Come watch wee wee man piss off an entire subsection of the ruling class

If you're new, this is a channel where you can watch the stream and chat with others

If you're a volunteer and have deleted this thread, suck off a gun

Other urls found in this thread: me up inside.webm

I think Trump gets sworn in at 17:00 UTC so there's like two and a half hours.

I love this comfy stream

Mods sticky, pls, no delete

You lost the popular vote

You lost the majority of the people

And now that slowly he is revealing how corrupt and incompetent he is even more people are against you ;^)

Talk about le big "revolution", you failed

I don't know where you came from, but please go back.

No one here supported either. Maybe some accelerationists wanted Trump, but, they're stupid.

Holla Forums believes Trump is a revolutionary that will bring forth their autistic "cause".

But you cant push for any cause when the majority is against Trump so their "revolution" in their minds has already failed.

The left will rise stronger after 4 years

Russian hackers stole the election. Hillary is the best leader.

Still better than Clinton.

Yes, we know Holla Forums is stupid.
Wanting to watch the inaug or some protests together surrounding it doesn't mean we like him.

Russians "hacked" the election in the sense that their cyber agency was pushing anti hillary/anti west/anti left propaganda and promoting trump with real or fake news on popular social media


False alarm guys, we are safe from Trump

Maybe some comrade will martyr himself.

where the riot stream @

Hey Holla Forums or russian propaganda bot.

I forget, i should only listen to you online articles because all of congress, intelligence and everything in the government is lying always and i should trust Putin more

You're the newbie, here. I'm not from Holla Forums & yes, cupcake, the government does lie to you.


putin is a kike, the government actually does lie to you all the time by any means necessary, but don't let that spoil your high-trust altruistic fantasy

Exactly Puti… i mean random online stranger, the government is evil and always lies for no other reason other than your suffering, all the people in congress and in the entire government are into a secret l33t conspiracy to lie to le poor masses and only Putin's online bot can tell you the truth you can trust

I never said you can trust them completely, but you also cant completely ignore them and shout FAKE NEWS REEEE because you dont like what they say

Russia hacked the machines.
Russian propaganda supported everyone but Hillary.
Trump == Putin

so are you Holla Forums or /desu/? Or r/soc?
Funny how you couldn't keep up the act for very long.

read book newfriend

protip: take off that faggot flag & you might have better luck

it's just funny because when the FBI was investigating the whole muh email thing many democrats were crying that the FBI was biased because they were trying to disrupt the election, but when the FBI said 'we found a generic webshell that some script kiddies in russia made therefore putin directly ordered muh hacking' people immediately took it very seriously without having seen any evidence or knowing anything about computers and 'hacking'

I'm not saying russia dindu nuffin because they're always up to some cartoon villain tier shit but do you really think they're not trying hard to just blame it on the russian government because it's convenient, whether or not they actually did anything?

The documentary "Hypernormalisation" is also good. Thanks for that pdf, though. Content looks interesting. not Europoor poster, btw


You'll love SotS if you like Adam Curtis' stuff

It was a chance even I wouldnt waste if i was Putin, i mean it is perfect, the US will be fighting amongst itself for the next 4 years, Trump is incompetent, his billionaire cabinet picks will just profit and cause shitton of problems, meanwhile Russia is free to keep doing its thing with no issues at all, hell, if Trump isnt a giant plant he has a good chance of striking that deal for oil.

So yeah, you dont have a major operation like that without the leader of Russia being into it, no such operation would go without Putin;s approval.

So it is quite obvious that he was responsible.

And that FBI fucked Hillary's chances even more proves that they werent on the side of le ebul establishment and actually are just fail

Just downloaded; thanks again.

oh shit nigger what are you doing

so what's the prognosis for some real severe riots not some pussy shit, burgers?

You stick out from your very first post, fyi. I've seen you posting those "Furnies" around for some days now, too. I don't know where you came from, but you won't find an audience here with that shill talk. If you're trolling; carry on, I guess. People will just mock you & you'll shit up threads.

Depends on what Trump will do the first moments post inauguration.
Might see some good shit if he orders immediate crackdown

And claiming to be a liberal, lmao. I don't know where this one came from. Best guess is Holla Forums or an actual r/socialism tard. The flag makes me think Holla Forums, though.

but the only thing it was about was the DNC emails and stuff being leaked. they're not claiming anything more than that, and I wouldn't call that a major operation. hypothetically if one organization was responsible for all the propaganda, convenient leaks, etc. then sure it would likely be the russian govt. but at the end of the day dzroompfh still won by the electoral vote and there's nothing we can do about it.

even if it turns out russia was actually responsible for a whole lot of propaganda and whatever else it still wouldn't matter, because the votes were real.

Well i am right and facts are on my side that is why i dont brainlessly follow whatever each board tells me, especially in Holla Forums and here who is also heavily influenced by Holla Forums "everything they tell you is a lie, trust le online imageboard"

The report and congress agreed it was the propaganda that did the most damage, the hack and dnc leak was just a big loud hack everyone thinks when they say the word hack, manipulation of information is their goal

I dunno, user. Wikileaks claims it was a "disgusted DNC" person who leaked it. It's also a combo of leaked & hacked info, both being different methods.

Podesta lot his phone, had teenagers from Holla Forums actually hack into his Twitter account. Someone else from the DNC(possibly Podesta) clicked on some random phishing links as well. Overall incompetence, and it could be anyone.

The main thing I'm focused on was the content of the leaks, rather than the source. Whoever it was, even if Russia, they did the Americans a public service by providing transparency in our government. I already knew Trump couldn't be trusted, so any leaks on him I wouldn't have been interested in. We were fucked really, either way, with Hillary or Trump.

Damn, it's hard not to feel bad for Hilldawg. She looks so tired.

Spoken like an actual liberal. A+ shitposting.

I bet you think the CIA is a-ok, as well.

About half an hour 'till the main event


exactly, the DNC thing could have really been anyone. 'only russia's most senor officials could have ordered this' my ass, there were plenty of people with the motives and skills, and attribution for cyber attacks is very hard to prove, it's more based on the variables involved and when you have a government eager to blame it on whoever is convenient I really can't put too much trust into the entire narrative.

I had my moments during the Primaries where I actually felt bad for her. Then I looked back into my election folder & those feelings instantly vanished.

Liberals pls leave

I really do think she's part reptile. Just look at that lizard-like gaze.

She's cold-blooded, that's for sure.

They should do a reprint with Zuckerberg's smug grin on the cover.

Liberals are part of the left, deal with it

Holy shit, that's creepy af. Would make a good, modern cover. The VR headsets, that's perfect.

Liberals aren't politically incorrect


Everytime you "feel sad for Hillary"…

always remeber Larry.

They're ignorant & oblivious. Deal with it.

That's not the best response, m8, lmao.

Here is a periscope of the protests

Anybody who thinks Russia wouldn't put it's thumb on the scale to get someone in office that is willing to work with them is being played as hard as the rubes who think Russia literally "hacked the election". I agree with the fact that we haven't been shown actual evidence that the hacks were in fact Russian intelligence but it's completely in line with their interests so I wouldn't really put it past them. This is what intelligence agencies do. It's not that shocking.

Ultimately Hilldawg and the Dems can take the biggest blame for this massive L tho.




Agreed, most people online just sit in their safe spaces and ignore anything else, complete ignorant and oblivious while generalizing entire groups and sources of information as wrong cuz they dont like them

Sure, the superpowers hack each other daily. But what the dems are attributing to only Russia is staggering & such a cop out.

We've got a wild one lads.

No. You really aren't. You uphold the status quo.

New Periscope cause other one ened

I'm a former liberal; speaking from experience. I'm sure most who post here are as well. It's where you start out on the left, really. At least in the US.

Liberals get generalized because of their actions & saying stupid shit; like you're doing right now. Most US liberals are actually just 1990s conservatives.

Thanks Fam

Thanks for posting these, user.


where are you finding these?

Next protest periscope

Im posting the streams being shared in the cytube in the OP


Smashies doing the lords work today

*unsheathes katana*

This protest is more organized but not as fun

ANSWER Coalition

Sorry trot groucho gotchu beat

kek, just saw a protester with a red and black flag on the BBC

Shouldn't we go to the regular one to shitpost?

best periscope so far

aaaaand its done

Regular one?


The one at the top so we could trigger polyps?

makes me genuinely think Feds could be monitoring this

TYT Stream chat raid?

1 Message we want to spread? If even just 5 of us continuously post it, we'll drown out the rest of the crowd.

200 signs, use some decore to make it stand out.

No Dore there fuck that

never change, leftypol

It's not about watching their show but exploiting their chat

Have the smashies started yet?
I hope they don't let me down


Yea i know just a little disapointed


Use some emotes or signs and put Trump into the context and this might be good


Got any suggestions? We need a pasta.


Whatever you use, I recommend commie dongers, too :^)

I approve

Need another protest stream

Is Barron literally autistic? He's bobbing his head like a fucking budgie.

you might also just switch the hammer and sickle for a black star or your circled A, it doesn't affect the message much, you can stay true to your own ideology and it's still a unity front message we can probably get behind, right?

isn't that only half of what Barack Obama had at his?
when all those white squares were lined with people.

Where's the riotporn? Where are the flaming cop cars? Get your shit together, America

im dying xD

Add potential human extinction, and glanderson booper for effect.


Tune in now, if you haven't, Droneall Trump arriveth

Holy shit that death stare by Michelle after Trump feigned that kiss on the cheek

I don't want to see some lame ass ceremony

We'll be seeing this cute face for the next four years.

Nah he's staying in NYC.

Does he know he is gonna get killed or something? Why does he look so pathetic and sad while Pence and Ryan are smiling af?

Or is he just a Pence puppet?


Because he actually has to do shit now

Bets on assassination attempt?

He just realized that it's too late to admit that it's just a prank.

I am not going to enjoy killing porky's kids in the revolution.

Only for six months.


You don't have to.
Chain them up, feed them hormones, dress them up pretty as maids and fuck them for eternity until they turn old and ugly.


He's had perhaps the most dramatic confrontation with the Drunning-Kruger Effect in American history and his ego won't let him resign.

So what the greeks would want

*Dunning. Goddammit.

Barron is that kid.

I am greek and i am not into disgusting feminine twinks, only into chubby barra husbandos

b-but even God is involved!

well that's because you ARE a feminine twink


requesting '>tfw prez by accident' meme

fisticuffs all around, I say, I say..

There better be shotacon made of him.

meant ancient geeks

post dick


Fuck my ears that choir

Just what i imagined, tbh


No disgusting twinks and feminine faggotry in new greece

Only if you count illegals and dead people voting seven times.

Keep telling yourself that, no mandate, no popular support, no majority for him ;^)

It doesnt really matter now anyway. Hes POTUS so he can tighten up a lot of the loop holes to do with illegal voting for next time.



Wow! Staters really are all talk and no bite!

I just…

It does matter because he cant do shit when the people are against him without backlash, and especially congress

Ikr, it is hilariously funny, just wait till monday for the shit he ll do against the people xD

Oh God he's sniffing again.

This entire speech is cobbled together from pieces of other speeches.

Is Trump a Hegelian?


He can still govern through executive orders even though congress is against him.
Thats what Obama did.

Problem with an executive order is that the next president can undo them just as easily.



that's the only think you will bring back.


muh bible

Guys I finally found a good stream of the inauguration




Only god can save the US at this point

So he is going to fire himself?

I mean fuck these reactionary islamic groups though.

MFW he means KEK. The blind god that laughs at the absurdity of reality.

like Donald trump?

How did Holla Forums fall for this guy?

I know, but it's almost a catchphrase for him now.

The irony is hilarious

Trump is like a non socialist Hitler wouldnt you agree?

Dog bress ameriga

Good Goys


top kek, there's a jew speaking now.

Holla Forums must be mad

So you say he's exactly like Hitler?

Holla Forums absolutely BTFO

man, America loves God a lot


This is Holla Forumss true face



Damn these are some hardcore 1939 vibes man. Textbook nationalist populist talk.

I just find it so unusual to see someone stand up in front of huge crowds and not spend his whole speech promoting globalism.


I want to use that as a pillow.

Look at them me up inside.webm
(8ch wouldn't let me post with the webm.)

Leftypol confirmed for being anti semitic against Trump.

Damn these are some hardcore 1939 vibes man. Textbook nationalist populist talk.


Look at them.

I can't wait until they embrace neoconservative views

No one click this, lmao

Antizionism isn't antisemitism.

Antisemitism is Pro Zionism though.


It went through:

That describes me to be perfectly honest.

I always get in arguments with pol. Because surely if we got rid of Israel that means more Juice would be living in the west.
Plus every people should have the option to live in their own country tbh.

This is what Holla Forums looks like when coming out of their moms basements.

Having a country only takes away your ability to live anywhere.

They could at least got a good snake oil preacher. Also lol @ our 100% pro israel president.

If you want to attack Trump on his policies fine, but attacking him because he's friendly with Jews? Are you serious?

How does that work then?

That's the most stupid thing I've seen, but I can't get mad at liberals wasting time for 4 years and not getting in the way at least.

I missed it.

What was it like?

No, we're attacking Holla Forums for their delicious irony.

I don't "get" to live in my country. It's practically impossible for me to live anywhere else.

Posters are making fun of Holla Forums (the psuedo-nazi contrarian board on here) childish infatuation with a politician by posting statements the politician made that go against their (former) ideals.


Antizionism is not Antisemitism.
Antizionism is antiimperialist.

Antisemitism is Zionist.
Antisemitism is Imperialist.


Pretty Standard fare
He did make a big statement about how racism was bad and then had a rabbi as the first person to give a blessing to him

So would you call a black man "nigger" just to get back at Holla Forums? You're being childish about an internet fight. Remember the Jewish people actually do face this shit on a daily basis.

That sucks m8.

One of the assumptions I was basing my opinion on is that Jews would be allowed to live in Israel.

How is that at all the same?

Trump just repeated what rubes believe and said fascist shit like America First and Israel Forever.

If they face people being against their abhorrent imperialism then I have no sympathy nor should anybody have sympathy for imperialists.

either a Holla Forumsack troll or reddit-fag

Or, you know, both.

Well they shouldn't because that's based on arbitrary exclusion from these lands, which when it keeps happening you get nation states covering every inch of the globe like today. It's bad.

Holla Forums absolutely and irreversibly BTFO!!!


But surely if Jews were not allowed to live in Israel that would be arbitrary exclusion as well?

It's really not equivocal. These posters aren't espousing the statements made in the .webm videos: they are posting them solely to piss off people from Holla Forums.

It's petty, sure, but do realize that many posters had to endure Holla Forums bullshit for years. They're giving back what they were given.

They're clearly from reddit/new. Be nice!

Wow, your e really fighting the good fight. And you wonder why Jewish people are leaving your side in droves.

And FYI everybody is a nigger here.

Yellow nigger, present !

ban this faggot, he's a shitposting Holla Forumsack or a full retarded reddit infiltrator

Goodbye Barry

Calm down and take your meds.

Nevermind, they're a Holla Forumstard. Sorry!

He came very close to using the 'greatest ally' meme.

What the fuck are you talking about?

You're implying there'd be any country there at all.

Is Israel not the "greatest ally" to the US?
Honest question, but I don't understand how they think that works apart from "they hate Muslims too".

Where have they gone? Why have they stopped responding? :^)

No, why would we do that? Many people face discrimination, I view us all as one oppressed people, as a socialist.

To you and me its a god forsaken bit of desert but to them its a country.

They even have their holy land there. (JEWsalem).

Some pictures of the black bloc in DC. Glad to see some people getting out there resisting.

What the ever loving fuck are you talking about?

Nice; post more please.
Anyone got a good stream?


Looks cool, how expensive is rioter LARP gear?
Seems like a nice little hobby.


Get out.


As opposed to what? shitposting?



most of it is shoplifted probably

Not even close. Always been in poverty, my entire life. Just now got married to someone in middle class, in another country. Got the hell out of Dodge, tbh. Fuck the US.


Shitposting has no effect, whereas acting like menacing loonies has a negative effect. Shitposting wins.

whoops meant for >>1260884

The Guardian stream was showing the riots a few hours ago:

Here's a video of the riots themselves:

What, are you doing something more effective?

Just informing people fam. God I hate "anarcha"-feminists.

ancraps sure do love sucking a goverment puppet's cock


Thanks user

Browsing Imageboards Is about as effective as smashing in windows and tipping over trash cans, you could argue that it's even more effective.

You're an idiot if you honestly believe that.


Anyone in NYC right now? What's going on? I want to go protest but it's an hour commute

These people are essentially throwing tantrums. They don't care for change they just want people with more power than them to know they're cry-babies.
The real "resistance" isn't a bunch of rainbow-headed fuckboys breaking a few windows and running around in larp gear; it's intelligent people infiltrating and changing the system.

The third bond of the students binds them to the spiritual mission of the
German people. This people works at its fate by opening its history to all the
overwhelming world-shaping powers of human existence and by continually
fighting for its spiritual world anew. Thus exposed to the most extreme
questionableness of its own existence, this people wills to be a spiritual people.
It demands of itself and for itself that its leaders and guardians possess the
strictest clarity of the highest, broadest, and richest knowledge. Young
students, who at an early age have dared to act as men and have extended their
willing to the future destiny of the nation, force themselves, from the very
ground of their being, to serve this knowledge. - Heidegger, 1933

Holla Forums awakened KEK in order to meme Donald Trump to president of the USA. Even though the news media said Hillary had a 98% chance.

That is pretty effective.

You might say 'its super effective'.

not surprising tbh, antisemitism and zionism go together, and the reverse

Ah yes le reddit magic xd Holla Forums made trump win etc.

Are you 12?

Yeah fuck off kids. The last thing we need is immature people who have no theory smashing more windows making the left look ridiculous.

I think he's serious, guys…

Fuck off, defeatist. We need people doing things, not just talking. At least these people are organizing.

Of course he is. Kek magic is real!!!! Those black blocs have no idea what's coming when we unite 2 shitpost

Are anarkiddies really this retarded?

Like a fish in water

I'm not an anarkiddie, but these people are actually organizing. That's a good thing. The MSM will try to make leftists look bad, regardless.

How else can you explain how a racist woman hater orange supremacist rapist meanie pants who hates everyone got to be president of the USA?

Meme magic has to be the reason because its the ONLY other explanation.
Unless you can offer one?

It's funny how Holla Forums has become a group of people who essentially believe "1 like = 1 pray"

I guess this is how religions started.


That and all of youtube basically.

Shillery was that shitty, mate.

So what is the real like to prayer ratio?

If your pray hard enough, you get sex at the end of it.

But CNN told me Hillary is the bestest and only Brocialists wont vote for her.


you retards need to stop responding to obvious bait


Trump was talking against the military complex, politicians and the 1% lmao


Holy shit Trump was photographed with Hillary Clinton I guess hes part of the stablishment. Everyone vote HIllary instead shes obviously the anti establishment candidate.

Wow he was talking, nice


Another explanation is Clinton being shit and exposed as being shit. That plus people getting fed up with the statu quo.

I don't think you understood my post.

people still believe Holla Forums helped trump win when almost votes were from old people

The man was a member of the Democratic party for a significant amount of time.
The point being that he only stands for being in office rather than actually doing anything at all.
Also when did I say everyone should vote for Clinton??? Stop making shit up

And achieving nothing by it, this is no better than football hooliganism.

I did, you just don't understand how the real world works.

What really happened is that Hillary Clinton was such an abominable candidate, and the pundits were so damned certain she would win, that nobody got out to vote for her.

Not really, you think I like Trump when I was laughing at his speech.

He said in his speech that the military what 'depleted' and needed to be rebuilt

how the literal fuck is that speaking out against the military industrial complex?

There was never a real anti establishment candidate you poor soul. Trump marketed himself as one but if you didn't figure out after his nomiations what he really stand for, that's worrying for you.
Blanc bonnet et bonnet blanc.

Take a look at his Cabinet.

What about Vermin Supreme tho


Nigga, that chart was clearly compiled long before the votecounts were finalized. Hillary ended up with 65 million to Trump's 62.

*Zionist Jews.
Which makes him another imperialist time bomb for WW3.

hmu my friends

trump hired corporate shills

The thing is if you are a free marketeer immigration works in your favour one it gives you a larger base to sell products too in America and provides you with mass cheap labour.
It's ironic that many right wingers are pro free market while being anti-immigration. As it is those very corporations that encourage migration.

Hell even Trump used migrant labour to work on Trump tower


It's moving the goalposts

the problem with Trump is that he's a puppet. he's manipulated by many people, starting with Banon and other zionist shills.
chances are, many Americans will die for Isreal's interest in the next years.
dunno how Holla Forums is gonna flip this one in order fit in their ideology, we're already pas the 32D chess at this point.
sooner or later even the most deluded Holla Forumsype is gonna have to face reality.

jews and non-jews

all corporate shills

You don't think people pay attention when a riot happens? Riots have been an integral of almost every modern revolution, FYI.


you don't have to be this retarded to be an anarkiddy, have some moderation

He literally donated to her & Bill's campaigns, repeatedly. Also golfing buddies with Bill.

btw i actually believe these to be paid trolls ridiculing anarkiddies, it's insane you actually take the bait and jump in to their defence.

i'd almost want to argue that you're also just a Holla Forumsack shitposter but the experience with you guys shows that you're probably genuine.

You don't know what they're accomplishing. At least they're organizing.

I saw them smashing windows, vandalizing banks, throwing things at cops, etc. I don't know why you think they only vandalized trash cans?

Just because someone disagrees with you about tactics doesn't automatically make them a shill.

protip:most people aren't fond of hooligans who kick over trash cans and smash in windows, if the anarkiddies wanted to look like a bunch of retards no better than football hooligans they succeeded admirably.

I think you're a little late to the punch

calling everyone you disagree with a shill is Holla Forums 101

Uh no. But that seems plausible that he did.

Performing the heroic revolutionary act of kicking over trash cans?

Nowhere did i say or imply that they're "only" attacking a trash can, but for fucks sake, why even do this one stupid shit?

You can't even have a discussion about "tactics" behind smashing anything when you then go ahead and defend a fucking attack on a trash can that makes you look like clowns.

I'm not arguing about smashing anything, but if you do, at least don't make yourself look more moronic than necessary.
No idea why you can't fucking see this, are you that much ideologically blinded?

Again - They're protesting; more than you're doing.

It's rather hard to pick and choose in such a situtation how can one protect the interests of the private market based system which calls for and benefits from migration while trying to limit it.
Here in the UK the largest influx of migration in this nations histroy came under the conservative party.
You can't just choose which parts you like and don't when the people funding you are at stake.

I reorganised my shitposting folder today, which will have as much of an effect as this protest.
If you want action for the sake of action I suggest you try Fascism.

pick one

The problem there is that the Conservatives and New Labour are too similar to each other.
They both had the same policy of promising to limit immigration and then pleasing their corporate overloads by failing to do so.
Which eventually lead to the success of UKIP as people got so frustrated about being ignored. on the one issue they really cared about

There is no reason that people couldnt still enjoy the benefits of capitalism (affordable phones and cars and computers etc for the common man) without the down side of large scale immigration. Japan does that very well.
If you dont live on an island, step 1 is to build a wall.

How are you going to limit immigration when the very people that keep your party alive benefit from it?

Japan is one exeption to the rule which has a long history of being isolated from the global world. Not only that but they can't keep it that way for long though still relatively small immigration to Japan, has nearly doubled over the past eight years.
The conservative LDP proposed creating a framework whereby the number of foreign workers would be doubled.

wew lad.

By moving to a new party and collapsing the old one.

People (Labour voters in particular) got out of the habit of mindlessly voting for parties that will only ever fuck them over. Most people voted Labour simply because their father voted Labour and their fathers father voted Labour and his father before him etc etc.

You can still find people who are completely heartbroken about what has happened to this country. Yet they didnt even consider the idea of not voting for Labour. But their numbers are vanishingly small now. Where as that used to be the majority.

Dont get me wrong, this is frustratingly slow.
UKIP is now a legit party and Labour is on a rapid decline.
That is just one step in a long and meandering process.

That sounds like a slippery slope to wards the chaos we have here in the west.

But at least they dont allow muslims.

Of the 18 they took in 2015 10 ended up in prison for rape so they said they wouldnt take any more.

Try that without money go on I dare you to and as soon as business is involved there goes your anti migration stance.

Look I live in a Conservative constituency and they tend to vote tory because their daddy voted tory, alright don't think this is exclusive to one party.

I see one of two things happening to UKIP it either dies when we leave the EU. Or it takes on a moderate apporach before fizziling out it's vote will be too split to win any seats and all it will do is help the tories pick up a few seats here and there.

No it isn't.
They have one MP. And are definitely going to lose votes now that their single issue is dealt with.
If anything LibDems are likely to gain prominence as Corbyn purges Blairites and moralist Tory boomers die and their yuppie whelps take their place.

Liberals are now the leading force behind the red scare.

Remember to rub it in liberals' faces.

I saw that and was ==literally shaking.==

Its not really money that UKIP struggled with.
They had some big philanthropists who didnt like immigration.

What they suffered was a complete media onslaught. Which had many people not liking UKIP without really knowing anything about them except the media said they were bad.

I live in a Labour one so perhaps that is part of it. But I get the feeling Conservative voters would jump ship immediately if they thought the party was fucking them over. Labour voters seem to take that as part of the role.

UKIP comfortably came third in the popular vote. Which seems to be a big thing among Clinton supporters at the moment.

Saw that, too. Mein gott.



I love the DOOM Bernies. Forever relevant.

They are indeed. This Trump inauguration has put a tremendous emotional strain on my household and now at this point people are snapping

"Give me one reason we shouldn't go to war with Russia" was the topic of conversation yesterday.


That man is a colossal faggot.

they are so deep into the trashcan it's infuriating.

fix your fucking wall jesus

Holy fucking shit.
You said legit party, not legit movement. Considering UKIP advocates immigration reform through legal means rather than violent revolution their membership or votes or whatever mean nothing.


Images with that format for the original filename are from 4chan, or old Holla Forums


time to run away from home, user



The fire rises

But we need action with ideas. Both are important.

I need to see this.

I recall Freddie DeBoer's Twitter back during the election had some nice barbs to poke liberals with. Why won't you reply to me, Freddie-sempai? Do you not accuse liberals of refusing dialog?

It was on CNN a couple of minutes ago

Did CNN blame Trump for being inflammatory or have they read from the old script muh violence is wrong.

So what it's a winner takes all system it dosen't matter how spread out your vote is you will never win seats. Hence why UKIP have ONE seat in the house of commons

People are going to quickly realize that you're accusing every annoying dipshit in your ranks of being an undercover Holla Forums psyop or some shit.

My university has whole departments of whiny, neolib idpol retards. They aren't a figment.

The Trump bootlicking is severe.



That post was clearly fucking Holla Forums. Are you new? No one here talks so retarded. That wasn't a liberal post, at all.


You forgot to mention how much of a fag you are

another one goes on the revolutionary blacklist

They are the ones that deserve it most.


Honestly, I'm just glad he lived to become a president. Historic, 45th president of the United States. I was worried since the election. Final insult to liberals, complete.

A word of advice to American friends from a nativist right infested european shithole - distance yourself from idiots protesting ever since election day. They'll just drag you down. Wait for a reason. An actual, meaningful reason, a policy or legislation that will actually hurt people, and demonstrably so. Then emphasize that reason. Anything else will just get written down as *autistic screeching*, and rightly so.

Also, stop that "no Trump voter lives in DC and his electorate from several states away can't afford to come" gloating. Seriously.

That HAS to be a joke.


Don't be silly. They had gay marriage forced on them, they had Cameron shamelessly drop his promises on immigration, they had their Lisbon Treaty referendum dropped, and they still vote Tory. Tory loyalty is just as culturally entrenched as Labour loyalty.

That's all of it.

Liberals literally deserve death

How much is the hotel cost for the night or travel costs for the day? Does fucking Katy Tur the overpaid hack understand Washington is full of people like her, and the rest are black?

From whence you came?
Good advice, though. It's mainly liberals & MSM doing that bullshit, though. Actual lefties see the irony in their behavior.
American liberals = conservatives

Praise kek.

Oh my sweet, innocent user. Neither liberals nor media know the meaning of shame, and the very same people who spent the past two years being wrong about everything are still weaving arguments as to them not being wrong at all.



I am the only one who thinks the Doom Bernies are far better that the Doom Pauls?
I don't know why, but they seem to be better made on average.

Richard Spencer BTFO


Holy shit



They're way better. Especially because his fucking over was much more pronounced & visible, maybe.

Come on this is just fucking silly.

I wonder if this liberal shitstain realises WHY this hasn't happened so far.


'At 11:59 am eastern, the official White House website had a lengthy information page about the threat of climate change and the steps the federal government had taken to fight it. At noon, at the instant Donald Trump took office, the page was gone, as well as any mention of climate change or global warming.'

WASHINGTON, DC — A climate of change! Perhaps the most stark contrast between the Obama administration and the Trump administration is on “global warming”. The climate differences were visible today as the White House website was scrubbed of all references to “climate change” at exactly noon today just as President Donald Trump was sworn in.

Climate Depot statement: “Climate skeptics are thrilled that one of the very first visible changes of the transition of power between President Obama and President Trump is the booting of “climate change” from the White House website. Trump is truly going to make science great again and reject the notion that humans are the control knob of the climate and UN treaties and EPA regulations can somehow regulate temperature and storminess. Welcome to the era of sound science!”

Meteorologist and Weather Channel Founder John Coleman had one word to describe the White House climate website changes. ‘Hooray!,” Coleman, a global warming skeptic, tweeted.

Good, back to work for Americans.


Is that Smugglypuff?

A real cleric feminist would be using a used tampon for a mace.

They do it a lot, too.




i'm speechless

Their ideology is built around might makes right so to see them complain about it is pretty funny. Part of me feels like Spencer and his fans have LARPed so hard into prominence they're now upset someone is actually hurting them in what is essentially a game. The equivalent of some other place that is getting far too much mention here recently, but since it's of a completely different ideology it doesn't get stuck in censorious circlejerking online.

webm saved
Sad that there's an endless stream of retards or just young people who watch his videos.

this is it huh, thats how it starts.
we're officially an idiocracy.

this isn't /n/, go back to shitting that up

What happened to Holla Forums's raid?

Idiocracy is just a stupid satire, get out of your fucking bubble ffs!
It's time to realize than Trump is worse than Idiocracy because Trumps is not an idiot, he has an dangerous ideology and he is serious about it!


I think it's telling that he was a comedian first. Probably been consistently dim witted and unfunny his whole career.


the more i hear about him the more i'm convinced he is, he's more childish than my 9 yo bro.

And before that, he was a child actor. No shit. He did the voice for some character on "Arthur". See: 8:40

He's an actor & Koch bros shill. Truly a rep of the aut-right.

I think they realised how much of a mistake they made when they saw the rabbi.

This is Holla Forums, we talk relevant political news. However a new thread could be made for it.


They took down the LGBT page too

Denying reality at it's finest.

inb4 literal shaking




take your meds and keep your cancer off this board.

I've been on this board for years.

And now this shit appears.


more like



Only two of those are in the correct sense, but at least Trump has done what he said he would.
Shake up politics.


b-buh-buh Silent Majority!

I can't wait for Trump to swift the chans back to leftism

It's already happening, classcucks can't pretend they are anti-establishment while supporting the establishment, so all the 'cool' and 'edgy' benefits of supporting the far right are now gone.

The establishment and deep state fucking hate him mate

NBC is not pro-trump friendo

No, don't be naive. The whole academy and the entire media industry loathe him, almost all mainstream culture rejects trump. He's still firmly counter-culture.

that video shows a man, who is extremely proud and confident and needs to say nothing, in a room with a man who he beat, despite not even being in the race against him, because Obama was pushing for Hillary as if it were his white female clone and for us to continue what he was doing which was completely fucking devastating our country. Nobody ever brings up the fact that Obama stood behind her as well as every single major news outlet including Fox until the very end, and he still triumphed because us whitey's know how to get shit done unlike you fanatical nigger feminists pushing a twisted and sick old school religion that has no place in this day and age that wants to destroy all the same freedoms you're protesting, that Trump is trying to preserve, the correct way. Using laws and the constitution and not by funding mass protests and assassination-baiting Trump the day before the election.

mainstream most generally meaning sick and twisted degenerates who are brainwashed into hating their own race and believing a life of sex and drugs is the key to self-awakening and the next step of human evolution. the mainstream doesn't actually understand or even want to comprehend what's actually going on around them in the world, by the elites they elected.

Fucking morons, mainstream… top keks

I'll be honest, he treats the press the way I fantasize I would if I was in a similar place. I mean, part of our point is to treat "old world" institutions with the disrespect they deserve, and arguably none have more undeserved social respect than the media.



Can't wait.

she went to wisconsin just once after the DNC nomination. Why do you think the rust belters should vote for her?


AIDE: Mr. President, welcome to your first day in office. Here's your briefing.
POUS: That inauguration was so good, it was so great.
AIDE: Indeed, Mr. President, indeed it was. I know some who'll enjoy it even more.
POUS: Oh this briefing - it's so good, it's so great. I like this hellfire missile, so sleek, so yuge, but can we rename it?
AIDE: Indeed, you can. But, first, we need to meet some… associates.
POUS: Is it Putin? I love Putin. Great guy. He's a real leader.
AIDE: They're… associates of Putin too.
POUS: Oh? Is it Chy-na?
~the aide opens a steel hatch from underneath the Lincoln memorial, green light spills out in all directions, and an ungodly mist rises~
POUS: Oh, that's great. So ominous, so esoteric.
~quickly, the president travels down the ladder, without use of feet, but rather swings down with his strong arms~
AIDE: *puff* You're so quick, Mr President. As if… as if, you were genetically modified to be perfect in every single aspect of yourself.
POUS: Hey, some people were just born better, folks. Sad to say.
AIDE: Of course. Now if you'll follow me down this dark tunnel, which is rattling with strange machinery that I daren't wonder the origin of.
Yes, here we are now: a portentous door with seemingly ancient symbols etched into it. Right this way.
POUS: Where's these associates? Did you read Art of the Deal? I know how to negotiate, I'm gonna be so good, gonna be so, so great.
ASSOCIATE: C'mordea P'tui'n Scia'le'tic-Ed Xarm Sa'do Pa's Y'rtoskt.
POUS: So it was Chy-na?
AIDE: Mr President, would you please insert this slim, black device that is not unlike a Bluetooth - if not for the green light emanating from what seems to be nowhere.
POUS: That's so easy. You kidding me? Watch me.
ASSOCIATE: Luka'ks Kuen Br-… Now that you have your 4th universal translator, our talks may commence. I am Posadia, Eternal Leader of my planet's Trotskyist newspaper. We have been trying to sell you our paper for some time now–more than two centuries–but there's been some language barriers. This made me, and the rest of my Trotskyite reading group, decide to adopt "entryism" through your world's leadership.
POUS: Y-you mean this is all a sham? But a fool's play that distracts the masses, choosing between the better of two puppets–one red and one blue?
ASSOCIATE: I'm afraid so. Don't worry though, our intentions are pure, and we have dialectics on our side. You recall a thinker by the name of Marx. No?
POUS: Evil guy. 4 billion dead. Terrible analysis. Did he ever read Foucault?
ASSOCIATE: He was our child. Born in a jar somewhere, in a cold star system, to be plopped in the middle of human civilization at the crest of your destructive capitalism.
POUS: You mean?
ASSOCIATE: Yes. Trotsky, Posadas, Rosa, Mao, Lenin… all ours. Even you, Donald. You are our latest tool: Accelerationist.
POUS: M-mother? Hug me.
ASSOCIATE: Now. Now. Child, don't cry. Only strength now.
~a shadow appears, seemingly from nowhere at all, behind the cuddling species~
BERNIE: You fucking Trots. You racist, sexist fucks.
ASSOCIATE: *hisses* social democracy is reactionary!
BERNIE: *unsheathing his katana, and raising it above his head, he moves forward like a mantis* I'll destroy you. The people's will shall never be overcome. Not even by advanced, alien revisionists such as yourself.
BERNIE: You fucking racist. *cuts down Donald in one motion, his body collapses into a mass of goo* -HA! Just as I thought. A fucking plant. We'd kill FBI plants like that back in the 70s.
ASSOCIATE: What have you done, Sanders? You fool! First you killed Luxemburg! Now this! Guards, seize him by any means.
SANDERS: Oh, no, you don't. HYUH! *with seamless ease he slices through the commies and lands the blade into the Broodmare's large, conical head* Accelerationism is never the answer. We humans, however flawed, will find our own way. We will stumble and we will fail, but we will rise up and try over and over until we prevail. You Trots sicken me, with all your "theory" and "praxis" that is so alienated (he winks at this pun) from the working class. Leave now. Leave our planet. And take your thermonuclear missiles with you. Leave us to make our own way. To be forced and brutalised in the search of communism completely destroys the purpose.
~the world over applauds at Comrade Sanders' speech, he is declared Chairman of the World, where he rules as a fair, democratic ruler until his death in 2356.~