who does the islands belong too?
Holla Forumss oppinion on the falkland/malvinas
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It belongs to me
Honestly, probably the Brits since the only people inhabiting them are British and have no intention to leave the Empire. Does that mean Anglostan deserves them? No.
Man I stopped respecting latuff when he went from "selfish Uncle Sam uncaringly watching the vile russian bear destroy ukrainian democracy" to "Glorious russia defending their ukrainian brothers from American economic imperialism" in the space of a week. He has no beliefs beyond "US bad."
Also the islands belong to the residents of the islands.
Private property is a spook. The land is part of Earth, just like the water. The people on it should be free to live as they please.
Ask the people living in the Falklands/Malvinas. Do a plebiscite.
To be fair that's a pretty good heuristic to use. It's right 99.9% of the time, including about Ukraine.
They did. It was fairly decisive.
It's great 99% of the time but when it leads you to criticize the USA for doing something a week ago you were criticizing them for NOT doing you're clearly an idiot.
Well yes. Technically you could criticize them for not doing something and then criticize them for doing it badly though.
Fuck you it's mine
best answer
Yeah and I'd be in support of that. But to latuff it was more "american intervention clearly must be in support of american imperialism" (true) which means he shouldn't have wanted them intervening in the first place.
Okay no that's a good point. He has no beliefs beyond "USA bad" and "MFM threesomes good."
lol did he really draw these?
What would Latuff do is the USA start advocating MFM threesomes?
Welcome to the falkland islands mother falker
wouldn't call it mfm threesome.
the first one is clearly cuckolding
Latuff never talks about cuck shit and always fucking talks about MFM so i'm pretty sure it's MFM where one participant hasn't quite got going yet.
MFM is super hot. He has good taste.
The people living on the islands. That being said, if it is to be a nation specifically that has claim to the island, it is undisputably and entirely the British considering the islands were uninhabited/unused prior to their arrival, and the people who inhabit those islands have given consent to be governed by the British (if nothing else to ensure Argentina doesn't try to invade again). Argentina's claim to the islands is entirely based on nationalist mythos designed to make the "big other" to rally against, and they've outright stated they do not recognize the island inhabitant's right to self-determination.
It belongs to the white man.
So argentina then
I mean they're not white but WAY whiter than brits.
Argentina has absolutely no claim to the islands other than some vague feeling of anti imperialism which doesn't even make sense since they were uninhabited before the euros came along and Argentina the country controlled them for like 6 months historically compared to the UKs hundreds of years.
lol reminded me of this for some reason
I bet the russians did this
As a Brit, Argentina. The fact that good men died to maintain the idpol delusion of those sheep shaggers on the malvinas that they "identify" as British is disgusting.
Kneejerk 'everything the west does must be wrong' ahoy. Pretty sure the Falklands war is the fault of, you know, the fascist that tried to invade the islands.
fuck off liberal
Yeah we should have let them have them, why should I give a fuck about some rainy shithole on the otherside of the world?
We don't have enough money to feed our own people but we can find the money whenever those nonces want a new statue of thatcher
The material interests of the imperial booj are against the interests of humanity so every thing they do is wrong
fucking imperialism, how dare the brits colonise the sovereign territory of the malvinas penguins
I dunno, because it's a British holding of British citizens, I agree it was a stupid war but we're not the ones who started it, tbh I don't see what else the government could have done
Just because Thatcher did it doesnt mean it was inherently wrong
wtf is the interest of humanity being oppressed by the British holding of the falklands
Fucking ideologue.
Daily reminder literally any government in power would've fought the war.
pic related: apartheid in the malvinas
when will the evil of anglos end?
how many men died for it
Oh wow the labour party would have done it too, it must be a good idea then
Those poor Brits, I mean it's normal to try to invade literally 90% of the world. Anglos dindu nothing.
You can tell who is really just a faggot LARPer when you ask them this question and they give any answer other than "Britain". There is absolutely nothing Argentinian about the islands, and there were no poor natives there to blubber over either (it was a desolate, uninhabited rock until the late 16th century). Go look up pictures or videos of Stanley, they are literally more British than the British. It's like a snapshot of a 1950s British village.
Doesn't explain why we should give our money and lives to let the role play at being British
Britain > Argentinia
t. non-Brit
Are people from the channel islands or Gibraltar British? Or does that not count because they're in Europe?
They are British citizens. Pretty simple.
Again I'm pretty sure that's the fault of the fascists who tried to invade on no grounds whatsoever other than domestic failure and wanting an easy victory to distract people.
Criticise when Britain actually deserves it then like over Suez, don't bring up retarded shit like the 'malvinas'
Because it's British territory. When your territory is invaded you go to war. I seriously doubt anyone is going to try to take one of our islands again, and that's the point.
That actually weren't until after the war, look it up.
And I suppose you'd extend this consternation to the other Commonwealth countries that gained the right to citizenship in '48?
The only reason England maintains the Falkalnds(and other irrelevant places) is so they can say:
France, Netherlands and Spain do the same. Nothing but dick measuring to hide the fact that they were once the most powerful nation on earth and lost everything.
Kudos to Portugal who gave up all of it's foreign land.
That's retarded. So if it's not connected to London by land it's not part of Britain?
I've detected some great places to establish a socialist state, with easy commute to the City!
Honestly are you this desperate to say Britain is wrong? There are plenty of things you can actually criticise
Of course, every vestige of empire should be destroyed and that includes the commonwealth, eventually I hope Britain itself will be torn apart and I can live in a free and independent English republic
Anything Margret Thatcher did should be shat on continuously with much effort and strain of anal muscle, so whatever isn't related to Thatcher. I would probably take Hitler over Margret Thatcher
If the people who live there want to be part of Britain it's not an empire you fucking idiot.
Do nations even matter at this point, the western capitalist world almost unilaterally shares a state of agreement of support of capital.
For all concerned we should just call it what it is, which is The First World Empire
Fuck you swine we're freeing ourselves from the norman yoke and there's nothing you can do about it
fuck off my subcontinent, imperialists
last time that happened millions of our countrymen died and the jews got back into the country
where they created the basis for the next 300 years of capitalist theory
the falklands were uninhabited islands before Britain took control of them
bring in a few hundred whalers and their families to operate from there
200 years later whaling gets banned and the hispanic nation a few hundred miles off the coast of the island that didnt exist when your great great great great great grandfather set foot on your island has decided to invade and 'retake' land that was never theres to distract from a crippling economic situation brewing at home
Why do you support Margret Thatcher's 12 foot hanging vulva
because i think intellectual honesty is important
There is nothing honest about Margret Thatcher's 12 foot hanging vulva. Supporting, even if its true, is still supporting Margret Thatcher's 12 foot hanging vulva.
If anyone else could have done it, sure, fine.
But its Margret Thatcher doesn't that make you the least bit uncomfortable
Britain maintains the Falklands for the same reason they maintain Tristan de Cunha
the people who live there would rather remain a British dominion and receive the benefits of it
rather than struggle independently with populations less than 10,000 against foreign nations that would invade and conquer them for national prestige at home or as a display of power to the weak and ailing British Empire
forces like China for Hong Kong, for Tristan de Cunha its South Africa, for the Falklands and the South Georgia Islands population 20. research staff, museum curator and emergency staff again very close to Argentina
To the people of Falkland and anyone that ships good there.
not really, Hitler pioneered the creation of the autobahn, that doesn't make it a bad idea
Oui Oui, be a good english and protect the union, you don't want independence
im not a norman just I know that kings and the people have always ruled Britain
before the Normans arrived the grand majority of the forms of governance in the history of Britain were elective monarchies
and we have an indigenous myth determining who should be king/queen
so the form of government I really want for Britain is when Arthur comes back in whatever form he does with Excalibur in hand and tells us what to do next
now I know its the scots reason we even have a 'united kingdom' but the fuckers entered in to it and until the entire countries on welfare they're not getting free of it tbh
Just as ants and wasps, The Anglo organizes itself in a hive, fully equipped with an aging queen and a royal clique of breeders
also historically we didnt follow weak or tyrannical kings
not even sure what the second parts a reference to
if its sex then 'waht is war raep?'
gee I wonder who could be behind this post
Take it then
i'm trying to convince my neiborhood milkman to join my "army of egoists" (he just looked at me funny)
probably spooked or some shit
All but five of our prime ministers have had Norman ancestors
Are you asking questions yet?
Is this COINTELPRO? Or is leftypol really defending NATO in South America?
We've got some bong posters that still haven't rid themselves of the imperialist instincts that are inherent in bong genetics. You can also see this in topics about a united ireland.
Rather than me defending British 'imperialism', why don't you explain why you think Argentina deserves to have the islands. Argentines don't live there and never have, and it's not in Argentina, it's hundreds of miles away in the middle of the Atlantic. Argentina's only contribution to island history has been to bully, threaten and subjugate.
I've never heard a good argument for Argentina, it's always just shitting on Britain.
Not really, its simply too hard to sympathyze with argentina.
So Commonwealth citizens in Britain should be repatriated, then?
this tbh
The people living on it. And the people in India and some other former colonial.
Oye calmate viejo
Wait. Are you serious?
We need an argument for trying to prevent the British colonialist for stealing or natural resources and our territory?
Do you even know anything about history? They tried to invade Buenos Aires twice, when they got BTFO, then they went to the south of south america to steal something else: Las Islas Malvinas Argentinas.
The colonialists pirates MUST leave northern ireland and Islas Malvinas. If you call yourselves "leftists", you should agree with me. If not, you are not leftists, but pro-colonialism and therefore RIGHT WING.
Las islas Malvinas son Argentinas. Volveremos.
It was never your territory though, it was uninhabited before the European powers got there and was never owned by Argentina for any length of time
You will never get the Falklands, cry more
and Argentina isn't?
those Italians/Spaniards didn't magically appear there
Are you for real? Do you even realize the stupidity of this comment?
Pepe posting, and name calling. The fact is the united nations recognize our claim and our territory. Even self aware british people recognize that LAS ISLAS MALVINAS SON ARGENTINAS.
Don't worry, we will recover them soon or later. It's just a matter of when.
Tell me why it's stupid then. Argentina itself is a colonial construct.
Oh, sorry for not telling. Because Argentina was in fact a european colony until 207 years ago, when we liberated ourselves from Europe and colonialism. Since that moment, we are anti-colonialist republican nation with both European and Native people living togheter in peace.
When you don't present any arguments I don't need to either
Lies, an advisory body with no power anyway said that the Falklands lays within Argentina's continental shelf, it means nothing, even they said that the islands were disputed
Only contrarian idiots with British guilt
Yeah you go ahead and try it
lmao, by this logic America is anti imperialist. argies are truly the worst. Look if you guys actually had any claim to the Falklands I would recognise it, unlike you I'm not a blind patriot, but you really don't.
They're neither "your" natural resources nor "your" territory.
Reactionaries get out.
Nah, fuck off. If you think the will of the people of the Falklands should be ignored just because Argentina was the first country to raise a flag there, centuries ago, you're the right-wing colonialist. The islands belong to their people, not to any state.
Please attack Argentina you'll give May a reason to put harpoons back on our navies' ships.
Who on his right mind would live in that frozen shithole anyway.
Do britbongs just love places with miserable weather?
It's in our BEADY nature
Yes and building stone walls and raising sheep and wearing itchy sweaters. And removing Argie
the workers
Can't believe any English people would actually be happy paying for those cunts
We were funding a girl band in Somalia recently they're far more worthy.
Somalian girl band sounds fun tbh, better paying for that than the prime ministers thousand pound leather flares
wow, how legitimate!
literally "outbreed europeans into sharia law" tier
Argie here. The falklands are British. The British government mantles the islands under their rule. The British army defends them. What more is there to say?
Our territorial claim is legitimate, not in that it was a vital part of the country, just the "hey, don't go around platting flags over here" kind of legitimate
Since then, it was blown out of proportion by both countries.
There it was a reaffirmation of their lasting strength.
Here, it became a symbol of anti-imperialism (so I used to be in favor), but it has become a national embarrasment, boiled down to political virtue signaling and distraction from far more serious/immediate matters
Before I die, I'd like to see a map of Argentina without those fucking rocks
The antartida part can stay, it looks cool and antartida claims are chucklesome anyways
Maybe someday our governments can work together to sink the island killing all the inhabitants and solving the problem forever
oh, god forbid
we would have to reprint our 50 pesos bills
I just find it ironic, that the Junta, the West (UK among them) installed to keep the commies at bay bit back.
With international observers, it could be as legitimate as any other.
take your meds
My uncle works at Nintendo. Mario is named after me.
The Wehrmacht defends the Channel Islands. What more is there to say?
According to you.
Ah, so the equivalent of an absentee landlord who does jackshit for a building but autistically screeches to the pigs to remove them when somebody squats in it? Got it.
What was blown out of proportion?
It was a reaffirmation of Thatcher getting her countrymen killed for useless clay and nostalgic dickwaving.
Yes. Here and only here. We are literally the only people who disagree with you.
Yes it has. On both sides. But there are people who make legitimate arguments too.
Because this board is going to help stop ISIS or the TPP? How does a thread about this materially affect anything else in any significant way?
And I'd like to see Lamar Smith shove a running soldering pencil up his urethra, that doesn't mean it's reasonable or something that should/will happen.
It put Reagan in a shit situation
Just like Iran-Contra, Reagan found a way.
I love this, it has that old Holla Forums "do it faggot" vibe
Who's in for randomly doing it and posting results?
Ahahah is that for real? Holy hell that's just sad.
I've noticed a type of cancer that leftypol has, that gratuitous cheekiness/snarkiness
I don't see where you are going with this, I just don't think it should be considered legitimate
wat. If you thought I was declaring the fl. were british and I had some sort of authority over the decision because I'm an argie, no. I just started off saying I'm an argie so people knew a context to my opinion
figure of speech went wrong
What a useless response. Of course, that's what I think, I think it should be considered legitimate given the Buenos Aires-stablished governance over the island. This is another case of your "With international observers, it could be as legitimate as any other"
No, there was a government and some fishing. I said it wasn't a *vital* part of the country, nor of much historical relevance. I meant it wasn't Crimea. And British people didn't need a place to live, I don't see how the squating analogy applies
The importance of the islands. They aren't worth the conflict
I meant the claims before the war, but what you said is also true (in the invasion the only death was argie, though, but of course the brits wouldn't allow an invasion of their territory)
I live in Argentina, and "here" meant Argentina, just as "there" meant Britain. In Argentina the whole affair became a symbol of anti-imperialism.
Still talking about Argentina here. Rampant inflation and corruption, but hey, we are sticking it up to the man! Also, the invasion was itself a distraction from a terrible administration
12yo response
You said you disagree with me, but most of what you say is bitchy replies to my post so I can't really make out your opinion. I think you would agree that the islands are under British rules, and you said yourself they were useless clay and a national embarrasment for both sides, yet you seem to also reject my idea that the Argie claims should be dropped.
Please, hit me with some substance because I can't make out your position
When I reached the "mantles" part, I became convinced you set out to find flaw in every single statement, and deliver a cheeky response. What was the point of marking that mistake when it was clear what I meant, and English is obviously not my first language?
But now you are probably going to say "lol, no u just were wrong about everything, that's why I'm meme arrowing u about everything"
Why? The population of the islands is and always has been entirely British.
Britain's population was exploding at the time, people absolutely did need to emigrate.
Land belongs to people, not to governments.
It belongs to nobody.
Borders are a spook.
No, borders and laws are unnatural. Only the person's own self is right to rule them.
Falklands? Fucking Falklands? What the fuck's the Falklands?