What does Holla Forums think about gun control?

What does Holla Forums think about gun control?

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It's shit.

The working class should be armed.

It's shit.

Use your gun, just jump the border so others can shoot at you too, now that´s fun

Sounds like something a 12 year old autist would say.

I own a gun

In an ideal world, nobody should have to own a gun. It is not the purpose of the gun owner to worship the gun, or see it as a tool of inevitable use. They should dread the idea of its use.

We don't live in an ideal world, and unfortunately guns have to be a reality, and the state as it is should not do shit about it.

But guns as an individual by individual tool Americans and others logically associate with being a defender of their private property, and not their lives, are also, equally a problem to the fruitless efforts of the US state to be more like the British state


u fucking wot m8

arm the population, shoot the capitalists.

Not just any idiot should have a gun

I want liberals to leave.

Did Rollins really say this?

Guns will be needed.

I own a gun, I never said anything negative on gun ownership except for the obsession Americans have to defend their private property over it.

I am not for banning guns.

I am strictly saying to wield the responsibility of being a gun owner just as wielding the responsibility of any superior weapon had throughout the past.

Those who love weaponry, do love it for its potential, not its fear. It should hardly even be love, it shouldn't be love. It should be what you have, for the safety of yourself.

You'll probably never have to use it on someone similar to you in circumstance, and you should be glad.

Own a gun is an encouragement, love and worship a weapon is something fools who do not understand the responsibility gleefully brag about.

I wouldn't necessarily mind a handgun ban since handguns are pretty much just useful for murder. Semi-automatic rifles are to be protected at all costs.

Owning a gun actively makes you less safe. Own a gun as a hobby, lots of people have dangerous hobbies, but not for safety because it's counterproductive.

I do own it as a hobby. I was talking about using it ever in a context beyond that.

Want to be revolutionaries who think they can go up against the state and win with only a gun work only to ruin us as a reputation.

That being said, if the figure is important enough and despised enough, it's free game.

Once your income bracket and power becomes world influencing I think you signed your life forfeit in the world we live in.

I own one for both safety in worst possible circumstance in my apartment, but mostly just for hobby.


You still did say "It should be what you have, for the safety of yourself." But a gun doesn't make you safer, it makes you less safe.


firstpost best post


Sure, I wasn't being specific, but I agree with you nonetheless.

That being said, I still own one as a last case precaution if all else fails, someone breaks down the door in robbery with intent to murder.

I would use a weapon in a circumstance that precluded anything else. The legal consequences after would be short compared to the alternative, especially as a woman.

I am more into guns in this way, just because of being raised in a low income urban environment where these things were a legitimate concern and my parents were adamant about their need for it. Afterwards, old ideas don't die.

It can make you less safe. It can make you more safe.

Ideally, you shouldn't have to touch it unless you need to, or have a foolproof way of merking a Rockefeller

then you are liberal

On a political level? I think guns are a necessary tool of revolution, though only the first step for a proper revolution. They give strength to that first push of gaining ground and resources, but after that point they lose relevancy as you have taken arms from the State and may not even be necessary for that first step.

On a personal level? Guns are cool as fuck.

i want no state.

well enjoy your hobby, I wish I could legally own a gun but Alas! The American governent makes it hard for Latin-Americans to own and produce guns, I wonder why? I think we should have a 2nd ameme too down here!

its shit

what the fuck are you talking about

Fuck off tankie. Your gun size will not compensate for your penis.

Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun

god Rollins is such a stupid liberal fuck

If I have to pay for it then it's not worth my time.

Mein gott, pure example of liberal machismo

A gun is more likely to be used to shoot you or a member of your family than anyone else. It's a statistical fact that owning a gun makes you left safe.

i want a gun becuase i hate the government

The very invention of guns(and crossbows) itself contributed to the decline of feudal hierarchy as it enabled peasants to easily take down armored knights.

My man!

Yeah that's fair. Like I said there's nothing wrong with owning a gun. There's something wrong with owning a gun FOR SAFETY in the same way there'd be something wrong with buying a bread pan because you hate baking.

Classist, racist, ableist, and statist; all in one sickening go.


One rifle in the hands of every worker.

I'd be very intruiged to hear what smartass comment he has to say after eating a bullet.

Oh, right, nevermind.

Everyone should have the right to protect their labor. The lumpens will be about so you got to be ready.

Henry Rollins is a right wing dolt and that is

I should mention that this is a clear case of being a scrub in video games, and being spooked in life.

Yeah nice spooks but you're still dead and I'm not.

Read Stirner.

Do you own a fire extinguisher?

Liberals fuck off, this is a pro-gun board


No shit.

It's important to have lots of control over your guns while you shoot them at porky. Wouldn't want to hit a prole.

I live in Methheadville where the rent is cheap. I bought a pistol after an acquaintance of mine got mugged at knifepoint, in broad daylight, on the block I live on, over a shoebox they were holding (full of crude wood carvings). Guns weren't a thing in my family, so I was gripped by some liberal gunphobia at first. Testosterone and the thought of a pain-immune tweaker kept me from getting mace or a taser instead.

It's been about a year, and I'm completely satisfied with my decision. Keep it in my waistband or glovebox whenever I go out. At worst I have a fighting chance with the meanest degenerate in the world, and that's a comforting fact no matter how likely that scenario really is.

I'm not afraid of my gun anymore, because it's not alive, and I'm not a reckless or negligent person. I'd bet that most everyone who contributes to death/injury statistics had it coming one way or another. It's not like the risk associated with smoking; you don't have to shoulder the burden of other peoples' mistakes as soon as you own a gun.

Oh look so many american retardation itt.

Thank fuck i live in a civilized country with low criminality and low gun ownership.
But i guess if i lived in america i would a gun too. Some of those areas look like war zones.

this. because we are weak



just kidding, i sold this gun a while ago and now i only have absolutely nothing. how do you buy a gun in florida if you or your comrades are on probation for bourgeoisie vandalism? do you need a photo id to buy a gun on florida from someone on guntraders? floridaguntrader.com/index.php

i got this legal semi automatic ak from that site and some hick and his girlfriend drove it down to me and my republican friend but i cant remember if we had to show id or sign papers or if it was just a cash transaction


Not owning a gun in America is fucking retarded, when you get murdered for a pair of sunglasses, if you are the wrong color you will not be mentioned more than once, and that was your stupid fucking life, liberal propaganda, dead and nobody gives a shit.

Everyone should be proficient in the use of firearms.

Comrades using my small gun collection

Good, the weak also have a right to live you fucking social darwinist liberal cunt

You better be from glorious DPRK you fucking crypto-liberal.


That fact that the Democrats had the mothers of victims of police violence on stage a day before the representative of the police union is so fucking surreal.

Liberals believe that the police can be reformed to serve the community.

This isn't really contradictory, I don't see how you can argue that having more body cameras, independent oversight boards, and decriminalizing non-violent offenses like drug use wouldn't reduce the cops ability to oppress proles.

I don't think liberals hate the idea of police as much as they hate the people who are currently serving in law enforcement. And let's be honest, most people have a reason to.

Yeah, if theyre criminals


Do liberals ever wonder why police have always been so racist? Do they seriously think that only racists become police? Seriously I do not understand why they refuse to acknowledge the structural source of racism. I mean they talk good game about "structural racism" but never do anything to get rid of it.


Anyone is a criminal if Lieutenant Bubba dislikes you enough.

My favorite part of watching the DNC was watching libs who were earlier attacking Bernie for being racist and not really caring about black people not even say anything as Michael Bloomberg spoke at the DNC. The guy behind "Stop and Frisk" headlining for the woman behind "Superpredators" for the party that insists it's the anti-racism party. It'd be hilarious if it wasn't so obscene.

… but isn't the reason you want to ban handguns your eventual reason to preserve semi-auto rifle ownership? And other then the physics behind the design, can you explain the functional difference to me between a semi-automatic pistol and a semi-automatic rifle? What is to be done for pistol-caliber carbines?