I am doing a recollection of books that'll help me make something out of all the shit you spout here, so I will politely ask you to help me.
I have already downloaded:
Please help a fellow comrade
I am doing a recollection of books that'll help me make something out of all the shit you spout here, so I will politely ask you to help me.
I have already downloaded:
Please help a fellow comrade
Other urls found in this thread:
Bookchin, Lacan and Bordiga :^)
Communist Manifesto
Reform or Revolution
The Mass Strike
Do you know anything about economics? If not, a short primer on Basic Economics™ like pdf related might be of use.
Do I need to read Freud before reading Lacan?
Anything on cybernetics.
W. Ross Ashby's Introduction to Cybernetics is good. although highly theoretical.
Norbert Wiener: Cybernetics is also one of the recommended books.
Oskar Lange and his Introduction to Economic Cybernetics is also good one, plus it focuses on the application to economy.
Janet Biehl's "The Bookchin Reader" is supposedly a good intro to his work.
Only bookchin is the non-meme philosopher you listed
Lacan is a very 'back to Freud' person, so it would probably do you well.
Sounds like you have plenty on your plate as it is why are you looking for more?
Phenomenology of Spirit is kill myself by smashing my head into the desk-tier and I wouldn't be surprised if Wealth of Nations was as well. For a quicker Hegel try his "lesser Logic". Stirner is kind of a rambling cunt with one pretty banal point. I personally think Spinoza is basically kms-tier too. Aristotle's metaphysics is good. Add in some more Greeks maybe. Badiou has a cool translation of "The Republic". While you're at it try to understand what Kant was on about and how Marx and Hegel differ from him.
Finally I HIGHLY recommend Marx's 1844 manuscripts and German Ideology. In the former he partly tackles Smith. Grundrisse is also pretty important. I'm sorry it's so much, but you seem ready and willing.
I am ready and willing :^)
The Wealth of Nations isn't too difficult tbh
It's not really worthwhile to read the entire thing unless you're studying economics, Marx covers Adam Smith's conception of the division of labour in Chapter 14 of Vol1 of Capital.
Yeah. I am studying economics though.
For economics I'd recommend you to start with a textbook like pdf related, you probably won't understand much if you start with Capital
What do you guys think of a starting a group on goodreads.com? This thread reminded me I had an account on there once to organize my to-read list. I used the site when I was much younger and thought it was decent. I can't remember a damn thing about my log-in info, sadly.
Nice, I'm starting next year. How is your professor?
We already have that. goodreads.com
I am actually trying to decide between economics and physics
Thanks! I'll join you over there. Graeber's Debt has been high on my list for several months now, too.
Here's a PDF for anyone else interested: libcom.org
Taking the flag off now. I used it to shitpost and forgot I had it on.
Mutual Aid
Debt The First 5000 Years.
Villains of all Nations.
Do not forget to read the books that your enemies use.
If you read the wealth of nations then you have to read Debt: The First 5000 Years after, it challenges a lot of what Adam Smith says.
Is goodreads ok?
Pdf link is fucked. We should probably have a pdf dump thread here anyways.
We evidently have a group, and are reading Debt: The First 5,000 Years by David Graeber (the PDF).
Shit you're right. Here ya go.
I've also got Mutual Aid, apparently.
Badass. I was trying to get someone to get me that for Christmas, to no avail.
I'm Boo Boo the Fool.
It'd probably be a good idea to have a stickied theory/library thread
None of them.
Wait, let me rephrase that, all of them.
That's Capital: Volume One
This is Louis Althusser's For Marx
A bunch of Bookchin stuff in this thread:
Karl Marx—A Contribution to the Critique of Political Economy
Leon Trotsky—The Permanent Revolution
Karl Marx—Critique of the Gotha Program
Introducing Lacan—Darian Leader & Judy Groves
A Clinical Introduction to Lacanian Psychoanalysis: Theory & Technique—Bruce Fink
Market Socialism: The Debate Among Socialists—David Schweickart, James Lawler, Hillel Ticktin, & Bertell Ollman
I second this. or maybe someone can make a pastebin with links to pdfs etc etc and put the pastebin link in a stickied thread
would those that have read Capital say it's worth the read or would abridged versions etc work just as well?
I'm on the second volume right now, but read the whole thing if you want to be a serious leftist. It's where a lot of the leftist critique of Capitalism is rooted.
I just recently started volume one..do you take notes/highlight as you read?
No, because I used a PDF copy and didn't want to waste time doing that on my 9 year old computer. First 5 Chapters are crucial, after that it's not so hard. Marx is either very pedantic, or witty. It took me a long time to get through Chapter 17 because it was so dry. But I underline lines I read when I read physical books and I'm doing that right now with Volume 2 so do that if you want. There's lots of good companions to Capital and commentaries online, even if they are often at odds with finer aspects of his interpretation (like productive/unproductive labour).
Sorry that should read, "even if they are often at odds with each other over interpretation of finer aspects of his work*
Post Scarcity Anarchism
the Right to be Greedy
Stirner's Critics
you should probably read Das Kapital a second time, just to be safe
Read all of this stuff
My nigga
Don't download a shitton at once, it's better to read a couple and then proceed further, I know this because I like to download/buy a bunch of books and finish them far later.
I'd recommend checking out what posted in the theory section, except maybe Permanent Revolution which was pretty painful to read and I didn't really get anything about Permanent Revolution until I finished the book and checked it out on Wikipedia. It's not even that important today.
The Little Red Book is overall a good wrap-up of Marxist ideas and tactics in general, but it's kinda hard to grasp if you have no knowledge of it, so I'd recommend reading it after a couple of books/or browsing Holla Forums for a while.
Why don't you become a turd worldist?
You a bro
Are these pdfs virus free? t.Unironically a paranoid fuck
Well until now i didn't get any viruses i'm aware of and i downloaded like 50 of them
I read two