I came from a strong union middle class family and my dad always voted Democrat but simultaneously stressed a decent amount of hatred for rich cunts that do nothing to give back to the society that granted them their wealth in the first place.
I think him being a union man honestly makes him more class conscious than, say, the people in white collar jobs or those without unions. There's a certain camaraderie there that doesn't exist in other jobs that I find myself envious of now having started my own career. Growing up, I had friends with republican dads and always felt like they were being raised by retards, since they often sounded like they were defending corporations as opposed to workers when they bitched about immigrants taking their jobs and stuff. I wish unions were more powerful and less bourgeois, but when I was a kid I saw them as pretty based. Not so much anymore after growing up a bit.
Anyway, my dad had a big influence on me, and so did some teachers in high school. One of them knew very good Spanish and frequently spoke out about US militarism/imperialism and would actively debate kids who chose to spout right wing talking points fed to them by their parents. He was very well read and it was again another moment where it had a real effect on me.
In my own life, I've had bosses hit me in the face, I've been paid less than my coworkers with them admitting it to my face. That was in high school. On the other side of it all I managed to come out with an engineering degree from college, work an IT job now in a company that is a hot bed of right wing ideology.
I see myself as a bit of a maverick. My brothers and sisters all voted for Trump but I've never fallen for the "trickle down" argument so that pushed me to do more research. I've always known in the back of my head that our western living standards are predicated on third world exploitation. This for me is the bedrock of it all – there is no god damn way the rich could enjoy such lavish lives without hiring death squads to assassinate labor leaders in these other countries, and overthrow popularly elected leaders.
For a while when I was a teenager, I really bought into the Dems and even was willing to entertain gun control arguments. I was very much a "fuck republicans and the horse they rode in on" type that bought the party line hook and sinker.
When Ron Paul came on the scene (around 18), he opened my eyes to US imperialism and showed me that the government is way out of control in more ways than I could ever imagine. This caused a lot of self reflection on my views toward the Dems. No longer were they a party of peace and love to me, but I saw their ugly face that was pro-war and tacitly pro-imperialism.
After a while, though, I realized libertarians are full of shit and aren't interested in fighting real tyrants either and I was getting played. This brought me to criticize their relentless defenses of private property.
This eventually brought me to sympathize with social democracy, which eventually brought me to being a straight Red after deciding that all these people who talked shit about Marxism really had never read him, or understood the arguments and critiques he put forth. I stopped feeling embarrassed about my socialist sympathies, and instead decided that criticizing capitalists doesn't make me anti-American, it makes me the opposite. It makes me someone who cares about the state of the nation so much that I'd rather not have it gutted out from the inside by rich cocksuckers. It also woke me up and made me immune to the jackasses that spend all day stoking immigrant hatred and endless racial conflict. When I talk to whites, blacks, etc., I try to see them as people with their own pile of shit to deal with, and try my best to let them know I'm not their enemy, we have things in common, and we should have each other's backs.
At this point, I'd probably call myself a standard commie. I don't buy into the idpol bullshit either, I fucking hate it. I came here from Reddit after discovering this place and finally feel "at home," like I'm no longer the odd one out, its these Reddit cunts that try to morph leftism into something it cannot (and frankly, should not) be.