liberals have the best waifus ;🍀🍀🍀)
You will never scissor her
Other urls found in this thread:
Literally who
What's underneath?
Who is this semon demon?
i'd let her tell me that my politics were idealistic and unreasonable :\
According to famed brosocialist Bernard Sanders when you convert a girl to leftism she owes you sexual
who are these people, are they with sam hyde, protesting against sam hyde?
Screenshot from linked at
So this is what it feels like to be in love.
How about we make this into a general leftist qt thread?
Are most of the people turning up there really just art students?
Just extrapolating hard from what they're wearing and their styles.
Most leftists are involved in the humanities or arts. Liberals too, to an extent
how will right wing hags recover?
Holla Forums is full of socially retarded virgins, no matter how ugly you are if you repeat their memes you will get unlimited attention
No. We do.
someone do a nazbol edit and make her a nazbol qt
She's an antifascist, not a fascist
that's nazbol
everything is nazbol
Haha, I wanted to make this but you've saved me a job.
>I can't believe I'm getting HUG-CUCKED BY THE NEGRO! >:(
Great business idea for a niche fetish website. Aaah, just imagine all those shekels you would get from Holla Forums.
Anyone got more pictures, videos or anything?