the bourgeoisie". 'Capital' here appears before any person of history.

Which is surprising, because this is pretty on point:

"The democratic State uses all the tools of fascism, in fact, more, because it integrates the workers' organisations without annihilating them. Social unification goes beyond that brought about by fascism, but fascism as a specific movement has disappeared. It corresponded to the forced discipline of the bourgeoisie under the pressure of the State in a truly unique situation".

It really doesn't; Dauvé correctly identifies Capital as the prevailing unit, hence why
serves to explain exactly why fascism is a world-systemic consequence (of capitalism) and why it's a historical phenomenon; one attempted to solve a greater deadlock.

>[…] fascism as a specific movement has disappeared. It corresponded to the forced discipline of the bourgeoisie under the pressure of the State in a truly unique situation

oc incomin


The author doesn't call it a historical phenomenon though. The proletariat are reduced to historical fact and inevitability under a vague universal.
It really does


Kill yourself.

That was pretty terrible. You've either lost the touch or aren't the real Ginjeet.

Smashies have the audacity to call anyone counter-revolutionary but they cannot make a single concession to liberal-conservatives over their beloved liberal-progressives, despite both having strongly fascistic motifs in current year, just in different currents, and despite being barely different in contrast to overall history. They'd prefer to alienate all libcons by calling them fash and doing a bunch of showboating for the media which amounts to jack shit. This is why they are ultimately antagonistic to class consciousness, as they always have been, helping to maintain the false dichotomy in the proles which is just as much of a diversionary, divisive factor as they claim any minimal civic nation to be. If not the ultimate. Perhaps their extreme emotional revulsion to the very concept of a nation, even if multi-ethnic, even if the willful self-determination of a previously conquered people (who they condescend and call bourgie pawns, while elevating themselves to the guardians of antiracist struggle), is a part of the very same ideological process which divides the proletariat, as the rest of weaponized idpol. Agreeing to disagree with libcons and forming a compromise within the liberal apparatus available, is essential for a unified class movement. But smashies, like the Religious Right, are integral in the reciprocal blame apportionment spectacle and ideological segmentation process that upholds liberal orthodoxy within defined countries. They cannot abolish borders (a right-libertarian goal) and they know it, they prefer to engage in the spectacle, they are all self-identity, lifestyle, personal-political, aestheticism. This is the last time I'll say this as I'm tired of dialectical shitposting. I'm going to go full leftcom now, as retards just simply can't be reasoned with.

you can start any time now

He literally does in the other line I've greentexted.

This has always been the Marxist position; that the proletariat is the historical "negative" of capital; the part Capital at once needs to dominate to reify itself but can also not help but push away from it. Fault Dauvé perhaps for not including this basic Marxist position in the article if you are to see it as educational for those entirely uneducated on basic Marxist theory, but do not fault him for omitting the obvious perogative.

Precisely. They engage in the most non-altering form of activism while scoffing at any suggestion that they ought to organize along class lines; unionize, perform general strikes, etc. If it weren't for the dead horse that is the lumpenprole archetype, I'd use it, but that's really all there is to people autistically screeching about conditions they do not even truly struggle with.

Clinton being fash does not negate Trump being fash.

I thought it was going to be something about the Spectacle, what a let-down

which reminds me…
where was the smashie when the two Barack 'Dronelord' Obama inauguration happened?


Actually, perhaps the smashie put off his keffiyah, took his first shower in years and went to celebrate diversity.

He literally doesn't. He calls it a unique situation and circumscribes Fascism to its history without bothering to make the jump that Capital sustains itself in such a manner. Divined almost like a miracle from a childs textbook, Fascism becomes something Liberals and enemies of his idea everywhere use to berate and justify their cause without making critique.

But that point isn't even fresh. Orwell wrote on it, and had a far more nuanced understanding.

And yet they're involved in the production process of Capital. Maybe Marx should have invented a term for this.

[citation needed]

This is a piece written in the '30s, translated by Dauvé and annotated, well before Orwell wrote his famous Essays in the '40s (which talk about fascism): orwell.ru/library/articles/As_I_Please/english/efasc

(Indeed, Orwell is here succinct, which is rare because he was otherwise a massive liberal. I really like this:)

Wew lad.

I like this post. There are many arguments.



Downvoted tbqh.

Another update; now 17% more infantile. 👌

Sorry Holla Forumsacks but nobody here takes trump seriously and there's a GIANT list of reasons as to why

Holla Forums does not STAND FOR ANY OF THIS, if they tell you so they are Holla Forumstards trying to push their fascist agenda here.

When did he say this about the military?


Don't know if smashie or Holla Forums in disguise.

He's just saying he wants military parades and to waste more money on the military, where is he saying sending the military against states who didn't vote for him, which is what you appeared to say

You might need to learn between the lines instead of taking his lies directly

You mean "read between the lies" and I'd say you're becoming Alex Jones style paranoid, but he likes Trump…

Nevermind, people here are saying he's a fascist, lol

come on, you cant be that naive

You can't be stupid enough to think Trump is going to militarily invade California

It's just the redditors, don't worry we'll bully it out of them eventually.

I never suggested he will do that, it is a threat that he can bring the army to run around in his own country publicly, a big threat considering how protests are all over those places.

You're not giving Holla Forums enough credit for its own stupidity. Remember: we have a large percentage of anarkiddies and tankies.


because burning garbage cans is literally retarded


This is your brain on liberalism.