So how long do you think it will take for Cuba to go full Deng and sell out to capitalism?
So how long do you think it will take for Cuba to go full Deng and sell out to capitalism?
It's already happened.
Yeah, it happened a few years back, as a matter of fact. Market reforms.
50 years ago?
Cuba will never go back to capitalism. Its in the constitution.
"selling out" is a joke. If they didn't make at least a few concessions to global capitalism they'd have turned into Haiti by now.
It seems as if you want the place to be a big commune.
Approximately five years ago.
Its not though.
spotted the 50 cent army
"it's okay to have half the economy in the private sector as long as it's anti imperialism or some shit l-mao"
Self employment isn't exploitive. As long as you don't hire anyone.
I wasn't aware of a time where Cuba was ever not a petro-populist social autocracy.
Really makes you think.
Its mostly taxi drivers and people selling news papers and stuff. Most private businesses are coops the government has been encouraging them. Still 85% public sector employment is still pretty nice.
reminder that markets =/= capitalism
this, it's quite the ultra-leftist position to just want every socialist nation to be perfect and still be able to survive while surrounded not only by global capitalism but imperialist nations trying to counter their every move.
i have serious doubts Cuba will be "selling out" any time soon, especially as their economy begins to do better, maybe they'll be able to scale back a lot of the recent market reforms.
also i just got back from spending a week and a half in Cuba, ama if anyone wants?
Ooh, did you? What was it like?
my sides
trust nothing you read ITT any third party observers, it's filled with paid shills.
pretty great honestly, the country is beautiful of course and for leftists there's a lot of stuff to look at lol.
i went with 5 friends, all of us being different degrees of ML/MLM, which made the trip a lot better
the Cuban people are some of the nicest people i've ever met, all very excited to help you out/give directions/just have a conversation
all of the people we were able to talk about politics with were very supportive of the revolution. one even showed us to a book store after he saw my friend was reading something by Che, becasue we need to also understand Fidel to understand Che.
great experience, very cheap too (under $1000 for each of us, and I flew in all the way from Seattle)
It seems like there going towards yugoslavian market socialism.
you say this like it's a bad thing. they desperately need capitalism to industrialize.
yea, and we all know how well Yugos ended
With a Nazi masturbation fantasy.
Slavic Nazi masturbation fantasy?
capitalism sure will help them
just like it helped Venezuela
or China
after all, they do have all those billions of idle peasants waiting to be integrated into capitalism…
sorry word filter
R a c e w a r
Cuba needs vision.
The current leadership are just administrators.
Cuba needs to start giving worker control.
As soon as Raul dies